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1 . There are almost limitless things to do at the seaside. For an enjoyable summer day or night, some that are the most fun can be simple, inexpensive or absolutely free.

Frolic: Summer at the seaside is for as many activities as you can stand in the sand. Play frisbee (飞盘), sand volleyball or any beach-free sport. Jog or run while you feel the soft sand each step. If it’s nice and windy, go fly a kite!

Picnic: If you’re a bit lazy as you sun and relax on the beach, you can buy take-out from nearby shops. If you’re there with a big family outing, you may prefer to pack and bring baskets of your favorite foods and drinks.

Sand castles: For anyone who wishes they were still kids, building castles in the sand is fun at the seashore. If you’re feeling really creative, add fishes, frogs and whatever else your modeling skills can construct.

Explore: If there are hiking or biking trails along the shore or nearby, take an action to discover what’s around to be collected. Seashells and washed-up ocean flora (植物群) are fun to hunt, although finding a valuable diamond ring in the sand is much more satisfying.

Socialize: Meet all kinds of people. If kids are with you, they’re natural socializers, and will easily join others in games and other fun things to do together. Set up a volleyball net on the beach, and soon others will join the game.

Nothing: For some people the top activity at the seaside is inactivity. That means doing absolutely nothing. After all, you’ve come to the beach to relax on the warm sand, and nowhere in the world is there a more comfortable place for it.

1. In the first paragraph the author ________.
A.advertises a scenic spot
B.describes the beautiful seaside
C.shows visitors can do many things at the seaside
D.introduces the things that can be brought to the seaside
2. Which can best explain the underlined word “Frolic”?
A.Tips on safety.B.Full preparation.
C.Famous players.D.Lively and enjoyable activity.
3. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT suggested by the author?
A.Having a picnic with your family.
B.Making friends with all kinds of people.
C.Playing many kinds of games at the beach.
D.Searching for valuable jewelry in the sand.
4. According to the passage, if you do nothing at the seaside, ________.
A.you can still relax yourself
B.you might feel uncomfortable
C.you miss a chance to enjoy yourself
D.you are not advised to go to the seaside again
5. The passage is most probably taken from _______.
A.a diaryB.a reportC.a textbookD.a guidebook
2022-04-23更新 | 55次组卷 | 1卷引用:天津市红桥区2016-2017学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题
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2 . Some people express themselves through beautiful art; others are masters of the page and speak silently through writing. I, on the other hand, express myself with the greatest instrument I have, my voice.

Nothing gives me more satisfaction than public speaking. At age eight I started giving speeches in local competitions. Soon I was able to participate in (参加) state competitions. During March of eighth grade, I had the best opportunity ever to practice my speaking skills. I was chosen, out of all the students entered in New Hampshire, to write and read a four-minute speech on national television. My job was to introduce Elizabeth Dole, who at the time was interested in running for president.

I was notified the day before the event and so had only one night to write and memorize my speech. When I arrived the next morning in Belford, New Hampshire, I was greeted by photographers and newspaper reporters! Soon it was time for my speech. I had a feeling of complete excitement flowing through my body. When I finished, everyone stood up and clapped. Mrs. Dole surprised me by giving me a great hug and thanking me for my comments (评论) on the importance of education. But even after she finished speaking, the excitement was far from over.

Since then I have participated in different competition and events. My favorite by far was Young Chatqua, a wonderful summer program. In Chatqua I gave a speech on the life of Margaret Bourke-White, a pioneer photographer, in a 12-minute speech that took a month to research, prepare, and memorize. It was the most amazing experience of my life.

After Chatqua, I participated in my first play, Everybody’s Crazy, and I am now organizing a debate (辩论) team. I plan to continue competitions, do volunteer work, go to Chatqua next summer, and hopefully participate in the American Legion’s Oratorical Contest next year.

1. The author’s speech on TV ________.
A.was about students in New Hampshire
B.was her most amazing experience
C.happened when she was eight
D.proved to be successful
2. The underlined word “notified” in Paragraph 3 probably means “________”.
3. How did the author feel before giving the four-minutes speech?
4. We can learn from the passage that ________.
A.the speech-giving experience on TV increased the author’s confidence
B.the 12-minutes speech about Margaret Bourke-White was the hardest
C.the author will probably give up Chataqua in the future
D.the author felt uncertain about her future life
5. The author writes the passage to mainly tell us about ________.
A.her unusual school life
B.her dream in childhood
C.her public speaking skills
D.her interest in public speaking
2022-04-23更新 | 96次组卷 | 1卷引用:天津市红桥区2016-2017学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题

3 . Thanks to my child, I believe that Santa sends out gifts every year. And I once played Santa’s _______.

One year, our son Jay _______ a new sound system. “Please bring me a new stereo (立体声唱机), _______ I don’t have to listen to my dad’s old music,” he told the mall Santa. Robin and I took note.

On Christmas Eve, we _______ Santa’s cookies and milk by the fire, put a few carrots on the roof for the deer, and put Jay to sleep _______ at the back of the house, where the sound of Santa’s shoes wouldn’t _______ him. That’s when I went to the workshop and spent the whole night putting together that stereo.

Then we moved Jay from our bed to his—he was afraid that Santa might think he wasn’t home and would _______ to leave presents. At long last, I _______ the stereo and positioned it by the tree. Robin and I fell asleep early that Christmas morning, filled with satisfaction. At 7 a.m., Jay woke us up and led us to the _______ excitedly. He fell in love with the sound system.

A few days passed, and Jay asked me a ________ question. “Dad, how did I get from your bed to mine?” Ever the protected one, I said, “Santa may ________ you! Isn’t that fun?” He said nothing, walking into the hall and looking ________ at the floor. He came ________, “Dad, look at the wheel marks on the carpet (地毯). The stereo was rolled out of that bedroom and down the hallway.” I was ________. Jay was only six, and he showed me the evidence.

After that, the real fun began. Jay got to be Santa when we gave presents to a needy family—he just ________ it. We actually got the most joy from Santa when Jay kept the magic alive with us.

A.prepared forB.shopped forC.asked forD.looked for
A.on the sofaB.in my armsC.in our bedD.on my back
2022-04-23更新 | 132次组卷 | 1卷引用:天津市红桥区2016-2017学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题
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4 . Animals might not be able to speak or master advanced language techniques, but they certainly have other ways of communicating. Whale song, wolf howls, frog cries — even the fast dance of the honeybee or the friendly waves of a dog’s tail — are among so many ways animals pass on information to each other and to other living things of the animal kingdom.

When it comes to hearing communication, not every member of a species is just alike. Animals in different places have often been sounding off in different dialects. For example, one study shows that blue whales produce different types of sounds depending on where they are from. Some bird species are the same way. And what about those birds that live on the border between territories (领地) of different songbirds? They are often able to communicate in a way accepted by each of their groups of neighbors.

Communication between different species can play important roles as well. One study shows that iguanas (鬣蜥蜴) do not communicate by making sound, but their well-developed ears help them hear well the warning calls of the flycatcher (a type of small bird). The two species have nothing in common except for the fact that they share a general habitat and enemies. So when an iguana hears a bird make a signal of danger for other birds, it probably knows to be watchful for arriving enemies, too.

However, as noise pollution has become a serious problem all across the globe, many animals are now under fire. Increased shipping traffic over the last century has greatly affected the spread of whale song around the ocean basin. Studies have found that songbirds, too, suffer from noisy city surroundings. Some species have had to change their singing styles, producing songs that sound louder, in order to be heard above the noise. Their new voices usually lead to stranger and somewhat worse styles of singing that female birds find decidedly less sexy.

1. What does the author mainly tell us in Paragraph 2?
A.Various dialects can also happen to the same animals.
B.Animals communicate with each other in different ways.
C.Different animals have different ways of communicating.
D.Animals from different places may make the same sound.
2. What can we learn about iguanas?
A.They communicate by singing.
B.They are born with poor hearing.
C.They often bring bad luck to humans.
D.They get along well with flycatchers.
3. By saying “many animals are now under fire”, the author means ________.
A.they refuse to communicate with others
B.they cannot communicate effectively
C.they are now in danger of dying out
D.they don’t make a sound any more
4. Due to noise pollution, songbirds ________.
A.find it hard to attract the opposite sex
B.produce more songs that sound sad
C.begin to communicate by dancing
D.can not find food easily any more
5. The author develops the passage mainly ________.
A.by raising questions
B.by following time order
C.by providing examples
D.by analyzing the data
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文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。作者在文中介绍了自己最好的朋友Mitch Shapiro,尽管听力和视力都有障碍,Mitch仍然笑对生活并以积极乐观的态度感染他人、帮助他人。

5 . My best friend, Mitch Shapiro, is a person who makes me feel that no matter what kind of situation you are going through, you can still make yourself needed and useful. Words cannot describe the spirit of kindness and good will that Mitch Shapiro has shown.

Ten years ago Mitch started the Foundation for Sight and Sound after having been with the Foundation Fighting Blindness for a number of years. Mitch, who began wearing hearing aids at a very young age and now has two cochlear implants (耳蜗植入), has Usher Syndrome which is also called deaf-blindness; he is also going blind.

Mitch is the most capable person I know! He runs the Foundation for Sight and Sound, which is not a profitable organization whose task is to improve the quality of life for men, women and children with vision and/or hearing damage.

What makes Mitch my hero is his heart. It would be easy for Mitch to be angry at the world for the extremely difficult circumstances he deals with in his day to day life; but that’s not who Mitch is. He greets every day and every one with a smile and positive attitude. I can’t count the number of times I’ve come to Mitch with one of my “problems”; he is always there for me with compassion and inspiration.

Listening to him offering his ideas and plans to others as an audience is inspiration. Mitch is also a skilled cook, gardener, outdoorsman and stand-up comic!

Mitch devotes his life to helping improve the quality of life for others. Whether through his tireless work and fundraising efforts at the Foundation for Sight and Sound, or the cheerful way Mitch greets the world, or the way, no matter what else is going on in his life - Mitch makes time for people. He makes you feel valued.

1. According to the passage, Mitch has been suffering from ________.
A.blindnessB.hearing problems
C.poor living conditionsD.a deadly disease
2. The Foundation for Sight and Sound was set up by Mitch to _______.
A.support his huge family
B.help people with vision and/or hearing problems
C.raise money to help those who need help
D.make his life more colorful
3. The author of the article _______.
A.runs the foundation together with Mitch
B.is suffering from a serious disease too
C.is very grateful to Mitch for his help
D.helped lots of people with hearing problems
4. It can be inferred that Mitch is a person who _______.
A.wants to change the world
B.is good at running a company
C.likes to help managers in need
D.does well in cheering others up
5. No matter how busy he is, Mitch is going to _______.
A.spare his time to meet a person in need
B.make it available to talk with the author
C.spend some time with his family every day
D.raise money for the Foundation for Sight and Sound
2022-04-23更新 | 61次组卷 | 1卷引用:天津市红桥区2016-2017学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题
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6 . When I started teaching in school, I was sure I would change the world and touch children who needed love.

Although most of my students seemed to respond pretty well to my teaching, there was a small group of teenage girls who became more and more hostile (敌对的) toward me.

One day a fight happened in my classroom. Attempting to end it, I stepped in to face one of these hostile young women, who started hitting me in the face. Two boys jumped up to control the girl, but the damage was done.

While the girl was suspended for a few days, I was determined that she would not return to my classroom. But I also prayed. I wanted to see all the students right there in my daily work at school.

On the top of my daily lesson-plan book, I wrote this statement, “To see all the children in my classroom is always beautiful.” It was the first thing I saw each day when I started teaching. With this view I could expect healing in my heart of any anger toward the girl.

After her suspension, she returned to my classroom. The student’s young mother was trying to raise six children while her husband was away in the war overseas. The mother and I agreed to work together to help her eldest daughter.

There were no more incidents of anger the rest of the year. In fact, in the seven years I remained at that school, I taught all six of this family’s children. When the youngest was in my class, the mother told me, “Our family loves you. Every year one of my kids says, ‘I hope I’m in her classroom!’”

The standard of seeing each of my students as perfect was the best teaching tool I had, which led to success in the classroom.

1. At the beginning of teaching, the author ________.
A.was full of confidence in herself
B.doubted if she could be a good teacher
C.was sure to win love from her students
D.decided to change her students’ life
2. What happened in the author’s class one day?
A.A girl fought with two boys.B.She was hit by a girl.
C.She hit a girl in the face.D.She fought with several girls.
3. How was the girl punished?
A.She was sent to another class.
B.She was driven out of school at once.
C.She had to stay at home for a few days.
D.She was beaten heavily by her mother.
4. When the girl returned to school, ________.
A.she apologized to the author
B.she took her mother to school
C.the author was still angry with her
D.the author treated her with love
5. It can be inferred from the passage that ________.
A.the author got along better with boys
B.the author tried to let the girl come to her class
C.the girl’s mother was very thankful to the author
D.all the six kids of the woman are hard to teach
2022-04-23更新 | 61次组卷 | 1卷引用:天津市红桥区2016-2017学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题
完形填空(约320词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . One day, my father drove his employer to another city for a business meeting. On the outskirts(郊区)of town, they _______ for a sandwich lunch. While they ate, several boys playing in the street passed by their _______. One of the boys limped(跛行). Looking more closely, my father’s boss _______ that the boy had a clubfoot(畸形足). He stepped out of the car and caught up with the boy, saying that he was able to help get that foot fixed. The young boy was _______. The businessman wrote down the boy’s name before the boy joined his friends down the street.

The man _______ and said to my father, “Woody, the boy’s name is Jimmy. Find out where he _______ and do your best to get his parents _______ to let him have his foot operated on. I’ll pay all the costs.” They finished their sandwiches and went on their _______.

It didn’t take long for my father to _______ Jimmy’s house, a small one that needed paint and repair. For almost an hour, my father ________ explained the plan to Jimmy’s parents. ________, they looked at each other. When my father left they still weren’t quite sure about the generous offer from an unknown benefactor (捐助者).

Later, my father’s employer got in touch with the local government with a request to send someone to Jimmy’s home to ________ the family that this was a lawful offer. Soon, with permission papers signed, my father took Jimmy to an excellent hospital in another state. After five operations, his limp disappeared.

His parents watched in ________ as the returned boy stepped lightly toward them. They still could not believe that a man they had never seen would pay a large sum of money to have a foot corrected for their son.

The ________ benefactor was Mr. Henry Ford, the founder of the Ford Motor Company. He always said it’s more fun to do something for people ________ they don’t know who did it.

2022-04-23更新 | 43次组卷 | 1卷引用:天津市红桥区2016-2017学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题
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文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了Terry Evanshen经历了可怕的车祸后,失去了记忆和所有的能力,幸运的是,他得到了家人的支持,最终凭借毅力和勇气再次让生活回归正轨。

8 . Terry Evanshen was one of Canadian football’s greatest receivers. He played every down as if it was his last. Though he had made great achievements, Terry’s memories of his playing days have been completely lost.

It was in the summer of 1988 after he retired from playing that his career in sales was taking off. One day in July, Terry, on his way home from work, had a terrible car accident. He was knocked unconscious, and within minutes he was rushed to the nearby hospital.

Three weeks later, he woke up. However, it became obvious that Terry’s injuries were far more serious than whatever damage had been done to his body. A lifetime of memories had been completely wiped clean. He had been all but reduced to the level of a baby; everything from his ability to talk and walk to his understanding of what it meant to be a husband and a father was all gone.

At age 44, Terry Evanshen would be starting all over again. Luckily he had the support of his family, helped by small victories and a renewed bond between him and his three daughters, for example, when they taught him how to play football again.

In 1992, his recovery really began to pick up steam. It has taken years to rebuild his shattered life. But today, more than 20 years since his playing days, Terry is a popular public speaker. He tells his inspiring story of perseverance and courage. “Never forget, we’re all in this game of life together. We will get to the finish line, one day at a time, one moment at a time, but celebrate the journey. Seize today, because yesterday is gone and is never coming back.” As the subject of the most watched Canadian movie of 2005, The Man Who Lost Himself, Evanshen says his family has been his most important treasure. He refuses to be a victim, saying he is a survivor.

1. In 1988, Evanshen was ________.
A.a businessmanB.a public speaker
C.a football playerD.a father of two daughters
2. After the car accident happened, what was the worst thing for Evanshen?
A.He would never drive again.B.He couldn’t stand up anymore.
C.He lost his memory and all his ability.D.He suffered a serious physical injury.
3. According to the passage, what was the secret of Evanshen’s success in career and life?
A.His determination never to give up.B.His gift for learning new things.
C.His good luck.D.His fans’ love.
4. What can we learn about The Man Who Lost Himself?
A.It was lost in 1992.B.It was a boring film.
C.It was directed by Evanshen.D.It was based on the story of Evanshen.
5. What’s the best title for the passage?
A.A great football playerB.What’s a persevering person like?
C.The man who lost himselfD.Terry Evanshen’s life
2022-04-23更新 | 64次组卷 | 1卷引用:天津市红桥区2016-2017学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题
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文章大意:这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了英国的Cardiff Big Weekend音乐节,介绍了其举办情况以及特色。

9 . Live music fans all over the world are constantly on the lookout for live musical events and concerts. There are indeed a great number of festivals that take place all over the globe to cater to this great demand for music and entertainment. Among these events one of the more popular festivals is the UK Cardiff Big Weekend, which is famous for its featured talent that includes famous musical bands and artists and much revelry that has made a popular audience draw.

The event has taken place every year since 1995 and it is organized around by Cardiff Council. It is known as the country’s largest free music event, thus attracting hundreds of thousands of music lovers and enthusiasts. The celebrations go on for three days featuring different styles of live entertainment. What is more, the occasion also features a number of lively outdoor events that are celebrated around Cardiff’s Civic Centre. The participants can also look forward to the fireworks display every night that takes place during the closing of the performances.

It features not just budding talent, but also established artists as well as those who have made a name for themselves on the international entertainment scene. Generally, on Friday nights, the concert features Welsh Bands. For those who take part in the event, they can look forward not just to good music but also a fun-filled fairground atmosphere with all the attractions of a fair. Thus it is a popular spot for not just the young but also those who are young at heart looking to have a great time and hear a wide range of musical styles.

Festival participants can make use of the different hotel packages on offer from various UK hotels. Hotel chains such as Millennium & Copthorne Hotels UK have a number of attractive offers such as rooms with breakfast, long-stay packages and advance booking packages. Even if you are a last-minute planner, there are great deals not to be missed.

1. The underlined part “cater to” in the first paragraph can best replaced by “________”.
2. What can we learn about the Cardiff Big Weekend from the second paragraph?
A.It lasts two days.B.It is free of charge.
C.It is held every two years.D.It has a history of 30 years.
3. During the Cardiff Big Weekend, people can ________.
A.meet some well-known artistsB.watch Welsh bands perform on Sunday
C.visit a local fair near Cardiff’s Civic CentreD.watch fireworks when performances begin
4. The last paragraph mainly tells ________.
A.what we shouldn’t miss during the festival
B.what we should keep in mind when making plans
C.there are a lot of cheap hotels in the United Kingdom
D.good deals on hotels are available during the festival
5. Where does the passage probably come from?
A.A news story.B.A research paper.C.A music magazine.D.A history book.
2022-04-23更新 | 111次组卷 | 1卷引用:天津市红桥区2016-2017学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题
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10 . Want to join the Three Sixty Journalism team?

We provide several opportunities for teens to explore journalism (新闻业), improve their writing and communication skills, and connect with other teens and professionals.

Intermediate (中级的) Journalism Camp

A two-week camp in June at the University of St. Thomas. Fifteen to eighteen teens live in the college dorms and work with other Minnesota teens and professional journalist advisers to produce a news article, a personal essay, photos and videos. This camp is designed for students completing 9th through 12th grade who have some journalism experience, want to build their skills and report issues that matter to them.

Introduction to Journalism Camp

A four-week camp in July at the University of St. Thomas. Fifteen to eighteen teens meet from 9:30 am to 3:00 pm to learn the basics of journalism, including interviewing, writing in journalistic style and photojournalism. In the newsroom, students will produce written and video reports. This camp is designed for those completing 8th through 11th grade who have no previous experience and like asking questions and telling stories.

Sports Reporting Camp

New in 2011, a five-day sports reporting camp in August at the University of St. Thomas. Fifteen to eighteen teens meet from Monday through Friday, to work with the best sports journalists. Students will learn how being a journalist differs from being a fan; see how today’s sports reporters use video, online and social media; interview players and coaches and write a sports story. This camp is designed for those completing 8th through 12th grade who have no previous experience and enjoy writing and sports.

News Team

An 8- to 10-week after-school class. It’s held twice a year in the Fall and Spring terms and meets at the University of St. Thomas. Six to twelve teens produce one news story while learning the basics of journalism, including interviewing, talking to everyone comfortably, writing briefly, spotting a good story and more. It is designed for students in 9th through 11th grade who want to check out what journalism is all about.

1. Who would most probably be admitted to the Introduction to Journalism Camp?
A.Linda, in 11th grade, having some journalism experience.
B.Marx, in 10th grade, having enough time in August.
C.Tom, in 12th grade, good at making up stories.
D.Nick, in 8th grade, eager to learn interviewing.
2. Students in the Sports Reporting Camp can ________.
A.work with Minnesota teens
B.meet with sports journalists
C.live in the college dorms
D.play games with coaches
3. What do we know about News Team?
A.It teaches how to use videos.
B.It is a newly-founded team.
C.It is held twice a year.
D.It lasts four weeks.
4. What do the four activities have in common?
A.They are held in the same place.
B.They accept the same number of teens.
C.They all take place in the summer vacation.
D.They all allow teens to take part after school.
5. For whom is the passage most probably written?
A.Professional journalists.
B.Camp organizers.
C.Journalism lovers.
D.Sports lovers.
2022-04-23更新 | 62次组卷 | 1卷引用:天津市红桥区2016-2017学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题
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