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1 . I used to be bad at playing basketball. Gym class in middle school was the worst. I was always the last kid to be picked. The only reason why I was even picked at all was that I was good friends with the best player in the class.

In the eighth grade, I finally decided I was sick and tired of being a nonentity. I dedicated (奉献) that entire summer to getting better. I spent every day playing basketball, practising for hours in the gym. I remember playing pick-up games with one group of kids until they all eventually got tired and left. Then a whole different group of kids would come in and I’d play with them too.

After months of this devoted routine, something amazing started to happen. People began passing me the ball. They trusted me to take the shot. They even started picking me first to be on their team! The last game of organized basketball I ever played was the culmination (高潮) of all my hard work. Against a team far more talented than mine. I scored 27 points. We still lost, but I walked away from that game feeling like a total champion.

What I learned from those years of rejection and waiting to be picked was that life really isn’t any different. Most of us spend our lives waiting for opportunities to land in our laps. What’s worse, sometimes we feel entitled (使有权) to them. And when things don’t go our way — when no one picks us — we find something or someone to blame.

I could have complained when no one wanted me on their team. I could have convinced myself that I deserved to be picked. But I didn’t. Instead I took matters into my own hands and put in the work to become better.

Should we have our fate controlled by a few people who in most cases don’t even know us? I certainly don’t think so. We have a choice. We can choose to create something meaningful, and so move forward with our ideas.

1. What can we know about the author in the first paragraph?
A.He was always to be picked.
B.He was picked because of his good friend.
C.He was once crazy about playing basketball.
D.He used to be really good at playing basketball.
2. What does the underlined part “a nonentity” in Paragraph 2 mean?
A.short person.B.A superior player.
C.An important player.D.An insignificant person.
3. According to the passage, which statement is NOT correct?
A.People still refused to play with him.
B.Now he is good at playing basketball.
C.He gained people’s trust through his effort.
D.His team was defeated by a more talented one.
2024-03-25更新 | 13次组卷 | 1卷引用:Unit 1 Growing Up 单元检测题-2023-2024学年高中英语外研版(2019)选择性必修第二册
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2 . The moment I was born, I seemed to be part of a set, as if my twin brother David and I were a package deal. We faced constant comparisons in our physical appearance. People were always comparing our personalities and academic performances as well! These constant comparisons made me decide not to go to the same university as my twin brother.

That is not to say we didn’t have good academic experiences in the past or didn’t get along. In the eleventh grade, we were placed in the same maths experimental class. I recall arriving early to the first class and being a bit disappointed when I saw David already seated at his desk. It is hard to avoid comparisons when we were in the same class. However, we found that we actually worked well together, in our own way. We would argue about the best way to solve a problem and debate its answer. As the year went on, I noticed that our teacher kept moving us closer and closer together. Our argument was actually productive.

However, we were two very different candidates. I was very involved in extra-curricular activities (课外活动), while David had better test scores than I did. I’m fond of writing while David enjoys playing computer games. I am currently studying English and French at McGill University, while David is studying computer science at Union College.

Besides escaping comparisons, there have been other benefits of going to different universities. The first one is that we are forced to talk to each other, as we no longer see each other every day. This is healthier for our relationship. The second, also the more important one, is that after having so many similar experiences together we can have our own experiences separate from one another.

Going to a different university benefited me thus far. It allows for more personal growth, and I’m not attached to the label of being a twin.

1. What can be inferred about the author?
A.He was fed up with people’s comparisons.
B.He was glad to hear people’s comparisons.
C.He is more handsome than David.
D.He was better at academic subjects than David.
2. What does the author think of him and David studying in the same maths experimental class?
3. Why did the author choose to go to a different university?
A.To avoid seeing David.B.To escape arguing with David.
C.To pursue a different experience.D.To strengthen bonds with David.
2024-03-25更新 | 25次组卷 | 1卷引用:Unit 1 Growing Up 单元检测题-2023-2024学年高中英语外研版(2019)选择性必修第二册
文章大意:本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍海洋生态学家Malin Pinsky在两次突然醒悟的瞬间之后,带领一个20人的团队致力于海洋生态环境的研究。

3 . Malin Pinsky had the first of two lightbulb moments in 2003 while crossing Drake Passage. He was then standing on the bridge of a research ship and was scanning the sky for seabirds, which was one of his duties as a research technician on the cruise (海上航游). Just five months earlier he had finished college, where he studied biology and environmental science.

As the ship entered nutrient-rich Antarctic waters, whales suddenly showed up all around the ship. That moment on the bridge helped him realize that the ocean looks featureless from the top, but there’s so much going on underneath.

The second lightbulb moment hit him several months later. Pinsky was then an intern (实习生) in Washington, D.C. His job was making photocopies. It was around the time when two big reports had come out. Both focused on what policies might best preserve U.S. ocean resources. “I realized we have all these laws and policies that determine how we as a society interact with the ocean. But they’re far out of date. We don’t yet have the science to know what the new policy should be,” Pinsky said.

Today he runs a lab with about 20 workers. His team wants to seek how our changing climate, as well as overfishing and habitat destruction, might be driving changes in fish and other animals in the sea. To find out, team members travel each year to coral reefs near the Philippines. There, they carefully catalog populations of different fish. They collect data on the growth and mating of these fish, their diversity and other factors.

“Pinsky’s broad approach to the problem — looking at species, where they live and how fisheries are managed — is setting the pace for other scientists,” says Kimberly Oremus, a fishery economist at the University of Delaware in Newark. “Pinsky is pushing the whole field to respond to his growing body of research.”

1. What made Pinsky have the first lightbulb moment?
A.The vastness of the ocean.
B.The sight of seabirds in the sky.
C.The view of Drake Passage.
D.The appearance of whales around the ship.
2. What did Pinsky realize when he was an intern in Washington, D.C.?
A.He needed to take more photos of oceans.
B.He should do something to update ocean policies.
C.The U.S. ocean resources need to be better preserved.
D.There have already been perfect policies to preserve the ocean.
3. What does Pinsky’s team focus on?
A.The harm of overfishing.
B.Features of different fish.
C.Factors affecting ocean ecosystems.
D.The reasons for global warming.
4. What’s Kimberly Oremus’ attitude towards Pinsky’s research?
2024-03-25更新 | 13次组卷 | 1卷引用:Unit 3 Times Change(二)同步练习-2023-2024学年高二英语研版(2019)选择性必修第二册
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4 . Along with a rising number of space missions by government agencies and private industries, comes a fresh set of problems for Earth: potentially dangerous space junk (太空垃圾).

A recent study published in the scientific journal Nature Astronomy concluded “that current space practices have a 10 percent chance of one or more deaths over a decade”. In other words, according to researchers from the University of Victoria and the University of British Columbia, there’s roughly a one-in-ten chance that the next decade will witness falling space junk kill someone.

The space junk orbiting the earth is an unfortunate by-product of our desire to explore and document space. According to 2021 figures from NASA and the Department of Defense’s Space Surveillance Data, the agencies were actively tracking more than 27,000 pieces of space junk, most of which are larger than a softball and that casually orbit the planet. The floating space junk is certainly a problem, but not all the objects must come down, and, in fact, a number of pieces simply burn up in the atmosphere. Sometimes those objects, particularly large ones like used rocket attachments, give in to gravity and fall back down to Earth to be dealt with once again by their human makers. But typically, people don’t die or even get injured by this phenomenon — because many of the falling pieces crash into the ocean.

They also have to deal with the unsettling feeling of knowing that large rocket pieces can just fall from the sky and that it might affect people in certain parts of the world more than others.

This poses an obvious safety risk to people on the ground. “When some large parts of space junk return to Earth, the parts of their mass survive the heat of atmosphere. Many of the surviving pieces are potentially dangerous, giving serious risks on land, at sea, and to people in airplanes,” the study explains.

1. What is the conclusion of the study published in Nature Astronomy?
A.People will see space junk easily in the future.
B.Some people may be hit to death by objects from the space.
C.Government agencies and private industries will develop fast.
D.There will be a 10 percent chance for human to die in 10 years.
2. What can be inferred from the third paragraph?
A.Normally we should not worry about space junk.
B.All the space junk will get burnt in the sky.
C.The large space junk will destroy the ocean.
D.The floating space junk will come down finally.
3. What might be discussed in the following part of the text?
A.How to find space junk.B.How to deal with space junk.
C.How to check the space junk.D.How to inform people of the danger.
4. Which is the most suitable title for the text?
A.Space Junk Causes Pollution
B.How to Take Back Space Junk
C.Space Junk Puts People at Risk
D.Exploring Space Takes in Unfortunate Results
2024-03-22更新 | 36次组卷 | 2卷引用:云南省昆明市禄劝彝族苗族自治县第一中学2023-2024学年高二下学期3月月考英语试题
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文章大意:本文是一篇说明文。文章旨在介绍和解释Macquarie Island上兔子和啮齿类动物泛滥的问题以及采取的解决方案。

5 . Macquarie Island is a tiny island that’s part of Australia. It’s about halfway between New Zealand and Antarctica. The island’s been made a world heritage area because it’s so untouched, but this unique environment is under threat from some unwanted visitors.

It all started when seal hunters came to the island in the early 1800s. They brought rabbits with them as a source of food for the journey, and also on board the ships were rats and mice, which made their way onto the island too. They’re being blamed for destroying the homes of marine birds, causing soil loss and ripping up plant cover, as these before-and-after photos show.

So what’s being done about the problem? It starts with a team of helicopters that fly across the island carrying these giant containers. Inside them are poisoned pellets (有毒饲料) which are dropped and spread across the island. For any rabbits that survived the baiting (诱饵) , there’s a plan B. This special team of dogs is being put through a final training. It’ll be their job to track down any remaining rabbits. They have to also learn to behave around the island’s native wildlife. The dogs could be here for years or until the task is complete. The dogs don’t actually kill the rabbits. They find them, then the hunters decide to either catch the rabbits or shoot them.

But the program has received a bit of criticism. Some people argue 25 million dollars is a lot of money to be spending on wiping out rabbits and rodents (啮齿目动物), and in the process, some native birds will be killed because of the baiting.

The reality is the problem isn’t going to be solved overnight. The people running the program say that even if one pair of rabbits is left alive, the whole task will be seen as a failure, which means these guys could be here for a long time, trying to ensure that this precious island remains protected from pests.

1. Who are these unwanted visitors?
A.Seal hunters.B.Marine wildlife.C.Native birds.D.Foreign species.
2. What do the underlined words “ripping up” mean in paragraph 2?
3. What is being done to solve the problem of unwanted visitors on Macquarie Island?
A.Poisoned pellets are being dropped on the island from helicopters.
B.A team of hunters is being trained to catch or shoot rabbits.
C.Native birds are being protected from the unwanted visitors.
D.A special team of dogs is being sent to kill the rabbits.
4. What is the goal of the program?
A.To spend as little money as possible.
B.To protect native birds from the unwanted visitors.
C.To ensure that no pair of rabbits survive on the island.
D.To train dogs to track down the rabbits on the island.
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6 . Why do we talk the way we do? It might date back to when our ancestors left the jungle for the open plain. Between 5.3 million and 16 million years ago, Africa’s landscapes changed from thick, leafy forests to wide-open grasslands. This environmental change pushed our ancestors out of the trees and onto the ground. Along with all of the physical and behavioral changes this may have caused, researchers also believe it may have changed the way we speak.

“Open landscapes provide us with fewer objects to affect signal communication, meaning our voices can travel further compared with that in thick forests,” Charlotte Gannon, a researcher who studies language development, told Newsweek. “The move to these open spaces may have increased the effectiveness of our communication.”

By comparing the vocal calls of the orangutan (大猩猩) , Gannon and her team were able to establish how different calls could travel across different landscapes. In their study, the team played 487 calls from orangutans and measured their audibility (可听度) at set length over an overall distance of over 1,300 feet in the South African plain.

“Our results were surprising,” Gannon said, “The rule of sound spread suggests that lower-frequency (低频率) sounds (the grumphs) would have traveled further than higher-frequency sounds (the kiss squeaks). Our results actually found the opposite to this.” In these environmental settings, consonant (辅音)-like calls traveled a lot further than vowel (元音) -like calls. Actually, around 80 percent of consonant-based calls were audible at 1,300 feet, compared to only 20 percent of vowel-based calls.

Gannon said these results highlight the importance of studying living orangutan to learn about our species’ history. “We can view them as time machines that allow us to recreate key moments of our history so we can learn more about the development of our language,” Gannon said. “Despite their popularity in modern languages, consonants have often been forgotten when discussing speech development. Our research highlights not only their presence in ancient times but their importance to the development of language.”

1. What led to the speech development?
A.Behavioral change.B.Time development.
C.Physical development.D.Environmental change.
2. What makes communication happening 10 million years ago more effective?
A.Less block.B.Better tools.C.Louder voice.D.Larger vocabulary.
3. What is paragraph 3 mainly about?
A.The results of the study.
B.The process of the research.
C.The purpose of the program.
D.The participants of the project.
4. What can be inferred from the last two paragraphs?
A.The living orangutan can recreate our language.
B.Consonants are significant in language development.
C.The sound of grumphs travels further than that of kiss squeaks.
D.Consonant-like calls travel four times further than vowel-like calls.
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7 . Books That Celebrate Diverse Holidays and Traditions

It’s important to remember there are a diverse set of holidays available to explore. Below are a few books that help introduce children to different holiday cultures and traditions.

Too Many Tamales by Gary Soto, illustrated by Ed Martinez

While helping her mother with Christmas celebration, Maria is tempted to try on her mother’s diamond ring. After getting caught up in the joy of the holiday and playing with her cousins, Maria realizes the ring is missing! That’s when she and her cousins come up with a plan to eat all of the tamales, in hopes of finding the ring.

Together for Kwanzaa by Juwanda G. Ford, illustrated by Shelly Hehenberger

This is a story about a little girl named Kayla who wants to see her older brother Khari come home so they can celebrate Kwanzaa together as a family. Khari is stuck at college when a snowstorm hits and his car breaks down. Will he make it home in time for Kwanzaa?

A Child’s Christmas in Wales by Dylan Thomas, illustrated by Trina Schart Hyman

This book is a funny, nostalgic tale of Christmas Eve afternoon through Christmas night in Wales, and is full of unique imagery and poetic prose. It will arouse a sense of familiarity for some young readers while introducing them to different aspects of Christmas traditions.

We Are Grateful: Otsaliheliga by Traci Sorell, illustrated by Frane Lessac

The word otsaliheliga is used by members of the Cherokee Nation to express gratitude. This is an amazing story that describes a journey through the seasons with a modern-day Cherokee family. Cherokee history and traditions are also woven into the story in a very kid-friendly way.

1. What makes it difficult for Khari to return home in time for Kwanzaa?
A.A car crash.B.Delayed flights.C.Extreme weather.D.Academic pressure.
2. Who provides pictures for A Child’s Christmas in Wales?
A.Traci Sorell.B.Ed Martinez.C.Dylan Thomas.D.Trina Schart Hyman.
3. The four books all inform readers of ______.
A.how to find hidden treasures at homeB.how to strengthen bonds with friends
C.the lifestyles of different ethnic groupsD.different holiday celebrations and customs
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8 . As we close out the final days of this year, treat yourself to a deliciously distracting new book —a book that you can dip into and out of throughout the holidays. Read up, rest up, and enjoy yourself.

Yoga for Pregnancy, Birth and beyond

A must-have guide for yoga-loving mamas, Yoga for Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond offers helpful relaxation techniques and breathing exercises that are tailored to each pregnant woman. The book also lays out valuable techniques for labor and staying in touch with your body as it continuously changes.

Mindfulness Activities for Kids

We could all use a little more peace in our lives. Uniquely suited for children and parents to do together, the 40 mindfulness exercises recommended here —from pausing to fully enjoy a tasty sandwich to taking chalk walk together—will not only teach children calm and gratitude, but also bring grown-ups and their littles closer together.

Before She Disappeared

Frankie Elkin is a recovering alcoholic who devotes her time to solving cold cases, especially those involving people of color. A new investigation brings her to Boston, searching for a Haitian teenager who disappeared months ago. But as Frankie starts asking questions, someone else will stop at nothing to keep the answers hidden.

Oak Flat

Lauren Redniss’ Oak Flat tells the story of the land near the San Carlos Apache Reservation through an Apache family fighting to protect the land which the U. S. government and two world-power mining enterprises are attempting to seize and destroy for its copper resources. Visually striking and deeply reported, Oak Flat tells a larger story of endless westward expansion and native resistance.

1. Which book can help to improve family relations?
A.Oak Flat.
B.Before She Disappeared.
C.Mindfulness Activities for Kids.
D.Yoga for Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond.
2. What do we know about the book Oak Flat?
A.It’s a brief account of mining enterprises.
B.It centers on an Apache family’s struggle.
C.It sings high praise of the US government.
D.It supports westward expansion and native resistance.
3. Who are the target readers of the four books?
完形填空(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . I almost died when I fell into the boiling (沸腾的) water at the age of three. The ______ left me with serious burns and scars (伤疤) all over my body. I spent many years in hospital having hundreds of ______, which meant years and years of skin grafts (移植).

In my teens, I realized that I was ______ to my friends. They were all beautiful young ladies and I had these terrible scars under my clothes which made me feel ugly. ______, swimming helped me a lot. I can’t ______ that I was burned (烧伤) in the water and yet it also helped to ______ me. In the water I was at my happiest.

I was a competitive (有竞争力的) swimmer for many years and then was ______ to be a swimming teacher for the local swim club. Even though ______ in a gym is difficult for me, swimming is much ______ as I can sweat in the pool.

This year I swam from Asia to Europe alongside the talented physical sports expert Professor Greg. I swam close to Greg asking for his ______ in a swim challenge and he agreed to help me out. When I climbed out, I broke down and wept and just couldn’t control my ______. I was told afterwards that I ______ in one hour and 28 minutes. I couldn’t believe it as I kept stopping wanting to ______ but Greg really inspired me all the way to the finish.

I was doing this for all those people who had ______ years of self body hating, severe depression (严重抑郁), low self-confidence and of course my wonderful families. ______ women are survivors of life.

A.operations (手术)B.missions (使命)C.experimentsD.experiences
A.trained (培训)B.forced (强迫)C.requested (要求)D.refused (拒绝)
A.stay upB.watch outC.give upD.show off
完形填空(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . About six years ago I started having panic attacks (恐慌症). I began my journey to _______ them with traditional tools, all of which were a great help. ________, a year later treatment was no longer needed.

Frustratingly, about a year after that, I started to develop ________ and began to have panic attacks once again. I tried what I knew best and went back to my previous _______, but I was still struggling and far from feeling well again ________ I got some new advice.

I loved to sing when I was young. My childhood had been ________ with creativity, yet for most of my adult life it was neglected. A therapist told me that mental health issues are common among the ________ minds of the world when creativity is suppressed (压制) . To regain it, I decided to get back into ________. Then I joined a group called Sound, a pop choir. Much better, I found the ________ to audition (试音). I was amazed that I managed to ________ such a risky situation and not have a panic attack. The audition itself was a win for me, never mind how I did.

I have now been a ________ of the choir for three years. I love the community and the performances. It ________ me of who I was at school. My path back then was always “do what you love”. My entire ________ was filled with fond memories because of that, and I was starting to build that back into my adult life.

Now, I am feeling a lot better. When I am ________, distraction (分散注意力) is key and singing does ________ . It sends me into a state in which my body works with pure passion and joy. More importantly, I will have exercised my creativity and relieved my anxiety.

A.set offB.get throughC.shrink fromD.figure out
2024-03-20更新 | 43次组卷 | 2卷引用:Unit 1 Growing Up 单元检测题-2023-2024学年高中英语外研版(2019)选择性必修第二册
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