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文章大意:本文是一篇说明文,介绍研究人员通过分析北极熊雪地脚印中的DNA, 创造了一种保护北极熊的开创性方法。

1 . Polar bears are icons of the Arctic. Detailed monitoring of their populations is crucial for their conservation—but because polar bears are so difficult to find, we are missing critical data about population size. Scientists have now developed a new tool to help: DNA analysis using skin cells left in the bears’ footprints in the snow.

The scientists were inspired by the techniques that can be applied to tiny, degraded DNA samples. With these techniques, it isn’t necessary to physically capture bears, which can be stressful and dangerous for both bears and humans. Instead, the researchers can turn to the snow tracks of polar bears and look at sources of DNA left in passing—environmental DNA. "The tracks usually contain fresh cells, and the DNA is intact because of the cold’ storage’ temperature, "said Dr. Melanie Lancaster of the World Wide Fund, lead author.

The scientists collected snow from individual tracks made by Alaskan polar bears in the wild. Additional materials like hair and saliva(唾液)were sampled, confirming that the tracks provided accurate genotype(基因型) 24 wild polar bear tracks were sampled. The researchers melted and filtered the snow to collect environmental DNA, then carried out micro-satellite analysis. Although the concentrations (浓度)of DNA taken from trucks sampled in the wild were very low, 13 of the wild polar bear samples could be genotype, identifying 12 different individuals.

This technique has huge potential to inform conservation of these animals, to better understand their populations and behavior. Although the sampling has a lower success rate, ease of collection means that it can significantly expand sample sizes.

"We hope this method will be taken up by the polar bear research community, with the involvement of hunters, volunteers, and local communities, as a new way to collect information on polar bears, "said Lancaster. "We also hope the method will be expanded to other animals living in snowy environments. "

1. Why do scientists develop the new method?
A.To improve the environment in the Aretic.
B.To protect humans from the polar bears attack.
C.To find solutions to global climate change.
D.To gather essential data for monitoring polar bears.
2. What does the underlined word “intact” mean in paragraph 2?
3. What did the scientists do in the study?
A.They tracked and caught polar bears in the wild.
B.They recorded the bears’ behaviors with cameras.
C.They analyzed DNA from polar bears’ snowy footprints.
D.They compared the polar bears’ genotype with other animals?
4. What is Lancaster’s attitude toward the method?
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2 . Even though they may appear to be completely unrelated, black holes and Las Vegas have one thing in common: Whatever happens there stays there, much to the displeasure of astrophysicists who are trying to understand how black holes grow.

The event horizon can be conceptualized as an outer ring that surrounds black holes and is the boundary beyond which nothing, including matter, light, or information, may pass. It takes in every bit of evidence about the black hole’s past and has the appearance of being “stuck” to the eyes of an observer.

“Because of these physical facts, it had been thought impossible to measure how black holes formed,” said Peter Behroozi, an associate professor at the University of Arizona Steward Observatory.

Behroozi co-led an international team to rebuild the growth histories of black holes using machine learning and supercomputers, successfully avoiding the event horizon information barrier for individual black holes to show what is beyond. Millions of artificial universes were simulated (模拟), and the results showed that supermassive black holes grew at the same pace as their host galaxies (星系). Scientists had a theory about this for 20 years, but had not been able to confirm this relationship until now. The team’s research was reported in a publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

“As the galaxy grows from small to large, its black hole, too, is growing from small to large, in exactly the same way as we see in galaxies today all across the universe,” Behroozi said.

Trinity is a platform developed by the researchers that uses a novel type of machine learning to generate millions of different universes on a supercomputer. The goal of Trinity is to find answers. The project’s three main research areas are galaxies, their supermassive black holes, and their dark matter halo (晕). The same Trinity is in inference to these three areas. Millions of galaxies and their dark matter halo were simulated using the researchers’ older University Machine in past investigations.

The researchers found that galaxies expanding in their dark matter halo have a very particular relationship between the galaxy’s mass and that of the halo.

1. Which of the following is one of the physical facts according to Behroozi?
A.The event horizon can allow matter and light to pass.
B.Black holes and Las Vegas are completely different.
C.The event horizon absorbs the black hole’s past.
D.Observers can see the event horizon clearly.
2. What have the researchers prove about black holes?
A.Their exact locations in the universe.
B.Their influence on artificial universe.
C.Their links with their dark matter halo.
D.Their relationship with their host galaxies.
3. What can be learned about Trinity?
A.It refers to the University Machine.
B.It creates millions of artificial universes.
C.It shows how galaxies form in the real universe.
D.It is a platform to study the development of machine learning.
4. Which is the most suitable title for the text?
A.Trinity Finds Answers to Machine Learning
B.Machine Learning Could Reveal How Black Holes Grow
C.Supermassive Black Holes Are Beneficial to Their Host Galaxies
D.Astrophysicists Have Confirmed the Significance of the Event Horizon
2024-04-15更新 | 99次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届河北省承德市部分高中高三下学期二模英语试题(含听力)
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3 . Kristin Schell is the founder of The Turquoise Table, a movement of ordinary people who want to create community right in their own front yards. Ten years ago, she and her family moved to a new home in Austin, Texas.

One day, Kristin tried to connect with her new neighbors by hosting a party. She bought a few picnic tables but the delivery driver set one table down in her front yard by mistake. “After the party, I painted the table turquoise—my favorite color—and put it in the front yard, just a few feet from the sidewalk,” she says.

That turquoise table became the place where Kristin and her kids hung out. They played games, did crafts and ate snacks. “We got intentional about where we spent our time,” Kristin says. “We became ‘front yard people’.”

Neighbors began to stop by to introduce themselves and sit down for a chat. Kristin invited people to join her at the table for coffee or iced tea. Then neighbors asked Kristin if their family could put a picnic table in their front yard too. A movement was born. “It was a simple way to slow down and connect with others,” she says. The turquoise table was inviting and had a shared feel.

People often hesitate to invite others into their homes. They think their house is too messy, it’s not big enough or they don’t have enough time. “Our perfectionism can cause us to miss out on the joy of connecting with others,” Kristin says. Her picnic table takes away the excuses—and the pressure.

She likes how it enables her to take a small step toward easing loneliness and building relationships in her community. “People’s greatest need is to know that they are loved and that they belong,” she says.

A decade after their Texas beginnings, thousands of Turquoise Tables exist in all 50 states and in 13 countries around the world. Not all of them are actually turquoise. “No matter what color it is, it’s a friendship table,” Kristin says.

1. Why did Kristin Schell start the movement?
A.To host more parties in her front yard.B.To entertain her friends and neighbors.
C.To engage with people in the neighbourhood.D.To create harmonious communities worldwide.
2. Which of the following words best describe Kristin Schell according to the text?
A.Creative and sociable.B.Friendly and humorous.
C.Generous and ambitious.D.Cautious and responsible.
3. What can be inferred from the text?
A.People don’t like others to step into their houses.
B.The campaign has a big impact at home and abroad.
C.Kristin Schell bought the turquoise table to host a party.
D.People feel unwilling to join in the front ya rd chat at first.
4. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?
A.Love Your NeighborsB.An Amazing Woman
C.Happy Front Yard TimeD.Tables Where All Are Welcome
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文章大意:这是一篇说明文。文章讲述了美国沃特金斯小学开设FRESH FARM课程,让学生种植蔬菜,上烹饪课。该项目使得学生更重视健康,反响良好。

4 . Stacy Dean, an official at the US Department of Agriculture, was inspired by a visit to Watkins Elementary, in Washington, D. C. Students grow vegetables in their school garden. They also roll up their sleeves in the school’s kitchen to participate in a FRESHFARM FoodPrints class, which integrates cooking and nutrition education.

“Who’s next?” asks instructional coach Regina Green, as kids throw vegetables into the pan and the smell of fresh ginger and onions fills the air. “We grew these in our garden,” Jessie Gibson, one of the students, says proudly. Then he measures and pours dry ingredients into a bowl.

“Our family has tried new things because of the program,” says Catie Kelley, whose two children have participated in the FRESHFARM program. “They come home with the recipes,” Kelley says. “It’s fun because it’s things that we don’t usually make at home,” so it has encouraged them to try novel combinations. She says the kids take more of an interest at the grocery store to identify foods they’ve tried in the program.

Dean wants to have the science around healthy eating integrated. A block to scaling up these types of programs is money. The program relies on grants and receives some federal funding, but it’s not enough to expand the program to all the schools that could benefit.

In fact, there are other problems. At a time when diet-related disease is a leading cause of death, and unhealthy eating habits are rooted in US culture, it’s unrealistic to think that a cooking curriculum could overcome such a sweeping, societal problem. “We know from years of evidence that we need multiple things to come together to support healthy eating,” says Angela Odoms-Young, a professor of maternal and child nutrition at Cornell University.

Despite these challenges, programs like FRESHFARM can help kids expand their choices by introducing them to new tastes. At first, many kids are turned off by the bitter taste of greens. But through the magic of cooking, processing the onions, and blending in fresh ginger, kids can be inspired.

1. What inspired Dean during the visit to Watkins Elementary?
A.The coach’s skillful performance.
B.Students’ getting more access to nature.
C.The integrated hands-on cooking.
D.Students’ gardening and cooking.
2. How does the program benefit Kelley’s family?
A.They pay more attention to healthy eating.
B.They have a more harmonious relation.
C.They show more interest in shopping.
D.They have enriched their recipes.
3. What can be inferred from paragraph 5?
A.Advocating healthy eating needs joint efforts.
B.A cooking curriculum should be promoted.
C.Nutrition helps put students on a healthy path.
D.Food is fundamental to life and good health.
4. What does the author think of the program?
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5 . Princeton University Art Event

Program Information for Gaucho: A New Musical

March 8-10, 2024, in Wallace Theater

Presented by the Lewis Center for the Arts’ Program in Theater &Music Theater.

Gaucho:A New Musical

Book, music and lyries (歌词) by Princeton University seniors Aaron Ventresca and Emmu Ventresca; directed by lecturer Nicuo Krell with music direction by guest artist Gia Gan.

Run Time

Approximately 2 hours(including a 10-minute intermission).


In this new musical set in nineteenth-century Argentina, the gaucho (高乔人) community of San Antonio de Areco (a town in Buenos Aires Province, Argentina) faces growing threats to its traditional way of life from large landowners’ newest technology-barbed (带刺的) wire fence. A young gaucho named Mateo struggles to break free from his family’s dying way of life to become a writer. Then with some help, Mateo escapes to Buenos Aires. There, he meets Sofia, who shakes his narrow-minded view of the world. As modernity takes shape, Mateo is torn between choices:his family or the one he could create, his culture or the movements of the world.

Special Notes

No flash photography permitted. Please silence all electronic devices including mobile phone and watches, and avoid text messaging for the duration of the performance.

Tickets &Details

Performances are free and open to the public;advance tickets required. If a performance is listed as sold out, a wait list will be formed at the door with a limited number of tickets available.


The Wallace Theater is an accessible venue with an assistive listening system. Guests in need of other access accommodations are invited to contact the Lewis Center at least one week in advance at lewiscenter@princeton. edu.

1. Who created the Gaucho: A New Musical?
A.Guest artist Gia Gan.
B.Two university students.
C.Lecturer Nico Krell.
D.Artists in the Wallace Theater.
2. What is the theme of the musical?
A.A romantic love story.
B.A movement of culture.
C.The change of lifestyle.
D.The immigration of a community.
3. What are people required to do to watch the musical?
A.Pay for performances in advance.
B.Wait in line at the door of the theatre.
C.Contact the Lewis Center for tickets.
D.Switch off their electronic devices.
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文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。文章介绍了机器人之父Joseph Frederick Engelberger的生平事迹和发明创造故事。

6 . Joseph Frederick Engelberger, the Father of Robotics, was born on July 26, 1925. He received his degree in Electric Engineering in 1949 from Columbia University. He worked as an engineer in a company and then he met George Devol at a party in 1956, two years after Devol had designed and patented (获得专利权) an industrial robotic arm. However, the company where Engelberger worked was closed in the year he met Devol.

Finding himself jobless but with a business partner and an idea, Engelberger co-founded Unimation with Devol, creating the world’s first robotics company. Over the next two decades, the Japanese took the lead by investing (投资) heavily in robots to replace people performing certain tasks. In Japan, Engelberger was widely recognized as a key player in Japanese manufacturing quality and efficiency.

After observing his aging parents, Engelberger saw the robotics automation could be used in the medical field. In 1984, Engelberger introduced HelpMate and hoped to start a new industry for in-home robots. He sold his first HelpMate to Danbury Hospital in 1988. The medical robot was so successful that the hospital ended up purchasing another, and within a decade, well over 100 hospitals worldwide operated HelpMates.

Senator Joseph Lieberman delivered a speech in the U. S. Senate in praise and recognition of the inventor, calling HelpMate an example that shows the federal investment in science and technology for patients can lead to new products that create jobs for Americans and make for a better quality of life.

Engelberger liked working. So even after he got into his 80s, he remained active in the promotion and development of robots for use in elder care.

1. What happened to Engelberger in 1956?
A.He got his college degree.B.He was unemployed.
C.He invented a robotic arm.D.He sold his company.
2. How did the Japanese treat Engelberger?
A.With alarm.B.With concern.C.With respect.D.With indifference.
3. What does paragraph 3 talk about?
A.The origin of HelpMate.B.The promotion of HelpMate.
C.The function of HelpMate.D.The challenge in creating HelpMate.
4. What’s Lieberman’s attitude toward HelpMate?
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7 . Last year I ruined my summer vacation by bringing along a modern convenience: the iPad.

Instead of looking at nature, I _______ my e-mail. Instead of reading great novels, I stuck to reading _______newspapers each morning. And that was the problem: I was acting as if I were still in the office. My body was on vacation but my _______ wasn’t.

So this year I made up my mind to try something _______: getting away from the Internet. I knew it wouldn’t be easy, _______ I’m not good at self-control. But I was _______. I started by handing the iPad to my wife. Then, a stroke of luck: The mobile phone _______ at our cabin was worse than in the past. I was _______, forced to carry out my plan. Largely cut off from e-mail and my favourite newspaper websites, I had little way to _______ the world. I had no ________ but to do what I had planned to do all along: read books.

With determination and the strong support of my wife, I succeeded in my vacation struggle against the Internet. I finally ________ that it was me, of course, not the iPad, that was the ________.

I knew I had ________ when we passed a Starbucks and my wife asked if I wanted to stop to use the Wi-Fi. “Don’t need it,” I said. ________, as we return to work, a test begins: Can I survive when I’m back at work? I don’t plan to ________ my iPad completely. But I hope to resist the temptation (抵抗诱惑) to use it every five minutes.

A.rely onB.go throughC.connect toD.adapt to
A.take apartB.give upC.turn upD.go off
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8 . Four girls. Two tents. No cellphones. A thunderstorm. One hundred and thirty hours of non-stop togetherness. This was what Julia Ruelle just _________

“It was really _________ ,” said Julia Ruelle of her recent weeklong adventure to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness with three childhood friends.

Earlier this year, Julia, having completed a _________ for a brain tumor(肿瘤) in April, won a writing contest and was _________ a free five-day camping adventure with up to three friends. Its aim is to get kids away from technology. She struggled to _________ the final three — Anna Wander, Made line Wilson and Julianna Torelli. No _______ were allowed, so getting their agreement was a bit _________ . Having a satellite phone and promising to check in twice during the week finally won their agreement.

The four girls arrived in Ely on June 10 for training. They _________ the next day at 7: 00 a. m, and quickly fit many things into their _________ -getting up early every morning, going boating ________ , then having lunch at the campsite, followed by swinging, reading, talking, and napping.

“I love how you are separated from everything in your life, especially __________ ,” Anna said. Without her phone, she said, “I’m less __________ about things.” “We got along pretty well,” said Madeline. “We were always talking before bed, about specific things and thoughts.” “But we might sometimes have had __________ ,” Julianna added. No one was even hungry or homesick, but they were __________ nervous one night as they waited out a thunderstorm.

After the adventure, Julia will continue to take physical examination every three months to make sure the tumor is gone. “Mental health can be __________ so much in the Boundary Waters. It really helps to reconnect with yourself,” said Julia.

A.clean upB.sign upC.set outD.set up
A.by noonB.at dawnC.by nightD.at dusk
A.disappointmentB.joyfulness C.arguments D.injuries
2024-04-15更新 | 24次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省石家庄第四十四中学2023-2024学年高一年级下学期第一次月考英语试题
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9 . “Fire! Fire!” What terrible words to hear when one ______ in a strange house in the middle of night! It was a large, old ______ house — the sort that burns easily, and my room was on the top floor. I jumped out of bed, ______ the door and stepped out into the passage. It was full of thick smoke.

I began to ______ , but as I was still only half-awake, instead of going towards the stairs I went in the opposite direction. The smoke grew thicker and I found it hard to ______ . The floor became ______ under my bare feet. I ran into another room and tried to reach the ______ for fresh air. But before I could reach it, one of my feet got caught in something soft and I fell down. The thing I had fell over felt like a bundle of clothes, and I picked it up to protect my ______ from the smoke and heat. Just then the door ______ under me and I dashed to the floor below with pieces of ______ wood all around me.

______ , there was a doorway in front, so I put the package over my face and ran. My feet were terribly burned, but I got through. As I reached the cold air outside, my bundle of clothes gave a thin ______ . I nearly dropped it in my ______ . Then I saw many people gathered in the street. A woman dressed in night clothes screamed as she saw me and came running ______ .

“My baby! My baby!” She cried. The crowd ______ loudly as she took the smoke-blackened bundle out of my arms. I almost failed to see who she was — my boss wife. I had saved her baby, and became a hero.

A.gets upB.calls upC.wakes upD.turns up
2024-04-15更新 | 22次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省石家庄第二十四中学2023-2024学年高一年级下学期四月份月考英语试题

10 . Eric knew he was in trouble. His _________ had ballooned to 320 pounds, and he was _________ more than $1,000 a month on medications (药物) for high blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes and high cholesterol.

In 2010, a _________ told him to buy a funeral plot, because he would need it in five years. He was 51 years old. So he went to talk with a naturopathic (自然疗法的) doctor about _________ weight. She said, “Get a shelter dog.”

Eric was _________, but he took that advice, _________ to the Humane Society Silicon Valley near his home in San Jose, Calif. He told the shelter, “I want a(n) _________ fat middle-aged dog, like me.” That’s how he _________ Peety.

Peety needed to be _________, so Eric and Peety walked, for at least a half hour a day. Eric, who was __________ as an area sales manager for GE appliances, shifted to a plant-based __________. Over the course of a year, he lost 140 pounds. Peety lost 25. Eric __________ the medications.

It wasn’t just the walks with Peety that __________ Eric’s life. The dog helped keep him from backsliding (倒退) into his old, __________ lifestyle. “He looked at me like I was the best person on the __________, and I wanted to become the person he thought I was.”

A.got offB.gave offC.worked outD.made out
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