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1 . My friend and I recently took an art class together through our town’s community education program. Our classmates were a mix of ages, stages of life, and experience with making art. We stood out in the class—not for our artistic talent, but for our consistent encouragement of ourselves, each other, and the group. It got me thinking how encouragement had become a routine.

It became something of a joke between the two of us to compliment(赞美) each other, offer a positive comment when another student showed his or her work, and generally chat around the table about how fun our project was going. But reflecting back, our positivist was anything but a joke. It was a bright light in my week, a space where I knew I could be surrounded with kindness, gentleness, and positivist.

Here’s the most special thing about it; my friend’s and my positive conversation wasn’t just encouraging, it was true. We didn’t go for cheap or false compliments like, “This painting should be in a museum!” Instead, we went for authentic(真实的) expressions of support and encouragement, like, “I love how you did that cloud!”

Over time, the class became something of a sacred space, because we had made a habit of using encouraging, supportive language. Sentence-starters like, “I like,” “I appreciate,” “I want to try”,   kept us present, positive, and honest.

The encouragement also kept us engaged in the work of making art. I feel sure that I learned more—and practiced more at home—because the activity was shown in such consistently positive terms, grounded in a growth mindset, self-acceptance, and encouragement.

Having a friend to share an encouragement habit is fantastic, but you can practice it on your own as well. Compliment yourself in the mirror every morning. Keep a running “great work.” list of thing? you are doing well today. Trust in your ability to find something loving—and true-to comment today and every day.

1. What do we know about the author’s classmates?
A.They admired those talented in art.
B.They didn’t take art class seriously.
C.They were of the same artistic level.
D.They were on good terms in the class.
2. How did the classmates turn their class into a sacred space?
A.By showing false compliments to others.
B.By decorating their class as a museum.
C.By displaying abstract art works in the class.
D.By offering supportive language around them.
3. What did the author think of the art project?
A.It made him hopeful and confident.
B.It needed to provide more practice.
C.It was cheap and easy to carry out.
D.It promoted his communication skills.
4. What is the author’s purpose of writing the text?
A.To introduce a community education program.
B.To call for good action to support those in need
C.To describe how to make encouragement a habit.
D.To comment on the power of authentic expressions.
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2 . Anytime I travel on my bicycle across the country, I’m always amazed by how kind people can be to strangers.

One night, my friends and I were camping in a town in Missouri. There was a severe storm and we were getting ______ . A complete stranger came by to ______ us that there were tornadoes(龙卷风)heading our way. The stranger invited us to his home. We were surprised by his ______ for our safety. Later we learned that there had been a lightening strike near the place where we had camped and several cattle had been ______

Fortunately, we spent the night in a nice dry home. We were ______ given the opportunity to take a shower. The next morning we had breakfast with the family and ______ contact information. In a way we felt like the family had become a part of our journey. This was one of the most heartwarming ______ of my life because this family had nothing to ______ by being so kind to us. We were ______ not the type they would usually ______ but they treated us with respect and kindness.

The kindness of a stranger always ______ my faith in humanity. Whatever the person ______ always comes with no strings attached and that’s the most _____ part.

That family _____ us so much that during the rest of the trip, we _____ others out every chance we got. We even bought food with our busking(街头卖艺) tips for the homeless. It’s always heartwarming when giving feels as good as receiving.

A.ask aboutB.complain aboutC.agree withD.associate with
2024-04-15更新 | 195次组卷 | 2卷引用:2024届河北省衡水董子高级中学、定州中学高三下学期第二次模拟考试英语试题
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3 . There’re plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables available in local markets. But while those red juicy strawberries look fresh, consumers have no way of knowing how long the fruit can be stored at home. The same goes for distribution centers and supermarkets.

Now, the food technology startup OneThird, located in the Netherlands, is looking to change that with an infrared (红外线) scanner that can accurately predict how long fresh fruits and vegetables will last. The startup is named OneThird because one-third of food is wasted due to spoilage (变质) every year.

The startup’s founders were inspired by a UK company that uses this type of technology in the medical field and decided to see if it was applicable for food. “I looked at the challenges in the food-supply chain and found out that 40 percent of food waste is fresh produce. One of the biggest causes of waste is that nobody knows shelf life.” founder and CEO of OneThird, Marco Snikkers said.

Quality inspections at farms and distribution centers are done manually (手动地). An inspector checks the fruits and vegetables and makes notes about the size and quality. Then the food is sent to consumers without considering travel time or how long the produce will remain usable.

Using the infrared scanner at the distribution center means that inspectors can use the information to approve shipments that will ensure the produce can be distributed on a timely basis. This means that a shipment of rip e tomatoes will not be sent long distances away.

OneThird’s scanner combines the technology of optical scanners, image modeling, and Artificial Intelligence to provide accurate shelf-life predictions.

The startup found that the technology can reduce up to 25 percent produce waste that was caused by spoilage. “Global food waste has an enormous environmental impact; reducing global food waste cuts global greenhouse gas emissions and promotes global food security,” said Jacob Smith, a climate expert from the University of Maine.

1. What problem does OneThird aim to solve?
A.The high cost of storing fresh fruits and vegetables.
B.Inefficient quality inspections at distribution centers.
C.Food waste caused by uncertainty about its shelf life.
D.Consumers’ difficulty judging the freshness of produce.
2. What inspired OneThird to come up with the idea of using infrared scanner?
A.The use of the device in another field.B.Observation of the food-supply chain.
C.Consumer demands for fresher produce.D.Experts’advice on food waste reduction.
3. What can we learn about the manual quality inspections?
A.They are time-consuming and costly.B.They are not performed at a regular time.
C.The inspectors tend to make wrong judgement.D.The shipping time is not taken into consideration.
4. What’s Jacob’s attitude to OneThird’s effort?
2024-04-15更新 | 156次组卷 | 2卷引用:2024届河北省衡水董子高级中学、定州中学高三下学期第二次模拟考试英语试题
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4 . When it comes to lowering blood pressure, studies have typically shown that aerobic (有氧的) exercises are best. Recent research suggests another type of physical activity is worth including as an effective tool to prevent and treat high blood pressure.

Exercises that engage muscles without movement, such as wall squats and planks, may be best for lowering blood pressure, according to a large study published in July, 2023 in the British Journal of Sports Medicine.

This type of training is known as isometric exercise, according to the Mayo Clinic. Isometric muscle action happens when muscles contract but do not visibly change length, and the joints involved don’t move, facilitating stability of the body. Isometric exercises can be done with weights or without, just relying on the body’s own weight.

“These findings provide a comprehensive data-driven framework to support the development of new exercise guideline recommendations for the prevention and treatment of high blood pressure,” said study coauthor Dr. Jamie O’Driscoll in a news release.

The researchers looked into randomized controlled trials that had reported the effects of exercise interventions, lasting two or more weeks, on blood pressure between 1990 and February 2023. From a review of 270 trials with 15,827 participants, the researchers found that among HIIT (high intensity interval training), isometric exercise, aerobic exercise, dynamic resistance training and a combination of the latter two, isometric exercise led to the greatest reductions in blood pressure.

It’s also important to note that there are other lifestyle changes as well as exercise that can benefit your blood pressure. These include keeping to a healthy weight, eating a balanced diet, cutting down on salt, not drinking too much alcohol and ensuring that you continue to take any prescribed medication.

More research is needed to determine exactly why isometric exercises might be better for lowering blood pressure than other types of training, the authors said.

1. What does the underlined part “isometric exercise” in paragraph 3 refer to?
A.Exercise that is done with extra weights.
B.Exercise that involves visible muscle contraction.
C.Exercise that focuses on stability of the body.
D.Exercise that engages muscles without movement.
2. How did the researchers carry out the study?
A.By providing statistics.B.By interviewing experts.
C.By doing experiments.D.By making comparisons.
3. What does the author suggest the future studies about isometric exercise focus on?
A.Exploring the reasons for its effectiveness.
B.Demonstrating its influences on mental health.
C.Assessing its suitability for different populations.
D.Determining its long-term impacts on blood pressure.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.The benefits of aerobic exercises.B.The best exercise for blood pressure.
C.The effects of various types of exercises.D.The importance of keeping a healthy lifestyle.
2024-04-15更新 | 167次组卷 | 2卷引用:2024届河北省衡水董子高级中学、定州中学高三下学期第二次模拟考试英语试题
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5 . The best science books inspire a sense of wonder and make you amazed at the incredible world we live in. Here are four of them to feed your imagination.

A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson

How did it all begin? And how did we get here? Combining history and science, the book offers a comprehensive yet entertaining answer to these questions. Bill Bryson takes the reader on an impressive journey through the greatest scientific discoveries in history. It explains scientific topics in a vivid way, but it’s quite a long read.

Thing Explainer by Randall Munroe

How do helicopters work? Or cells? Randall Munroe explains how things work using illustrations and only the most common 1,000 words in English. It will shift your approach to explanation. So, next time explain how something works rather than merely call it by its name. However, additionally providing more technical terms might have enhanced the understanding and learning experience.

Ask an Astronaut by Tim Peake

What does it feel like to fly into space? How do you prepare for it? Astronaut Tim Peake answers all the questions you never knew about going into space. The book gives insights into the cutting-edge science, as well as the day-to-day life on board of the International Space Station. Its question and answer format makes it easy to quickly find answers, but it can become less appealing due to the lack of descriptive language.

Deep Time by Riley Black

Want to know the story of our planet? Riley Black takes us on a journey, in the order of time, through the geological (地质的) events that have shaped our planet. The fascinating high-quality images are supported by easily digestible explanations of key historical moments. It also expands on key concepts in geology, astronomy and biology. Yet, measuring the size of some objects on the photos is difficult due to the lack of a scale bar (比例尺).

1. Which book is organized in the format of question and answer?
A.A Short History of Nearly Everything.B.Thing Explainer.
C.Ask an Astronaut.D.Deep Time.
2. What’s a shortcoming of Thing Explainer?
A.It is rather too long.B.It is written in plain language.
C.It lacks technical terms.D.It fails to include clear images.
3. What do A Short History of Nearly Everything and Deep Time have in common?
A.They combine science and history.B.They feature vivid illustrations.
C.They introduce astronauts’ daily life.D.They entertain readers of all ages.
2024-04-15更新 | 122次组卷 | 2卷引用:2024届河北省衡水董子高级中学、定州中学高三下学期第二次模拟考试英语试题

6 . Some people say he is a hero. Some people say he is stupid. Emmanuel Tulor thinks he did the _______ thing. The 18-year-old from Liberia found $50,000 on the highway. He gave it back to the _______ . Life in Liberia isn't _______ . The country went through 14 years of civil wars. Tulor dropped out of school in seventh grade and started driving a motorcycle taxi to _______ money. One day, he was _______ on the highway when he saw a bunch of money wrapped in a plastic bag. It had been _______ on the road unnoticed. There were thousands of dollars inside. “I was _______ because it was plenty.” he said, “and so I brought it home and gave it to my aunty to _______ until the owner could ask for it.”

That day, Musu Yancy, the businesswoman who had lost the money, went on the radio _______ for her money and appealing to anyone who found the money to return it. So he took it to her. Yancy gave him a(n) ________ of cash and some gifts, which was worth about $1, 500 in all. Yancy celebrated with Tulor.

Tulor said that while many Liberians are praising his actions, others couldn't ________ him. They said it might be a better ________ for him to save the money; they said Tulor should let the money help himself.”

Tulor ________ thinks he made the right choice. He thinks people should ________ lost things and the cash they find. Tulor planned to ________ the gifts with some people who were with him when he found the cash. “But the cash I got will be given to my grandma.” he said.

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7 . Recently scientists have announced some good news: Several important tuna (金枪鱼) species have stepped back from the edge of extinction.

Two bluefin tuna species, a yellowfin, and an albacore are no. longer seriously endangered or have moved off the leading international list of endangered species entirely.

The unexpectedly fast recovery speaks to the success of efforts over the past decade to end overfishing. But tuna are not the only species scientists are thinking carefully at the 2021 World Conservation Congress in Marseille, France, which is organized by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Researchers warn that many other sea species continued to be imperiled. For example, more than a third of the world’s sharks are still threatened with extinction due to overfishing, habitat loss, and climate change.

“I think the good news is that sustainable (可持续的) fishing industry is possible,” says Beth Polidoro, a biologist at Arizona State University. “We can eat fish without reducing the population to the point where it is on the road to dying out or extinction.” At the same time, she warns that the recovery should not encourage us to catch as many fish as we want. “We need to keep doing what’s working.” Polidoro adds.

The IUCN, which determines the world’s most endangered species on its Red List of Threatened Species, also announced at the meeting that some animals are moving in the other direction, onto the Red List. Like the Komodo dragon, an lizard (蜥蜴), it is at particular risk from climate change.

Of course, the work of protection is never over, and it will require close and continuous attention to make sure neither tuna nor Komodo dragons return to the edge of dying out. But for now, people can celebrate a few wins for the animal world.

1. What is the good news about tuna?
A.They have been removed from the list of endangered species.
B.The fishing of tuna has been put to an end completely.
C.The population of some tuna species has recovered.
D.The number of some tuna species increases slowly.
2. What does the underlined word “imperiled” in paragraph 3 mean?
3. Why does the writer mention “the Komodo dragon” in paragraph 5?
A.To introduce a topic.B.To make a comparison.
C.To explain an idea.D.To give an example.
4. What is the writer s attitude towards the recovery of the tuna species?
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8 . Exciting Celebrations And Festivals Around The World

Vivid Sydney, Australia: A Festival of Light, Music, and Ideas.

When: Friday, 26 May 2023 to Saturday, 17 June 2023

Where: Sydney, Australia

Age group: All ages, a family-friendly event

About: Vivid Sydney is one of the most popular annual events in Sydney. While it is the light installations (装置) shining on the Sydney Opera House and Harbour Bridge that gain the most attention, the festival combines dozens of light installations, music al performances, and ideas to encourage and celebrate creativity.

Merrie Monarch Festival, USA

When: Sunday, 9 April 2023 to Saturday, 15 April 2023

Age group: All ages, although better for older kids and teens interested in Hawaiian culture

About: It includes a 3-day celebration of traditional and modern Hawaiian hula dancing that takes place on the Big Island of Hawaii It’s an intense hula competition with participants (参与者) from all around the world. There are also incredible Hawaiian craft fairs, a parade, and other activities.

Parintins Folklore Festival, Brazil

When: 24,25, and 26 June 2023

Where: Parintins Town, Amazonas State, Brazil

Age group: Kids between 10 years old and older are allowed into the outdoor sports ground.

About: It is an important part of Brazilian culture because it celebrates an old local legend (传说) about a lady and an ox. It combines the local legend and culture with modern rhythms and themes from the whole country, which is why it is recognized as a cultural heritage of Brazil.

1. What can you do when attending Vivid Sydney?
A.You may gain the most attention.
B.You can help with the light installations.
C.You have a chance to take part in a hula competition.
D.You can enjoy musical performances and shining lights.
2. What do Merrie Monarch Festival and Parintins Folklore Festival have in common?
A.They are family-friendly.B.They both last three days.
C.They’re both suitable for older children.D.They’re celebrated to promote traditional dances.
3. Where is this text probably taken from?
A.An art magazine.B.A tourism website.
C.An academic article.D.A geography textbook.
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文章大意:本文是一篇说明文,介绍研究人员通过分析北极熊雪地脚印中的DNA, 创造了一种保护北极熊的开创性方法。

9 . Polar bears are icons of the Arctic. Detailed monitoring of their populations is crucial for their conservation—but because polar bears are so difficult to find, we are missing critical data about population size. Scientists have now developed a new tool to help: DNA analysis using skin cells left in the bears’ footprints in the snow.

The scientists were inspired by the techniques that can be applied to tiny, degraded DNA samples. With these techniques, it isn’t necessary to physically capture bears, which can be stressful and dangerous for both bears and humans. Instead, the researchers can turn to the snow tracks of polar bears and look at sources of DNA left in passing—environmental DNA. "The tracks usually contain fresh cells, and the DNA is intact because of the cold’ storage’ temperature, "said Dr. Melanie Lancaster of the World Wide Fund, lead author.

The scientists collected snow from individual tracks made by Alaskan polar bears in the wild. Additional materials like hair and saliva(唾液)were sampled, confirming that the tracks provided accurate genotype(基因型) 24 wild polar bear tracks were sampled. The researchers melted and filtered the snow to collect environmental DNA, then carried out micro-satellite analysis. Although the concentrations (浓度)of DNA taken from trucks sampled in the wild were very low, 13 of the wild polar bear samples could be genotype, identifying 12 different individuals.

This technique has huge potential to inform conservation of these animals, to better understand their populations and behavior. Although the sampling has a lower success rate, ease of collection means that it can significantly expand sample sizes.

"We hope this method will be taken up by the polar bear research community, with the involvement of hunters, volunteers, and local communities, as a new way to collect information on polar bears, "said Lancaster. "We also hope the method will be expanded to other animals living in snowy environments. "

1. Why do scientists develop the new method?
A.To improve the environment in the Aretic.
B.To protect humans from the polar bears attack.
C.To find solutions to global climate change.
D.To gather essential data for monitoring polar bears.
2. What does the underlined word “intact” mean in paragraph 2?
3. What did the scientists do in the study?
A.They tracked and caught polar bears in the wild.
B.They recorded the bears’ behaviors with cameras.
C.They analyzed DNA from polar bears’ snowy footprints.
D.They compared the polar bears’ genotype with other animals?
4. What is Lancaster’s attitude toward the method?
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10 . Even though they may appear to be completely unrelated, black holes and Las Vegas have one thing in common: Whatever happens there stays there, much to the displeasure of astrophysicists who are trying to understand how black holes grow.

The event horizon can be conceptualized as an outer ring that surrounds black holes and is the boundary beyond which nothing, including matter, light, or information, may pass. It takes in every bit of evidence about the black hole’s past and has the appearance of being “stuck” to the eyes of an observer.

“Because of these physical facts, it had been thought impossible to measure how black holes formed,” said Peter Behroozi, an associate professor at the University of Arizona Steward Observatory.

Behroozi co-led an international team to rebuild the growth histories of black holes using machine learning and supercomputers, successfully avoiding the event horizon information barrier for individual black holes to show what is beyond. Millions of artificial universes were simulated (模拟), and the results showed that supermassive black holes grew at the same pace as their host galaxies (星系). Scientists had a theory about this for 20 years, but had not been able to confirm this relationship until now. The team’s research was reported in a publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

“As the galaxy grows from small to large, its black hole, too, is growing from small to large, in exactly the same way as we see in galaxies today all across the universe,” Behroozi said.

Trinity is a platform developed by the researchers that uses a novel type of machine learning to generate millions of different universes on a supercomputer. The goal of Trinity is to find answers. The project’s three main research areas are galaxies, their supermassive black holes, and their dark matter halo (晕). The same Trinity is in inference to these three areas. Millions of galaxies and their dark matter halo were simulated using the researchers’ older University Machine in past investigations.

The researchers found that galaxies expanding in their dark matter halo have a very particular relationship between the galaxy’s mass and that of the halo.

1. Which of the following is one of the physical facts according to Behroozi?
A.The event horizon can allow matter and light to pass.
B.Black holes and Las Vegas are completely different.
C.The event horizon absorbs the black hole’s past.
D.Observers can see the event horizon clearly.
2. What have the researchers prove about black holes?
A.Their exact locations in the universe.
B.Their influence on artificial universe.
C.Their links with their dark matter halo.
D.Their relationship with their host galaxies.
3. What can be learned about Trinity?
A.It refers to the University Machine.
B.It creates millions of artificial universes.
C.It shows how galaxies form in the real universe.
D.It is a platform to study the development of machine learning.
4. Which is the most suitable title for the text?
A.Trinity Finds Answers to Machine Learning
B.Machine Learning Could Reveal How Black Holes Grow
C.Supermassive Black Holes Are Beneficial to Their Host Galaxies
D.Astrophysicists Have Confirmed the Significance of the Event Horizon
2024-04-15更新 | 96次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届河北省承德市部分高中高三下学期二模英语试题(含听力)
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