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文章大意:这是一篇应用文。本文简要介绍了四位世界顶级钢琴演奏家:Martha Argerich,Leif Ove Andsnes,Alfred Brendel和Arthur Rubinstein

1 . Top Piano Players in the World

Martha Argerich

Martha Argerich could be considered the next Beethoven, as she is one of the most outstanding pianists ever to play. Argerich preferred being on stage with others instead of performing solo; therefore, she has been performing in a concerto format since the 1980s. Argerich was not one for the spotlight, as she often avoided public appearances such as interviews; however, her great talent was all the publicity she needed, standing out during concertos and sonatas.

Leif Ove Andsnes

Known for his appealing performances of Edvard Grieg’s works, Andsnes has won praise for his performances at some of the world’s most famous concert halls. Andsnes has certainly made his mark in Norway, as he is the founding director of Norway’s Rosendal Chamber Music Festival. Because of his unique voice and interesting approach, he was praised by The New York Times as a “pianist of authoritative elegance, power, and insight.”

Alfred Brendel

Known for his beautiful interpretations of Beethoven, Haydn, Schubert and Mozart, Alfred Brendel was considered one of the greats. He played in various concertos throughout his career and became known for his interpretive coldness in recreating these works. Brendel was considered one of the greatest musicians of the 20th century, as he made his mark in the classical music industry. Brendel was self-taught and learned his love of piano at an early age.

Arthur Rubinstein

Arthur Rubinstein was certainly one of the greats. His career began in the early 20th century when he began to come into contact with some of the world’s most important composers, such as Maurice Ravel, Paul Dukas, and Jacques Thibaud. He made various trips worldwide and visited nearly every continent, where crowds met him with great praise and encouragement.

1. What does the female pianist focus on in her career?
A.Skills in hosting concertos and sonatas.B.Cooperation with other musicians.
C.Close relationships with the media.D.Unique ways to interpret music.
2. Who learned music by himself or herself?
A.Martha Argerich.B.Leif Ove Andsnes.
C.Alfred Brendel.D.Arthur Rubinstein.
3. How is Arthur Rubinstein different from the other pianists?
A.He was the director of a Norwegian festival.
B.He made a difference in classical music.
C.He was the best musician of the 20th century.
D.He got in touch with some famous composers.
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2 . 假定你是李华,是你校英语社的成员。英语社每周一次的活动为英文电影观看。请你写一封邮件给社团负责人Jack,内容包括:
1. 评价现有活动;
2. 提出新建议;
3. 表达希望。
1. 词数80左右;
2. 开头和结尾已写出,不计入总词数。
Dear Jack,


Li Hua

2023-12-27更新 | 103次组卷 | 6卷引用:四川省自贡市第一中学校2023-2024学年高二上学期12月月考英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Hanfu, or Han-style clothing, one of the     1     (old) types of clothing in the world, is becoming popular again. Walking in downtown areas or scenic spots in the Chinese mainland, one can’t miss the sight of girls and boys elegantly     2     (dress) in Han-style clothing posing for photographs with either     3     oil paper umbrella or a circular silk fan in hand.

Actually, the clothing style of Chinese Hanfu kept changing over the centuries due to the     4     (change) in people’s taste, requirements and the availability of new clothing materials. However, the development of Han-style clothing came to a sudden stop, when the Manchus, after establishing the Qing Dynasty,     5     (essential) banned people from wearing Hanfu.

For a long time, Hanfu was worn only by some brides and grooms during weddings and a few other special occasions. Attracted by the elegance and beauty of Hanfu, a few brave youngsters began to wear Han-style clothes a decade ago     6     (take) photos in ancient towns. They immediately drew the attention of the public and the media,     7     in turn prompted (促使) others to try on Hanfu.

Thanks to the country’s emphasis     8     cultural confidence, Han-style clothing has been developing into a trend. Some cities     9     (hold) Hanfu festivals or Hanfu fashion shows so far. The     10     (grow) popularity of Hanfu has also fueled public interest in other traditional cultural elements, Chinese painting, calligraphy, kung fu and so on.

2023-12-19更新 | 271次组卷 | 6卷引用:2024届四川省自贡市普高高三上学期第一次诊断性考试英语试题
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4 . The Christmas of 2020 was not a time of celebration but just tough for many. It was ________ by COVID-19. Anthony, Sara’s brother, put up some ________ in the yard to make the holidays special. ________, right after Christmas, Anthony was seriously infected and ________. For Sara, the pain was almost too much to ________. But when she pulled up to her house at the end of a ________ day, the shining Christmas lights ________ her a little joy. They were the last mementos (纪念品) Sara had of her brother when he was still alive and ________. Taking them down felt like a final act of closure she wasn’t ready to take. So she ________ them up.

In February, Sara ________ a typed note in the mail. “Take your Christmas lights down!” the unsigned letter read. Sara looked at the paper ________ and got angry. She could have bottled up that ________, but she wrote about it instead. “I wanted to ________ people that we all had a tough year and people should be a little more ________ toward each other.” She shared it on Facebook. Sara’s inbox quickly filled with messages of ________. People started sending Sara messages about how they had ________ loved ones around Christmas. Then something strange happened. One evening, she ________ that Christmas lights were appearing — or reappearing — on houses in her neighbourhood.

The mystery had a ________ explanation: her neighbours had got together and ________, collectively, to hang their lights back up in honor of Anthony.

Sara never learned who sent the ________. But for her, that one mean-spirited deed was far outweighed by so many more acts of kindness.

A.dropped inB.stepped asideC.passed awayD.walked around
A.in personB.in shockC.in advanceD.in vain
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . When physicist Stephen Hawking died in 2018 at the age of 76, the world mourned (哀悼), after the loss, there remains the enormous legacy of the scientist and the man to consider.

Despite being a renowned expert in cosmology and black holes, there is still much to discover about Hawking. In Stephen Hawking: A memoir of friendship and physics, theoretical physicist Leonard Mlodinow offers a close glimpse inside the famous scientist’s life, ranging from his early days at university and diagnosis at age 21 with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis to his later status as an international celebrity.

After co-authoring two books with Hawking, Mlodinow isn’t short of stories, particularly from time spent working together on their book The Grand Design. Hawking lived a colourful life often filled with hardship, and the possibility of death was never far away. Far from letting this be a setback, it is what Hawking credits for his achievements. “It helped me focus,” he tells Mlodinow after dinner one night.

Even so, Mlodinow admits that initially he couldn’t help but feel sorry for Hawking, living with a condition that required round-the-clock care and eventually left him unable to speak or voluntarily move anything but his eyes, brows and mouth. However, writes Mlodinow, “overtime all that pity would disappear like one of Stephen’s black holes”, adding that “ it occurred to me that Stephen had proved himself to be an iron man in a fragile man’s facade (外表)”. That view becomes one that readers will also tend to adopt as Mlodinow looks back.

Achievement came in many forms for Hawking, who refused to be restricted in thought or deed. As Mlodinow writes: “Often we limit our chances at success by limiting the goals toward which we strive. Stephen never did that. We can get used to anything, and we can accomplish, if not anything, then at least much more than we give ourselves credit for. To grow close to Stephen was to understand this.”

1. What can we learn about Mlodinow?
A.He was one of Hawking’s friends.B.He worked for Hawking for many years.
C.He wrote two books about Hawking’s life.D.He was the strongest competitor for Hawking.
2. How did Mlodinow feel about Hawking’s living condition at first?
3. What can we infer about Hawking from the last paragraph?
A.He kept pushing his limits.B.He had extraordinary talent.
C.He was good at educating others.D.He was a man with definite goals.
4. What is the purpose of this text?
A.To praise a relationship.B.To introduce a book.
C.To honor a breakthrough.D.To promote a physics theory.
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6 . In the last months of Dad’s life, my brothers and I moved him to a local nursing home nearby. I spent as much time as I could ______ him there. Cancer had damaged his body badly and was now ______ his mind.

During one visit, I entered his room, only to find him in a ______ sleep. I sat by his side for a while ______, wishing for more time with him and also ______ I hadn’t made the most of all the years we had together. Then I got up and walked out.

A light rain was starting to fall and it matched my ______. As I walked to my car, I saw a woman in a wheelchair ______ to move herself out of the rain. I ______ walked over and helped push her inside. She thanked me and gave me a ______ smile. At that moment, I felt a light shine into my soul and a sense of ______ return to my heart. I walked back out, letting the rain wash over me, and thanked all the years I had with Dad. I also knew even if Dad died, the love we shared would ______ continue.

I now still think of that ______ of loving kindness. It reminds me that while we might not be able to live every moment to the fullest, we can still ______ the moments we do have. Life is

______ for love and kindness, which go beyond even death and are ever-lasting ______. May you fill your days with them.

A.eating away atB.keeping away fromC.living up toD.getting rid of
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了Johnny Agar因患病无法参加铁人三项比赛,但凭着坚强的意志和诸多付出,他的父亲和他一起参加铁人三项,并组成Team Agar,他们的故事激励了他人,告诉人们虽然结果未知,但是每一次尝试都是值得的。

7 . Johnny Agar had always dreamed of competing in triathlons (铁人三项赛) as an athlete. Unfortunately, he’d been diagnosed with cerebral palsy (大脑性瘫痪) shortly after he was born. This disorder makes it difficult for the now-28-year-old to get around. However, he and his father are proving that where there’s a will — and a lot of love — there’s a way!

Jeff Agar, 59, is helping Johnny experience life to the fullest by entering triathlons by his side. As a team, they’ve completed over 200 races, including a full ironman triathlon that required them to swim, bike and run 140 miles in just 17 hours.

“I’m not a fan of triathlon,” Jeff joked. “I’m doing it not because I love it. This is Johnny’s dream and I’m giving him the legs and the power to do it.” Although Jeff typically provides the majority of the manpower, it was important for Johnny to cross the finish line on his own legs. “Walking in races was my way of telling Dad, ‘Okay, I’m not just going to say thank-you anymore; I’m going to actually put words into action,’” Johnny said.

Johnny and his dad now form Team Agar, using their story and the power of motivational speaking to inspire others. “When we completed that 140-mile Ironman together, it had an amazing impact on many people who had seen our story. We began to see that competing isn’t just about us crossing the finish line; it’s about helping others leave uncertainty in the dust — even those facing greater obstacles than we did.”

Earlier this month, they received some incredible news. They were invited to compete in one of the toughest triathlons: the Ironman World Championship! What made the occasion even more special was a pre-recorded video message from Johnny’s idol, athlete Peyton Manning. “Rumor has it that you’re a big fan of mine,” Peyton said, “I’m a big fan of yours as well! You guys are incredible; you’re a true inspiration.”

1. What can we learn about Jeff from the text?
A.He has a great passion for triathlons.
B.He is upset about Johnny’s severe illness.
C.He goes all out to help his son achieve his ambition.
D.He crosses the finish line with his son in competitions.
2. Why did Jeff and Johnny set up Team Agar?
A.To give motivation to other people.B.To encourage more people to join them.
C.To make themselves more competitive.D.To participate in more competitions as a team.
3. What does the author want to convey in the last paragraph?
A.Peyton will record more videos of Johnny and Jeff.
B.Jeff and Johnny have influenced people positively.
C.Johnny and Jeff have been getting along well with Peyton.
D.Peyton has provided Johnny with material assistance.
4. Which can be a suitable title for the text?
A.An Old Father’s Love for Triathlons
B.A Disabled Competitor Works Wonders
C.Dad Helps Son With Cerebral Palsy Achieve His Dream
D.Great Achievements Made by Dad and Son in Sports
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文为一篇说明文。文章介绍了一种度假模式——“hygge for the holidays”。

8 . You’ve heard the phrase “home for the holidays”, but I would like to introduce a new phrase: hygge for the holidays. A hygge holiday is all about peaceful, quiet and cozy(温暖舒适的) surroundings. Sounds perfect, doesn’t it? Holiday hygge is easy and comforting. Most people are already doing at least some of these simple hygge holidays without even knowing it.

Hygge is a Danish word originally coming from an old Norwegian word meaning well-being and protection from the outside harm. It’s known that winters in Denmark are severe and last long. The concept of hygge has been used by Danish people to keep themselves mentally positive in the dark winter season and fill their homes with comfort and love.

Hygge is a very important word to Danish people, often used to describe what their culture is all about and it is not necessarily a thing, something you can buy, but rather more of something you feel. Hygge really is a reflection of one aspect of Danish living, and, happily, in the last five years the concept of hygge has made its way to the US and many other countries. I mean what’s not to like about nurturing(培育)peace and quiet and coziness?

Here are some more descriptive words for hygge: comfort, familiarity, friendship, laughter, and even seasonal homemade food and drinks. While it is possible to achieve hygge any time of the year with hygge activities-an outdoor BBQ with friends and a movie under the stars with family are good examples of summertime hygge, it is most commonly associated with the colder months because of its ability to lift one’s spirits during dark winter months.

Hygge is the most suitable for the November and December holiday season because it’s all about peaceful and cozy surroundings that fill you with contentment. There is indeed something you can do to bring holiday hygge into your home this season.

1. Why do Danish people choose a hygge holiday?
A.To deal with cold and long winters.B.To follow the latest holiday trend.
C.To fight against nature physically.D.To spend more time with their family.
2. How does the author find hygge?
A.It reflects Danish living totally.B.It is mainly about some feeling.
C.It is limited to Denmark and the US.D.It represents ancient Danish culture
3. What message is conveyed in paragraph 4?
A.People do hygge in more ways.B.Hygge is preferred in summertime.
C.Hygge is still perfect for winter.D.People access hygge in certain time.
4. What might the author go on to talk about?
A.Ways of hygge celebrations.B.Tips on achieving hygge.
C.Different opinions about hyggeD.Benefits of bringing hygge into home.
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9 . 假设你是晨光中学高中生李华。你校拟选拔一批优秀学生,利用暑期到希望小学为学生辅导英语。你希望参加此活动。请根据以下提示,用英语给校评选组写一封申请信:
注意:1.词数80词左右;   2.可适当加入细节,以使内容充实、行文连贯;
参考词汇: 希望小学   Hope School
Dear Sir or Madam,

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua

2023-12-03更新 | 25次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省自贡市第二十二中学校2023-2024学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约190词) | 适中(0.65) |
10 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Your time at senior high school will open the door to your potential.You may ask what potential is. Potential is your natural ability     1     can be developed when you try hard enough. The possibilities are endless, and you can make     2     difference to your family, to your community and to our country. Over the next three years, your potential     3     (discover) while you develop as a student and as an individual.

To fully realise your potential, it is     4    (definite) important for you to make the most of the school resources. Join a club or two, and make good friends     5     people around you. But remember a good friend should have some good     6     (quality). A good friend needs to be supportive, generous and selfless. If he is having difficulty     7     (balance) his activities and schoolwork, you should respect and support his choices.

When he     8     (struggle) with his schoolwork, you should help him become a more efficient learner.

       As a senior high school student, you must make efforts     9     (improve) your communication and problemsolving skills. Never lose hope, even in difficult situations. In time you will find     10       (you) growing into a wellrounded individual. Do your best!
2023-12-03更新 | 77次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省自贡市第二十二中学校2023-2024学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题
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