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任务型阅读-多任务混合(约270词) | 较难(0.4) |

1 . Born in the 2000s, what do you think of your generation(一代人)? Young, creative, connected, global, smart, maybe good-looking? But what do other people think about your generation?

Some adults worry that you’re more interested in the phone than the world around you. They see you as the “face-down generation” and wonder how you will deal with school, friends, and family.A)当今的青少年忙于发信息、拍照片。 Are they serious enough to become successful in real life-or “TRL”, as you would say?

Other adults worry that today’s youth are spoiled(溺爱) and don’t want to face the challenges of adult life. Many children born in the 1990s and 2000s were raised by “helicopter parents” who were always there to do everything for them.BSo today’s young people seem to prefer to live like teenagers even when they are 30 years old.

Does the face-down generation need a heads-up? Well, probably not. The fact is that many of today’s teenagers are better educated and more creative than past generations. They also seem to be willing to become leaders. More young people than ever volunteer to serve their communities. There are also brave young people such as Malala Yousafzai, the teenager who won the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize for pushing girls’ rights to go to school.

So if you are one of them born in the 2000s, there’s reason to be hopeful about the future. Things are looking up for the face-down generation.

1. Mary was born in 2006, is she a member of the “face-down generation”?
2. What do adults worry about today’s youth according to the passage?(列举两点即可)
3. 请将(A)处划线部分翻译成英语。
4. 请将(B)处划线部分翻译成汉语。
5. What do you think of your generation?(Your own opinion)
2022-08-21更新 | 60次组卷 | 3卷引用:2022年内蒙古鄂尔多斯市东胜区中考二模英语试题
任务型阅读-阅读表达(约310词) | 较难(0.4) |

2 . Nexi is one of a new generation of robots. It moves on wheels and can pick up objects. But robots like Nexi are more than just entertaining toys.

Nexi, a social robot created by scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT), can express human emotions. Roboticists at MIT call Nexi a “social robot”. A social robot is a robot that can communicate like a human. Nexi can look sad, mad, and even bored. Some social robots can also “read” our facial expressions. Roboticists believe that it won’t be long before we have social robots in our homes, helping us live better lives.

Autom is another social robot developed at MIT. Autom is a robot health coach. It has a screen where you enter information about what food you eat that day or how much you exercised. Autom has a face with eyes that move. It speaks with a synthesized(合成的)voice. Autom gives you advice about your diet and exercise and drives you to do better.

In a test, Autom helped people lose weight better than other ways of recording diet information. Roboticists think this is because Autom used facial expressions and words of encouragement. In other words, Autom communicated like a real person. In fact, many people who used Autom gave the robot a new name and talked to it. When robots use human expressions and body languages, people reply to them a lot like they reply to people.

In the future, humans may communicate with social robots just like they do with other people. Let’s wait and see what will happen in the future!

1. What can Nexi do according to the passage?
2. What does the underlined word “emotions”mean in Chinese?
3. Is it possible or impossible that Autom can communicate with us?
4. Why did Autom help people lose weight better than other ways?
5. What will our life be like if we have a social robot at home?
2022-02-12更新 | 120次组卷 | 1卷引用:内蒙古通辽市霍林郭勒市2021-2022学年九年级上学期期末英语试题(含听力)
任务型阅读-多任务混合(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Every year, more than nine million people all over the world come to visit London. They go to the museums and theaters; they look at interesting old buildings or have a drink in a park.

A quick and easy way to get to different places in the city is to take an underground train. The London underground is one of the best and most widely used transport networks (网状组织) in the world. The trains run all day and most of the night. 1. You’d better not take the underground between eight o’clock and ten o’clock in the morning, or four o’clock and six o’clock in the afternoon. 2. The trains are so crowded that you can hardly move or find a place to sit.

London’s famous red buses form a big part of getting around in London. Although the London underground is the fastest and the simplest way of getting around London, the buses play their part and are an experience you should try at least once. By sitting on the top deck (层) of the bus, you can get a great sightseeing (观光) experience of London as well.

Some special visitors’ buses take you to many of the interesting places in the city on one journey. It takes about one and a half hours, but you can cancel your journey and get off (and on again) at the different places you want to visit.

London taxis are called “black cabs”. Most of them are black, but some are not. You can stop one if it has a “For Hire (供租用的)” sign on it. The drivers are friendly and helpful.

In a word, London is a big and beautiful city with lots to see and to do.

1. 任务一:根据短文内容简要回答问题。
(1)How many kinds of transportation can visitors use to get around in London? List them.
(2) If you go to visit London, which two kinds of transportation are you going to choose? Why?
2. 任务二:将短文中画线的句子译成汉语。
(2) _________________________________________________________
3. 任务三:请给短文拟一个适当的英文标题。________________
任务型阅读-阅读填表(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |
4 . 阅读短文,根据文章内容,完成下列表格。每空一词。

It’s very popular to travel in modern life. As travelers, we should try our best to protect the environment. Here is some advice on how to be a green traveler.

◆Make smarter flight choices

Air travel is not an environmentally-friendly way to travel because it uses a lot of energy. If you must fly, be sure to pack light to cut down the plane’s load. And try to book a non-stop fight(预订直达航班). Connecting fights(转机航班) usually require longer periods of flying and planes will use more energy.

◆Respect(尊重) natural environment

Marked hiking tails(有指示标识的游览步道) are there usually to protect the natural environment and keep wild plants safe. In beach areas, don’t use products that are harmful to the sea water and try to protect the ocean’s ecosystem.

◆Support locals directly

Buying handmade products and art pieces created by local people can help hand down cultural tradition and create jobs. Food that is grown locally and things that are sold by local families are often better and cheaper, all while helping keep money in local pockets.

◆Find ways to give back

Consider the ways that you can help the local community and give back while traveling. This can be as simple as picking up litter in a park or volunteering to clean up a beach. If you’re planning a trip where volunteering is your main goal, make sure you won’t take jobs away from local people.

Some advice on how to be a green traveler

Make     1     flight choices●You can pack light and book a non-stop flight in order to save time and energy.
Respect natural environment●The natural environment and wild plants are     2     by marked hiking trails.
●Use products     3     harmful ingredients(成分) and try to protect the ocean’s ecosystem.
    4     locals directly ●Buy local products and food to help hand down cultural tradition and keep money in local pockets.
Find ways to give back●You can pick up litter in a park or     5     to clean up a beach.
●You can’t take jobs away from local people.
任务型阅读-阅读表达(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Since early 2020, the use of mask (口罩) has increased greatly. Sadly, lots of used masks ended up in our ocean.

Single-used masks are mainly made of plastic. When they enter the ocean as litter, they will take as long as 450 years to break down. Straps (带子) of masks pose an entanglement (缠绕) risk for wildlife. In addition, masks can easily be mistaken for food and eaten by wildlife.

What can be done to help? Since most masks are made of several materials, it’s difficult to recycle them. Therefore, many people are calling for masks made of a single material. Degradable (可降解的) or reusable masks are also good choices. More importantly, the straps of masks should be cut off to prevent entanglement risks for wildlife.

Government policy is also important. Creating an effective disposal (处理) system is as important as letting the public know the importance of proper disposal of used masks. What’s more, it would be helpful to encourage technological development in producing reusable or degradable masks.

1. How long will it take for a single-used mask to break down in the ocean?
2. Why might some animals eat masks?
3. What should we do with mask straps?
4. How many suggestions for the government are mentioned?
5. What does the passage mainly talk about?
2023-07-11更新 | 66次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023年内蒙古通辽市霍林郭勒市中考一模英语试题(含听力)
任务型阅读-阅读填表(约300词) | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 根据短文内容完成表格,每空限填一词。请将答案填写再答题卡上

In classes, your teachers will talk about the topics that you are studying. The information they provide will be important for you to know when you take tests. So you must be able to take good written notes from what your teachers say.

Here are three stages (阶段)of taking notes and what you should do during each stage.

Before class

Review your notes you have taken before you come to class. This will be good for remembering what was covered. Get you ready to understand new information your teacher will provide.

During class

Keep your attention on what your teacher is saying and “the signal words” that tell you what your teacher is going to say and it is important to write in your notes. Examples of signal words are “The most important point.”and “Remember that...” Be sure to include in your notes information that your teacher repeats or writes on the blackboard. Write quickly so that you can include all the important information in your notes. Do this by writing abbreviations such as med for medicine, using symbols such as % for percent, and writing short sentences.

After class

Rewrite your notes to make them more complete and accurate(准确的)by changing abbreviations into whole words, symbols into words, and shortened sentences into longer sentences. Use them to answer your questions. If necessary, ask your teacher for help.

Taking notes

    1    The information that is     2     by the teachers about studying topic is useful for your tests, so it is necessary for you to learn to take good notes.
StagesBefore class»Review the notes you have taken to remember what was covered
»     3     to understand new information.
During class»Listen to your teacher carefully.
»Be sure to include the important points.
»Write them down     4    
After class»Make you notes more complete and accurate to     5     your questions.
»Ask for your teacher’s help.
2022-01-14更新 | 66次组卷 | 1卷引用:内蒙古通辽市科尔沁左翼中旗2021-2022学年九年级上学期期末英语试题
任务型阅读-阅读填表(约110词) | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 阅读短文,根据文章内容,完成下列表格。每空一词。

In Thailand, the Water Festival is a very big festival. It is a very special festival for all their people. It is the beginning of their New Year. It is usually at the end of March or the beginning of April. Before the Water Festival, people clean their houses and cook nice food. When the Water Festival begins, people splash(泼) water over each other. Everyone gets very wet, but they are very happy.     

Festivalthe Water Festival
Country    1    
Dateat the     2     of March or the beginning of April


*before the festival, people clean houses and cook nice food
*when the festival begins, people splash water     4     each other
FeelingEveryone gets wet(湿的) but they are very     5    
2022-04-02更新 | 60次组卷 | 1卷引用:内蒙古呼伦贝尔市阿荣旗2020-2021学年七年级下学期期末考试英语试题
任务型阅读-多任务混合(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Most people drink tea in the world. But tea does not mean the same thing to different people. In different countries, people have different ideas about drinking tea.

       In China, for example, tea is often offered when people get together. Chinese people drink it at home or in tea houses at any time of the day. They often use hot water to boil(煮沸)tea leaves.
       Tea is also important in other Asian countries. People in these countries have a special way of offering tea. They hold a tea ceremony(仪式)in their houses when important guests come. It is very old and full of meaning. Everything must be done in a special way in the ceremony. There is even a special room for it in their houses.
       In the United States,people usually drink tea at breakfast or they drink it after meals. Americans usually use tea bags to make tea. This way is faster and easier than the way of making tea in the teapots. In summer, most Americans drink iced tea. They like to put some ice in their tea.
1. What do Chinese people often use to boil tea leaves?(根据短文内容,简要回答问题)
2. Chinese people drink it at home ___ in tea houses at any time of the day.
3. In the United States, people have a special way of offering tea.(判断正误T/F)
4. Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.(请把文中画线句子译成汉语)
5. Give a proper title to the passage.(请给短文拟一个恰当的标题)
2023-10-13更新 | 44次组卷 | 1卷引用:内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市新城区第十二中学2022-2023学年八年级上学期期中英语试题(含听力)
任务型阅读-阅读填表(约310词) | 较难(0.4) |

9 . Many people would like to watch sport matches. First, you need to know about audience manners.

Most sporting arenas have rules for audience written on the back of the tickets. Read your ticket carefully before you arrive. Try to reach your seat half an hour before the start of the event and don’t leave when a game is in progress. When you leave, remember to take away your soft drink bottles and other rubbish.

During exciting games, try to control yourself.   Don’t criticize the performance of players and coaches. Be careful with your words. Since some may cause anger among other people in the Audience.

Clapping is a special form of body language you can use to communicate with players, but you should do it properly.   When player find appear, clap your hands together to welcome them, but don’t go on for too long. After an excellent performance, clap warmly. If someone fails, your clapping will help encourage them.

Clapping is not welcome, however, while player need to keep their attention. Various sports have various rules for the audience.

Enjoying artistic gymnastics requires silence. But lots of cheering can really help basketball and football player. When you watch snooker and table tennis matches, flash photography is not allowed. Mobile phones are not allowed in shooting centers.

To be a good audience, you should take time to learn the game-particular mules and related endure of each event.

Title: Good Audience     1    



Before gamesSporting arenasRead your tickets carefully.
Reach and leave there in time.
Take your rubbish away when you leave.
During gamesExciting gamesPay attention to your behavior and     2    .
    3    Do it properly.
Artistic gymnasticsKeep silent.
Basketball and footballYou should     4    .
Snooker and table tennisYou should not take photos.
Shooting centersDon’t     5       mobile phones.
ConclusionHow to be a good audienceTo learn the game particular rules and culture.

任务型阅读-阅读填表(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |
10 . 阅读短文,根据文章内容,完成下列表格。每空一词。

People from different countries greet each other differently. Read this article to learn more about the greeting customs in different cultures, and make sure you greet people in the right way next time.


French people greet each other with a handshake, but close friends kiss each other on both cheeks(脸颊) when they meet. They do this when they first meet and before they leave each other.

South Korea

In South Korea, it is a sign of respect for people to bow when greeting each other. A bow is followed by a handshake. In shaking someone’s hand, it is polite to support the right forearm(前臂) with the left hand. However, South Korean women do not shake hands with western men; instead, they bow slightly(轻微地).


Kissing on the cheek is a common way of greeting in Brazil. But in a formal situation, a handshake is often done to show respect. Men should shake hands before and after meeting, and once they have known each other well, a light hug is often given.


In a social situation, it’s polite to greet everyone in the room in Ghana. A handshake is used in greeting, and the palm(手掌) must directly touch the palm of the other. It’s considered impolite to touch the back of the hand.

Greeting customs in different cultures


People greet each other with a handshake or by kissing each other on     2     cheeks if they are close friends.

South Korea

To show respect, Koreans greet people by     3     to each other first and then shaking hands. South Korean women do not shake hands with western men; instead, they bow slightly.


The common way of greeting in Brazil is kissing on the cheek.
In a formal situation, a handshake is often done to show     4    .
Alight hug is often given once men have known each other well.


A handshake is used in greeting in Ghana, but do remember not to touch the back of the     5    .
2022-09-06更新 | 95次组卷 | 2卷引用:2022年内蒙古兴安盟科尔沁右翼前旗中考一模英语试题(含听力)
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