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阅读理解-单选(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |

1 . Today more and more cars go into families. Which car is the best for people? Different people have different ideas.

Some people like the bright color car made in China. It’s really a good choice (选择). The bright color car made in China is cheap, nice and safe. This kind of car is suit for (适合) the general income (收入一般的) family.

Some people love famous foreign cars like Japanese cars, American cars and German cars. They’re good but too expensive. But most people think famous foreign cars of better quality are better in safety. These are suit for the high income family or for business.

Some people like sportscars, because they’re fast and exciting. Some sportscars are very nice but very expensive. Only rich people can afford them.

Some people like traveling, so they need a travel car. Travel cars are comfortable. But they use much petrol.

What’s the best car for us? Maybe it’s a new and popular topic in life.

1. What does the writer think of the bright color car made in China?
A.It’s nice but expensive.B.It’s good but too expensive.
C.It’s cheap, nice and safe.D.It’s comfortable.
2. According to the writer, the famous foreign car is suit for ________.
A.the high income familyB.the general income family
C.people who like travelingD.people who like sports
3. Some people like sportscars because they’re ________.
A.cheap and niceB.comfortable and save petrol
C.good but too expensiveD.fast and exciting
4. Which of the following is NOT true about cars?
A.Cars made in China are cheap.
B.Famous foreign cars are too expensive.
C.Sportscars are also cheap.
D.Travel cars are comfortable.
5. The passage mainly tells us ________.
A.some expensive carsB.famous foreign cars
C.some cars made in ChinaD.different cars

2 . Nobody likes to do chores, especially kids. How can you make your kids get into a good habit of doing their chores? Try making chores fun for them.

Play some music. Music makes everything seem like a party, doesn’t it? Play your kids’ favorite music and let them dance around while they are doing their chores.

Make it a treasure hunt (寻宝). It’s a good way when you would like them to clean the house. Let them know that you hide (隐藏) a $5 bill someplace. If they find it, they can keep it.

Change often. If your kids keep doing the same chores for months, they may feel bored. Teaching them a new task (任务) is fun for both you and the kids. They will feel more grown up when they get a new task.

Do it together. It’s never fun to be the only one working and watching everyone else relaxing.

If everyone takes part in doing chores, you will finish them faster and have more fun.

1. The article is for ________.
2. There are________ pieces of advice in the article.
3. The writer thinks it’s better to ________ while asking kids to clean the house.
A.play their favorite musicB.hide something for them to find
C.give them a new taskD.do it together with them
4. Kids may feel ________ if they keep on doing the same chores for months.
5. Which is the best title of the article?
A.Doing chores is good for kidsB.Help kids set a good habit
C.Make chores fun for kidsD.Everyone should do chores

3 . There's much to see under the sea, but you need to remember that light behaves differently in water than in air. The objects appear closer to you than they exactly are. You might find yourself reaching out to touch something and completely missing it.

Objects underwater will appear larger than they would on the surface, too. Be careful not to tell any stories about the big fish that got away. That fish might not be so big after all! It's just because sometimes things can seem to be as much as about 33 percent bigger in water!

What's more, in deeper water, colors just don't seem as bright. In fact, it looks as if some colors are missing. Remember the color of an object results from the wavelengths (波长) of light that are reflected(反射) from its surface. And light is taken in as it moves down through the water.

Swimmers wear wet suits to keep warm underwater. Let's take a bright red, yellow, and blue wet suit as an example. These colors are hard to miss on the surface of water. Watch carefully the changes in color as you descend in the water. The red part now looks almost black because the red light wavelengths, the longest among these three colors, are missing. As you go down deeper, the same thing will happen to the yellow part and in the end to the blue part. Even at a place of about 6 to 9 meters underwater, you will look terrible, like a ghost(鬼怪)! And you have to wait for your return to the surface to enjoy the bright colors again.

1. You miss the object under water when you want to touch it because ______.
A.your eyesight is quite poorB.you are not quick enough
C.it is not as close as it seemsD.it disappears very quickly
2. The example of the wet suit is used to explain the change of ______ of an object underwater.
A.the sizeB.the colorC.the positionD.the weight
3. The underlined word "descend" probably means ______ in Chinese in this passage.
4. Which of the following is TRUE?
A.A four-meter-long fish looks three meters long underwater.
B.The wavelengths of red light are longer than those of blue light.
C.Much water will be taken in by the swimmer deep in the wave.
D.You will see a ghost if you go as deep as 6 to 9 meters into the sea.
5. The best title of this passage is ______.
A.The standard of color underwaterB.The direction of light underwater
C.The brightness of color underwaterD.The behavior of light underwater
阅读理解-单选(约350词) | 较难(0.4) |

4 . Are some people born clever, and others born stupid? Or is intelligence (智力) developed by our environment and our experience? Strangely enough, the answer to these questions is yes. In some degree, our intelligence is given to us at birth, and no education can make a talent out of a child born with low intelligence. On the other hand, a child who lives in a boring environment will develop his intelligence less than one who lives in a rich environment. Therefore, the limits (极限) of a person's intelligence are fixed at birth, whether or not he reaches those limits will depend on his environment. This point of view now is held by most experts.

It is easy to show that intelligence is something that we are born with. The closer the blood relationship between two people, the closer they are likely to be in intelligence. If we take two strangers by chance from the population, it seems that their degree of intelligence will be completely different. If, on the other hand, we compare two twins, they will very likely be as intelligent as each other. Relations like brothers and sisters, parents and children, usually have similar intelligence, and this clearly suggests that intelligence depends on birth.

Imagine now that we take two twins and put them in different environments. We might send one, for example, to a university and the other to a factory separately where the work is boring. We would soon find differences in intelligence developing, and this shows that environment as well as birth plays an important role. This conclusion(结论) is also suggested by the fact that people who live in close contact(接触) with each other, but who are not related at all are likely to have similar degree of intelligence.

1. How is man's intelligence given?
A.At birth.B.Through education.
C.Both at birth and through education.D.Neither at birth nor through education.
2. Which does the underlined word "fixed" mean in the first paragraph?
3. According to the passage, if a child is born with low intelligence, what might happen to him later?
A.Become a genius.
B.Still become a genius if he should be given special education.
C.Reach his intelligence limits in rich environment.
D.Never reach his intelligence limits in his life.
4. What can we learn from the example of the twins going to a university and to a factory?
A.The importance of their intelligence.B.The role of environment on intelligence.
C.The importance of their jobs.D.The part that birth plays.
5. What statement is TRUE according to the passage?
A.No education can help make a genius.
B.Personality is as important as intelligence which was given to people at birth.
C.People who have similar degree of intelligence must be relatives.
D.Environment influences people in intelligence developing.
5 .

Instead of pens and paper, students in the classrooms of the future will have headsets and rather than learning by rote (死记硬背)they will be encouraged to take a more hands—on experience to their studies.

Although in their early stages of development, schools in China are studying how they can put VR( virtual reality 虚拟现实)lessons into their classroom experience. One such lesson, by online game developer, Net dragon, uses VR to teach children fire safety. Students are put into a virtual environment where a fire has broken out. They must crawl (爬行)across the floor, avoid desks and chairs and so on, and escape carefully.

VR education tools are not just for school children, either. At the VR medical school under Sichuan University, a virtual system allows medical students to examine organs (器官)from different ways. They can even separate organs for closer examination. A virtual knife is now in development, which means students can practice their operation skills without the need for a real body.

Simon Leung, vice—chairman of Net Dragon, said the company has developed VR immersive(沉浸式的)classrooms and computers that send students to a 360 degree immersive digital world based around their curriculum. Moreover, the VR headsets can tell whether children are focused on the task at hand, Leung said.

VR School, a Beijing—based firm, developed an immersive education system, which is already being used by 10 schools. It begins offering courses to train teachers and instructors with the skills to use VR in their lessons.

Although Chinese parents are often more than willing to allow their children to use technology to help their kids, they are suspicious of VR as they are unsure if the technology will have any side effects.

Besides, the equipment comes at a price. A top—end VR headset and computer could cost upward of 10,000 yuan (1,475 U.S. dollars). More must be done to develop the technology, which will lower the cost and improve the user’s experience, said Huang Ronghuai, professor at the Smart Learning Institute under Beijing Normal University, “Still we are optimistic (乐观的)that we can really change the present model of education.

1. In the future will be used by students in VR lessons.
A.pens and paperB.VR headsetsC.online gamesD.a real knife
2. What can we learn about the virtual system at the VR medical school?
A.It can be used to teach students fire safety.
B.It is a useful tool for children to play games.
C.It makes students examine organs more easily.
D.It can be used to practice skills in a real body.
3. The underlined word suspicious in Paragraph 6 means _______.
4. According to the last paragraph, which of the following is TRUE?
A.The VR equipment is too expensive.
B.The VR education system is perfect now.
C.VR has changed the current model of education.
D.VR will make students study at home in the future.
5. What's the writer's purpose of writing the passage?
A.To tell people how to build VR schools.
B.To show people how to use VR headsets.
C.To encourage more and more people to buy VR Headsets.
D.To show the development of VR technology in education.
2021-02-07更新 | 154次组卷 | 2卷引用:2018年山东济南市天桥区中考二模英语试题
6 .

The British Broadcasting Corporation(BBC) is a public company for radio and television broadcasting in the UK. Since March, BBC journalist, Zoric King has been visiting schools across the country to teach students how to find out fake news.

The visits have included up to 1,000 middle and primary schools. They follow a year-long study by BBC. The study found that nearly half of 12 to 15-year-olds find it difficult to tell fact from fiction on social media.

Fake news refers to news stories that you see on TV or the Internet that are partly or entirely false. Some of the stories may have some true facts, but still include some lies.

Fake news is sometimes created to get clicks(点击量) and increase profits(收益). Sometimes it is written to get attention or make people think in a certain way.

For example, a nuclear(原子核的) leak at the Fukushima power plant in Japan in 2011 caused an unexpected reaction in China. Fear buying of salt happened in many countries overnight after false news stories saying that iodized salt can protect against radiation(辐射). The stories added that sea salt produced in the future might not be safe to eat, as it could be polluted by the leak.

Fake news has had a bad influence on the media industry and society. It may influence public opinion and cause fear or anger. People may also lose trust in the media and become confused(令人迷惑的) about realistic topic and events, BBC said.

Do you know if it's false? Here are some tips for finding out fake news.

Check the information that comes from. If the news has no source, or the source is not a reliable one, you should be careful. Reliable sources include main stream media like CCTV and authoritative organizations like the United Nations.

Be careful about headlines. The headlines of fake news stories are often catchy. If the headline sounds unbelievable, the news may be false.

Check the data. Make sure you know where the story's figures come from. You can probably trust it if the numbers are from a national or international office report.

1. From Paragraph 1, we can learn Zoric King _______.
A.visits a country schoolB.teaches students at school
C.finds out some fake newsD.works for BBC in the UK
2. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE about fake news?
A.It has no influence on society.B.It includes some true facts.
C.It's easy to tell fake news.D.Most news on the Internet is fake.
3. Which is NOT the reason for fake news being created?
A.To make more money than before.B.To get clicks from the readers.
C.To complete in the media industry.D.To attract people's attention.
4. What does the underlined word "reliable" most probably mean in Chinese?
5. What's the writer's purpose of writing this passage?
A.To introduce the company BBC to us.B.To encourage students to work for BBC.
C.To teach students how to tell fake news.D.To show us the way to check the data.
2021-02-06更新 | 286次组卷 | 3卷引用:2019年山东济南市天桥区中考一模英语试题
任务型阅读-多任务混合(约420词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . He is one of the most famous bears in the world. In Britain, his name is known by almost everyone. During a trip to China on March 3, Britain’s PRINCE William even met the famous bear at the Chinese opening of the film Paddington.

Paddington first came into the British people’s life in 1958 in a children’s book A Bear Called Paddington by British writer Michael Bond. In the story, Paddington is kind and humorous. He is also polite and always calls people “Mr.” “Mrs.” “Miss”, seldom using their first names.

Such a cute bear caught people’s hearts at once. Many British people were raised (养育) on tales of Paddington. The children’s story shows British people treating others in trouble kindly. Paddington gets away from an earthquake in Peru and travels to London in search of a new home. The Brown family find him and take him home. They name him after the station where they found him.

As time went on, Paddington became popular in other countries. He first came out on TV in 1975. He’s also been made into toys with different costurnes(装束). Many children would have had a Paddington bear toy as their first gift.

In the movie, Paddington’s favorite food is marmalade (柑橘酱) sandwiches. In fact, marmalade used to be very popular in Britain. Do you like Paddington’s blue duffle (粗呢) coat?

He got it from the Brown family shortly after they took him home from Paddington’s Station. Now it’s quite fashionable on the city streets. Although in the movie the bear wears no shoes, in books he’s usually wearing a pair of boots (靴子) which is also popular in Britain. It is iconic(符号的) of the British music festival in summer. Britain’s infamous wet weather means many people wear a pair of boots at music festivals.

Paddington is so loved that it’s common to find plates and tea sets with Paddington patterns (图案) in British homes. Paddington has a special expression. He is known for giving a hard stare (瞪视) whenever he meets someone he dislikes. So, when somebody gives a hard stare, you could say that they’re making a “Paddington Bear Face”.

Today, this classic children’s character has grown into a part of British culture. If you are hoping to understand British culture, meeting Paddington in film and books is one way to take the first step.

1. 根据短文内容回答问题 (限10个词以内)。
What is Paddington like in the story A Bear Called Paddington?
2. 根据短文内容回答问题 (限15个词以内)。
How does the bear get the name Paddington?
3. 根据短文内容回答问题   (限15个词以内)
Which sentence tells us Paddington’s coat is still popular nowadays?
4. 把短文中画底线的句子译成汉语。
5. 给短文拟一个英文标题(限10个词以内)
2021-02-05更新 | 80次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东济南市历下区2018-2019学年九年级上学期期中英语试题

8 . Having a hobby is a great way to feel happy and meet new people. In fact, there are lots of hobbies that are good for you.

Hobbies are simply anything that you do for fun. You aren’t getting paid to do it; it’s something you like to do in your free time. For a lot of people these days, it seems like their only free time activities are watching TV and staying on the Internet. That’s a pity, because hobbies—from mountain climbing to collecting something—can really improve your life in some way.

Hobbies often provide something that you might not get in your everyday life. They allow you to do something that’s just for you, and they can help you forget your daily problems and give you lots of pleasure.

If you can find people with similar interests in your area, going outside can also be a great way to meet new people and experience new unusual journeys.

If you are adding a new thing into your life, you have to take time and draw your attention away from something else. The good news is that most of us have much time we’re not using well, either because we’re spending tons of time online or watching TV or just wasting time that we could spend on hobbies.

Of course everyone is different and your personality(个性)does play a role in what kinds of hobbies you like. Maybe you really like hanging out with friends, so you need to take a class or have an interest that you can do with a group; if you travel a lot, something that you can do anywhere is helpful; if you’re a homeboy, you might love to be all around by a cool collection.

The truth is that you may not hit the perfect activity for you right out of the gate ,but you can have much fun trying out new things and finding out what’s out there. Do some web searches, visit the library, don’t be afraid to try new things, and soon you’ll have a hobby that provide you with lots of fun and stress relief(减轻),too.

1. Which of following hobbies is good for you according to the writer?
A.Watching TVB.Staying on the Internet
C.Mountain climbingD.Wasting time
2. The 3rd paragraph mainly tells us __________.
A.what hobbies actually areB.hobbies help forget problems
C.why hobbies are importantD.hobbies help experience more
3. If you like staying at home as a hobby, you may __________.
A.spend a lot of time onlineB.watch TV programs a lot
C.take a class or join a groupD.collect something you like
4. In the paragraph, the writer mainly suggests that we should __________.
A.have a lot of time online at home collecting cool things around your house
B.go out to meet more people and have fresh, fascinating experience
C.find hobbies that fit us well because everyone is quite different
D.visit the library in our free time instead of trying something new
5. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?
A.Hobby is something you do in your free time without payment.
B.Most of us spend much time on our hobbies in everyday lives.
C.Personality has an influence on what kinds of hobbies we like.
D.Hobbies can make us relaxed and fill our life with a lot of fun.
2021-02-05更新 | 73次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东济南市历下区2018-2019学年九年级上学期期中英语试题

9 . How many of your classmates wear a pair of glasses? About 60 percent of Chinese students had shortsightedness(近视) in 2013, according to the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health.

If you find that you can’t see things clearly, the first thing you should do is to go to the doctor and find out if you have shortsightedness. If you really have shortsightedness, you need to wear proper glasses to make things easier for eye to see. “Although wearing glasses can hardly help to recover (恢复) your eyesight (视力), it is helpful to make your eyes relaxed and so may slow down the progression of shortsightedness,” experts say.

On the other hand, your habit of using eyes is also important to help control the development shortsightedness. For example, doing eyes protection exercises at school, spending more time outdoors and looking farther sometimes while studying are good for your eyes.

Many children may feel embarrassed at first. But don’t be. With glasses in different shapes and styles, you can find a pair that makes you look fashionable. Also, as technology develops, life becomes easier for people with glasses. Shortsighted people can wear sunglasses. But this may not be OK for high-degree (高度数) shortsighted (greater than 600 degrees) because of the thickness of the lenses (镜片). What’s more, some shops including online ones also sell special glasses made for shortsighted people to play sports. It’s also expected that one day shortsighted people may have special 3D glasses for TV and movies.

With smart phones and pads, our lives have become more colorful. However, spending much time reading, texting and gaming through them is bad for eyes. Here are some useful tips to protect your eyesight.

1. When you use a computer, don’t get too close. Sit in your chair and extend (伸出) your arms. Your palms (手掌) should rest comfortably on the screen.

2. When you use mobile phones or pads, keep them far enough from your eyes and just below eye level (水平). Try not to use them in direct sunlight.

3. Control your time in front of them. Experts suggest that kids should spend no more than one or two hours on screens a day.

4. Remember to take a break: every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break and look at something 20 feet away.

1. How many Chinese students has shortsightedness in 2013 according to the passage?
A.About one third.B.About two thirds.
C.About one six.D.About three fifths.
2. People with shortsightedness need to wear glasses because __________.
A.it makes people look fashionableB.it hardly helps recover the eyesight
C.it helps to make the eyes relaxedD.it makes things easy for people to do
3. From the fourth paragraph, we learn that __________.
A.People with high-degree shortsightedness may sometimes feel inconvenient
B.Thanks to technology, the shortsighted now can wear special 3D glasses for TV
C.After wearing special glasses, shortsighted people can play sports online
D.Life for people with shortsightedness used to be easier before wearing glasses
4. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?
A.When you use a mobile phone, keep your eyes below the phone.
B.Good habits of using eyes stop your eyesight from getting worse.
C.Don’t get too close to a computer screen. The farther, the better.
D.Spending more than 120 minutes on screens a day is safe for eyes.
5. The writer writes the passage to ___________.
A.find out ways to recover eyesightB.encourage people to wear glasses
C.show how technology has developedD.call on people to protect their eyes
2021-02-05更新 | 97次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东济南市历下区2018-2019学年九年级上学期期中英语试题
10 .

On a hot day, many people like to go to the beach. Some beaches, however, are not safe(安全)for swimming. If the water is not clean, it isn’t safe to swim. At some beaches, there are sharks(鲨鱼)in the water.

At some beaches, people put out shark nets(网). They help stop too many sharks from getting close to the beach. Sharks can still swim under or around the net. But if they try to swim through, they will get caught(被抓住). Sharks can die if they are not cut free.

Shark nets don’t just catch sharks. They can catch other animals, too. Once, a whale was swimming with her baby. The baby whale got caught in a shark net. The mother whale tried to get her baby to come with her. The baby whale was twisted(缠住)up in the net. It couldn’t get free. The mother had to watch it die.

Many people think shark nets should not be used. Sharks are important in the ocean(海洋). They eat dead(死的)fish. They help to keep the ocean clean. Sharks eat live fish, too. This stops there being too many fish in the sea. Sharks are the lions and tigers of the sea. Some people think there are better ways to keep the beach safe for people. Shark spotters are people who watch for sharks. They go to a high place. Then they can look down on the beach. If they see a shark, a siren(汽笛)will sound. They put up a white flag. Then people know to get out of the water. Now people in South Africa are moving the shark nets away because they don’t want to use the shark nets any more. At some beaches, people begin to use shark spotters instead.

After all, the water is sharks’ home.

1. According to Paragraphs 1&2, which of the following is TRUE?
A.Sharks cannot swim in the sea.B.People put out shark nets in the sea.
C.Shark nets are safe to the sharks.D.Shark nets can not catch the sharks.
2. Why does the writer say sharks are important in the ocean?
A.Because sharks only eat live fish in the ocean.
B.Because sharks stop people swimming in the sea.
C.Because sharks stop other animals getting caught.
D.Because sharks eat dead fish to keep the ocean clean.
3. What does the underlined word “spotters” in Paragraph 4 most probably mean?
4. According to the writer, which is TRUE about the shark nets?
A.Sharks can’t swim under the shark nets.
B.Shark nets aren’t the best way to stop sharks.
C.Shark nets only catch small sharks.
D.There isn’t any use to put out shark nets.
5. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A.The writer thinks sharks play a role in keeping the ocean clean.
B.People in the world did not use shark nets to stop sharks at all.
C.A shark spotter is a better way to keep the beach safe for people.
D.Shark potters put up a white flag to let people get out of water.
2021-02-05更新 | 203次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东济南市历下区2020-2021学年八年级上学期期中英语试题
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