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1 . When you are communicating, you spend nearly 60% of your time listening to other people, but most people only remember 25% of what they hear.     1    


Do you find yourself looking at your phone or following a TV show during a conversation with a family member or a friend? These little distractions can have much bigger consequences than you might think and you should try to limit them completely. When you are listening to someone, put everything else aside and give your full attention to the person.

Empathize with the person

When you are listening to another person, try to think what they might be feeling or going through at that very moment. Empathy towards other people can be improved by imagining yourself in different situations, as well as by learning more about people and different cultures.     3     Before you give your own opinion, try to look at the situation from the person’s angle and see what you can learn from the discussion.

Ask more questions

Being a good listener doesn’t just mean that you sit quietly and let the other person speak, you also need to ask meaningful questions. Try to find an answer to questions “why” and “what”.     4    

Train your emotional intelligence

The way you are able to manage your own emotions influences your ability to listen to other people.     5     Learn to understand your own emotions, both the negative and positive feelings and be aware of your reactions when you are listening to someone.

A.Be more open
B.Be more present
C.The good news is that you can practice it.
D.Don’t hurry or pressure the person into saying anything.
E.So how can you listen more and become the person people want to talk to?
F.Don’t start listening to someone with a predicted idea of what the person should do or say.
G.Don’t be afraid to ask for a clarification because misunderstandings can harm the conversation.
2024-01-01更新 | 32次组卷 | 1卷引用:内蒙古锡林郭勒盟2023-2024学年高三12月月考英语试卷

2 . Feel exhausted after a party? Rather see one close friend than a group of acquaintances? Enjoy your own company? In our world, that makes you an introvert (内向的人). However, there’s another possible explanation — vertical attachment. If you are closer to your parents and family members than to your peers, you are vertically attached, which means you rely more on family for comfort.

If you are closer to your peers, then you are peer attached. We live in a peer-oriented world. We believe that having lots of friends means that we are well-adjusted. We put our kids in playgroups and daycare for peer interaction. We expect teenagers to want to hang out with their friends, thinking it is the natural way of things.

Result? Generations often feel worlds apart. We use different language, dress, and technology apps. Even if multiple generations are invited to the same party, the kids go to the basement playroom while the parents stay upstairs. Vertically-attached individuals can feel out of place in this context, demonstrating the traces of introversion. Will they be exhausted after a party with same-aged acquaintances? Absolutely. Would they rather spend time with one close friend? Sure. Do they enjoy alone time? Yes, more than they enjoy time fitting in with peers.

It’s normal that many people need alone time to recharge. However, vertically-attached people often label themselves as introverted. They feel insecure that others have more friends and live richer lives. They claim that their family attachments arise from their loved ones being stuck with them.

If you feel these insecurities, know that there is nothing wrong with you, and you are not missing out on anything. Your attachment style is just different from the culture where you live. Have confidence in the strength of the relationships you have, whether it is with a mom who feels more like a best friend, or a grandmother with whom you can share anything. They are meaningful, enriching relationships, even if they look different from the cultural norm.

1. Who is vertically attached according to the text?
A.Tom, who feels at ease with his teachers.
B.Lily, who enjoys film time alone at weekends.
C.Jim, who often turns to her dad when things are hard.
D.Marry, who feels burnt out after a family get-together.
2. What is the popular belief among parents?
A.Younger generations should be self-disciplined.
B.Being sociable is a desired quality for their children.
C.Their children need more friends than they themselves do.
D.Different generations should have different circles of acquaintances.
3. What advice is given to vertically-attached people?
A.Be that as it may, just leave it as it is.
B.Never underestimate your inner power.
C.Hang out more with friends and adjust to it.
D.Treat others the way you want to be treated.
4. What is the author’s attitude towards vertically-attached people?
2024-01-01更新 | 34次组卷 | 1卷引用:内蒙古锡林郭勒盟2023-2024学年高三12月月考英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Do you remember those times when your mother told you to avoid talking to strangers? But now you’re not a child anymore. In fact, there are many advantages of talking to strangers.

●You can meet a really great person.

Talking to a stranger is a good habit because you never know whom you may meet.     1    . You can also meet someone who will give you a chance to get your dream job.

    2    .

You have some opinion about different subjects and you know your friends’ and relatives’points of view about them, too. But there are millions of other people who think differently and can give you unpredictable yet smart ideas that will broaden your horizons.

●You can improve your social skills.

    3    . Asking appropriate questions and attentive listening are two skills that many of us don’t have. You can better these skills when talking to a stranger.

●You can cheer someone up.

The thing you’ll definitely like about talking to strangers is that you can make someone’s day better.     4    . Praise people and they will think something pleasant about you. Having a sweet short dialogue is one of those perfect chances to make people cheerful.

●You can find the solutions you didn’t know about.

Talking to someone you don’t know is all about finding out something you didn’t know. You may have some problems that you can’t solve for a long time. However, someone you suddenly meet can figure out the right solution you didn’t even think about before.     5    .

A.You can expand your world view.
B.Smile and people will smile in return.
C.Why not speak to someone until your turn comes?
D.It may be the help you needed to get a long time ago.
E.You shouldn’t miss these unexpected chances of meeting people.
F.You can meet a person who will become your best friend in the future.
G.Whatever social skills you have, you can make them better when talking to strangers.

4 . How to Handle an Argument with Your Family Members

We’ve all been there. A relaxed evening with our family members. A lot of laughing. And then, as if someone had sat on the TV remote and changed the channel, the mood shifts. No more warmth. Suddenly there’s shouting, a ping-pong of accusations(指责), deadly stares, and hostility(敌意) streaming from eyes like red laser pointers. Having a conflict with your family members is frustrating, and you may feel sad and depressed.     1    

Do remember that as much as it might feel this way, you’re not in a court of law with your family members.     2     .It is to restore kindness and connection. Think of it this way —if somebody wins, both parties lose.

Do try to be an advocate of others’ feelings.     3     try to stand in the shoes of your family members. Try to understand their immature ways.

    4     .This might frighten your family members, making them feel accused and in turn, act defensively. Example: “I was on the phone with my sister and then suddenly you started acting like crazy out of the blue.” Talk about the way you felt instead. Example: “I was on the phone with my sister and then I suddenly felt scared when I saw you looking at me like I was in trouble.”

Don’t try to explain yourself. You often want to explain yourself when having conflicts with your family members, but you don’t have time. You’re being cut off and attacked again.     5     .The more you talk, the less your family members seem to understand and the further away you get from an agreement.

A.If you are looking for a new relationship
B.Don’t attempt to prove yourself in the face of your loved ones
C.The point of an argument isn’t to prove the others guilty or to win
D.Rather than going in circles about what you think and how you feel
E.Each accusation strikes deeper and deeper into your sense of justice
F.Don’t talk about what happened as though you’re simply stating the facts
G.Here are the do’s and don’ts when you are arguing with your family members
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

5 . About 72% of Americans use social media, where it’s common to make new friends, build relationships, or share photos of your daily life.

Social media allows people to connect in ways that wouldn’t otherwise be possible, and can often expand (扩展) people’s social circles, says Kathryn Moore, Ph. D., a psychologist at Providence Saint John’s Child and Family Development Center in Santa Monica. On social media, you can connect with those people in similar situations and share worries, fears, and celebrations, Moore says. According to her research, up to 64% of teens report they have made a new friend online, for example, and 83% of teens report that social media makes them feel more connected with their friends.

Social media can negatively impact relationships when you start comparing yourself to other people, including your friends, just based on their social media, Moore says. For example, some may fear their lives aren’t as good as their friends’ and take friendships away because they feel they’re not good enough. Problems with self-esteem (自尊) can also appear when posting about some relationships on social media, but not all of them. “People might feel left out that they’re not as important if they’re not being shared on social media,” Moore says. Cyberbullying (网络霸凌) can also negatively impact relationships, whether you are receiving mean comments or sending them to someone else.

In order to grow a relationship that started online you should show the real you. To deepen a relationship that started on social media, Moore suggests talking on the phone or meeting in person. This allows for more fluid (流畅的) conversations, where you can communicate in real time. Remember that the people who you meet online can become an important part of your life.

“If a relationship created through online resources is treated with respect and consideration, it can be a great way to meet someone you might never have had the chance to meet,” says Don Grant, Ph. D., chairman of the American Psychological Association’s Device Management & Intelligence Committee.

1. What can we say about social media according to Moore’s research?
A.It has become the most important way for teens to make friends.
B.It prevents people from making friends in real life.
C.It can help teens to develop real relationships.
D.It makes teens feel more lonely and lost.
2. What is the main idea of Paragraph 3?
A.Social media may influence relationships in a bad way.
B.Building relationships online is not a piece of cake.
C.Relationship online makes people less connected.
D.Social media increases the risk of cyberbullying.
3. What does Don Grant think of the relationship online?
A.It leads people to lose chances to meet face to face.
B.It is more respectable than the relationship in real life.
C.It can be meaningful if dealt with properly.
D.It can be developed in an informal way.
4. Which of the following shows the structure of the text?
书面表达-图表作文 | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 假定你是李华,最近你的班级就学生在学习和生活中面临的问题对班上的同学进行了调查。请根据图表,用英语写一篇短文向学校英文报投稿。内容包括:

What Trouble We Have

阅读理解-七选五 | 适中(0.65) |

7 . How can teenagers keep themselves from suffering from loneliness? Here are some suggestions for speeding a recovery from loneliness.

    1     A smile and a friendly greeting for the student behind you in line at the cafeteria won’t make you best friends. But it will make you both feel good. It can also make it easier to interact the next time and the time after that.

Find a safe place to make connections. If going to the dancing party makes you feel like you just don’t belong, try joining a special-interest group.     2     Just because you feel left out in one group doesn’t mean you will feel like an outsider in every other one. Look for a group that allows you to feel comfortable gradually.

Find other ways of making connections. Lonely people hunger for friendship. Sometimes feeling accepted and liked comes more easily when you do something for others rather than wait for them to make you feel better.     3    . Teach a child for reading. Take notes for a disabled classmate. You might be surprised at the connections you make.

    4     Loneliness is an absence of quality friendship, not of a particular quantity of friends. That is why it’s important to know how to select a friend. The best friendships are those based on similar values and attitudes.

You get what you expect, so expect the best. If you expect others to be friendly, you will behave in proper ways that encourage people to be friendlier to you. Loneliness won’t last long.     5    

A.Choose the right people.
B.So consider becoming a volunteer.
C.Reach out to others but start small.
D.It can be hard work to be positive towards others.
E.Maybe it is the drama club or the marching band.
F.This harmful attitude can continue into adulthood.
G.But starting the first step of positive expectations can make all the difference.
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Simple Ways to Lead by Example

One of the best ways to build trust with the team is to lead by example. People truly follow only those they trust. Here are ways to lead by example and inspire your team.

Get your hands dirty.     1     You don't have to be the most advanced technician on the team, but you must have an in-depth understanding of your industry and your business. Leaders have many responsibilities, but it is important to work alongside your team. This is a great way to build trust and continue to develop your own knowledge and skills.

    2     Actions do speak louder than words, but words can have a direct impact on morale (士气), for better or for worse. Be mindful of what you say, to whom, and who is listening. Leaders should always show support for all team members. However, if someone needs extra guidance, provide it behind closed doors.

Listen to the team. As leaders, sometimes we are so consumed with providing directives, giving orders, and, well, talking that we forget to stop and listen. If the team is functioning well, you should have a whole team of experts to turn to for advice. One sign of good leadership is knowing that you don't know everything.     3    

Take responsibility. As the saying goes, it's lonely at the top. Blame roles uphill. Great leaders know when to accept that mistakes have been made and take it upon themselves to fix them.     4     If you are the leader, you need to take responsibility.

Let the team do their thing.     5     What they need to do is communicate the mission, vision, values, and goals. Then, they should step back and let the team innovate (创新). Setting this example for the team will encourage your other leaders to do the same.

A.Watch what you say.
B.Respect the chain of orders.
C.Do the work and know your trade.
D.Leaders needn't attend to everything personally.
E.Leaders should get in shape and lead from the front.
F.Leaders should get feedback from your team regularly.
G.It doesn't matter if one of your team members messed up or you did.
2022-05-25更新 | 104次组卷 | 3卷引用:内蒙古包头市第四中学2022-2023学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五 | 较难(0.4) |

9 . How does it feel when someone listens to you without interrupting (打断) or giving their opinion ? This is called active listening.    1    

What is active listening ?

Active listening means trying to understand how someone feels by listening carefully to what they’re saying and by paying attention to their body language.

Annie , aged 11, explains what it means to her. “When my friend tells me something important, I listen to what they’re trying to say. I can tell by the tone (语气) of their voice and the look on their face if they’re sad or happy.    2     When you’re actively listening to someone, you’re focusing (集中注意力) on them, which can make them feel valued.”

How is active listening good for me ?

Listening closely to someone without interrupting or giving your own opinion shows that you’re interested in what they’re saying , even if you don’ t agree.     3     It’s also a good way to improve your empathy(共鸣) skills. Empathy is the ability to understand the feelings of other people.


Listen carefully to what your friend is saying, and avoid jumping in with your own thoughts and feelings. If you get the urge (强烈的欲望) to talk , make a listening sign like nodding your head instead. Ask questions or say things that need more than a yes or no answer, like “Tell me more”.     5    “Active listening is a skill and it takes practice, but don’t give up, and remember you can only do your best ,” says Samaritans, an organization that supports people by listening to their worries.

A.How can I become an active listener?
B.Why is listening important to me?
C.This makes me feel like I understand them better.
D.Instead, you’re focusing on what’s going on around you.
E.Try watching how they’re feeling in their face and body too.
F.This helps to avoid mistakes and arguments and can strengthen friendships.
G.It is a great way to understand other people’s feelings and build trust between friends.
阅读理解-七选五 | 较易(0.85) |

10 . Small talk. Chitchat. These are the short conversations we have at parties, while we wait in line at the store, at family events or work.     1     Often we have to make small talk with complete strangers.

Many people find these small conversations about random topics difficult. Some people say they hate it.     2    They may even call it idle chitchat or idle chatter, meaning it doesn't do anything. They consider small talk not important.

    3     These exchanges can open doors that may lead to larger, more meaningful conversations. When you first meet someone or talk to someone you don't know well, it would be awkward to begin a conversation about a really deep topic such as war, politics or the meaning of life. Small talk also gives you the chance to decide if you want to know that person better-or not. Let's say you make small talk with someone at a party.     4    You may not want to build a friendship with them unless you really, really love cats.

Chitchat can also increase your feeling of understanding, or empathy, toward people you know but not well. Chatting with a colleague about their child may help you to understand more of their life outside the office.     5    

A.However, small talk is important.
B.And small talk may make us happier.
C.But they only want to talk about cats.
D.Others say small talk is a waste of time.
E.This could help build healthy work relationships.
F.However, some people are not good at small talk.
G.Sometimes we make small talk with people we already know but not well.
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