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阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

1 . When someone hurts you, it can feel good to hang onto the anger and resentment (愤恨) that may bubble up after their actions. However, forgiving others can actually benefit you both mentally and physically.    1     Forgiving yourself for hurting someone else is another tough task. With a little bit of patience, you can learn to forgive yourself or others.

Forgiving is a willingness to move on from an injustice you went through.    2     While you can consciously decide to forgive someone, it may take some time to process your emotions and actually come to terms with your situation.

    3    You yourself value relationship with him or her, and believe that forgiving is worth it. Forgiveness is a decision that should be made thoughtfully, especially if someone did something seriously wrong. Take time to think through your feelings and your reasoning, to better understand the situation.

Avoid giving someone too many chances.    4     But if they are repeatedly and knowingly hurting you, or if they have done something extremely terrible, then you should consider protecting yourself. If someone has shown that they will mistreat you again and again, or that they are willing to do you serious harm, then you need to protect your own well-being.

Take the time to process your emotions. Sometimes, it takes a while to untangle (排解) all your feelings and figure out what to do. That’s okay. Give yourself time and space to process. Helpful processing tools include: Write in a journal about it. Talk to a mentor or trusted person about the situation.    5    

A.Think of some reasons for forgiving yourself.
B.Consider why you want to forgive this person.
C.You may choose to forgive someone once, twice, or three times.
D.Giving too many chances to people who hurt you is not a wise idea.
E.Spend some time focusing on something else, and come back later.
F.It can also help you move on from thinking about what the other person did.
G.Forgiving someone is a tough decision to make, and it doesn’t happen instantly.
2023-03-26更新 | 359次组卷 | 4卷引用:七选五变式题
阅读理解-七选五(约180词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Living Well with Others

A good life is one that is beneficial to living well with others, while living comfortably and honestly. However, not everyone can deal with the relationship well with others. They’re looking to explore new ways to make their life better.     1    

Smile at those around you. It’s often been said that a smile is catching.     2     Studies suggest that friendly engagement (交往) with others improves happiness levels, at least in part. People are more likely to treat a smiling person better than a non-smiling person.

Help others. Studies have shown that helping others has a direct relation to individual happiness.     3     Volunteering to help others has been connected to better quality of life.

    4     The golden rule is still the most important rule for getting along with others. Think of how you would like your friends to act around you. If you treat people with love and respect, they will treat you with the same.

Value your friendships with others. The quality of a person’s friendship has a direct effect upon their well-being. Friends can increase a sense of your sense of belonging and purpose.     5    

A.Research suggests that’s true.
B.Treat others how you wish to be treated.
C.Treat others with honesty, respect and kindness.
D.When meeting someone for the first time, smile to them.
E.They will also help prevent you from developing bad habits.
F.This article will cover some ideas you may want to consider.
G.Taking time to care for others has been important to understand “the good life”.
2023-03-03更新 | 130次组卷 | 4卷引用:七选五变式题
阅读理解-七选五(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |
3 . How to Have Better Relationships with Your Neighbors

With neighbors, to be friendly isn’t to become friends with them. There’s a difference between the two, and it’s easier to be friendly than to try and become friends.     1     But you can still get friendly relationships with them by doing the following:

Be respectful

If you want to be friendly with your neighbors, avoid doing things that’ll disturb their peace. Habits such as playing loud music and partying can lead them to be angry with you. However, you don’t have to make much effort to be respectful. You can keep your interaction with them to a smile and wave.     2    


When trying to help your neighbor, you shouldn’t come off as too eager to please. But you also don’t want to stand aloof when you can see that your helping hands can go a long way. Acts as simple as holding the door or elevator open for them when you’re entering the building together, helping them with a load they’re struggling with, giving your support with small things if they ask for it, etc. , can improve your relationship with them. It takes little effort to help your neighbors most times.     4    

Give them gifts

If you want to improve your relationship with a person, one of the best ways to do it is with gifts. You don’t have to go out of your way to get them something. Holiday cards, homemade items, and small gifts are all you need, and you can wish them happy celebrations. With holiday gifts, you don’t have to give them personally.     5    . It helps if you already have some interaction with them before the gift.

A.Offer to help if necessary
B.Stay safer in the neighborhood
C.You can just leave them by the door
D.You don’t even have to go out of your way
E.Not all your neighbors will want to be your friends
F.You will certainly get the help you need from them too
G.Being respectful also involves apologizing if you do something wrong
2023-02-17更新 | 72次组卷 | 3卷引用:七选五变式题
阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Talking to strangers during your travels can change your trip into an adventure. Here are rules of thumb to serve as your guide.

Don’t ignore your fellow tourists. When you go to some place off the beaten path, you’re likely to meet other tourists there. Find them, and ask where they would go.     1    .

Abandon your phone. Phones often get between you and the surroundings, ruining your chances to make contact with the people you see.     2    , take a deep breath and put it in a different pocket.

    3    . The easiest way to do this is to talk to people who are in “open roles”, such as anyone in a public service job, or a taxi driver. Or ask someone seated near you; ask where the person’s favorite street is; ask if there’s a residential area where it would be nice to take a walk.

Use a map — or none at all.     4    . However, the truth is, sometimes those small streets are nowhere to be found with a map. So ask for directions a lot. Asking for any kind of help is the key to many doors.

Most importantly: ask good questions.     5    . A well-turned question shows that you are really paying attention and are curious and ready to listen. A good question will get you everywhere.

A.Let strangers make your plans
B.Maps can be of great assistance
C.When the unwillingness gets in the way
D.They are going to offer quite useful advice
E.Those fellow tourists can make sense of your journey
F.Finding good questions means observing and noticing
G.If abandoning your phone isn’t practical or makes you feel insecure
2023-02-17更新 | 101次组卷 | 4卷引用:七选五变式题
阅读理解-七选五(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Social phobia (社交恐惧症) is an anxiety disorder with strong fear in social situations. People with social phobia feel paralyzing fear (麻痹性恐惧) when other people are around, as well as nervousness, pain or shyness.    1    

Learn to relax. People with social phobia often have what is known as anticipatory (预期的) anxiety.    2     For this we have to learn to relax instead of anticipating the fear of the future situation.

Look for social situations. If we always avoid social situations out of fear, it is very difficult for us to be able to overcome them.    3    In this way, when a social event arrives that we want to attend or take part in, we will be better able to be comfortable in it.

    4     Imagination can play tricks on us in social situations. In most cases you are afraid of things that have not happened or are not happening. We have to be especially careful what we think others may be thinking of us.

Be yourself. To some degree, social phobia is caused by the belief that we have to be perfect as others expect.    5     So we do not have to focus so much on what others may think of us, but on feeling comfortable with ourselves without having to be perfect.

A.Be imaginative in dealing with social issues.
B.Social phobia may happen in various situations.
C.Make sure your imagination does not cheat you.
D.We have to learn to accept ourselves and trust ourselves.
E.In other words, they worry about the situation before it happens.
F.Next we are going to see a series of suggestions to overcome social phobia.
G.If we try to relate outside of our usual circle, we will feel more comfortable little by little.
2023-02-16更新 | 89次组卷 | 3卷引用:七选五变式题
阅读理解-七选五(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Don’t we all hope to understand one another better? How can you get a good idea of what kind of person your new friend is? The people around us can give a lot of information about themselves without even knowing it. They express it in the little things that they do.     1    . So here are four small things that can tell you a lot about a person.

1. Their body language.     

Interpreting someone’s body language can be a powerful tool in helping you understand their personality, attitudes and feelings. For example, facial cues like smiling convey happiness, and biting at your lip means you’re worried or anxious, clenched fists indicate anger or frustration, crossed arms are a sign of defensiveness.     2    .

2. The way they dress.

Another great way you can learn a lot about a person without ever talking to them is by observing the way they dress.     3    . People wearing colorful clothes and fun patterns are usually creative and artistic types who want to express themselves through their fashion sense.

3.     4    .       

American author Dave Berry once said, a person who is nice to you but rude to the waiter is not a nice person. The way in which you treat people of lower social status than you or people who have nothing to offer you is a telling aspect of your character. When someone is rude or disrespectful to a stranger like a barista or a server, it shows that they’re superficial and over-privileged.

4. How they make eye contact.

Appropriate eye contact is a good way for someone to signal that they’re paying attention to you and that they’re interested in what you’re saying.     5    . Shy people also have trouble looking at someone in the eye for too long, especially if they find the other person attractive or intimidating.

It is important that we know how to assess people so we can make better decisions about them. These tips can come in handy in the dating pool, making friends, job hiring and can help you make a good first impression.

A.The way they speak
B.How they treat strangers
C.All you have to do is observe carefully
D.This is actually an amazing thing in a conversation
E.However, those who often look away during a conversation may be uncomfortable or distracted
F.Generally speaking, those who dress casually are often easygoing people who value comfort over style
G.Learning how to better read others’ body language can go a long way in helping you understand what they are thinking even if they don’t say a word to you
2023-02-14更新 | 92次组卷 | 4卷引用:七选五变式题
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Ways to Always Be Yourself and Live Happily

Don’t aim to please others.     1     This is why you shouldn’t please others but yourself. Pleasing others can be a nice thing to do, but know where your boundaries are. Instead of always aiming to please others, you should do things for yourself as well every now and then.

Don’t worry about how others view you. Occasionally thinking about how others view you may make you change for the better.     2     You should change if you want to, and change into what or who you want to change into.

    3     Do you know who you really are? Ever since you were young, you have been conditioned to be one way or another. It may be unusual just to spend a day being your spontaneous(自然的)self, but sometimes it is the only way that you can learn how to be yourself.

Forgive yourself. Forgive yourself for thinking negatively. Forgive yourself for talking without thinking twice. Don’t think negative thoughts about yourself for taking wrong steps or making wrong decisions. This kind of thinking puts your focus on the problem and not the solution. It’s better to say good thing about yourself than to say negative things.     4    

Strive for what you want to accomplish. Being yourself does not have to mean that you have to be stuck in the status quo(现状).     5     And strive for that accomplishment. You can improve yourself while still remaining true to yourself.

A.Learn more about yourself.
B.Aim for what you want to achieve.
C.Stop being negative about yourself.
D.Saying positive things is a sign that you have forgiven yourself.
E.Committing to something and working toward it will lead to happiness.
F.But you should not be constantly wondering about what others are thinking.
G.There is a problem if you are always doing what everyone else wants to do.
阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Peer pressure occurs when a peer group has direct or indirect pressure to do certain actions. The term “peer” often refers to people one knows in real life and that have a similar social status to oneself. However, the larger culture can also bring about peer pressure.     1    .

Many people consider peer pressure a negative thing.     2    . People, especially teens and young adults, may be more likely to do prosocial behaviors when they see people their own age doing the same things. Evidence shows that teens with friends who volunteer are more likely to volunteer themselves.

Research suggests peer pressure sometimes begins in elementary school.     3    . Some may be isolated by members of the larger group. Children may begin to worry about balancing a sense of loyalty to their friends with fairness to others.

Research has long shown that peer pressure can increase the risk of someone trying drugs, alcohol, or cigarettes.     4    . While some may experiment with alcohol or drugs once or twice and decide it’s not for them, others who begin using a substance may find it difficult to quit.

    5    . Some children find it becomes more difficult to go against the group over time. But it’s important to realize that not only do younger children face peer pressure, they are also able to stand up to it.

A.However, this isn’t always the case.
B.Coping with peer pressure can be tough.
C.Unconsciously, we are all influenced by people around us.
D.Certain people are more affected by peer pressure than others.
E.At this age, group values and routine begin to form among children.
F.It’s impossible to resist peer pressure when a child is struggling to fit in.
G.For example, television can convey to the public an acceptable way to behave.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . The doors open wide, you enter, and they close behind you. As the elevator goes up, you realize it’s just you and one other person taking this ride. The silence soon grows uncomfortable. What’s your go-to move? A)Stare at your shoes. B)Pull out your cellphone. C)Make brief eye contact. D)Start a conversation.

If your answer is B, you’re like far too many of us, who tend to do just about anything to avoid conversation or even eye contact with strangers. And smartphones make it easier than ever to do that. But a body of research has shown that we might just be short-changing (亏待) our own happiness by ignoring opportunities to connect with the people around us.

Several years ago, psychologist Elizabeth Dunn and her colleague Gillian M. Sandstrom tested whether short conversations with strangers could lift moods. They asked participants to enter a busy coffee shop and grab a drink-half would just get in and get out, and half would strike up a conversation with the waiter. “We found that people who were randomly assigned to turn this economic behavior into a quick social interaction, left the coffee shop in a better mood,” Dunn says. Why, if connecting with others makes us happy, do we so often avoid it? Social anxiety could be preventing these types of interactions, says behavioral scientist Nicholas Epley. His experiments revealed that train and bus commuters (通勤者) who interacted with other passengers experienced a more pleasant ride-even when they believed they would prefer reading a book. It is fear that the person sitting next to us won’t enjoy talking to us that makes us keep to ourselves, Epley found.

So, how can we avoid the risks of loneliness and stop short-changing our own happiness? It might be easier than you think. Start with folks like the cashier in a grocery store or the waiter at your local coffee shop, Dunn says. You’ve got to interact with them anyway, so you might as well make an effort to turn it into a friendly exchange.

1. What can be learned about those who choose B as an answer?
A.They are addicted to the digital world.
B.They feel uncomfortable being stared at.
C.They enjoy connecting with familiar people much.
D.They hate making small talks with people unknown to them.
2. What were the happier participants in Dunn’s study asked to do?
A.Speak to the waiter.B.Avoid asking for change.
C.Choose a drink randomlyD.Get out of the coffee shop quickly.
3. Why did commuters avoid interacting with other passengers according to Epley?
A.To protect their privacy.B.Due to fear of rejection.
C.Due to busy schedules.D.To enjoy views outside.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.The benefits of avoiding loneliness.B.The benefits of pleasant commutes.
C.The benefits of talking with strangers.D.The benefits of interacting with local people.
阅读理解-七选五(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Develop Positive Relationships

One of the most profound experiences we can have in our lives is the connection we have with other human beings. Positive and supportive relationships will help us to feel healthier, happier, and more satisfied with our lives.     1    

●Accept and celebrate differences.

    2     Yet when we try to build relationships, we expect that people will think like we do. In this way, it is so much easier to create a friendly relationship. However, while we may find it initially easier, the novelty of sameness soon would wear off. So accepting that we are all different is a great starting point.

●Listen effectively.

Listening is a crucial skill in boosting another person’s self-esteem.    3    In active listening, we also are genuinely interested in understanding what the other person is thinking, feeling, wanting, or what the message means, and we are active in checking out our understanding before we respond with our own new message. This process is what distinguishes active listening and makes it effective.


In a world where time is of the essence, we don’t always have the time to give to our loved ones. Being present in the time you give to people is important. In other words, when you are with someone, you are truly with someone and not living in the past or worrying about the future. Devoting time, energy, and effort to building relationships is one of the most valuable life skills.

●Manage mobile technology.

By now, everyone has a mobile phone and many people have two or more. While they are a lifesaver in an emergency, and an effective tool for communication, they also can be a complete distraction when people exhibit a lack of mobile phone etiquette (礼仪).    5    

A.Give people your time.
B.Develop your communication skills.
C.We can perceive the world variously.
D.Active listening is the most useful listening skill.
E.So here are some tips to help you develop more positive relationships.
F.Pay attention to who you are with and answer the phone when necessary.
G.So technology has somewhat weakened our ability to build a good relationship.
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