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阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

1 . How do you express gratitude in your everyday life? For me, it sometimes feels worrying: hand-writing hundreds of thank you cards after an anniversary, or making sure to eat every last bite on my plate so my grandma wouldn’t think I was ungrateful for the meal.

    1    Here are some tips about how to be better at showing gratitude.

Start a gratitude journal or write a letter. Make it a habit to put down the things that you’re thankful for.     2     There’s also some evidence that it could lower your risk of heart disease and symptoms of depression for some people. Think of someone in your life who you have not had the chance to thank. Think of a specific instance when they helped you. Then, it’s a good idea to send them a letter.     3    

    4     Look around in your immediate space, and take notice of everything that makes up your environment: the sky, the cool wind, the warmth of your sweater. The act of simply noticing and naming things is a great way to stretch your gratitude muscle as well as obtain some clarity on the strength of all the unique connections in your life.

Bear in mind the difference between saying “thanks to” and “thanks for”. Being grateful “for” something can be a little unclear or general.     5     It encourages specificity and reminds you of your connection with and responsibility to that person or thing.

A.Stretch your gratitude muscle.
B.Notice the world surrounding you.
C.Better still, deliver it in person and read it to them.
D.A habitual gratitude journal will certainly benefit us.
E.But experts say it doesn’t have to be that complicated.
F.In fact, this habit reduces materialism and enhances generosity.
G.Being grateful “to” something or someone implies a direct relationship.
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Friendship is a practice of unconditional love, an opportunity to grow together towards fulfillment (成就), and a journey to unfold the most precious capacities of a human being.     1    Here 4 key points to develop and sustain a true friendship.

    2    Many times we blame the other person for what we feel, without realizing that we are presenting the bad power to him/her. This is not, however, something we must be afraid of or we should avoid. When we create a bond of affection with another human being, we are automatically vulnerable to the actions that are produced by this person. Being aware of that, we would be better off if we take responsibility and accept the emotions that come up in our inner world instead of blaming the other for what we are feeling.

Provide support and encouragement. Friendships aren’t all fun and games — they do require you put in some work. Say they’ve just quarreled with their parents or failed an exam. It’s your job to be there for them and provide them with whatever they need, starting with support and comfort.     3    

Whatever the case, make it apparent that you’re rooting for them.

Seek the good of the other person. When we love another person, we seek the good of the other because we gladden their own happiness. Therefore, our seeking for the other person’s good is totally disinterested. We serve the other without expecting anything in return.     4    

Accept the differences.     5    . Friendship welcomes differences and integrates them into a level of union that accepts and goes beyond them. Friendship involves recognizing that the value of the relationship is beyond our personal traits and belief system.

A.Be honest with each other.
B.Acts of love are made for its own sake.
C.Take responsibility of your own emotions.
D.Additionally, it’s your duty to give them encouragement as needed.
E.Human beings are relational beings, as everything we find in the nature.
F.Therefore, developing friendship with other people is essential in our lives.
G.Friendship doesn’t mean having the same interests, opinions and mindset as the other person.
2023-06-25更新 | 119次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023届四川省巴中市高三一诊考试(一模)英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Meeting strangers is probably one of most people’s biggest fears, only second to speaking in front of a crowd. Thankfully, it doesn’t have to be an experience as scary as you might think.     1     .

Go out alone. Don’t always go to events with a friend or family member.     2     . If you go with someone you’re familiar with, you’re more likely to stay and talk to the person you already know rather than try to talk with strangers.

    3     . Most people’s favorite topics are about themselves. Even if you don’t have an interesting icebreaker, you can always ask people to talk about themselves—they’ll be more than happy to oblige you. For example: ask what they do for a living, where they’re from, or what they studied in school.     4     . They’ll be excited to share their hobbies, and you might find that you have something in common!

Don’t be embarrassed if you’re visibly nervous. If your voice cracks or your handshake is sweaty, laugh it off. If you’re an amateur comedian and can make it into a joke, point it out and get people laughing with you. If it’s something that makes you feel less confident, just ignore it. Everyone gets nervous sometimes, so push past and continue on with the conversation.     5     .

A.Start by introducing yourself.
B.Encourage people to talk about themselves.
C.People can come to you when you’re alone.
D.By going alone, you’re forced to meet other people.
E.Don’t let it embarrass you enough that you have to walk away.
F.These few easy tips will help you talk with strangers more comfortably.
G.If you get someone talking about their interests, eventually you’ll see their true personalities come out.
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . How to deal with silent treatment?

Is someone you know giving you the silent treatment? Maybe you did something wrong: you embarrassed or humiliated the other person; You let them down or failed to give them your support when they needed it.    1    .

Be clear about what happened

You probably already know what it was that you said or did.    2    . You could say, “ I feel like there’s a problem between us and that you might be upset with me.” If you do know what happened between you to cause this gap, ask if you can talk.


Explain that you know what happened between you wasn’t good and that you’d like to be friends again. Ask them what their thoughts and feelings are now about what happened. Acknowledge what they say about how they feel, and then say how you feel. For example, “ I understand why you are upset and that you are angry. I feel sad/upset/bad about what happened, and I’d like to put things right. ”

Take responsibility and apologize

This doesn’t mean taking all the blame.    4    . For example, “ I know you wanted our situation to be kept private and I’ve really upset you by telling other people about it. I’m sorry I did that. I thought that talking about it to others would help me make sense of what was going on.”

Try only once

    5    . You’ve done your best. Now, it is up to them. They may need more time to process what happened between you, so give them some space.

A.But if not, ask.
B.Share your past experiences.
C.Ask about thoughts and feelings.
D.It also means that we should keep it to ourselves.
E.No matter what it is, here’s a handful of ways that will set you in the right direction.
F.If the other person refuses to restart talking to you, there’s nothing else you can do.
G.It simply means admitting your part in any wrongdoing and expressing that you’re sorry.
完形填空(约300词) | 较难(0.4) |

5 . “The silence is killing me,” I thought as I locked my phone, hoping a new message would light up the screen. After 27 messages, two phone calls and a voicemail, I’d just sent my final text to the person who _________ to be my best friend at college.

The two of us met freshman year and, since we _________ almost all the same core classes, rapidly became inseparable throughout college. We _________ stayed up together for studying, and were each other’s partner for late-night pizza runs. Then one day after graduation, she suddenly _________ responding, apart from claiming she “didn’t have enough time for herself”. That breakup was the most _________ I’d experienced. After four years of building such a _________ relationship, I thought I’d at least receive a(an) _________ for why she wanted to end things. _________, I received only a brief, indirect message about self-care and-what hurt me most-a(an) _________.

Over the past few years, the concept of “drawing boundaries” has __________ in the pop psychology. Discussions of cutting people off and protecting your energy__________ dominate social media. And after nearly three years in __________, the ways the Covid-19 pandemic has __________ many of us to reevaluate our relationships with others show up everywhere in pop culture.

The __________ of self-care are fairly obvious: by prioritizing our own well-being, we’re able to engage in emotional healing, build confidence, __________ anxiety and simply rest. However, an extreme focus on self-care can lead to a(an) __________ perspective of the world in which we always put ourselves first, even when we’re in the wrong. This doesn’t just __________ us-it can have real, painful consequences for the people around us.

Sometimes it can feel __________ for us to remove ourselves from conflict or discomfort under the mask of __________. However, walking away from these relationships without a real conversation actually__________ us and our loved ones of an opportunity for growth.

A.signed up forB.looked forward toC.took advantage ofD.kept up with
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Learning to Give Praise to Others

Words of praise, when used right, can have powerful positive effects on others. They are free, but they’re worth so much to the receiving person.     1    Your members didn’t follow you because of salaries but for more a ltruistic (利他的) reasons. Therefore, it is important that you give them the praise that is due for their efforts.

    2    Don’t say, “You look good today.” When you could have said, “You look amazing today!” Don’t say, “Thanks for your effort.” Instead say “I’m so thankful for your being on this project; we couldn’t have finished it without you!”

Of course, with all that I have mentioned above, be sure that it’s coming from your heart.     3    Don’t praise if you don’t have a hint of appreciation for the person. Trust me, it will show in your eyes and the other party will feel upset. Insincere praise is flattery (恭维); you seek to gain something from saying good things about the other person.

Besides, praising in public is rather important.     4    When you praise a partner in public, you lift him up and his conduct for everyone in the room to see. Look for opportunities where you can publicly celebrate the hard work of certain people and make them feel they are great.

I believe that as you begin using these communication tips and praising people around you, you’ll see a change in the atmosphere of your work environment.     5    Eventually, you’ll find yourself with a more effective team!

A.So you need to be sincere in praise.
B.This is more so in voluntary organizations.
C.People will become happier and smile more.
D.It is much more effective than praise in private.
E.Remember that measured praise is no praise at all.
F.Words aren’t always necessary when praising others.
G.The best way to teach kids how to praise others is by being an example.
2023-03-11更新 | 96次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023届四川省树德中学高三第三次模拟检测英语试题
完形填空(约230词) | 较易(0.85) |

7 . On a Friday evening in December, two weeks before Christmas, I lost my job. I hadn’t seen it coming. I was excited for the weekend, when my daughter, Kristil, and I planned to get our Christmas _________. Then I listened to my voicemail: “We’re sorry but your _________ has ended as of today.” My heart _________.

I was the only parent. My paycheck(薪水) was survival, without which we couldn’t _________. The next day we searched for our tree and I struggled to be _________ as I eyed each price tag.

Monday morning, I set off on my _________ way. I headed to the pawnshop(典当铺) and _________ the day with $ 220 richer.

Over the next week, I _________ applied for jobs as my bank account grew smaller.

One afternoon, my old professor, Sister Esther _________. Just her appearance gave me __________ that things would be all right. I __________ her a cup of tea, and we talked. As she got up to __________, she handed me a Christmas card. When I opened her card, I breathed __________. Hundred-dollar bills __________ onto the table. Grateful tears welled(涌入) into my eyes as I __________. Sister Esther had given me $1,000.

On Christmas morning, Kristil and I __________ around our tree, and I joyfully watched as she opened her gifts. I silently __________ Sister Esther in my heart.

It has been 14 years __________ that Christmas. Sister Esther has passed away, but the love she gave during her life __________ in the hearts of many. I am __________ to be one of them.

A.started outB.rang upC.answered backD.came by
A.with difficultyB.with effortC.in shockD.in panic
A.spreads outB.dies awayC.cools downD.lives on
2023-03-03更新 | 136次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023届四川省泸州市高三第二次教学质量诊断性考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Sending a note of congratulations is a wonderful way to let someone know you care about them.     1     , but these messages are an excellent way to stay in touch, develop a relationship, and build goodwill.

In informal circumstances, it’s all right to send a message of congratulations in an e-mail.     2     . In a professional context, you might write a letter; in a more personal context, your messages should be hand-written on high-quality note paper.

The purpose of a note of congratulations is straightforward: to recognize and congratulate the recipient on some wonderful achievement, event, or milestone in her life.     3     .

Rather than writing a generic note, really take some time to brainstorm your content to make your message special. What do you know about how hard the reader worked to achieve this milestone? Share personal insights and memories, and your note will mean that much more.     4    . People like to be praised for their general wonderfulness, but they especially like to know that you understand what they’ve been doing and effort they’ve made.

    5     . As you look over the draft, put yourself in the reader’s shoes and try to imagine how you would feel if you received such a note. Can you make it more personal, more meaningful? Revise your draft until you know you are sending a message you yourself would like to receive.

A.Appreciate what went into the achievement
B.A note like this can make your reader feel appreciated
C.Choose general words to praise what they’ve achieved
D.It’s a good idea to write out a rough draft before you actually write on nice paper
E.However, your message will mean much more to the recipient if you put it on paper
F.As technology develops, people can send messages of congratulations in various ways
G.As the pace of life has accelerated, people are sending fewer messages of congratulations
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . We are naturally drawn to friends and colleagues with familiar voices, scientists have found. People prefer those who have a similar accent, intonation and tone of voice to themselves, they discovered.

Previous research has focused on how a male or female voice sounds. Men with deeper voices and women with slightly higher voices were thought to sound more attractive.

But the new study, published by a linguist in Canada, suggests there is a more complex mechanism(机制)at play. Dr. Molly Babel, from the University of British Columbia in Canada, said, “The voice is an amazingly flexible tool that we use to construct our identity. Very few things in our voices are changeless, so we felt that our preference had to be about more than a person’ s shape and size.”

She recorded 30 volunteers, voices and asked each to rate the others attractiveness on a scale of one to nine. Each participant was from Western America, with similar accents. The people we assessed were all in the same dialect group, but they showed different degrees.

“We seem to like people whose voices are like our voices, and we like people who fit within what we know,” Dr. Babel said. She also found that breathy voices in women — typified by the famous American actress Marilyn Monroe — were seen as more attractive.

The breathy tone, caused by younger and thinner vocal cords(声带), implied youthfulness and health. A creaky voice, suggesting a person has a cold or is tired, was seen as unattractive. The participant preferred men who spoke with a shorter average word length and deeper voices.

1. The main purpose of the passage is to ________.
A.compare male voices with female voices
B.inform readers of the new findings of voices
C.encourage men to use deeper voices to speak
D.rate people’s voices on a scale of one to nine
2. In terms of voice preferences, the new findings stress ________.
A.body size and shapeB.a shorter word length
C.the same social groupsD.thicker vocal cords
3. Dr. Molly Babel mentions Marilyn Monroe in order to ________.
A.introduce a popular film starB.explain a breathy voice
C.question previous researchD.convince people of her charm
4. Whose voice may be attractive according to the passage?
A.A young lady with thin voice.B.An old lady with thick voice.
C.A deep-voiced man with a dry throat.D.A little man with a quiet and gentle voice.
2023-01-09更新 | 225次组卷 | 3卷引用:2023届四川省凉山州高中毕业班第一次诊断性检测英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . People are taught how to speak, but good sentence structure and a wide range of vocabulary words won’t always lead to being understood or understanding others.    1    

The good news is that it’s never too late to learn how to communicate more effectively. The first step is to realize you’ re having communication issues.    2    The following is a list of the top three signs that you need to learn healthier communication skills.

You have the same fights over and over.

Your fights are about the same topic again and again. If this is happening, it means you don’t yet have the skills to resolve conflicts.    3    The fight may end, but it’s only a matter of time before you argue about the same thing again. When you learn how to resolve conflicts, issues don’t pile up or become baggage that weighs down your relationship.


You don’t want to fight so you try not to bring up subjects that lead only to pain and disconnection. The problem is that avoiding them leads to pain and disconnection anyway. Unless you learn how to have hard conversations productively, you will get more and more disconnected until your relationship is in danger of ending.

You regularly feel misunderstood or unheard.

No matter how hard you try, you don’t feel understood. Perhaps your partner has expressed the same feeling.Over time the disconnected feeling does damage to your relationship. It’s important to learn how to communicate in a better way, so that both you and the other person feel heard and understood.    5    To be heard, your partner will need to learn how to listen. For you, to be able to hear your partner, you will need to do the same.

A.You avoid discussing certain topics.
B.You argue with your partners about some issues.
C.If you can’t resolve issues, they will continue to show up.
D.This requires more than just speaking to your partner or vice versa.
E.Then, you can learn how to communicate in a more productive way.
F.If you leave conflicts unsettled, you will feel disconnected and lonely.
G.Effective communication requires much more than being able to speak.
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