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1 . 手机已经成为我们生活的必需品,现在越来越多的中学生拥有自己的手机。中学生使用手机有利有弊,请就中学生应不应该带手机进校园谈谈你的看法。
注意:1.词数80左右; 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Should mobile phones be allowed at school?

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A Cheating Incident

Raj looked into the teacher’s stony face as she raised an eyebrow. With his forehead bathed in sweat, he attempted to hide the book beneath his desk, but in vain. The watchful teacher had already caught sight of his behavior. She swiftly snatched the book away and ordered him to stand till the time was up, a period that seemed to stretch endlessly.

To Raj’s regret and disappointment, he had forgotten to study for the important quiz. It was CAI, the crucial stage of his academic year, and Raj was having his Science paper. He closed his eyes as he tried to recall. Then, it dawned on him. A week earlier, his Science teacher had clearly informed the class, “Next week, we’ll be having a quiz focusing on Interactions and Matter. Make sure you study these topics thoroughly.” Raj blamed himself for letting such vital information slip his mind among the chaos of daily school life.

With the clock ticking, he was briefly glancing through the pages of his textbook, desperately trying to absorb any last-minute knowledge before the quiz began. However, just as he was doing so, the teacher severely instructed everyone to pack away everything except their pencil cases. Raj let out a low sigh, despair settling heavily in his chest.

As the teacher handed out the papers, he felt nervous and his hands grew icy and slick with sweat, showing his anxiety. Drops of sweat stood out on his forehead as he tried to focus. Thoughts of being a failure ran through his mind. He moved his body from side to side in his seat as he thought of the notes he had secretly hidden in his pencil case.

Finally, the teacher announced, “Class, the time is 10: 00 a. m. We will stop at 11: 00a. m. sharp. You may begin, now.” The noise of flurrying papers was heard as students attentively turned to the first page. Raj rapidly filled out the multiple-choice section without much consideration, his heart pounding faster with each tick of the clock.

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When he came to the open-ended questions, he sighed desperately from the bottom of his heart.
Once the time was up, the teacher took him to the headmaster’s office.
2024-04-13更新 | 146次组卷 | 3卷引用:云南师范大学附属中学呈贡学校2023-2024学年高一下学期第二次月考英语试卷
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3 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Drew and Tia sat at a picnic table in the park on a beautiful fall afternoon. The air around them was filled with the sounds of children playing, dogs barking, and people laughing or calling to one another. But Drew and Tia ignored the sounds around them and focused on the task they had set out to complete. They planned to start a school garden at Jefferson Middle School.

Initially, it had been Drew’s idea. He had first seen a school garden when he went to visit his cousin PJ. in Washington. He was amazed at the variety of fruits and vegetables the students at P. J. ‘s school grew. “It’s a lot of work,” PJ. had warned. “But it’s also my favorite part of the week. I love putting on my boots, getting outside, and seeing all the new things that have happened.” When Drew returned from his trip to Washington, he told Tia all about what he had seen.

Now, at the table, they were determined to come up with a plan to bring a school garden to Jefferson. Drew opened his notebook and prepared to record any ideas they had for convincing Ms. Milano, the school principal, that the garden was a good idea.

“We’re going to need an adult to guide the whole operation,” said Drew thoughtfully. “I know that Mr. Issac gardens at home. Just last week he brought in a whole basket of tomatoes and zucchini from his garden. He might be willing to help.” Drew wrote down Mr. Issac’s name in his notebook.

“We might need donations to get this project up and running,” added Tia. “We could tell Ms. Milano that we would be willing to organize a yard sale to raise funds.”

“That’s a great idea,” said Drew. “I think we need to be able to present her with a realistic plan. That way, Ms. Milano wouldn’t feel as though she agreed to something unknown.”

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Closing the notebook, they took action.


“Actually, I was doubtful when you first came to me.” said Ms. Milano.

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I used to play football when I was a little kid. Okay, let’s face it. I was never really a little kid. I was so big that I got to play football a whole year ahead of my friends. Our football league didn’t have an age limit, but it had a weight requirement. If you were heavy enough, you got to play. I was heavy enough at the age of eight.

The only problem was, by the time I turned ten I was too heavy. You had to weigh a certain amount to start playing, but if you weighed too much they made you stop. Not playing would be just fine with me. I would be happier sitting at home reading a book.

Dad was one of the team’s big sponsors and friends of the coach, so I figured I would let him down and that quitting wasn’t an option. I went, day after day, and week after week... until I was eleven and weighed more than two hundred pounds. I thought that would be the end of it, once and for all.

However, my coach came up with a bright idea to help me lose weight. The very next practice he presented me with a T-shirt made out of a black garbage bag. “Put it on,” he said, pointing out the holes for my head and arms. “Start running around the practice field.” “Koop going, Fireplug (消防栓),” other players would shout. “Fireplug” was the new name they gave me. Although no one ever explained it to me, I figured it had something to do with me being shaped like it.

Every day in practice, I had to run in that stupid garbage bag. My short fat legs weren’t exactly comfortable, and often I’d trip and fall. The other players would laugh. At that moment, I asked myself, “Why? Was I being punished for something? Wasn’t the running, sweating and pain enough?” I suddenly realized that I’d been knocking myself out for something I didn’t even want to do in the first place!

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It was then that I decided I wouldn’t play football anymore.


Much to my surprise, my dad was on my side.

2024-04-08更新 | 130次组卷 | 5卷引用:云南省三校2023-2024学年高一下学期4月联考英语试题
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5 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

In a remote and small mountain town, there lived a young woman named Lily. She was known for her kind heart and gentle nature. The townsfolk adored her very much and often sought her out for advice or a listening ear. Lily always showed her best passion in helping them, which made people in the town think highly of her.

One sunny afternoon, as Lily was walking through the town square, she noticed a small, shabby-looking man sitting alone on a park bench. His seemingly decent clothes were worn out, and his face bore the marks of a hard life, appearing helpless and being in low spirits. Feeling obliged to help, Lily approached him with a warm smile.

“Hello there, sir,” she greeted kindly. “Is there anything I can do for you?”

The man looked up, surprise flickering (闪烁) in his weary eyes. “I...I’ve lost my way,” he replied hesitantly. “I don’t have a home. I haven’t had anything to eat for several days, and I have no idea who I can turn to for help.”

Upon knowing his hardships, Lily decided to offer him some food and a place to stay. She introduced him to her family, who welcomed him with open arms and invited him to have dinner and stay with them. The man, who introduced himself as Samuel, began to regain his strength after gracefully filing himself with the delicious food provided by the warmhearted family. He expressed his sincere gratitude to them for the food and accommodation.

Months passed, and Samuel settled into a routine and became part of their household. He became skilled at various tasks and his genuine gratitude endeared him to everyone. He shared stories of his past adventures, in which he even had a narrow escape, and the family were surprised at his experience and admired his courage as well as wisdom.

One evening, as Lily and Samuels at on the porch, watching the sunset behind the hills, Samuel turned to her with a glimmer in his eye. “Lily,” he said softly, “I have a secret to share with you.”

注意:1. 续写词数应为150词左右;
2. 请按如下格式在相应位置作答。

Lily’s curiosity seized her, and she leaned in closer.


True to his word, Samuel lived up to his promise of giving Lily a large sum of money.

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She was six years old when I met her on the beach near where I live. I drive to this beach whenever the world begins to close in on me. She was building a sandcastle and looked up, her eyes as blue as the sea. “Hello,” she said. I answered with a nod, not really in the mood to bother with a small child. I was depressed: my life seemed completely out of balance.

“What’s your name?” She wouldn't give up. “Ruth,” I answered. “Mine’s Wendy....I’m six.” She giggled, “Nice to meet you, Miss Ruth. Do you want to play? Maybe we can build something together. You’ll be happy!” She looked at me eagerly, waiting for my answer.

I just couldn’t refuse this lovely creature. I asked her: “Why don’t you go to school?” “I don’t go to school. Mommy says we’re on vacation.” She chattered little girl talk as we built the sandcastle. When I left for home, Wendy said it had been a happy day. Feeling surprisingly better, I smiled at her and agreed. She pointed toward a row of summer cottages and told me she lives there.

Three weeks later, I rushed to my beach in a state of near panic. I was in no mood to even greet Wendy when Wendy caught up with me, “I’d rather be alone today.” She seems unusually pale and out of breath. “Why?” she asked. I turned to her and shouted, “Because my mother died!” “Oh,” she said quietly, “then this is a bad day.” “Yes, go away!” “Did it hurt when she died?” “Of course!” I shouted. She didn’t say anything more, tears rolling down her face.

A month or so after that, when I went to the beach, she wasn’t there. Feeling guilty, ashamed and admitting to myself I missed her, I went up to the cottage and knocked at the door.


A drawn-looking(憔悴的) young woman with red and swollen eyes opened the door.


“She left something for you,” her mum’s voice trembled and handed me an envelop.

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In a very cold January, a puppy wandered around Mr. Lacey’s house, where he lived with his wife Mamie and their daughter Doris. Icicles (冰锥) hung three feet or more from the roofs of houses and snow swallowed up cars.

The puppy had been abandoned, and it made its way down the road toward the Laceys’ small house, with its ears down and trembling from shyness and cold. Doris, whose school had been called off because of the snow, was clearing the steps when she spotted the puppy on the road.

“Come on, little dog!” she called it over. The puppy shyly wagged its tail when Doris approached. As soon as Doris put the dog down in the kitchen, her mom, Mrs. Lacey, asked where the dog came from. Mr. Lacey, who was cleaning his fingernails with his pocketknife at the table, said, “I don’t know where it came from, but I know for sure where it’s going.” Doris hugged the puppy hard against her. She said nothing.

Because of the snowy weather, Mr. Lacey couldn’t take the puppy to the shelter right away. So, it stayed in the basement, and Doris fed it leftovers, even though her mom didn’t want to waste food. Doris thought the puppy was around six months old and would be quite noisy sometimes. Surprisingly, the puppy behaved well, didn’t cry or make trouble in the basement, and only followed Doris upstairs when she invited it. Doris often found it on the basement steps listening to the kitchen talk and smelling the food. She felt the puppy wanted company.

Even after a week, Doris didn’t name the dog, knowing her parents wouldn’t let her keep it. Her father made so little money that any pets were out of the question. Desperate to keep the dog, Doris tried to convince her parents by praising the dog’s good behavior and expressing her love for it, but her parents didn’t give a definite answer.

Despite her efforts, Doris secretly wished the bad weather would never go away, fearing the puppy’s unavoidable trip to the shelter. However, nine days after the dog had arrived, the sun was shining.

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Doris knew it was time to say goodbye to the dog and felt rather worried.


Doris put her hand to her mouth and couldn’t believe what she had heard.

2024-04-04更新 | 314次组卷 | 3卷引用:云南省曲靖市第一中学2023-2024学年高二下学期4月月考英语试题
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8 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

A few years ago, I got a phone call from a company representative on my way home. “Thank you so much for taking the time to apply for the position. Your application has not been successful. We wish you every success in securing a suitable position in the future.” I felt very upset. But the conversation wasn’t over. “Would you like to hear feedback from us?” the voice said.

The representative went on to tell me I hadn’t clearly demonstrated my motivation for applying for the position and why I wanted to work for the company. The feedback was tough to hear. But I quickly realized they were right. After completing my Ph. D. in Germany, my top priority had been to find a position in Poland, where I grew up. As a result, I wasn’t very selective about what I applied for. I pursued any job opportunity that broadly fit my skills and interests. The job at the consulting company was something I was technically capable of doing, but I didn’t feel passionate about it — and that clearly showed in the interview process.

From then on, I decided to carefully evaluate each job opening and only pursue ones that truly resonated (引起共鸣) with what I was passionate about. In my applications, I also began stating more clearly and emphatically why I wanted that particular job. Soon the approach started to pay off, as I got an offer for a postdoc position in Poland that I was truly excited about.

A few years later, I found myself on the other side of the interview table. As a freshly hired group leader, I was interviewing candidates for the first Ph. D. position in my lab. I was particularly looking forward to talking with one candidate. On paper, his application looked great — nice CV, good recommendations, strong cover letter. But the interview went badly. He didn’t seem to have done any reading in advance about the research I was doing, which made me wonder whether he was truly interested in working with me.


I called to tell him I couldn’t offer him the position.


A month later, I received a letter.

2024-04-02更新 | 76次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届云南三校高三下学期高考备考实用性联考卷(七)英语试卷
9 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Thomas and Christine Noctor have lived and raised their family in the home for three decades. They and their 12-year-old grandson Dean, who lives with them, had most of their personal belongings damaged or destroyed after a fire broke out in Thomas’ home office on Saturday evening.

Ally Noctor was in the home with her mother, father, nephew Dean, and brother James when the incident happened. “My mom has COPD (慢性阻寒性肺病) so I said ‘just get out the back’, and she took the dog out the back,” Ally recalled. “My brother came running down looking for a fire extinguisher (灭火器), and my dad was screaming, ‘Fire !’”

The fire started in the box room It’s Thomas home office. He’d just done it up. It was clearly an electrical fault but no one thought at the time to turn off the electricity. The room started filling with smoke quickly and they had to leave immediately.

The house is located just a short walk away from the fire station. But when neighbors called, the available trucks were already out — so nearly 20 minutes had passed before the fire crew arrived.

Thankfully, they managed to prevent the fire from spreading to the attic (阁楼) or to any more homes in the community.

The family then went back inside the house to investigate what had happened and survey the damage caused. Dean’s gaming PC was melted, toys were melted, and even the shower was melted. All their clothes couldn’t be taken out.

“The downstairs is okay, but there is smoke damage and water damage. And all of the upstairs is completely damaged. My mom is still in shock. She’s just staring into space,” Ally said.

But Ally was quick to praise her community, who were right there to help the Noctors get out of the house the moment they sensed trouble and every one of the family got timely help.

Ally ran out the door without shoes on when escaping.
The temporary house is OK but New Year may be difficult.
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10 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

When I was in high school a few years ago, I was an energetic and brave teenager. I loved smiling, writing, and doing sports, especially football.

One day, my football teammates and I took part in an important football game. After the game began, the ball was soon kicked in my direction. I received the ball and crossed it twenty feet toward the goal, just in time for my teammate to meet it and hit it right into the net. “Good shot!” everyone shouted. The game started well.

Later, the game became more and more challenging as the other team tied with our team. And in the second half of the game, the score was still one to one until I received the ball with one minute left. I needed to hit the ball into the net, and I had a successful try, making the final score two to one. But in the meantime, a bad thing happened.

In an attempt to block my shot, one player from the other team challenged me in midair. But instead of hitting the ball, his body happened to hit mine, while my teammates shouted cries of victory and horror at the same time.

When I woke up, I found myself lying in a hospital bed, surrounded by my family members, friends and teammates, with a great pain in my right leg. There were also doctors around me, who told me how serious my injuries were. To my surprise, I would have to undergo a very rare operation that had only been performed a limited number of times in the United States, and the success rate is only 50 percent.

After considering for a long time and getting the support of people around me, I decided to have the operation because I knew that no matter which way I chose, there would be many challenges waiting for me. Would I be able to return to school? What effect would it have on my social life, hobby or future? These questions took over my mind. However, only time would provide answers.


1. 续写词数应为150左右;

2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Paragraph 1:

A few days later, I underwent the operation.


Paragraph 2:

I decided to bravely face my bad luck that I lost control of my right leg.


2024-03-30更新 | 44次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省大理州民族中学2023-2024学年高二下学期见面考英语试题
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