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听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65) |
1 . 听下面一段对话,回答以下小题。
1. How long did the hike take?
A.Three days.B.Eight days.C.Fourteen days.
2. What was the main landscape during the hike?
3. What animal did the man see in camp?
A.A lion.B.A wolf.C.A snake.
2024-04-15更新 | 75次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届南通暨苏北七市(扬泰徐淮连宿)高三第二次调研测试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Brazilian scientists think they might have found a way to undo the damage caused by the cutting down of trees and turn farmland back into forest. The secret lies in ancient local knowledge of soil.

Amazonian Dark Earth (ADE) is a thick, black soil found deep in the Amazon rainforest, and it could help restore forests around the world. ADE is a kind of compost (soil made from dead plants and animals). Various kinds of compost are sold in gardening centers around the world, but ADE is unique. It was created by indigenous people from the Amazon between 2,000 and 2,500 years ago. The Amazonian people, today known as Amerindians, created ADE using charcoal from fires, animal bones, food waste and poo. It contains microbes (微生物) that help to turn chemicals in the soil into useful nutrients that feed plants and trees.

Vast areas of the Amazon have been cut down, mostly to make way for grassland for raising cattle. Scientists are looking for a way to turn grassland back into rainforest and revive forest ecosystems. These support thousands of animal and plant species, many of which are unique to the area. Forests also absorb lots of carbon dioxide.

To see if the Amazon’s special soil could help, the scientists grew grasses and trees in ADE, regular earth and a mixture of both. Trees grown in ADE were up to six times taller than those in regular soil. ADE takes hundreds of years to create, so the scientists can’t simply make more. Team member, Dr Siu Mui Tsai, said that instead they want to try and “copy its characteristics”, especially its helpful microbes, and see if it could help to restore natural habitats.

1. What makes ADE valuable?
A.Its history of thousands of years.B.Its potential to enhance reforestation.
C.Its medical properties for plants and animals.D.Its being discovered by the Amazonian people.
2. What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?
A.The necessity of restoring forests.
B.The serious situation of endangered animals.
C.The positive effects of ADE on forest ecosystems.
D.The adaptation of grasslands to the changing climate.
3. What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.An alternative is bound to replace ADE.
B.Soil with similar features is in development.
C.ADE works better when mixed with regular soil.
D.ADE has been proved effective in growing trees.
4. Where is this text probably taken from?
A.A biology textbook.B.An archeology journal.
C.A science magazine.D.A literary collection.
2024-04-15更新 | 39次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届云南省高三下学期3+3+3高考备考诊断性联考(二)英语试题
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Wannan, featuring poetic landscapes as well as beautiful and graceful Jiangnan water village scenery, is a southern place in Anhui. A wealth of architecture with    1    (culture) landscapes is shown in these ancient and irreplaceable villages. The most representative one is Hongcun Village.

Hongcun Village,     2     (original) built during the Song Dynasty, has a history of more than 800 years. It has more than 140 well-preserved ancient     3     (building) from the Ming and Qing Dynasties and is known as “the village of Chinese painting”. When you first enter Hongcun Village, there is     4     wide and clear water feature, with two arms    5     (join) together that surround the ancient village. The entire village, reflected by Nanhu Lake, is quiet and peaceful. The once magnificent architecture, just like a lady who     6     (remove) her make-up and dresses with fog, presents the world     7     her unique charm.

The Hunqiao Bridge is a small arch bridge built, over the Nanhu Lake.    8     (look) inward along the arch, you can see the blue sky, white clouds, a lotus, reflections of the houses in Hongcun, and the local people don’t permit its beauty     9     (destroy). After coming to Hongcun, you will find that there are many students by the lake in groups of two or three next to the old bridge. They set up their easels (画架) and carefully paint the nice houses and locals     10     come to life in just few brushstrokes.

2024-04-12更新 | 137次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届河北省部分学校高三下学期语数英第一次模拟联合检测英语试题
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
4 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    1     (construct) from the 5th century BC, the Grand Canal was a means of communication for the Empire for the first time in the Sui Dynasty.

Before foundation of Sui Dynasty, China had     2     (continuous) evacuated several canals,     3     had been suspended due to natural environment. Some needed to be repaired but were still navigable, but were too separated from each other to form large-scale water transport nationwide.

The establishment of Sui Dynasty     4     (declare) the end of long-lasting split situation. In 605 AD, Emperor Yang Guang, the     5     (two) emperor of Sui Dynasty, ordered excavation of the Grand Canal to meet the political,     6     (economy) and military needs of unified nation.

The Grand Canal reached a new peak in the Yuan Dynasty (13th century), providing a unified inland navigation network consisting     7     more than 2,000 km of artificial waterways, linking five of the most important river basins in China,     8     (include) the Yellow River and the Yangtze.

As     9     major means of internal communication today, it has played an important role in ensuring the prosperity and     10     (stable) of China over the ages.

语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
5 . 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容或括号内所给词的恰当形式填空。

Mount Fanjing National Nature Reserve is located in the northeastern part of Tongren City in the Province of Guizhou. With a total area of 43,411 hectares (公顷) and 96.5 percent forest     1     (cover), this nature reserve is home to many rare and endangered species such as the grey snub-nosed monkey, the Chinese Dove tree, the Fanjingshan Fir tree,     2     an old-growth forest eco-system. Inside the nature reserve, one can find layer upon layer of mountains and valleys, clear streams     3     (flow) into deep blue lakes, and mighty frozen waterfalls     4     form shimmering ice cascades in winter, making for     5     even more spectacular landscape.

In January of 2013, Tongren City officially applied     6     (consider) as a world heritage site. In October of the same year, Fanjing    7     (add) to China’s tentative (试验性的) list of national natural heritage. In February of this year, together with UNESCO, China formally supported the application of Guizhou’s Mount Fanjing     8     World Heritage status (地位): These applications aim to protect, Mount Fanjing’s old-growth forest ecosystem and rare flora and fauna, while at the same time exploiting     9     (it) ecological products, promoting sustainable local socio-economic development, and     10     (ultimate) achieving a productive balance between protection and development.

阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较易(0.85) |

6 . Mother Nature never fails to surprise us with something extraordinary and unusual from time to time. There will always be news about something completely different that will surely grab eyeballs.

Blood Falls (Antarctica)

As the name suggests, Blood Falls is a waterfall which shoots blood-red water into a river. The sight is a perfect backdrop for a horror film; mysterious and of course bloody. Previously, red algae (红藻) were believed to cause the water to change its colour and turn blood-red. Until 2017, the true origin of the so-called blood was revealed to be oxidized iron in saltwater.

Frozen Bubbles (Canada)

Impressive yet a dangerous sight, frozen bubbles (气泡) can be seen in winters at Abraham Lake in Canada. The phenomenon occurs when methane (甲烷) gas gets trapped underwater, freezes, and forms other-worldly visuals. Such a large amount of methane trapped is highly risky. So even a lit match nearby can cause a giant explosion.

Hidden Beach (Mexico)  

Located only a few miles off Mexico’s coast, the hidden beach was caused by an explosion by the Mexican Government as part of target practice. The beach is now every lover’s dream destination. To get there, you must ride an hour-long boat. Once you land on the island, you have to travel through the waters to reach there.

Sky Mirror (Malaysia)

During the new moon and full moon periods, tourist can see a clear reflection of the sky in the waters of Sasaran Beach. This natural phenomenon occurs because the tides are the lowest during these days. The smooth sand and minimal water level create such an incredible sight. Also known as the “Mirror of the Sky”, this shallow water beach is an amazing place to click pictures and thus a perfect travel destination.

1. Why is the water shot by Blood Falls blood-red?
A.Saltwater there contains oxidized iron.
B.The waterfall has supernatural powers.
C.Red algae causes the water to change its color.
D.A film factory reddened the water for a horror scene.
2. In which situation may you be warned to avoid fire?
A.Admiring Blood Falls.B.Exploring Frozen Bubbles.
C.Boating along Hidden Beach.D.Taking pictures against Sky Mirror.
3. What do these natural phenomena have in common?
A.They can be accessible only by water.
B.They attract millions of tourists across the world.
C.The causes of their formation have been revealed.
D.Tourists may enjoy a better travelling experience in winter.
2024-04-09更新 | 91次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届东北三省高三下学期三校二模联考英语试题
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

The 16th to 18th centuries     1     (witness) the peak time of Suzhou classical gardens, following the rise of the city as     2     economic center, playing host to around 250 gardens. Some were inevitably lost to time, but some of the more recent     3     kept blossoming. A survey from 2015 to 2018 showed that the city is home to 108 classical gardens, 57 of     4     are in the historical neighborhood of Gusu district.

“Suzhou gardens reveal people’s adoration of nature by mixing elements of different natural landscapes     5     their designs,” says He Fengchun, director of the Suzhou Institute of Landscape Architecture Design. “They inspire us     6     (pursue) harmony with the world around us.” “Visiting a garden is like unrolling a traditional Chinese landscape painting,” she further explains. “So, like paintings, ancient Chinese philosophy and morals     7     (hide) in the details of the gardens.” In centuries past, Suzhou also     8     (large) directed the development of ancient Chinese landscape gardens as a whole.

Zhu Haijun, director of Suzhou Conservation and Monitoring Center, considers education programs for the young generation as key to     9     (pass) down the intangible heritage for the future. “The future destiny of the classical gardens is in their hands,” he says. “We’d like to plant a seed in their hearts so that the gardens can continue to flourish through the     10     (age).”

2024-04-03更新 | 108次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届湖南省岳阳市高三教学质量监测(二)英语试卷
听力选择题-短对话 | 适中(0.65) |
8 . What are the speakers mainly discussing?
A.The woman’s photo.B.A scenic spot.C.A TV drama.
2024-03-30更新 | 86次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届湖南省长沙市第一中学高考适应性演练(一)英语试题
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Adrift (漂流) in a Sea of Green

Living in the forest of steel-and-cement structures, urbanites are impatient to embrace nature on weekends. A natural forest in     1     people in Sichuan province tend to spend leisure time is the Southern Sichuan Bamboo Sea in Yibin. The 120-square-kilometer Bamboo Sea is the     2     (large) primitive bamboo park in China.

The Bamboo Sea     3     (recognize) as one of the country’s 10 most beautiful forests has served as a popular tourist attraction since scenes from the Oscar-winning Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon     4     (shoot) there. The bamboo forest got an ecotour rating when it was listed as     5     world-class bamboo reserve in December 2003, the fourth tourism destination in China to get the Green Globe 21 certification, allowing itself     6     (admire) by more people around China and worldwide.

Located in Australia, Green Globe sets the global benchmark (基准) for certification of environmentally friendly tourism sites.       7     (reflect) the principles for sustainable development and based on Agenda 21, the certification was approved by     8     (represent) of 182 countries and regions from around the world during the United Nations Rio de Janeiro Earth Summit in 1992.

Amazed     9     its vast expanse, Huang Tingjian, a poet from the Song Dynasty (960- 1279), described it as “bamboo waves”. As Huang was an     10    (influence) man of letters, his description gave rise to the forest's popular nickname — the Bamboo Sea.

2024-03-27更新 | 154次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届河南省五市高三下学期一模英语试题
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
10 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Chengdu, a city with a permanent population of more than 21 million and an area of more than 14, 300 square kilometers, is home     1     both captive (圈养的) and wild giant pandas. The Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding     2    (house) more than 230 pandas. Visitors can observe them from behind fences or glass windows.

When     3    (visit) Chengdu, one should not miss out on the local cuisine, either. Sichuan cuisine, listed as one of China’s eight major culinary styles,     4    (become) popular internationally in recent years. On the list of the UNESCO City of Gastronomy, Chengdu is     5     birthplace of classic Sichuan dishes such as Kung Pao Chicken and MapoTofu,     6     is famous for its spicy hotpot as well as its diverse street snacks. In this city.     7    (fill) with food, one can delight in a satisfying meal at any random roadside eatery.

The charm of Chengdu goes far beyond pandas and Sichuan cuisine. For visitors interested in experiencing the folk customs and scenes of old Chengdu, my     8    (recommend) is a visit to Kuanzhai Alleys. As a symbol of leisurely city life and local market culture, Kuanzhai Alleys is known as the”     9    (spirit) home of Chengdu people“. For those.     10     want to experience the hustle and bustle of Chengdu, Chunxi Road and Taikoo Li in the city center are the top choices.

2024-03-27更新 | 98次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届江西省鹰潭市高三下学期第一次模拟考试英语试卷
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