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1 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。


My flight arrived in San Diego around midnight, and by the time I drove home and got into bed it was nearly 2:00 a. m. I was tired and jet-lagged when I dragged myself out of the bed. Nevertheless,I had to be up bright and early that morning: I was the opening keynoter(主旨发言人) at a national conference.

In short, I needed to recover quickly. A hearty breakfast in the early morning sun was what I needed. I headed for Carlos & Annie’s, a popular restaurant located in the heart of the seaside town.

“I’d like steak and eggs, please,” I said to the waitress after I had finally found a table in the restaurant. “Oh, I'm sorry,” she apologized. “We're out of Special#2. We've served the last of our steaks. How about Special#14?” “Oh, no steak and eggs?” I couldn't seem to accept it.

I'm not sure if it was my heartfelt sigh that caught Carlos, the owner's attention. His warm, caring brown eyes seemed determined to pinpoint the best solution. He then said, “You know, I think I did see one final steak back


Pressing my luck,I quickly declared, “Wow,that would be great. But you know, I’m not sure if I want a breakfast stenk at all. What I really want is a steak—one that’s two inches thick, tender and juicy, served medium rare.” “Not to worry,” Carlos assured meand left. The young waitress gave me a wink(眨眼) and said with a knowing smile, “Carlosis being Carlos again!” I did not give her words much thought.

Then, I noticed Carlos as he left the restaurant through the side door and walked into a neighborhood grocery store across the street. Carlos exchanged morning greetings with everyone he knew and even helped the owner of the bookstore next door by holding the items that filled her arms. Then he reentered the restaurant with a bag in his hand.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Paragraph 1: Within minutes,an exact Special#2 was in front of me.


Paragraph 2: I was about to leave when I learned Carlos had already sold the restaurant.

2024-04-19更新 | 85次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届浙江省嘉兴市高三下学期4月二模英语试题
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难(0.4) |
2 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。

“Mom, please,” Ann a begged eagerly. “Please, let me do it by myself!” She had never made cookies by herself before, but at the age of nine, she felt capable of handling many things. Her friends had been baking cupcakes for a year. Yet, it seemed her parents had little faith in her.

“Anna is going to make cookies? Alone?” her brother, Carl, asked with a laugh. “That is going to be disaster!” Carl used big words to act smarter than Anna. Having a big brother could be annoying. Admittedly, Anna always appeared clumsy. But that was before she turned nine. She thought her parents should realize she would do better now.

At her words, a flash of uncertainty crossed her parents’ faces. Would they agree? Holding her breath, she had waited for what seemed like ages. Surprisingly, Mom nodded, saying, “Okay, but please be careful, and remember to take a look at the cookbook first.”

Fueled by determination, Anna raced to the kitchen. With each step, there was a sense of purpose and confidence growing within her. She had already done it with Mom a million times before. Putting the cookbook aside, she got down to baking cookies from memory, breaking eggs, dropping a cold stick of butter, adding salt and then…um…yes, mixing it well! Using a mixer was easy. She turned on the mixer at the medium speed—and whoa. Whoa. Whoa! Butter splattered (飞溅) everywhere, making the kitchen in a mess. Collecting herself, she turned back to the mixing bowl and started again. This time with softer butter.

Anna placed rounded spoonfuls of mixture onto the cookie pan and put it into the oven (烤炉). Within a few minutes, a fantastic smell filled the kitchen- the smell of cookie success! She was going to silence all those doubts. No more eye-rolling from her big brother. No more “You’re too young, Anna” from her parents. She believed she was grown up and mature enough to be relied on.


The moment Anna pulled the pan out of the oven, Carl stepped into the kitchen.


Now she decided to have another try, carefully following the cookbook.

2024-04-19更新 | 124次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届广东省佛山市高三下学期二模英语试题
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难(0.4) |
3 . 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。

Farah was checking the party list with her mother. The exams were over and Farah wanted to invite her special friends for a party.

“Farah, aren’t you going to invite Hafsa?” her mother asked. Hafsa had been her best friend who lived across the street but now Farah had made new friends. “Mother, I am now a part of Purple Girls Club and we have rules about friends,” Farah answered hesitantly. “What rules?” her mother asked sarcastically (讽刺地).

“Only very pretty girls can be in our group. Hafsa is ... dark. I can’t be seen with her. It’s bad for my image.” “Farah, I can’t believe you base your friendship on appearance rather than character. I had expected better judgment from you than this nonsense,” her mother retorted (反驳)  angrily.

Farah sank into silence. In her heart she knew her mother was right. Sometimes she too felt uncomfortable with her “cool” friends.

Just then, her father called, “Farah, come here.” Farah went and paled when she saw the report card in his hands. 

“Farah, how come you failed each subject? You were my pride.” Her father questioned.

She hated to see such look of disappointment in his eyes. The truth was that the Club left her with little time for studies. The girls got together almost daily for movies, shopping, and partying. It had seemed like so much fun but now it left a bitter taste in her mouth.

“Farah?” her father asked again , but Farah just hung her head in shame and did not answer.

“Farah, you shall take supplementary (补考) papers next month.”

Knowing how strict her father could be, Farah went to her room and opened her copies.

Seeing her homework filled with red crosses, Farah felt awfully terrible. How could she have neglected(忽视)her studies so much?

She called Gina, the leader of the Club. “Gina, can you lend me your copies? I need them to complete my notes for the exams.” Gina erupted into laughter. “Exams? Who cares? Farah. There are other ways of passing them.” Farah replaced the phone quickly. Even in desperation, she could never cheat.

One by one, she called her so-called friends but no one was willing to help.

1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;
2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好。

Paragraph 1: Farah sat dejected on her bed, searching hard in her mind for other names she could turn to.


Paragraph 2: Next Monday, as the two old friends entered the school together, Gina saw them and called out haughtily (傲慢地),

2024-04-19更新 | 10次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省绍兴市诸暨中学暨阳分校2023-2024学年高二下学期4月月考英语试题
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难(0.4) |
4 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

As Valentine’s Day, a time for expressing affection through the exchange of presents, drew near, Kendra found herself seated at the kitchen table, carefully penning her name on Valentine’s cards for her classmates. She recognized her own hesitation; words didn’t come easily to her. While she envied the ease with which her peers talked and laughed, her shyness often kept her quiet.

Kendra grabbed another card. . Her eyes lit up at the phrase “You’re dynamite (引起轰动的人或物)!”—a term that would undoubtedly delight her Grammy, who frequently used the expression to praise their festive decorations. “Well, that looks dynamite!” Grammy would exclaim, her approval filling Kendra with warmth.

Just as Kendra was signing the cards, her mother came in, sharing the sad news of Elise, their neighbor, and her recent accident that led to a broken leg, restricting her to home schooling for the coming weeks. Kendra felt sorry for Elise, and quickly picked the most splendid valentine, hurrying to Elise’s home.

Upon arrival, Kendra’s look fell upon the life-sized deer statue decorating the front yard. She studied it, saying to herself, “Wouldn’t this deer look cool with a big heart around his neck? Elise could look out of the window and see it decorated for Valentine’s day.”

With this idea, Kendra got the sizable red heart her Grammy had given her, tied it with string, and hung it around the statue’s neck like a festive chain. The next day, she decorated the antlers (鹿角) with a variety of smaller hearts. It was during this act of kindness that Colin and Amy, Elise’s fellow classmates, happened upon the scene. “Are you decorating Elise’s deer for Valentine’s Day?” they asked. Kendra confirmed with a nod, explaining her intention to cheer up Elise. Despite her uncertainty about what to add next, Colin proposed adding some color, while Amy suggested putting decorations on the deer’s back and forehead. United by a shared purpose, they agreed to meet later.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

That afternoon, they met to decorate the deer with the materials they had sourced.


Just then, Elise’s front door opened, and Elise stuck her head out.

2024-04-19更新 | 83次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届湖南省新高考教学教研联盟高三下学期第二次联考试卷英语试题
听力选择题-短文 | 较难(0.4) |
5 . 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
1. Why did the speaker go on the tour?
A.It was the prize of a competition.
B.John asked her to go with him.
C.It was her travel plan.
2. What did the speaker dislike about the hotel?
A.The drinks.B.The food.C.The waiters.
3. What did the speaker think of the trip to the museum?
4. What did the speaker do in the second week?
A.She rode an elephant.
B.She went to the mountains.
C.She relaxed in the hotel.
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较难(0.4) |

6 . The development of bigger brains has long been considered a hallmark of our species’ increased intelligence and subsequent dominance on this planet. The last two million years of our evolution were marked by a nearly fourfold increase in brain volume.

But a growing body of evidence suggests our brains recently changed in an unexpected way: They declined in size sometime following the end of the last Ice Age.

“Most people think of brain evolution happening in this one-dimensional way. It grows, plateaus and stops,” said Jeremy DeSilva, a professor of paleoanthropology at Dartmouth College. “But we’ve lost brain tissue equal to the volume of a lime - it isn’t a tiny little sliver we’re talking about.”

The precise timing of that Post-Ice Age brain shrink has remained a mystery until now. A group of researchers led by DeSilva used a mixture of fossil and modern specimen data to pinpoint that this loss of gray matter happened between 3, 000 to 5, 000 years ago, according to research published in June in the journal Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution.

Many anthropologists had initially assumed that the changes coincided with the appearance of agricultural practices around 10, 000 years ago, and a global shift away from hunting and gathering.

The more-recent dates from DeSilva’s group point to booming eras for ancient civilizations in North Africa, the Middle East and South America -complex societies that they think may have played a role in the shrinkage.

They hypothesized that human societies got so cooperatively organized in the past 3, 000 years that we began relying on what researchers call collective intelligence.

“It is the idea that a group of people is smarter than the smartest person in the group,” said James Traniello, a biology professor at Boston University and one of DeSilva’s co-authors. “So basically, if you live in a group, you solve problems more rapidly, more efficiently and more accurately than what’s possible for any individual.”

Traniello said the inspiration for applying this idea to why human brains may have shrunk came from “ultrasocial” insects such as ants. Ants form highly cooperative societies in which division of labor has favored smaller-brained individuals due to an advanced level of social organization.

The researchers suggested that perhaps our need to maintain a large brain c to keep track of information about food, social relationships, predators and our environment—has also relaxed in the past few millennia because we could store information externally in other members of our social circles, towns and groups.

“We’re so social that we don’t have to know everything anymore,” DeSilva said. “And we collectively then operate as a pretty functional society.”

1. What did Jeremy DeSilva mean by saying “But we’ve lost brain tissue equal to the volume of a lime- it isn’t a tiny little sliver we’re talking about.”?
A.The shrinking of human brain is significantly noticeable.
B.The shrinking of human brain is a normal result of evolution.
C.The shrinking of human brain is not as serious as we imagined.
D.The shrinking of human brain is not a big deal.
2. What point does the author want to make by citing the example of ant?
A.A species’ body size is not directly related to its brain size.
B.Cooperative social organization is likely to cause brain shrinkage.
C.The phenomenon of brain shrinkage is not limited to human beings.
D.Human beings and ants are among the most cooperative species.
3. Which of the following is NOT one of the possible reasons mentioned for human brain’s shrinking?
A.The coming-into-being of agriculture.
B.The booming civilization in the world.
C.The advancement of social organization.
D.The development of information technology.
4. What does the author most want to tell us from this passage?
A.The reduction of brain size is likely to give rise to serious consequences.
B.We humans are still the most intelligent and dominant species in the world.
C.Collective intelligence most probably account for human’s smaller brains.
D.Social specialization brings more good than harm to us human beings.
2024-04-19更新 | 33次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海大学附属中学2023-2024学年高二下学期英语期中考试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较难(0.4) |
文章大意:本文是记叙文。作者通过叙述Susan Shepherd的花园和她的绘画过程,向读者介绍了一个艺术家和她的艺术创作过程,以及她对花园和花卉的热爱和观察。

7 . Artist Susan Shepherd is best known for her flower paintings, and the large garden that surrounds her house is the source of many of her subjects. It is full of her favourite flowers, most especially vancties of tulips and poppies. Some of the plants are unruly and seed themselves all over the garden. There is a harmony of colour, shape and structure in the two long flower borders that line the paved path which crosses the garden from east to west. Much of this is due to the previous owners who were keen gardeners, and who left plants that appealed to Susan. She also inherited the gardener, Danny. “In fact, it was really his garden,” she says. “We got on very well. At first he would say, “Oh, it’s not worth it” to some of the things I wanted to put in, but when I said I wanted to paint them, he recognized what I had in mind.”

Susan prefers to focus on detailed studies of individual plants rather than on the garden as a whole, though she will occasionally paint a group of plants where they are. More usually, she picks them and then takes them up to her studio. “I don’t set the whole thing up at once,” she says. “I take one flower up at once,” she says. “I take one flower out and paint it, which might take a few days, and then I bring in another one and build up the painting that way. Sometimes it takes a couple of years to finish.”

Her busiest time of year is spring and early summer, when the tulips are out, followed by the poppies. “They all come out together, and you’re so busy,” she says. But the gradual decaying process is also part of the fascination for her. With tulips, for example, “you bring them in and put them in water, then leave them for perhaps a day and they each form themselves into different shapes. They open out and are fantastic. When you first put them in a vase, you think they are boring, but they change all the time with twists and turns.”

1. In the first paragraph, the author describes Susan’s garden as ________.
A.being only partly finished
B.having a path lined with flowers
C.having caused problems for the previous owners
D.needing a lot of work to keep it looking attractive
2. What does Susan say about Danny?
A.He felt she was interfering in his work.
B.He immediately understood her feelings.
C.He was recommended by the previous owners.
D.He was slow to see the point of some of her ideas.
3. What is Susan’s approach to painting?
A.She creates her paintings in several stages.
B.She spends all day painting an individual flower.
C.She likes to do research on a plant before she paints it.
D.She will wait until a flower is ready to be picked before painting it.
4. Susan thinks that tulips ________.
A.look best some time after they have been cut.
B.should be kept in the house for as long as possible.
C.are not easy to paint because they change so quickly.
D.are more colourful and better shaped than other flowers.
2024-04-19更新 | 35次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海大学附属中学2023-2024学年高二下学期英语期中考试卷
8 . Directions: After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fil in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

Buzzwords (流行词) Capture How We Lived in 2023

While walking along Suzhou Creek to gather material for my latest “Shanghai Expression” column, I was wondering     1    Shanghai’s modem skylines match the historical aspects of the area so effortlessly. The old and the new create a unique ambience (格调) .

Near the creek, I encountered Uncle Chen, fishing in a tranquil spot.

“Nice day for fishing,” I said in greeting him.

He looked up with a smile. “Yes, it’s a break from the mobile phono world.”

It     2     (strike) me that American publisher Merriam-Webster included “authentic” on its list of the year 2023’s top words. It reflects a growing focus on genuineness in an era     3       (dominate) by AI, celebrity culture and social media.

As I talked with Uncle Chen, the bustle of the city     4     (continue) around us. Food deliverymen buzzed past. Online celebrities in dopamine dresses held selfie sticks for livestreaming,     5     (highlight) the rise of a breed of “new professionals.”

Tourists and locals alike strolled through the area, some engaged in     6     appeared to be a “citywalk” —a wander     7     a clear destination.

Office workers walked by holding fancy coffee cups, a sign of the evolving coffee trends     8     have swept the city, like the “Moutai-flavored latte.”

Watching Uncle Chen, tourists, online celebrities, office workers and delivery people, I saw a changing city in a realm of constant change, summarized by a variety of contemporary buzzwords.

    9     2023 winds down, it’s interesting to note that buzzwords aren’t just words. Rather, they are markers of the dynamic, ever-changing aspects of life.

Each buzzword has its own story. Each popular phrase offers a peek into the hearts and minds of people, especially the younger generation. Let’s pause     10     (look) at some of them more closely.

2024-04-19更新 | 69次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海大学附属中学2023-2024学年高二下学期英语期中考试卷
听力选择题-长对话 | 较难(0.4) |
9 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. Why did the man close his Wechat Moments?
A.He didn’t like the posts on Wechat.
B.He tried to focus on the real world.
C.He didn’t want people to know anything about him.
2. How did the man communicate with his friends in the past?
A.Through emails.
B.Through instant messages.
C.Through face-to-face conversations.
3. What has changed in the man’s life?
A.He pays more attention to work.
B.He spends more time with his family.
C.He communicates more with old friends.
4. What’s the possible relationship between the two speakers?
A.Boss and secretary.B.Old schoolmates.C.Waiter and customer.
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难(0.4) |
10 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

The summer vacation had just begun, and Alex and Maria were ready to spend all day outside. They decided to walk to the neighborhood park, where there was a river that they liked to swim in when it was particularly hot.

When they got to the river, they saw that it was too deep to swim in. Alex and Maria were disappointed. On the other side of the river, about fifty yards away, there was a fountain from which the water is flowing out. “We should go to play in the fountain,” Maria said. “How will we get there?” asked Alex.       

Maria looked around the grassy riverbank and noticed a few logs and branches lying close to the water. “We could build a bridge!” she said. She ran over to a thick log that looked long enough to be placed across the river. Together, she and Alex lifted the log onto their shoulders and walked to the water. Here, they stopped. How would they get the log across?       

Maria suggested throwing it down into the water and seeing if it reached the other side. That seemed improper to Alex-what if the log did not reach the other side of the river, and got stuck or swept away by the water? Then they would be unable to walk all the way across the river.       

Maria wondered if they could measure the distance from the riverbank they stood on to the other shore. They put the log carefully down and decided to test the distance with lighter, thinner branches. They found a few branches and they tied the branches together using hair bands.

At their first attempt, they tied two branches together and went back to the river to test the length. The branches only reached the center of the water. After tying two more branches together to the initial branches, Alex and Maria were able to get the thin model bridge to touch the far bank, “Hooray!” Maria said. “Now we know how long the log needs to be.”


They set the tied branches on the ground next to the log.


Alex and Maria managed to get to the other side of the river.

2024-04-19更新 | 9次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省哈尔滨师范大学青冈实验中学校2023-2024学年高二下学期4月考试英语试题
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