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1 . Perhaps you know two people would get on well—if only they would speak to each other. Your shy friends aren’t intentionally avoiding one another; it is just not in their nature to strike up a conversation. You can help things along by greasing (润滑) the wheels of social interaction.     1     In fact, they might both be grateful that you helped them get past the initial awkwardness.

Make Introductions

The first step to getting two shy people to talk to one another is to offer an introduction.     2     If you see two shy people sitting together but not talking, walk over and offer an ice breaker. A brief introduction with a piece of information that ties the two shy people together will be most helpful.

Ease Anxiety

    3     As they talk, an inner thought tells them that they are not good enough, smart enough or funny enough. They think that everyone else is judging them and that they never measure up. You may be able to help two shy people overcome this social hurdle by building their social confidence and belief that they are mutually (相互地) liked.

Find Mutual Interests

Give your shy friends a reason to talk. Figure out what they have in common and let them know about it. For example, if Josh and David are both into watching the UFC, make an introduction and a comment about the latest fight.     4     But once the two shy people are absorbed in their favorite topic, you can quietly slip away.

Get Active

Shy people have trouble living in the moment. They tend to think about past weaknesses or worry about future social obstacles rather than focus on the current situation. Put your shy friends in a situation that forces them to stop thinking so much and have a little fun. Ideally, your shy acquaintances should have to work together to overcome an obstacle—similar to what happens at company party.     5    

A.Some shy people are their own worst critics.
B.Most shy people are hesitant to offer a handshake or a name.
C.You might need to include yourself in the conversation at first.
D.Don’t worry that your shy friends will feel that you are interfering.
E.Promote the conversation by easing the anxiety shared by your shy friends.
F.They will come away with a shared experience and hopefully a tighter bond.
G.Getting to know the likes and dislikes of your shy friends will make this easier.
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . No matter what profession or occupation you hold you will need to work with others to meet your goals. Group work is a great way to showcase your own skills while getting help from your teammates in areas where you might not be as strong.     1    

Clarify the team expectations so everyone is on the same page.     2     It’s likely that each teammate has a different idea about what’s expected of them, as well as what everyone else needs to be doing. It’s essential that the team discuss these expectations and agree on one universal list of expectations that everyone will follow.

    3     No one likes a teammate who barely contributes to the project. Take on an equal part of the work, and speak up if you realize you aren’t doing your fair share. Not only will your group mates appreciate your work ethic, it will show your supervisor or instructor that you’re a good team player.

Direct your concern toward the problem, not your teammates. Don’t accuse or blame anyone on your team for causing the conflict, even if you believe they did.     4     Have your team work through conflict, using it to their benefit.

Focus on the success of the group, not your personal success. When you’re on a team, everyone’s success depends on each member working toward a common goal.     5     Keep your focus on your team’s success, and your own success will follow.

A.Make sure you do an equal share of the work.
B.Volunteer to take on extra work when necessary.
C.Treat the team’s accomplishments as a group success.
D.Our guide will show you how to boost your teamwork skills.
E.State the issue you’re having, then listen to what everyone has to say.
F.Instead, keep all of your comments focused on the issue and how your team can solve it.
G.This can include explaining the expectations or asking questions if you find them unclear.
完形填空(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . We moved into a new neighborhood in 1990, Andy was pretty much the first person we ________. He came across the street to ________ us. Having lived there since 1967, he was warm and kind, full of ________. He would introduce to us which bakery for cakes, which store for shopping and ________ the occupations of everyone around us.

Andy would proudly and regularly ________ his veteran (老兵) cap and play music while doing yard work. ________ anything, though, he delighted in talking about our kids as much as about his. We watched out for each other. He would ________ our vegetable gardens when we went on vacation; we gave him some of our ________ in return. Andy and I would also complain about the big trucks that used our streets as a shortcut. As more time went by, we didn’t see him out ________ his small dog as often due to his ________ problem, and we’d help with clearing the ________ in the winter. Those ties continued with time passing by.

But the real ________ of our neighborhoods is their people — an Andy, or, in some cases, many Andys. Our neighborhoods are built on them, and ________ by their emotional ties. We are better for their ________, and worse for their absence.

Andy died this month. I will miss him, more than he ________.

A.Different thanB.More thanC.Because ofD.Instead of
A.do damage toB.stare atC.sit aroundD.keep an eye on
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . From a young age, many of us learn the benefits of being an extrovert —those individuals who always seem to be the life and soul of the party, often outspoken and able to express their opinions fluently. However, not all of us are wired that way —so is being an extrovert really better?

While thinking of an extrovert, we imagine a character who is determined, approachable, cheerful and charming. We are taught to admire these personalities early on. Kids are often encouraged to interact, play and communicate with other children. It seems at times as though children are made to have a more outgoing lifestyle, with some people becoming false extroverts introverts who copy extrovert behavior. While externally they may seem to enjoy the company of others, or being in the center of public attention, they can still become over—extended in intense social situations.

So, while the positive aspects of being an extrovert are plain to see, what are the benefits of introversion? Although extroverts depend on social interaction, introverts are more comfortable with levels of isolation. According to Dr Berit, a college professor, extreme isolation such as times like the lockdown, does not affect introverts as much as extroverts. Lack of social contact, something extroverts rely on, can lead to depression, loneliness, and even death.

But it’s not just in an extreme situation that an introvert shines through. These people seem to have more time for deep thought and thus can become more balanced. They also tend to be good listeners and think before they speak, meaning they could become great friends. Finally, introverts are often fantastic observers, as sitting out of the focus can give them more time to watch the behavior of others.

So, whatever your personality, either introvert or extrovert, there are clear advantages to being either, and if you meet an introvert, you might just end up with an amazing friend.

1. What is a distinctive characteristic of an extrovert?
2. Which statement is true according to Dr Berit?
A.Introverts should learn from extroverts.B.Extroverts tend to become better friends.
C.Introverts prefer staying cut off from others.D.Extroverts find it tougher to handle isolation.
3. What does paragraph 4 mainly tell us?
A.The influence of introverts.B.The strengths of being introverts.
C.The causes of introverts’ behavior.D.The personalities of false introverts.
4. What’s the purpose of the text?
A.To state a viewpoint.B.To advocate a lifestyle.
C.To introduce a technique.D.To describe a phenomenon.
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . While a new environment is exciting, the adjustment process can be challenging. Even if everything is going well at the beginning of your new job or school, something unexpected can happen.     1     The following tips will help you adapt to a new environment more quickly and smoothly.

Ask questions. It is understandable that when you start, you don’t want to show you need additional explanation, but you have to remember you are new! You are learning an entirely different process, so there will be things you need to ask to understand.     2     In fact, it has the exact opposite effect. You will not only impress others with your original ideas but also open up opportunities to build relationships across your new team.

Seck out a mentor (指导者). Having a mentor, particularly at the beginning, can make your adaptation much more manageable. This person can be your boss, your professor, or just a friendly classmate or co-worker.     3     And more importantly, they can help you learn some essential things you won’t find in the handbook.

Get to know people. Beyond your mentor, make it a priority to find more new friends. It does make a considerable difference. This way, you will feel more connected and a part of things, instead of being an island. This doesn’t mean you have to go to every corner and introduce yourself.     4    

Focus on this role.     5     Thinking of how comfortable you felt in your last role means you wish things were the same and second-guess yourself, which can threaten a quick adaptation. Don’t look backward. Welcome the new challenges, appreciate the new skills you are learning, and you are sure to be successful in the new role.

A.Doing this won’t make you look less intelligent.
B.Comparison usually hurts us more than it helps us.
C.It can be as simple as getting involved in group activities.
D.Don’t let your feeling of unfamiliarity be an excuse to stay alone.
E.You can make the change more difficult if you go in the wrong way.
F.They’ll field your questions and help you adjust to the culture easily.
G.Focus on identifying how your previously learned skills can benefit you.
2021-11-11更新 | 103次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省烟台市2021-2022学年高三上学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . As workers return to the office, friends meet up and religious services move from online to in person, people are asking the question: to shake hands or not to shake hands? When the coronavirus (新冠病毒) crisis first began, an event planning business in Kansas City began selling “I Shake Hands” stickers.     1     Those who did not want to shake hands with others could simply choose not to wear a sticker.

    2     A widely held belief is that it started as a way to show that a person was offering peace and not holding a hidden weapon. But hands have germs. Dr. Anthony Fauci, America's leading disease expert, warned that we shouldn't shake hands again. While Dr. Amesh Adalja, another expert, does not agree.     3     The answer, he says, is simple. If you are worried about COVID, the best way to make handshakes safe is to be fully vaccinated (打疫苗). And for any other things that might be on people's hands, just wash your hands before you touch your face.

Diane Gottsman is a national etiquette (礼仪) expert. She said though the country is entering a time similar to the start of the pandemic, when people wanted to know if others were socially distancing before getting close to them, she does not think the handshake will go away because of the pandemic.     4    But she said people should take things slowly. Don't be the first to extend your hand. You can watch the other person and allow them to extend their greeting of choice.

At the beginning of the pandemic, some companies offered to create new workplace rules, such as a no-handshake policy. But there was not enough interest for people.     5    

A.You'd better avoid shaking hands.
B.The handshake has been around for centuries.
C.The words were meant to make social situations easier.
D.Anyway, people long for human interaction and human touch.
E.Etiquette means the rules making up the correct way to behave in society.
F.He thinks people are overthinking the question of whether to shake hands or not.
G.It's a really hard greeting to deny as it has been deep-rooted since we were young.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . We’ve all been there-accidently distanced a new co-worker with a bad joke, or failed to impress the new boss with our first task. You might have been off your game because of a recent failure, but your new co-workers are likely to think that your poor performance is one of your basic characteristics. However, it’s not impossible to change how others view you.

Your co-workers may have built up a certain impression of you-that you’re not leadership material because you’re too quiet, for example. You can’t expect to overturn that thinking with small actions. You need to do something unexpected. If you’ve made them think you’re quiet and never speak up, it won’t be enough to talk once in a meeting. Instead, make a point of being the first person to speak. If your co-workers have to ask themselves, “What got into him?” then you’re on the way to beginning to change their views.

My first impression of Matthew, an employee of mine, was that he was a bit lazy at work. Realizing that I was increasingly unimpressed with him, he made a move. He suggested that we get to know each other better by going to a rock climbing gym-an activity at which he was very experienced, and I was a beginner. His great skills showed me a different side to his abilities.

Sometimes the bad impression your co-workers may have formed has nothing to do with you. Ten years ago, I met a woman at a meeting. Today, we’re close friends. But, she said that she hadn’t liked me at first. She thought I seemed “too positive”-and therefore somewhat fake. It was only after knowing me for years that she realized that was in fact how I was. If you’re patient and continue to act in ways you’re proud of, most people will finally come around.

It’s unfair when we feel misunderstood. But while first impressions are likely to stick, they can-with time and effort-be changed, so that your true talents can be appreciated.

1. What does the underlined phrase “off your game” in the first paragraph probably mean?
A.Beaten in a sport.B.Lost in your computer game.
C.Unwilling to accept a new friend.D.Unable to work as well as usual.
2. How can we change others’ impressions of us according to paragraph 2?
A.By surprising them.B.By keeping quiet.
C.By questioning them.D.By organizing meetings.
3. Why did Matthew ask the author to go rock climbing with him?
A.To explore new job chances.
B.To show off his climbing skills.
C.To get the author to know him better.
D.To push the author to exercise more.
4. What did the woman think of the author at first?
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8 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

“Meet one more and I’ll definitely ask a favour.” Gina thought, looking up at the street lights, everything immersed (沉浸在) in the dark night. “Alas! This unlucky stuffi” She said to herself, helpless.

Behind her came the jingling of bicycle bells. Hardly had Gina let out “ah” when a cycling young man swept past.

“Why, the cyclist was back?” Gina whispered to herself. The young man suddenly returned and was already in front of Gina before she knew it.   Gina’s heart was pounding under high tension. “What will he do on such a dark night?” “Called me just now?” The young man got off his bike. Gina shook her head repeatedly but gently. A strong sense of self-defense overcame her and she refused to say yes.

“Something wrong with your bike?”A pair of smiling eyes met hers. Gina became somewhat calm. “The front tire has gone flat.” she responded, head down, a ray of hope arising. “Well, I can’t help it with no tools.” The young man managed a smile. Gina’s heart sank again. “Do you live far?” the young man searched her face for an answer. “Me?” she asked, keeping pushing her bike forward. “Well, on the left side of the street end is a repair shop. Wish you luck!” With these words, the young man rode away. Gina almost burst into tears. “It’s almost midnight. Where can I find a repair shop? A liar.” She started to hate the young man.

Almost at the end ofthe street, Gina couldn’t help but look up. Near the sidewalk, there was really a shop with the light still on.

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She paused hesitantly, and out of the shop came a girl in her twenties.


With the help of the young man and the girl, the tire was soon repaired.

阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . In an incredible display of compassion and kindness, a man from Turkey was spotted trying to warm a pigeon in the most creative way.

Sabahattin Yılmaz was at home one chilly day. After a rain shower had passed, he noticed something landed on the sill (窗台) outside his window—a cold and wet pigeon. The animal was trembling and soaked; it clearly didn’t have the chance to seek shelter before the rain began. Feeling for the poor pigeon, Yılmaz thought of a way to dry him off.

Rather than pick him up and take him inside to warm up, Yılmaz plugged in a hairdryer and used it to dry off the bird. Little did he know that his neighbor captured the whole moment on video. In the video, Yılmaz can be seen leaning out of his window. He was stretching his arm as far as he can so the hot air can reach the pigeon. The bird willingly let the man warm him up, crouching (蹲伏) to let his outer feathers dry.

Yılmaz told the media that he spent about fifteen minutes drying off the bird. He said he had just opened his window when he saw the pigeon around the corner of the sill. He described it as wet and “about to freeze” from the cold and rainy weather.

After fifteen minutes, Yılmaz gave the pigeon birdseed, which he ate happily. However, the bird remained wet still. “I saw that it was still there so I warmed it up again, after the pigeon recovered again, and after eating a good amount of seed, it flew away,” Yılmaz recalled.

He also didn’t know that he was being recorded at the time and that the video was shared online. He simply did it out of the kindness of his heart. “The pigeon is a living creature and deserved to continue living, that is why I did it,” he said.

1. What is the text mainly about?
A.An online video about a pigeon became a hit.
B.A man warmed up a wet and cold pigeon.
C.A man invented a creative way to help birds.
D.A man lives in harmony with a pigeon.
2. What was the bird’s reaction to Sabahattin Yılmaz’s behavior?
A.It was scared and flew away.
B.It was annoyed and refused his help.
C.It was ready to accept his assistance.
D.It was happy to settle in his home.
3. What can we see from the video?
A.A man was filming Yılmaz’s kindness.
B.A pigeon was jumping back and forth when dried off.
C.Yılmaz was warming a pigeon in a novel way.
D.Yilmaz was stretching his arms to catch a pigeon.
4. Which of the following words can best describe Sabahattin Yılmaz?
A.Indifferent but creative.B.Patient and ambitious.
C.Talented but careless.D.Sympathetic and warm-hearted.
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . You can be hurt by other people in life. That is a fact. And some of those hurts can even leave scars that affect how you think, act and relate to others.    1    Withdraw into a shell, hide in a cave, and isolate(孤立) yourself from others. Definitely not. You can make a different choice to make painful circumstances direct you to a new path.

Remember you can’t please every single person especially a critical one.    2     Some are praying for rain, while others are praying for sunshine. You shouldn’t be replaying hurtful statements made to you. Additionally, it’s foolish to attempt what is impossible.

    3     We live in a society where we don’t get a whole lot of approval. It is not wise of you to do all sorts of crazy things trying to win a smile from some people too cold to ever give it. So refuse to play the game. Don’t waste any energy trying to convince unpleasable, disapproving people that you are a great person.    4    

Refuse to fight back. When we are hurt, the instant reaction is to fight back.     5     Instead, you can pray for the other person. It will help both of you. Be an actor, not a reactor.

It cannot be denied that dealing with other people effectively is one of the most important things you can learn in life. After you’ve mastered that you’re about 95 percent down the road to finding happiness.

A.No one can do that.
B.Choose emotionally healthy friends.
C.Also, the deepest wounds are caused by rejection.
D.Realize that you don’t need others’ approval to be happy.
E.You should firmly believe you are happy as you choose to be.
F.Then how do you handle the people who send you into depression?
G.However, striking back only lowers you to the opponent’s level of immaturity.
共计 平均难度:一般