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阅读理解-七选五 | 适中(0.65) |

1 . Picking up after your dog is interesting, but it must be done. Most dog owners understand the importance of picking up their dogs’ waste, so it can be especially frustrating to see dog owners that obviously refuse to perform this duty.     1    , but by asking them the right way, informing them of the risks and consequences of not picking up after their dogs, and providing them with the right collection tools, you may be able to get them to change their ways.

Ask them directly. Talking to another dog owner about picking up their dogs’ waste can be uncomfortable. However, asking the owner directly to pick up after their dog will often work to fix the problem.     2    . Maybe they think no one notices or that their actions don’t directly affect those around them. Asking the person directly lets them know you, and others, have noticed their actions and are being affected negatively by them.

Use a friendly tone. Although you are probably fed up and mad at a dog owner that isn’t cleaning up after their dog, approach them in a friendly manner. Yelling at them may make them defensive and angry.     3    .

Give them a reason. It’s possible this person doesn’t realize how their neglect in picking up after their dog is negatively affecting those around them.     4    , give them a reason why you want them to do so.

    5    . When facing someone on this issue, don’t exaggerate (夸大) the truth or make up reasons they should comply with your request. Be honest with them about why you want them to pick up after their dog and what could happen if they don’t.

A.Be honest
B.Raise some dogs
C.If you want to help them to sweep their waste
D.And they will likely do more harm than good, too
E.When you ask them to pick up their dogs’ waste
F.There are many reasons people don’t pick up after their dogs
G.Figuring out how to convince these owners to change their ways can be difficult
2024-04-20更新 | 53次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届青海省西宁市湟中区第一中学高三下学期一模英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较易(0.85) |

2 . As people hold different views on almost anything, we live in a judgmental world where people are quick to point out the faults and imperfections of others, yet seem unaware of their own. Some misguided souls believe they have a duty to help you to be a better person by telling you what a failure you really are first and then offering suggestions as to how you can improve.

So what is the possible solution to criticism?

If you are the one forcing others to feel ashamed of themselves, STOP. Make a conscious decision rather than focus on the negative aspect of a person’s performance or attitudes. You are more likely to offer helpful suggestions from the beginning. If you are on the receiving end of criticism, the “OK” response is a perfect solution. When someone comments negatively on a task you are doing or a personality issue of yours, a natural response is to defend and attack. However, this approach is rarely effective as it puts both parties on the defensive. Instead, simply reply with “OK”. This brief one-word response acknowledges the other person’s comment without agreeing with it or feeling necessary to engage in a debate about it.

It is important to remain emotionally attached to what the other person is saying, to listen without feeling, to be an objective observer. In fact, there is much that one can learn from a negative review. You can ask yourself: Did I make a mistake? Could I have done better? Did I give 100% of myself to the task at hand? If so, how can I improve myself? As for chronic(习惯性的) criticizers: It is important to set strict boundary with them. Remove yourself from their presence when necessary.

In any case, one can learn to be “OK” with criticism and not allow it to negatively impact your life or relationship with the other party.

1. What may the author think of people who prefer to judge others?
2. What does a person probably convey by saying “OK” according to paragraph 3?
A.He thinks the suggestions are helpful.
B.He defenses himself with the response.
C.He agrees with the comments completely.
D.He wants to avoid unnecessary arguments.
3. What is the key to making an objective observer according to paragraph 4?
A.Having debates.B.Accepting criticism.
C.Keeping calm.D.Avoiding criticizers.
4. What is the purpose of the text?
A.To make a judgment on others.B.To explain some social behavior.
C.To call for action against attack.D.To give advice on facing criticism.

3 . There are some people who are always surrounded by friends, and there are others who are always standing on the outside, looking at the crowd of friends.     1     Here are four tips that will help.

1. Be yourself.

Nobody likes a liar.     2     When the time comes that you feel comfortable enough to act like yourself again, you may not be well received, because you are a totally different person. Let people get to know the real you.

2. Start with people you know.

Even if you don’t think that you have a lot of friends, you are likely to know a lot of people. Reach out to get in touch with acquaintances and reconnect with old friends you haven’t seen for a long time. Don’t forget about friends of friends.     3     If you are invited to go out, go. If you stay home, you will have no chance to meet people.

3. Be open-minded.

    4     Instead, be open to other people’s views, and that will help you meet new friends easier.

4. Be there.

In order to have a good relationship with your friends, you need to be a friend. This means that you need to be there when your friends need you. For example, if one of your friends calls you in the middle of the night crying, don’t hang up.     5     Just listen to him and let him feel your concern about him.

A.You may see some really cool people just by hanging out with your friends and their friends.
B.When you meet new people, ask them questions about themselves.
C.In fact, if you aren’t yourself, it isn’t you that others are becoming friends with.
D.If you don’t know where to start, join a community group or a club.
E.He calls you because he considers you to be a friend.
F.If you are one of the outsiders, it is time to come out of your shell and start making new friends.
G.Don’t go into a situation with a judgmental attitude which will make you less popular.
2023-12-17更新 | 35次组卷 | 1卷引用:青海省西宁北外附属新华联外国语高级中学2022-2023学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

4 . We’ve been there: in a lift, in line at the bank or on an airplane, surrounded by people who are, like us, deeply focused on their smartphones or, worse, struggling with the uncomfortable silence.

What’s the problem? It is possible that we all have compromised conversational intelligence. It’s more likely that none of us start a conversation because it’s awkward and challenging, or we think it’s annoying and unnecessary. But the next time you find yourself among strangers, consider that small talk is worth the trouble. Experts say it’s an important social practice that results in big benefits.

Dismissing small talk as unimportant is easy, but we can’t forget that deep relationships wouldn’t even exist if it weren’t for casual conversation. Small talk is the grease (润滑剂) for social communication, says Bernardo Carducci. “Almost every great love story and each big business deal begins with small talk,” he explains. “The key to successful small talk is learning how to connect with others, not just communicate with them.”

In a 2014 study, Elizabeth Dunn, Associate Professor of psychology at UBC, invited people on their way into a coffee shop. One group was asked to seek out an interaction (互动) with its waiter; the other, to speak only when necessary. The results showed that those who chatted with their server reported significantly higher positive feelings and a better coffee shop experience. “It’s not that talking to the waiter is better than talking to your husband,” says Dunn. “But interactions with peripheral (边缘的) members of our social network matter for our well-being also.”

Dunn believes that people who reach out to strangers feel a significantly greater sense of belonging, a bond with others. Carducci believes developing such a sense of belonging starts with small talk. “Small talk is the basis of good manners,” he says.

1. What phenomenon is described in the first paragraph?
A.Addiction to smartphones.
B.Inappropriate behaviours in public places.
C.Absence of communication between stranger.
D.Impatience with slow service.
2. What is important for successful small talk according to Carducci?
A.Showing good manners.B.Relating to other people.
C.Focusing on a topic.D.Making business deals.
3. What can you learn from the passage?
A.Big business doesn’t need to have small talk.
B.communicating with others is the most important thing.
C.Small talk can benifit a lot.
D.Silence is necessary in daily life.
4. What does the coffee-shop study suggest about small talk?
A.It improves family relationships.
B.It raises people’s confidence.
C.It matters as much as a formal talk.
D.It makes people feel good.
2023-05-01更新 | 40次组卷 | 1卷引用:青海省西宁市六校联考2022-2023学年高三下学期开学考试英语试题

5 . Your math teacher wears clothes made in 1985 and always mispronounces your name. Your English teacher loves to start classes with quick quizzes. It can be hard to think of these givers of grades as real people. But they eat pizza, watch movies and enjoy sports on weekends, just like you. So how can you get along well with your teachers?

You can do a lot of things to develop a good relationship with your teacher. First, do the obvious things: Show up in class on time with all tasks completed. Stay focused, be respectful and ask questions. Second, show an interest in the subject. Obviously, your teachers are really interested in their subjects, or they wouldn’t have decided to teach them! Show the teacher that you care about the subject—even if you’re not a math talent or fluent in French—and send the message that you are a hard-working student.

You can also schedule a private meeting in a teacher’s free time. Use this time to get extra help, ask questions, ask for information about a career (职业) in the subject or talk about your progress in class. You may be surprised to learn that your teacher is a bit more relaxed when only facing you than when teaching in front of the whole class.

What if you just don’t like the teacher? When it comes to working with teachers, one’s characteristics can come into play just as they can in any other relationships. People just naturally get along better with some people than with others; it’s impossible to like everyone all the time. Learning to work with people you don’t like is a good interpersonal (人际的) skill to have in life,   no matter what your goals are.

Teachers are there for more than just homework; they know about more than their subject matters. They can help you learn how to behave as an adult and lifelong learner. Undoubtedly, there will be a few teachers along the way who you’ll always remember—and who might change your life forever.

1. How can students develop a good relationship with their teachers?
A.By learning as many subjects as possible.
B.By respecting other students in class.
C.By finishing their homework on time.
D.By developing personal interests.
2. What is important when working with teachers you don’t like?
A.Your characteristics.
B.Your interpersonal skills.
C.Your career goals.
D.Your grades in exams.
3. What can we learn from the last paragraph?
A.Teachers can help you grow up.
B.Teachers are all lifelong learners.
C.Teachers should set enough homework.
D.Teachers tend to change you completely.
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中(0.65) |

6 . If you have to attend a party or other social events where a lot of people will be present, do you feel confident that you will impress others?     1     In any case, you should increase your confidence at social events.

Whenever you are meeting new people at any social event, you should wear proper clothes.     2     If everyone else is wearing business clothes, you should, too. You should wear informal clothes so that you can fit in, if the event is informal.

If you are going to meet people from a certain business or profession, try looking through a few professional magazines or checking on the Internet ahead of time to get some conversation ideas that are related to their fields of interest.     3    

When you are at the event, don’t worry about whether or not other people you are talking with like you. Instead, try your best to find reasons to like them. When you are holding a conversation with people, be sure to keep good eye contact, and make your facial expression soft.     4     Let your face and body relax so that you can make natural gestures.

After the event is over, take a bit of time to think of your social performance and the conversation you had with people.     5     For example, perhaps you made a big effort to really listen to the people you were talking with, or you may have asked-several people some good questions that really got them talking. By doing so, your conversation confidence will gradually improve.

A.Or do you feel shy?
B.Nod to show you’re listening.
C.Keep in touch with the people you have met.
D.Tell yourself exactly what you did very well at the event.
E.You should learn how to avoid making mistakes at social event.
F.This can prevent you from getting tongue-tied(结结巴巴的) at the event.
G.Before you attend the event, try to find out how other people will be dressing.
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Learning to Give Praise to Others

Words of praise, when used right, can have powerful positive effects on others. They are free, but they’re worth so much to the receiving person.     1     Your members didn’t follow you because of salaries but for more altruistic (利他的) reasons. Therefore, it is important that you give them the praise that is due for their efforts.

    2     Don’t say, “You look good today.” when you could have said, “You look amazing today!” Don’t say, “Thanks for your effort.” Instead say, “I’m so thankful for your being on this project, we couldn’t have finished it without you!”

Of course, with what I have mentioned above, be sure it’s coming from your heart.     3     Don’t praise if you don’t have a hint of appreciation for the person. Trust me, it will show in your eyes and the other party will feel upset. Insincere praise is flattery (恭维); you attempt to gain something from saying good things about the other person.

Besides, praising in public is rather important.     4     When you praise a partner in public, you lift him up and his conduct for everyone in the room to see. Look for opportunities where you can publicly celebrate the hard work of certain people and make them feel they are great.

I believe that as you begin using these communication tips and praising people around you, you’ll see a change in the atmosphere of your work environment.     5     Eventually, you’ll find yourself with a more effective team!

A.So you need to be sincere in praise.
B.This is more so in voluntary organizations.
C.People will become happier and smile more.
D.Words aren’t always necessary in praising others.
E.It is much more effective than praising in private.
F.Remember that measured praise is not praise at all.
G.The best way to give praise is by being an example.

8 . We will all probably know both some introverts (内向的人)and extroverts (外向的人)in life, and yet we can gain a wrong impression about both types of people. For example, some introverts can be extremely confident and they can be able people. However, some extroverts arent as confident as they'd like to appear to be and often try to hide their true identities behind a false appearance.

Shyness can affect both introverts and extroverts and anybody else too. It can be very debilitating (使衰弱的)and, if severe, can have a huge negative influence upon our ability to form meaningful relationships and it can also affect our careers or jobs.

A lot of people feel shy because they have low self-respect and feel unworthy when comparing themselves to others. They find it difficult to communicate with others whom they don't know. In that case, one of the best ways of overcoming the shyness is to focus the attention on the other person instead. Shy people can try changing people's focus on someone else, so that they don't need to talk about themselves too much.

If you recognize that you are shy and see that as a lion in the way of enjoying your life. you should first overcome it by accepting that it's causing a problem for you. Trying getting into conversations with strangers is helpful. Shy people are challenging themselves and over- coming their shyness. In this way, shy people can get their own self-respect. Each time they do it, this will be repeated until they feel confident enough.

Like any negative thought, determination can also help you beat shyness and having a positive attitude is the key to overcoming the shyness.

1. What does the author intend to tell us in paragraph 2?
A.The difference between introverts and extroverts.
B.The relationship between ability and shyness.
C.The harmful effects of shyness.
D.The cause of shyness.
2. Why do people feel shy when communicating with others?
A.They are afraid of learning from others.
B.They are often made fun of.
C.They are short of confidence.
D.They have to talk too much.
3. What does the author advise shy people to do to overcome shyness?
A.Do sports as much as they can.
B.Listen to the voice in their heart.
C.Have a good talk with their parents.
D.Keep a strong belief in supporting themselves.
4. What's the best title for the text?
A.How to Overcome Shyness
B.Tips of Expressing Shyness
C.How to Understand Introverts
D.Tips of Talking with Extroverts

9 . The 64-year-old Mahendra, the Secretary at People for Animals (PFA), talks about his disabled and wounded dogs like a father talks about his children—with the same love, affection and warmth. It was this love that led him to establish India's first shelter home for dogs living with disabilities.

It all started in 1998. While taking a midnight walk, Mahendra came across a very weak dog on the street, whose bones were visible under its skin. Mahendra decided to feed it and for the next couple of days it became the centre of his life, until the night when he found it dead.

After that, Mahendra started providing treatment to all wounded and sick dogs he came across. Some time later, someone told Mahendra about PFA, India's largest animal welfare organization, chaired by Mrs Maneka Gandhi. Mahendra contacted her and she was impressed by the work he was doing. Mrs Gandhi asked him to start a PFA chapter in Ahmedbad.

Thus, in 2004, he started the shelter. It took a long time for Mehendra to find the land where the shelter could be set up. Finally, Ramesh Bhai Patel, a native farmer from a village named Jundal, agreed to give his land for nothing. Along with a team of four doctors and many volunteers, the shelter now has 25 dogs that were unable to walk at all when they were brought in. Today, they' re slowly healing. Dogs that have healed with proper treatment are sent back to where they came from if the environment there is safe. However, the shelter will be home to the blind dogs for all their lives, says Mahendra.

The shelter runs on money coming from Mahendra's own pension of Rs. 45,000. There have been some financial crunches now and then, but Mahendra is determined that no matter what challenge comes their way, they' ll fight through.

1. What made Mahendra decide to do something for disabled and sick dogs?
A.His contact with PFA.B.The encouragement of Gandhi.
C.A walk with a sick dog of Gandhi.D.The death of a homeless sick dog.
2. What happened to Mahendra when he tried to build the shelter?
A.He secured government funds.
B.He got a land from a local farmer for free.
C.He learned medical knowledge from doctors.
D.He met with much difficulty in finding volunteers.
3. What does the underlined word “crunches” in the last paragraph probably mean?
4. Which of the following words can best describe Mahendra?

10 . When we are young we are taught that it’s wrong to lie and we should always tell the truth. Unfortunately, most children lie even if they’re told not to. Research carried out at the Institute of Child Study at Toronto Univercity has shown that this might not be such a bad thing. Apparently (显然地), children who tell lies when they’re two years old have a good chance of becoming successful adults (成年人).

According to the research, at the age of two, 20 per cent of children lie. At the age of three, 50 per cent lie, and at four almost 90 per cent lie. By the age of 12 almost every child tells lies.

Lying needs much brain work, and the better the lie is, the more work the brain has to do. By training the brain early, researchers believe children will be able to think more clearly when they are adults.

Recent research, carried out by the Science Museum in London, has shown some interesting facts about the way we lie as adults. According to the research, the average British man tells three lies every day; that’s over 1,000 lies a year. However, the average woman apparently only lies twice a day.

Most people think women are better liars (说谎者) than men although in fact they tell fewer lies. Popular women’s lies include ‘Nothing’s wrong, I’m fine’, ‘I don’t know where it is, I haven’t touched it’, and ‘It wasn’t that expensive’.

Some people say you can lie as long as it’s a white lie. A white lie is a lie told to avoid hurting someone’s feelings. One of the most common lies for both men and women is ‘It’s just what I’ve always wanted’, said after opening a present from their partner.

1. What will happen to young children who lie?
A.They will possibly do wrong later.
B.They’re likely to succeed in the future.
C.They will keep lying when they grow up.
D.They may have a good chance of losing others’ trust.
2. What do the numbers in Para. 2 show about children?
A.Older children tell bigger lies than younger ones.
B.As they grow, they often lie about their age.
C.The older they are, the more likely they lie.
D.It’s quite natural for them to tell lies.
3. What did the research by the Science Museum find out?
A.Men lie more than women.B.Women are better liars than men.
C.Women’s lies are usually not serious.D.Men sometimes have to lie to women.
4. What’s the true feeling behind the underlined part in the last paragraph?
A.You know me so well.B.I don’t like the present.
C.You are good at picking presents.D.I haven’t received a present I really like.
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