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1 . Being vulnerable (脆弱的) is not a choice. It’s a _________ in our life. What we do with vulnerability can either open doors to deeper connections, or build walls that _________ progress and fulfillment.

Vulnerability _________ the state of being exposed to the possibility of being harmed, either physically or emotionally. It’s part of human _________ because we are vulnerable in some way at all times. We are vulnerable to viruses, accidents, misunderstandings and _________ caused by whatever reasons. The only choice we really have is whether to _________ it or not.

When some people _________ that they have no vulnerability, they are hard to develop meaningful social connections with others. They are just _________. No one likes to spend much time with people who are dishonest or _________ to open up their feelings. Most of the time, a great friendship starts by __________ each other’s vulnerability.

Indeed, it’s not easy for us to admit our vulnerability in front of others. In order to protect ourselves, we tend to struggle with __________. But in fact, when we are vulnerable with people, we have signaled that they can also __________ share their anxieties. And we don’t have to worry too much about the results because a far more common reaction of people is to respect our __________ instead of laughing at us. Under this shared circumstance, we become less __________ by vulnerability and also we __________ a relationship.

A.refers toB.consists ofC.relies onD.sticks to
2023-10-28更新 | 299次组卷 | 4卷引用:福建省福州第三中学2023-2024学年高三上学期10月考英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . How to Deal with a Colleague who Keeps Challenging Your Views

It can be difficult to develop an environment of teamwork when you continually run up against a colleague who challenges your views.     1    . This will ensure you respect one another, even when you disagree.

Handle unnecessary confrontation (对峙).

If a co-worker habitually challenges your ideas in a group discussion in a confrontational manner, don’t engage him or get into an argument. Pause for a moment, look the colleague in the eye.     2    . This will force the co-worker to either repeat his comment in front of everyone with the same level of confrontation, or soften his approach.

    3    .

There’s a time and place for everything, including professional disagreements. If a colleague interrupts you or talks over you in an effort to contradict your point or insert (插入) his own opinion, gently remind him that you still have the floor. If the colleague is challenging something you say before you have a chance to address the point, note that as well.

Agree to respect each other.

    4    . Constructive debate and brainstorming can strengthen the overall performance of the entire team. Speak to your colleague at a time when you are emotionally stable. For example, you might say, “Can we agree to a respectful and civil way to discuss matters when it’s clear there’s no one ‘right’ answer?”

Prepare rebuttals (反驳).

If a particular colleague has a long history of disagreeing with you, you might be able to anticipate his arguments or objections. Prepare rebuttals to address anything your colleague might throw at you.     5    . It also strengthens your points without being confrontational, and allows you to give him credit for his constructive comments when necessary.

A.Hold your ground.
B.Ask for peace-making.
C.This will help you support your own arguments.
D.And ask him in a calm voice to repeat what he said.
E.Here are the ways to deal with colleagues of this kind.
F.Just find ways to make peace and communicate with your colleague.
G.The bottom line is, colleagues are not going to agree with each other all the time.
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Do you have a hard time saying“no”? If “yes” rules your life and “no” doesn’t exist, here are some tips for you to say “no” without feeling bad.

Switch out “no” for “later”

If you’re just starting out, you don’t have to jump straight to “no”.     1     . But saying later is much easier. Make your default (预设) response to any request with “Let me get back to you later.”Don’t rely on your “laters” forever, because too many would make you unreliable in the long run.

Rehearse (排演) your “no”

Sometimes, invites or requests happen naturally and in person, requiring an answer immediately.     2    . If you’re afraid of coming off as robotic or unnatural, it helps to rehearse your lines in front of a mirror.


Offering an excuse may seem polite to decline a request, but it sets you up for an awkward situation. No matter what excuse you offer, people who are determined to get you to say “yes” will come up with a way to reel (卷轴) you in.    4    . If you say “no” to them, you can still soften the blow by being polite and appreciative.

Do offer an alternative

If the person asking you for something is someone who you want to maintain a positive relationship with, you can decrease the impact of your “no” by offering an alternative.     5    . Hence, the person won’t feel upset and you don’t feel guilty for your“no”, either. It is a win-win situation!

A.Don’t offer an explanation
B.Don’t say “yes” to others easily
C.Saying “no”at once can be tough
D.But noisy places with many people aren’t your choices
E.So it would be useful to rehearse your “no” in advance
F.Being frank with people by saying “no” doesn’t mean rude
G.The goal is to find a common ground and reach an agreement
2023-09-06更新 | 125次组卷 | 6卷引用:七选五变式题
阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 较易(0.85) |

4 . Asking for or accepting help can bring up a wide range of complicated emotions, like there’s the fear of being seen as needy or weak. Although accepting help from others is difficult, giving and receiving is a necessary part of life.

    1    . For many people, the difficulty in asking for or receiving help is tied to childhood. As psychologist Lisa Firestone points out, these feelings often develop from having our requests go unnoticed at an earlier age.

Sometimes these unnoticed requests are a result of neglect or because parents are too busy to notice. Maybe they were undertaking some jobs to make ends meet or didn’t have additional family support to spare.     2    . When your needs go unnoticed, it can create feelings of shame about asking for or receiving help, while also forming an extreme sense of independence.

How do you get better at accepting help? One way to get better at accepting help is to start with small requests, such as asking for directions.     3    . Practicing this in good environment can ease some of the emotions that can appear suddenly.

    4    . If you feel very uncomfortable, wait a few moments to let these feelings calm down before accepting or denying the help.

Helping others feels good. Although asking for help is hard, one way to make it a little easier is to focus on how it feels when you help others.     5    .

A.Start small and make it a habit
B.It can feel like a burden to ask for help
C.Whatever the cause is, it may affect you
D.Having needs ignored can make asking for help difficult
E.We grow up in situations where help comes with duties attached
F.And remember that the same thing applies when others are helping you
G.Another way to get better at accepting help is to listen to your internal reactions
2023-07-01更新 | 54次组卷 | 2卷引用:七选五变式题
阅读理解-七选五(约300词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Most of us associate awe (敬畏) with something rare and beautiful: nature, music or a spiritual experience. But people can waken awe too, and not just public heroes. Research shows that we can be awed by our nearest and dearest — the people sitting next to us on the couch, chatting on the other end of the phone, looking back at us over Zoom.     1    

Often, interpersonal awe is a response to life’s big, sweeping changes, such as witnessing a baby’s first steps.     2     John Bargh said he was “truly awestruck” — by his 5-year-old daughter while dining in a McDonald’s. When she heard another child crying, she grabbed the toy from her Happy Meal, walked over to the boy and handed it to him.

Though we can’t make someone else behave in a way that’s awesome, we can prepare ourselves to notice it when they do and boost the emotion’s positive effects.

Question your assumptions. Do you believe your partner is insensitive or your sibling is selfish? There may be a little truth to that, but it’s never the whole tale.     3     To increase your chances of feeling awed by the other person, ask yourself what’s going on in his or her life that you don’t know about.

Name awe when you see it. Speaking out “Wow, that was awesome!” is a simple way to help you identify and remember a special experience. Savor (品味) it in the moment and then tell others about it. This will reinforce your positive emotions.     4     Studies show that you will feel awe again simply by remembering an awe experience.

    5     This makes the other person feel good and can give your relationship a boost. And it will help you too: Studies show that people who practice gratitude have significantly higher levels of happiness and psychological well-being.

A.Thank the person who awed you.
B.And recall it or write about it later.
C.Psychologists call this interpersonal awe.
D.It’s easy to forget that it can be awesome too.
E.But interpersonal awe does happen in smaller moments.
F.Here’s why you should recognize those moments of interpersonal awe.
G.The story you tell yourself gets in the way of catching people at their best.
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 较易(0.85) |

6 . It’s important to be able to talk to people when networking and building strong relationships. If you work in a professional role, you probably need to make small talk sometimes. However, you may don’t know how to make small talk. Don’t worry.     1    

Put your electronic devices away. The first step to making small talk is to put your devices away. This is a small but meaningful gesture in this digitalized world.     2     Giving your full attention to the person you are speaking to is good manners. Also, it offers a chance for you to build a relationship with him/her.

Listen first. In social situations, one way to show you are offering your full attention is to listen.     3     When you are listening, show you are paying attention by practising nonverbal cues like nodding and making eye contact. It’s also a good active listening practice to repeat what someone just told you.

Ask open questions.     4     For example. “How have things been?” is a better question than “Have you been alright?”. The latter requires a “yes or no” response, while the former draws out information in a conversational way.

    5     When someone tells you something in a small talk conversation, give your enthusiastic response. Your positivity not only can show you are paying attention but also might make them feel valued. This is good for building a relationship with someone you don’t know very well.

A.Respond enthusiastically.
B.Here are some tips for you.
C.They are some simple but useful methods.
D.Behave properly in response to open questions.
E.When you are talking with someone, listening is also important.
F.When you ask about the person you are speaking to, ask open-ended questions.
G.Putting your phone or computer away shows you focus on the person you are talking to.
2023-05-12更新 | 72次组卷 | 2卷引用:七选五变式题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . “Shyness can stop you from doing all the things in life that you’d like to,” the Smiths once sang. However, research suggests that may not be the case when working as a team.

Researchers have found that when animals temper their personalities because of social rules, the efficiency of a group to undertake risky missions—such as foraging (觅食) for food—is boosted. “We see this phenomenon happening when we mix together a school of fish with wildly different personalities: the very fearless individuals and the very shy individuals tend to control what they would normally be doing when they stick with the rest of the group,” said Dr. Sean Rands, the lead author of the research at the University of Bristol.

Writing in the journal PLoS Computational Biology, the researchers reported how they built a computer model to investigate the impact of social conventions and animals’ personalities on the movement of individuals within a group. The model was based on an assumption in which a group of animals in a safe “home” set out to travel to a food foraging site some distance away.

The results revealed that when no social conventions were in place, their movements were governed by their personalities alone—in other words how fearless or shy they were determined how quickly they left home and arrived at the foraging site. However, when social conventions were introduced, so that the individuals had to keep an eye on each other and adjust their movements accordingly, the impact of personality reduced with less variation in how quickly they reached the destination. The team found where social conventions were present, the group foraged more efficiently than when individuals behaved independently. “We find that if individuals pay attention to the other members of the group, the group will tend to remain at the safe site for longer, but then travel faster towards the foraging site,” the team wrote.

Rands added that for many social animals, being part of a group can bring huge benefits, and these can outweigh the influence of personality.

1. Why are the Smiths’ words mentioned in paragraph 1?
A.To give an example.
B.To make a comparison.
C.To lead in the topic.
D.To introduce the background.
2. What will individuals do while staying with a group?
A.Adjust their behavior.
B.Take on risky missions.
C.Ignore social rules.
D.Travel to a distant foraging site.
3. What can we infer from the results?
A.Personalities alone determine movements.
B.Individuals prefer to behave independently.
C.Group work increases exposure to potential risks.
D.Social conventions contribute to working efficiency.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Be Part of a Group
B.Stay True to Yourself
C.Get Rid of Your Shyness
D.Control Your Personalities
2023-05-11更新 | 140次组卷 | 3卷引用:2023届福建省三明市高中毕业班第三次质量检测英语试题
完形填空(约240词) | 较难(0.4) |

8 . Whenever I am in a group of people, I feel like everyone knows what to say and I have no idea. When I do try to join in, I get anxious. I struggle _________ words. This happens at parties or meetings. I feel judged- _________ I were being interviewed for a job. People think I am a loner. Maybe I am.

Individuals experiencing this type of social _________ often avoid eye contact, because it makes them feel _________ and judged. The feelings of awkwardness and not fitting in with others are often disarming, preventing these individuals from _________ themselves and sticking up for themselves in social environments, though they may be _________ at asserting themselves in environments that are focused on a task rather than _________

To _________ into a group, you need to be interested in the topics that others in the group are interested in and talk about them the way they do. Becoming a part of these groups requires that you _________some of your individuality in order to accept others’ __________ and values.

Some individuals are chameleon (变色龙)-like in that they __________ pick up the patterns of relating to different groups and __________ themselves accordingly. For them, this is automatic and they don’t even come to the __________ that they are changing themselves to fit into groups. If you are one of those people who feel __________ in most social group settings, it may be because you __________ changing the way you think in order to feel part of a group. Maybe you are better off.

A.even thoughB.asC.ifD.as if
2023-03-26更新 | 569次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023届福建省厦门市思明区福建省厦门第一中学高三一模英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . When someone hurts you, it can feel good to hang onto the anger and resentment (愤恨) that may bubble up after their actions. However, forgiving others can actually benefit you both mentally and physically.    1     Forgiving yourself for hurting someone else is another tough task. With a little bit of patience, you can learn to forgive yourself or others.

Forgiving is a willingness to move on from an injustice you went through.    2     While you can consciously decide to forgive someone, it may take some time to process your emotions and actually come to terms with your situation.

    3    You yourself value relationship with him or her, and believe that forgiving is worth it. Forgiveness is a decision that should be made thoughtfully, especially if someone did something seriously wrong. Take time to think through your feelings and your reasoning, to better understand the situation.

Avoid giving someone too many chances.    4     But if they are repeatedly and knowingly hurting you, or if they have done something extremely terrible, then you should consider protecting yourself. If someone has shown that they will mistreat you again and again, or that they are willing to do you serious harm, then you need to protect your own well-being.

Take the time to process your emotions. Sometimes, it takes a while to untangle (排解) all your feelings and figure out what to do. That’s okay. Give yourself time and space to process. Helpful processing tools include: Write in a journal about it. Talk to a mentor or trusted person about the situation.    5    

A.Think of some reasons for forgiving yourself.
B.Consider why you want to forgive this person.
C.You may choose to forgive someone once, twice, or three times.
D.Giving too many chances to people who hurt you is not a wise idea.
E.Spend some time focusing on something else, and come back later.
F.It can also help you move on from thinking about what the other person did.
G.Forgiving someone is a tough decision to make, and it doesn’t happen instantly.
2023-03-26更新 | 359次组卷 | 4卷引用:七选五变式题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . It’s always easier to say “Yes” because most of us want to please other people. Somebody asks you to go for a party but you have tests the next day, or to help them although you are busy at the moment, or to join the activities you have to interest in at all! Even though your heart is crying NO, you find the word “Yes“ coming out of your mouth. However, it usually results in anger-not only for the person who asked you, but also for yourself for not being strong enough.

Lisa Messenger, the Collective Hub CEO, said in her first few years of business, many people asked her to talk over a coffee. Actually, she usually ended up having 20 coffee meetings a week and that stopped her from doing business because she didn’t have time to do her own work.

Messenger finally learned to refuse like “No, I’m sorry, but I don’t have time. ”. She believes if you say“Yes”, you will regret later. Or your heart will be filled with guilt, fear or anger because you feel bad for agreeing to do something you never want to. So you need to be brave enough to say “No”when you’re asked at first.

Janine Garner, CEO of The LBD Group, believed we need to get very clear about our goals. Unless we work towards our goals, nobody else will care about our time. Garner said, “We may end up saying “Yes’ because we feel sorry for somebody who needs us. But we end up having that awful feeling in our heart. You can only achieve the best of you by stopping doing the things that take up your time and don’t add anything towards your goals. Take a good look at the time spent on others, which you really should spend on yourself. ”

1. How does the writer lead in the topic?
A.By giving examples.
B.By telling a story.
C.By making a survey.
D.By asking questions.
2. What can we learn about Messenger?
A.She always agrees to help her workmates.
B.She knows how to refuse others politely.
C.She likes drinking coffee in her work time.
D.She feels angry when she can’t help others.
3. Which opinion would Janine Gamer probably agree with?
A.Offering help is the key to making friends.
B.Helping others may make you successful.
C.You’d better say “No” bravely if necessary.
D.People who need us will care about our time.
4. What’s the structure of the passage?
2023-01-11更新 | 102次组卷 | 3卷引用:阅读理解变式题-日常生活
共计 平均难度:一般