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1 . My family always had some sort of animal around, but none of them were truly mine. My parents didn’t permit me to _________ my own until I was seven years old. Finally, I was _________ to have my own _________, a fish called George. I said it was my responsibility to _________ it.

Every Friday I would clean out his bowl. I found myself _________ invitations to go somewhere immediately after school, because I would have to feed my fish first. Every day he would remind me that I was _________ and that I had someone depending on me.

One day, I came home from school and headed to my room to _________George. I found a _________ thing had happened. I _________ my bag and ran over to the bowl. I saw my best friend George floating around lifeless.

My mom walked into my room. I turned around as tears started to well in my eyes. “Mommy, George d…d…died.” With that __________ word I started crying uncontrollably. My mom came to my side as I hid my face in my pillows.

Suddenly, I realized that George hadn’t just __________ me. He had taught me what __________ meant. I learned it through feeding him and cleaning his bowl. This made me feel __________ . To my seven-year-old self, this was a great __________ . Slowly, a smile crossed my face. George was gone.__________ , the lessons he taught me would forever be carved into my memory.

A.take care ofB.make use ofC.get hold ofD.look forward to
A.reading outB.putting awayC.turning downD.showing off
2024-04-16更新 | 87次组卷 | 2卷引用:河南省许昌市2023-2024学年高二上学期2月期末英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

2 . I am a big laugher. I’ve been told that even in a room of a thousand people, you can always hear me laughing over the crowd. For me, laughter is the ultimate form of embodied joy. And by “embodied”, I mean that my whole body is involved when I laugh. On the inside, it’s like a bubbling fountain of joy spilling out all over the place.

But what is joy, anyway?

Life can be terrible, but if you decide to follow the sound of the joy-fountain, you will find joy showing up in all kinds of places: pets playfully bouncing around, kindness, or even in nothingness.

How can joy be found? A friend moved into a new apartment and needed some help, so I helped him. Afterwards, he was obviously so much happier and at ease. I noticed that playing even a small part in his happiness brought me great joy, and I took a moment to let this feeling of embodied joy in. We can practice letting joy in by noticing how it feels to smile. Where does your body light up when you smile? When I smile, it makes me want to take a deep breath, and I notice my shoulders and belly relaxing. When I embody caring and loving, it feels great!

Sadly, many of us are unaware of joy, or suspicious of it. Maybe you are afraid to open up to joy, or maybe you are so unfamiliar with what joy feels like that you ignore or resist it when it comes knocking. No one, other than you, owns your happiness, but you might unknowingly block feelings or experiences that help you embody joy. The fact is that when you can’t embody joy, you miss out on one of life’s essential vitamins.

Want more joy? Don’t be afraid to look silly. Silliness helps us take things less personally. It helps us see the world the way a kiddoes. When we can find more joy in the smalls of everyday life, we can embody happiness, rather than just pursuing it.

1. How is the topic of joy introduced at the beginning of the passage?
A.By highlighting a joyful experience.
B.By stressing the importance of laughing.
C.By presenting an ultimate form of satisfaction.
D.By sharing the author’s understanding of joy.
2. What might be the author’s advice on finding joy?
A.Taking a deep breath.B.Smiling to your friends.
C.Doing small acts of kindness.D.Reflecting on nothingness.
3. What is the best title of the text?
A.Life is the creation of joyB.A happy man always laughs last
C.People are always unaware of joyD.Happy people are happy in childhood
2024-04-16更新 | 28次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省杭州市第四中学下沙校区2023-2024学年高一下学期开学考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲的是Emest Owusu受到Thatcher夫人的影响,从而改变了自己的人生。

3 . Emest Owusu was 13 in 1980 when he was given the opportunity to appear in the audience of a BBC show, and ask Thatcher how she felt about being called the Iron Lady. This encounter re-emerged in a BBC’s programme recently.

At the time of their meeting, Owusu was on free school meals, living on a public estate in Brixton, south London, where he and his sister were being raised by their mother Rose, a struggling hairdresser.

Now 57, Owusu looks remarkably similar even with a greying beard. But his life has been transformed. The father of three is a human resources director, and the first black captain of the Addington golf club in its 110-year history. As a black guy, it is about breaking the glass ceiling. Speaking in its clubhouse, Owusu describes his rise in social status (地位) as a “Thatcherite Journey”. And he says it began by asking the woman herself. “To this day it still has an impact. My confidence changed from that sliding-door moment. Something about her connected with me.”

Thatcher told Owusu she enjoyed being called the Iron Lady. “I think it’s rather a praise, don’t you?” she said, “Because so often people have said to me if you’re in your job you’ve got to be soft and warm and human, but you’ve got to have a touch of steel.” Owusu recalls the moment, “I just remember her eye contact. She was answering me, not the camera. She welcomed the question saying you’ve got to be firm in this world. And that stuck with me.”

After the show was broadcast, Owusu said he became “a little hero in Brixton for a good three months”. Owusu added, “It all gave me extra confidence. Doors might not have opened so quickly. It was one of those key moments to make you do things maybe you wouldn’t otherwise have done.”

1. What do we know about Owusu when he was 13?
A.He met with Thatcher twice.
B.He joined a famous golf club.
C.He hosted a BBC’s programme.
D.He lived at the bottom of society.
2. What do the underlined words “sliding-door moment” in paragraph 4 probably mean?
A.Turning point.B.Important decision.
C.Social status.D.Remarkable achievement.
3. Based on the text, what made a big difference to Owusu?
A.Others’ treating him equally at work.
B.Others’ voting him a hero in Brixton.
C.Thatcher’s efforts to preserve his dignity.
D.Thatcher’s faith in the necessity of toughness.
4. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?
A.The Art of DialogueB.The Power of Confidence
C.A Life-changing MeetingD.A Status-improving Tale
完形填空(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . This was the big game. The boys were _________ and excited. It was a clear night, and my son, Andy’s baseball team, which had _________ all year, had shocked the better teams by making it to this championship game. The atmosphere was _________: the other team’s slugger (强击手), a big kid, was like a snake, dangerous and ready to _________.

Nervously, I looked out Andy’s way. I was _________ to see Andy looking straight up at the night sky! Obviously he wasn’t _________ on the game. I was horrified that he wouldn’t even know the ball was coming.

“Come on, Andy. _________ out there,” I said to myself.

Thank goodness, a big kid in the other team made a mistake. Andy and I had been _________ and our team still led by one run.

Andy ran up to me at the _________. I was about to ____________ him when he said loudly, “Did you see that shooting star?”

Andy’s eyes were glowing (发光) with ____________. I paused.

“Yes,” I said. “Well, one inning (局) to go. Hit a home run (全垒打)!”

“Okay!” said Andy, and he ran back to his ____________.

I suddenly realized it was nice that my son would take time out to ____________ the wonder and beauty in life. You might be surprised by the beauty you can find when you least ____________ it. Andy hit a triple (三垒打) in that last inning. But I still wish I had ____________ that shooting star, too.

A.Settle downB.Stand upC.Wake upD.Lie down
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

5 . On a cold morning in May, I received a fascinating email from a high school friend. inviting me to a 10-day all-female surfing adventure in Portugal. The offer was irresistible, and I instantly knew my answer was yes.

The trip seemed simple enough. Ten women, ranging from 30 to 45 years old, all strangers, will gather on the Portuguese coast to embrace the challenge of surfing the Atlantic waves.

As a travel enthusiast, I quickly sought permission from my boss for this once-in-a- lifetime journey.

Through my 33 years, I’ve observed a common adult tendency: we often limit ourselves to refining skills we already possess. There’s a certain pride in improving our expertise, becoming increasingly knowledgeable in our chosen fields, yet unintentionally, this focus often leaves other skills undeveloped and leads to neglecting other areas of potential growth.

Two days later, I arrived in Ericeira, a charming surf town, where I met my surfing group. Despite our different personalities and backgrounds, we were all united in a persistent desire to challenge ourselves, learn, tackle and grow.

The shores at Ericeira, where the beginners learn to surf, are shallow and covered with slippery rocks. They make for softer waves but are difficult to navigate (驾驭).

Guided by our amazing coaches, together, we faced the waves. Sometimes, it poured with rain, and the waves crashed around us, but we were still out there. And with every slip and fall, words of encouragement filled the air.

Honestly, I probably spent most of my days frozen to the bone, but that didn’t matter because a new level of genuine joy and personal achievement had been unlocked.

Learning a new skill taught me the humbleness that can come from doing badly at something new, and the pride that develops when you finally manage to grasp something you’ve been working on.

While surfing might not be my calling, trying it out inspired me to take more risks in life, to step outside of my comfort zone and to never stop believing in myself. You never know what you’re capable of if you don’t go out there and try.

1. What motivated the author to join the surf trip to Portugal?
A.The opportunity to improve existing skills.
B.The need to reconnect with a high school friend.
C.The chance to undertake work duties in Portugal.
D.The desire to embrace a challenge and learn a new skill.
2. Which of the following words best describe the author’s surfing experience?
A.Tough but rewarding.B.Boring and uneventful.
C.Difficult and frustrating.D.Relaxing but unpredictable.
3. What can be inferred about the author?
A.She used to lack confidence in herself.
B.She became more willing to take risks.
C.She went on to become an expert surfer.
D.She discovered the surfing was her true calling.
4. What wisdom did the author gain from the experience with surfing?
A.The value of pushing your limits and trying new things.
B.The need to seek professional training in all new skills.
C.The benefit of traveling with unknown companions.
D.The importance of being an expert in one field.
2024-04-16更新 | 27次组卷 | 1卷引用:吉林省长春外国语学校2023-2024学年高二下学期4月月考英语试题
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

What on earth does happiness mean? I can’t give you its exact definition, but I’m sure if you love and help others you’ll get it.

I’ll never forget an old lady. She lives in    1    small house alone. It is said that her husband and her son    2    (die) in a road accident years ago. Her life is bitter, but she often helps others     3    a smile. Whenever it snows, she is always the first    4    (clean) the paths. She looks after several children living nearby. I am one of them. I often remember the stories she told us and her kind smile. Perhaps she is unlucky, but I think she is a happy person. Her life is full of    5       (laugh) and love.

But I’m sad to see some people getting their happiness in bad ways. They talk    6    (noisy) in cinemas and meeting rooms; they destroy trees to enjoy themselves and they laugh at others shortcomings. Perhaps they feel happy at that time,    7     they will never get true happiness because they    8    (lose) their personality already.

Now I know what happiness is.    9    means kindness, love and unselfishness. Above all, I have come to understand that    10    (bring) happiness to others is getting ourselves happiness.

2024-04-16更新 | 17次组卷 | 1卷引用:安徽省芜湖市第一中学2022-2023学年高二上学期期中考试英语试卷

7 . The doorbell rang one mid-December evening. I frequently had unexpected visitors in those early days after my husband’s ________. But when my 6-year-old son opened the door, nobody was there. ________, on the doormat was a box, tied with a silver ________ and a note that said “On the First Day of Christmas...” A mystery.

Sam had died that fall, ________ me the single parent of our two boys, 6 and 8. My sons and I had already ________ to deal with Halloween, and Thanksgiving without Daddy. Still, I was afraid of Christmas. How could December have ________ without my husband?

The next night, the doorbell rang again. Another ________ came, decorated with the same silver ribbon (带子) and ________ the same card reading “On the Second Day of Christmas...”

For the next couple of nights, my boys waited near the front door to see who was leaving the gifts, but the bearer would always choose the moment they left to ________.

I didn’t know who the secret Santa was. But there was one thing I did know. In those dark days of ________, somebody was shining a light our way with a simple but ________ message: “You are loved.” It was such a strange feeling, to be left in darkness on the one hand and drawn so firmly toward ________ on the other. I believe hope will make a(n) ________.

After 11 days of offerings, we weren’t sure what to ________ when we approached home on that 12th night. I trusted there would be ________.

A.get throughB.set offC.move onD.turn up
完形填空(约270词) | 较易(0.85) |

8 . Snow had just melted off the ground that April day at our house in Regina Beach. My husband, Carl, had just cleaned up the pool in preparation for selling our _______. The year before, Carl had lost his job, and our economic situation was _______, so we had finally put our home on the _______. The thought of losing our beautiful home was almost more than I could bear.

Deep in despair(绝望), I sat _______ a job application letter for Carl. Out of the corner of my eye I could see our thirteen-month-old son, Forrest, playing near our two beloved dogs, Nana and Sasa. I hadn’t typed more than two sentences when Nana, began _______ violently at the pool and running back and forth.

I _______ to see what was happening. Suddenly, I realized Forrest was nowhere to be seen. Then to my _______, my eyes _______ Forrest’s yellow sleeper in the pool. Sasa was _______ doing her best to keep him afloat by holding on to his sleeper with her mouth. I realized that Forrest had somehow fallen into the ________.

In a split second, I dove in, lifted my precious baby out and carried him inside. But when I realized Forrest wasn’t breathing, I began to go into shock. ________, Carl, who was trained in CPR, arrived and then took over. I stood by with my heart in my ________, and after about three minutes, Forrest began to ________ again.

Things in our lives are much better now. Most importantly, almost losing Forrest —and then ________ — erased any despair I might have had about losing our home.

A house can always be replaced, but knowing we have each other is the greatest ________ of all.

A.took care ofB.caught sight ofC.got rid ofD.looked down on
A.taking him inB.cheering him upC.getting him backD.showing him around
2024-04-16更新 | 32次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖南省株洲市第二中学2023-2024学年高一下学期第二次阶段性测试英语试题

9 . When it came to weather, I was always complaining about wind or rain. Although it was _________ unusual for the arrival of wind or rain, it caused _________ for me to go out, and sometimes it even created an awful atmosphere, so I _________ it strongly.

On a rainy day, I met a meteorologist(气象学家), who was very _________ at my great anger caused by rain that made a little inconvenience for me. He asked, “Have you ever seen typhoon? Do you know what would happen to the world if there were no typhoon?” I _________ my head.

“Well, let me tell you,” the meteorologist said. “Without it the _________ of freshwater will be more serious, for it is a great source of water supply on the earth. Without it, there would be a greater _________ in the distribution(分布)of warmth. The equatorial (赤道的)area that receives the most sunshine on the earth _________ on typhoon to disperse(驱散)heat. Without typhoon, the tropics would be even hotter, while the frigid zones much _________. As a result, the temperate(温带的)zones would __________ from the world.”

Ignorance made me __________. I disliked wind only because it ruffled(吹乱)my hair. I hated rain only because I had to carry an umbrella. But I had no idea at that typhoon—something a thousand times more violent and disturbing than wind or rain—was a __________ to the existence of mankind.

It __________ to my mind that hard as it is for people to guard against typhoon, it is advisable for a man to stop to think for a moment before he complains. “What if typhoon disappeared altogether? What would the world become then?” The __________ will keep him calm and lead him closer to the truth—he will be better __________ of the world he lives in.

A.far-sightedB.short-sightedC.in sightD.out of sight
2024-04-16更新 | 56次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖南省长沙市长郡中学2023-2024学年高一下学期4月选科适应性检测英语试题
书面表达-概要写作 | 较难(0.4) |
10 . Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point (s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.

Have You Got Success Amnesia?

Have you heard yourself say “it was nothing really” when someone congratulates you on a job well done? Or have you drawn a blank when you are asked to make a list of what you have achieved? If so, you have suffered success amnesia. Failing to acknowledge your hard work is often a sign of success amnesia. It signals that there might be a gap between how others view your achievements and how you see them.

People who have success amnesia often have a strong track record at work or get it sorted for family members. They are people who others would describe as successful and yet they find it difficult to acknowledge and own their results. They don’t hold their achievements in their memory bank.

This particular type of memory loss robs them of the satisfaction and pleasure that can follow in achieving a goal. And, perhaps more importantly, it robs them of confidence. Confidence does not guarantee success, but it does increase the chance of success. Why not try some practical methods?     

Ask for feedback about the impact you’ve had and then listen carefully. Watch out for anything that you begin to tell yourself “It wasn’t that big a deal.” Try to absorb what you hear. You can also look back over the past 6 or12 months, capture every success you can think of, whether large or small, and write them down clearly. Purposefully acknowledging and admitting your achievements can help to bring them into more realistic focus. Besides, be mindful that you have a tendency to forget or minimize your achievements. A sticky note on your laptop screen might help: my strengths and achievements are bigger than they appear to me.

2024-04-16更新 | 40次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届上海市上海市闵行区高三二模英语试题
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