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1 . When I left my job as a psychologist and went on a round-the-world trip, I was hoping to become a different version of myself. But I was soon ______. Away from the familiar life, I felt lonely and miserable despite visiting ______ beautiful places. And somehow, in the quick ______ for the trip, I’d forgotten that the thing you don’t choose to bring, but can’t ______ , is yourself.

However, as the weeks went on, something started to ______. It was during a stay on an island in Thailand, when a woman I’d encountered previously approached me and asked if I was ______ to join them for dinner that evening. I ______. At the meal she told us six women that it was her birthday and, as she was travelling alone, she’d decided to celebrate by ______ a group of women she’d enjoyed meeting during the week. While listening to their stories, I felt genuinely ______ by the honesty of these ______ , and was surprised, too, by the ______ with which I felt able to share things about myself.

At the end of the evening, we ______. Till now, none of us have seen each other again. I don’t remember their names, but I do remember the magic of that ______. For all of us, the anonymity (匿名) was liberating; we had no ______ past or future and, as a consequence, we could talk freely without any ______.

A.go aboutB.take overC.tell offD.leave behind
A.drew conclusionsB.parted companyC.made comparisonsD.shouldered responsibility
2024-03-16更新 | 68次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省大庆实验中实验二部2023-2024学年高二下学期开学考试英语试题

2 . Gene Work and his brother-in-law, Mark Rouco, were putting sod (草皮) on Gene’s yard. In the burning heat of the sun, they were soon covered in sweat and feeling a strong sense of_________. Gene fell onto the ground with a(n) _________ expression on his face. His wife Melissa Work was worried sick and _________ to call 911.

Even though he was close to death, Gene still _________ he sod. If it wasn’t put down that day, it would die. “While he was_________pain, he kept _________ me to have it put down because he didn’t want it to be_________.” Melissa wrote in a Facebook post.

Rouco was left behind to deal with the yard. An hour passed and _________ he noticed those EMTs (急救人员) showed up again. Gene had told them how badly he’d wanted to get the sod down, so they_________. With their help, the work was finally __________in under two hours.

At the same time, Gene got the __________ in time thanks to those EMTs’ quick actions.

The Works are still __________that those EMTs went above and beyond their __________. “These men,” Melissa said, “saved Gene’s__________, and then came back to save his grass. That’s just so__________.”

2024-03-15更新 | 43次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省大庆市大庆中学2023-2024学年高一下学期开学考试英语试题(含听力)
听力选择题-短文 | 较易(0.85) |
3 . 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
1. What does the man need help with?
A.The planting.
B.The harvest.
C.The building.
2. What did the owner of the horse agree to do?
A.Give the man a discount.
B.Let the man try out the animal.
C.Give the man the best horse.
3. What happened in the end?
A.The man sent the horse back.
B.The man began to like the horse.
C.The man got the horse as a gift.
2024-03-13更新 | 28次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省哈尔滨市双城区兆麟中学2023-2024学年高二下学期开学英语试题
4 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

At 6 pm in the mall on Christmas Eve, I was tired from my part-time job as an elf (精灵) helping Santa with kids’ photos to earn money during the December of my sixteenth year.

Everyone was very busy. I looked over at Shelly, our manager, and she gave me an encouraging smile. Instead of angrily shouting at her workers, she always positively encouraged us and stood behind us. Under her leadership, we had achieved the highest number of mall photo sales in California.

I knew it was a difficult holiday season for her —she was experiencing a family crisis. I hoped she knew how great she was and what a difference she had made to her workers and all little children coming to have their pictures taken.

Our Santa booth(摊位)was open until seven. At six, things started slowing down and I finally took a break. Although I didn’t have much money, I really wanted to buy a little gift for Shelly so that she’d know we appreciated her support.

I got to a store just as they locked the door. “We’re closed!” cried the tired clerk. I looked around, noticing all the stores had already closed. I was really upset. I had been working all day and had missed buying her a present by one minute.

On my way back to the Santa booth, I saw Nordstrom was still open. Fearful that they would also close at any moment, I hurried inside and toward the Gift Gallery. I found other shoppers were all well-dressed and wealthy; I was a poor teenager in an elf costume. How could I find anything under fifteen dollars in such an elegant store?

A saleswoman came over, asking if she could help me. Then, everyone in the department turned around and stared. Quietly, I said, “No, that’s okay. Just help somebody else.” She looked right at me, smiling, “But I want to help you. By the way, I’m Stephanie.”


I had to tell her who I was buying a gift for, and then admitted I only had $15.

Paragraph 2:

By now the store was closed, but she stayed to help me wrap the hat.

2024-03-11更新 | 26次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省讷河市第一中学2023-2024学年高二下学期开学考试英语试题
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5 . A New Chapter

The day I heard that the Rainbow Bookstore was closing after 50 years of business, I was heartbroken. The bookstore, which was a legendary fixture in the neighborhood, was a place where anyone could drop in and connect through their love of books.

When I hurried to the store, I saw that the books were al already being packed into boxes. I had a long chat with Casey, the store’s elderly owner. Sighing deeply, he told me how it was becoming difficult to run an independent bookstore. Most young people preferred reading e-books on tablets. More and more customers were being attracted by chain stores and online discounts. I tried to think of some words of sympathy, but I had to admit that the Rainbow Bookstore couldn’t stay in business much longer.

Childhood memories came back to me so clearly, as if the events had happened only yesterday. A bunch of us kids would frequently drop by the store after school. We’d look at the new books, or just chat with Old Casey. He knew every book in the store and would always pick the perfect one for us from a dusty shelf. We spent hours reading, seated on the store’s old but comfortable furniture. Casey encouraged us to share our ideas and comments on the books, by writing them on a large board in one corner of the store.

When I left the bookstore, it was becoming cold and dark outside. I turned to wave goodbye to Casey, but both he and his bookstore were already hidden in a thick mist. It made me realize that the bookstore and all that Old Casey had given to the community could soon disappear for good.

A few months later, I was back in the neighborhood during my spring break and was surprised to see that the Rainbow Bookstore was still there and open for business. Its old brick exterior hadn’t changed, but inside it was like a different world. In one area, a book reading was being delivered. Nearby, customers were poring over shelves selling stationery, posters and other best-seller-themed gifts. The large board in the corner had been replaced by a big screen, where customers comments on the month’s best-seller were being displayed. Clearly, the Rainbow Bookstore was in good, creative hands.

I was told that the community had decided to work together on a campaign to save the Rainbow Bookstore. The campaign had been led by Jennifer Oakley, a saleswoman who had grown up in the neighborhood and who had now taken over the bookstore from Casey.

Under Jennifer’s leadership, the bookstore was being turned into a place for literature-loving members of the community to get together. It had a café selling organic food, and there were now more community events such as book readings, poetry recitals and even jazz concerts and movie nights, where people could gather to share an experience that couldn’t be downloaded.

I joined Casey, who was looking up at the screen on which readers’ comments kept popping up. “Well, as you can see, corporate knowledge combined with creativity has brought my humble bookstore into the 21st century! I’m so pleased to see that everything I wanted it to offer to the community is still here.”

1. What caused the Rainbow Bookstore to be closing?
A.It was an independent bookstore.
B.It was affected by online reading.
C.People in the community didn’t support it.
D.Casey was too old to manage the bookstore.
2. Why did the bookstore matter so much to the author?
A.Because it was his family business.
B.Because he and the store's owner were friends.
C.Because there were many unforgettable childhood memories in the bookstore.
D.Because the bookstore offered him many new books.
3. Which of the following word can best describe Jennifer Oakley?
4. Which of the following memories didn’t cross the author’s mind?
A.Children’s going to the library in groups.
B.Spending hours in the bookstore reading.
C.Children helping Casey clean the bookshelf.
D.Casey’s encouragement for children to share their opinions.
5. The new Rainbow Bookstore________.
A.is going with the tide of the time
B.will not be more attractive than ever
C.is worthy of much sympathy
D.will disappear as the old one
2024-03-11更新 | 34次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省黑河市第一中学2023-2024学年高二下学期开学考试英语试题
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了Mark Anthony Gonzales在开车途中遇到警察追捕犯人,运用学过的巴西柔术帮助警察制服嫌疑人的故事。

6 . When Mark Anthony Gonzales saw a police officer in need of assistance, every element of the moral code installed in him through his Brazilian jiu-jitsu (巴西柔术) training — morality, courage, benevolence (仁爱) — told him to stop his car and lend a hand, even though his wife, Rachel Ortiz, and his four kids were in the car.

The suspect, a balding man of medium build, was running from a police officer in San Antonio, Texas. Gonzales slowed down. So did the man being chased — to avoid running into Gonzales’s minivan. That hesitation allowed the officer to catch up and take the suspect to the ground. But Gonzales quickly realized that the officer did not have control of the situation with the suspect struggling fiercely.

Gonzales put his vehicle in park and jumped out, as did Ortiz. The first thing Gonzales did was identify himself and spell out his intention to make it two-on-one in the officer’s favor and not the other way around.

Then, with the man on his back and the officer struggling to control the man’s upper body, Gonzales put his weight on the man’s legs. Seconds later, when the suspect rolled onto his stomach, Gonzales used techniques he’d learned in the gym: digging his knee into the suspect’s el bow and pulling the suspect’s head toward him to maintain control from the side. He then applied an underhook — a jiu-jitsu move where the hands are placed under the opponent’s arm to control the shoulder and upper body — and tugged until, after a few seconds, the suspect’s shoulder gave out. The officer clicked on the handcuffs and the threat was over.

Gonzales had asked his wife to record everything to protect him just in case anything was called into question. But Ortiz posted the video on Facebook, where it attracted over 56 million views.

Among those awed by the video was Brazilian jiu-jitsu instructor Rener Gracie, a fourth-degree black belt, who stated: “The combination of Gonzales’s technique and his calm communication with both the officer and suspect is the stuff of legends!”

1. Why did Gonzales stop his car?
A.To protect his family.B.To uphold justice.
C.To show his courage.D.To perform jiu-jitsu.
2. What did Gonzales do first when he came to the officer?
A.He joined in the two-on-one fight.B.He persuaded the suspect to give in.
C.He warned the policeman of danger.D.He declared his identity and intention.
3. Why did Gonzales ask Ortiz to shoot the video?
A.To record his heroic deeds.B.To avoid getting in trouble.
C.To attract views on Facebook.D.To expose the suspect’s behavior.
4. What’s the best title of the article?
A.Jiu-jitsu Makes A LegendB.A Victory Of Two-on-one
C.Lending A Well-Trained HandD.Justice Has Long Arms
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

When our youngest sister was born, my little brother Tom was six and I was eight. I had always been the “Big Sister” and he had always been “The Baby”.

Our sister’s arrival was a complete surprise to both of us. In those days no one worried much about sibling rivalry (兄弟姐妹间的较劲), and no “experts” told us how to deal with another child in the house. We had wise and loving grandpa and mom, however.

I was excited about the baby and loved to hold her and help care for her. Tom’s feelings were quite different! He just looked at her and left, preferring to spend the evening in his room. When I went to his room to talk to him and try to get him to play games with me, he just looked away. “Why did they have to get that baby?” Tom asked.

Later that night, Grandpa came over to see the new baby. As he held her, he said to Tom, “You know, she’s a lot like the baby lamb I’m raising on the bottle. I have to take care of her and feed her often, just the way your mom does with the baby.” Tom said, “I’d rather have the lamb.”

Grandpa heard and said, “Well, if you’d rather have a lamb, maybe we could trade your little sister for it. I’ll give you a day to think it over, and if you still want to trade tomorrow, we’ll do it.” I thought I saw him wink at Mom, but I knew I must have been mistaken because Grandpa never winked at anyone.

After Grandpa left, Mom read to Tom for a long while. Tom kept looking at the baby, and Mom asked him to hold our little sister while she went to the bathroom. When Mom came back. Tom was gently touching the baby’s smooth black hair, and as he held her hand, she took hold of his finger.

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“Mom, look! She’s holding my hand!” Tom smiled.


“She’s a day older now. I think she’s worth five lambs now,” Tom said.

书面表达-读后续写 | 困难(0.15) |
8 . 阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Emily was a shy and quiet student in Greenfield High School. Emily was known for her quiet behavior and her love for literature, often found lost in the pages of a book during lunch breaks.

One day, as Emily walked through the hallway, she noticed a colorful poster announcing an upcoming English poetry competition. Her heart raced with excitement at the prospect of showcasing her talent, but her mind was immediately flooded with doubts. “What if my poem is not good enough? What if everyone laughs at me?”she thought to herself, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

As the days went by, Emily found herself caught between her desire to participate and her fear of failure. She talked with her best friend, Sarah, who had been by her side since they were little. She was known for her outgoing personality and her ability to make everyone feel included.

“You have a gift, Emily, ”Sarah said reassuringly, her blue eyes filled with encouragement. “Don’t let your fears hold you back. You never know what might happen unless you try. ”

With Sarah’s support, Emily decided to take a leap of faith and submit her poem for the competition. As the day of the event drew near, she felt a mix of nervousness and expectation. She spent hours perfecting her poem, carefully choosing each word and line to convey her emotions. She practiced her poem in front of the miror, trying to perfect her delivery and expression.

But despite her newfound confidence, Emily couldn’t shake off the feeling of doubt in her mind. These thoughts consumed her, making it difficult for her to focus on anything else.

It was during one of these moments of self-doubt that Sarah came to her rescue once again. “You’re an amazing writer, Emily, ”she said, her voice filled with warmth and sincerity. “Your poem is going to be incredible. Just believe in yourself. ”With Sarah’s words in her mind, Emily felt a renewed sense of determination.

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Paragraph 1:

On the day of the competition, Emily took a deep breath and stepped onto the stage.   

Paragraph 2:

In the end, Emily’s poem won first place.

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9 . Friendship is a beautiful relationship. While some friendships tend to come to an end as we grow in life, there are some rare and special ones that are meant to last forever. No matter how many years pass by, the connection stays alive.

Two childhood best friends who were “joined at the hip” as kids were reunited over a half century later—when they least expected it.

Irene Gresty and Janet Henderson were neighbors in the 1940s, growing up in England, but like many friends, they lost touch over the years. After getting married, Gresty moved with her husband who was in the navy and was shipped to many foreign places. However, Gresty, despite living in many countries, loved her own country. Gresty said, “I loved the area where I grew up, so I wanted to settle down to enjoy retirement (退休).” Thanks to an event hosted by Bield Housing and Care, a non-profit organization devoted to supporting residents over 55 years old, finally they met each other. Gresty said, “We sat down beside each other and she turned to me and said ‘Is that you Irene?’ and I just laughed and said ‘Yes. Are you Janet?’ ” They couldn’t believe that they were meeting each other after so long. They spent the rest of the afternoon talking to each other.

Henderson said that it is usual in life for people to often move away from the area and lose contact. As their family names changed, Henderson couldn’t recognize her friend’s name despite being told about her. The two have promised to never stay long without seeing each other. They exchanged numbers so they could meet in the future. They have many years to catch up on everything they have missed.

1. What does the underlined part “joined at the hip” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?
A.Grow fast.B.Work hard.
C.Hang around.D.Stay together.
2. What made Gresty return to England?
A.Her friends’ invitation.B.Her husband’s new job.
C.Her interest in traveling.D.Her love for her hometown.
3. Which of the following best describes Gresty and Henderson’s reunion?
4. What did Gresty and Henderson promise to do next?
A.Keep in touch.B.Travel abroad.
C.Post their stories.D.Make more friends.
2024-03-08更新 | 86次组卷 | 2卷引用:黑龙江省哈尔滨师范大学青冈实验中学2023--2024学年高一下学期入学考试英语试题
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难(0.4) |
10 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, which I knew deeply from my grandson. As a result of a rare disease, I lost most of my hair. Being hairless felt strange, I tried to cover my head. I experimented with each of my hats to find a proper covering. Unfortunately, they were all either too warm or too tight. It was really painful.

During the day, I usually put on a scarf at home. However, wore is away from the house. The wig certainly improved my appearance, but it wasn’t comfortable enough to wear for long periods of time.

When my grandchildren visited me some months later, I wore my wig all the time. I put it on when I got up in the morning and didn’t take it off until bedtime. Since the piece looked similar to my natural hair, the kids weren’t aware of the difference.

All went well until my four-year-old granddaughter unexpectedly walked into my bedroom one morning. I was taking a shower and had temporarily placed my wig on top of a lampshade to keep it from flattening. My granddaughter saw the wig hanging over the lampshade and cried in terror (恐惧). She tore out of the room, sounding the alarm that something terrible had happened to her grandma. She grabbed her brother and dragged him back into my room to investigate.

Wondering what was happening outside, I walked out of the bathroom, with a bathrobe but nothing on my head. I couldn’t understand why my granddaughter was looking at me as if I were a monster (怪兽) from outer space.

She continued to stare at me in panic, as if wondering why this hairless creature was wearing her grandmother’s clothes. Where had her grandmother gone, and who was this strange person with the hairless head?

My grandson, who was seven and had heard about my disease, understood a few things about wigs. He tried to calm his sister, but she was still too upset to recognize me.

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I explained to her that the wig was fake hair.
Several weeks after my grandchildren returned home, I received a small package.
2024-03-07更新 | 21次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省双鸭山市第一中学2023-2024学年高二下学期开学英语试题
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