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书面表达-读后续写 | 较难(0.4) |
1 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写一段话,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Holidays are not necessarily for fun or rest. Doing something meaningful can also gain special pleasure. When the final bell rang, the students were reminded that there was no school on Monday—the Labor Day. “Enjoy your extra day off” said the teacher to her class.

An extra day off unsuited Kayla just fine. She loved breaks. She wanted to go out to play with her friends. When the school bus dropped Kayla off, she ran into the house happily.

“How was school, Kayla?” asked her mom.

“It was great, Mom. I am excited about no school on Monday.”

“You just started back to school two weeks ago. Already in need of a break, huh?” asked Kayla’s mom with a laugh.

Kayla slept in the next morning. Saturday was her favorite day of the week. I trained most of the day, so Kayla enjoyed playing videogames inside. On Sunday, her friends came over and they played basketball for several hours.

Then it was Labor Day, you know, the extra day off that Kayla was so looking forward to. But Kayla was awakened early that morning by her dad. He told Kayla that in honor of Labor Day, the family would be cleaning both inside and outside the house. Kayla couldn’t believe it. This was a holiday. A day when she was supposed to be enjoying freshly squeezed lemonade while playing in her tree house. As Kayla wiped here yes, she began to wonder if this was just a bad dream.

“Kayla, your breakfast is ready. We have a lot of work to do today. Let’s get a move on,” said Kayla’s mom. As she sat down at the kitchen table, Kayla asked her parents,

“Are you serious about working today? Isn’t Labor Day a holiday?”

“Yes, Kayla. It is,” replied her dad. “But your mom and I thought working hard today would make you appreciate why Labor Day was observed in the first place.”


At first Kayla felt disappointed at her parents’ plan for the holiday.


But things began to change as she was doing the chores.

2024-02-15更新 | 106次组卷 | 50卷引用:热点练01书面表达之读后续写-2021新高考【热点-重点-难点】专练(山东专用)
听力选择题-短文 | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
1. How will the listeners go to the Isle of Man from Heysham?
A.By train.B.By plane.C.By ferry.
2. What will the listeners do on day 1?
A.Do a little light shopping.B.Meet the tour manager.C.Have lunch in the hotel.
3. Where will the listeners go on day 2?
A.The town of Peel.B.The mountain Snaefell.C.The village of Laxey.
4. When will the listeners tour around a small island?
A.On day 3.B.On day 4.C.On day 5.
听力选择题-短对话 | 容易(0.94) |
4 . In which city did the woman and John stay the longest?
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较难(0.4) |

5 . Moving around Bogota can be a bit of a Jekyll-or-Hyde experience. On the one hand, the city is infamous (声名狼藉的)for having the world’s worst traffic. Yet, on the other, its cycling infrastructure is considered a good model of sustainable urban mobility, according to the Copenhagenize Index, which ranks bike-friendly cities. The Colombian capital generated a now-international movement in the 1970s called Ciclovia, which sees 1.5 million people cycle across 128km of car-free streets each Sunday morning.

So, when the pandemic reached its shores in mid-March, Bogota Mayor Claudia Lopez, an avid cyclist herself, introduced one of the world’s first plans to encourage bike travel, using traffic cones to create 76 km of temporary lanes.

“Everyone started using a bicycle, and they already knew how to get around on one because we have this bike culture thanks to the Ciclovia,” says Carlos Pardo, a local cycling advocate and senior advisor at the New Urban Mobility Alliance. Pardo got involved at the beginning of the pandemic by partnering with a local bikeshare company to provide 400 free e-bikes to health workers. Now, he’s busy persuading the public that the government’s new bike lanes should become permanent fixture (固定设施).

“Some drivers say, ‘you took away our lane’, but we’re saying, we took one car lane and made a two-lane bidirectional bike lane,” he explains. “So, you’re duplicating the effectiveness of the space, and moving more people per hour, per direction.”

Biking has enjoyed a renaissance (复兴) around the world as urban citizens avoid public transport for the relative safety of a two-wheeled commute. Now, many advocates like Pardo are working with local governments in the hope of turning these pandemic-response measures into lasting changes—ones that are more plausible now than ever after lockdowns provided an unprecedented (空前的)opportunities to fast-track infrastructure trials. The results of these urban planning experiments could not only radically shape the way we commute across global cities, but also make them more adaptable to future shocks.

1. What can best illustrate the underlined sentence?
A.Much knowledge that is of help in learning about a new place.
B.A mixed feeling that is too confusing to express themselves.
C.An understanding that everything has both advantages and disadvantages.
D.An idea that human beings are born somewhere between good and evil.
2. What was NOT the cause of the popularity of cycling in Bogota?
A.The outbreak of the pandemic in mid-March.
B.The worldwide bike culture dating back to the 1970s.
C.The government’s support for the temporary bike lanes.
D.The local bike company’s contribution to health workers.
3. What factor is likely to stop the change of bike-friendly, slow streets?
A.The increasing number of cyclists.B.Duplicated effectiveness of road use.
C.A well-rounded city expansion plan.D.The growth of car ownership.
4. Which section of the newspaper includes articles of this sort?
A.Urban life.B.Politics.C.SportsD.Advice column.
语法填空-短文语填 | 较易(0.85) |
6 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Japanese researchers have developed computerized chopsticks that enhance (增加)salty tastes,    1     could help those who need to reduce sodium (钠)in their diets.

The chopsticks     2    (develop) by Meiji University professor Homei Miyashita and drink manufacturer Kirin Holdings Company in May.

Wiring connects the chopsticks to a small computer device     3    (attach) to the eater’s hand. A weak electrical current transports sodium ions (离子)from food through the chopsticks     4     the mouth. “As     5     result, the salty taste enhances 1.5 times,” Miyashita said.

The     6    (tradition) diet in Japan is salty. The average Japanese adult eats about 10 grams of salt each day. That is twice the amount suggested by the World Health Organization.

High sodium intake is linked to increased cases of high blood     7    (press), strokes and other conditions.

“To prevent these     8    (disease), we need to reduce the amount of salt we take in,” said Kirin researcher Ai Sato. Sato     9    (add) that if Japanese people try to reduce salt intake in the usual ways, they will need to cut many of their favorite foods from their diet. Otherwise, they would have to eat bland or flavorless food.

Miyashita and Kirin are improving their chopsticks and hope to have them ready     10    (sell) as early as next year.

听力选择题-短对话 | 较易(0.85) |
7 . When will the flight arrive?
A.At 1:00 pm.B.At 1:30 pm.C.At 2:30 pm.
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲的是摄影师Eric Ashby的经历和主要成就,他被称为“沉默的观察者”。

8 . Eric Ashby’s fascination with nature began at an early age. His first article, Bird Photography: an Ideal Hobby for Boys, was published when he was just 16 and illustrated with photographs that he’d taken.

His interest in photography had been sparked four years earlier in 1930, when the wildlife photographer Cherry Kearton came to Southsea, Ashby’s home town, to present a show of his work. The 12-year-old Ashby saw the show and immediately started saving his pocket money to buy a camera for filming wildlife in the nearby New Forest. But Ashby’s films did not reach the public due to the World War II.

In 1953, he and his wife Eileen moved to Badger (獾) Cottage, in the heart of the New Forest. It was here that Ashby perfected the techniques that would make him famous through the new medium of television. His patience and technical knowledge allowed him to film badgers at their holes during daylight — the first time this behaviour had ever been captured on camera.

In 1961, at the age of 43, Ashby finally got his big break, when the BBC showed his 45-minute film The Unknown Forest. The film had taken four years to make and received a very positive response from viewers. The nature writer Richard Mabey was hugely impressed and remarked that the film “changed the standards for home-grown wildlife documentaries”.

After the film was shown, he was given the nickname “the silent watcher”. The nickname not only stuck, it became the title of his second film.

In 1963, Ashby made the first British wildlife film in colour, although it took four years before The Major appeared in its full glory, as the BBC did not broadcast (播放) in colour until 1967.

He was awarded the Royal Geographical Society’s Cherry Kearton Medal and Award in 1975 and in 1992 received an MBE. He died, aged 85, on 6 February 2003, but his legacy lives on.

1. What does the underlined word “sparked” mean in Paragraph 2?
2. What might lead to the success of his 1961 film?
A.Unique scenes and the new medium TV.B.Animal knowledge and new standards.
C.The positive response from viewers.D.The recommendation from a nature writer.
3. What can be learned from Paragraph 6?
A.The Major took Ashby 4 years to make.B.The Major was not broadcast on BBC.
C.The Major was another success for Ashby.D.The Major was the first color film in the UK.
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.An Award WinnerB.A Silent WatcherC.The Life of a BadgerD.The Story in a Forest
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

9 . El Nino is a weather pattern that brings hotter temperatures and less rainfall than usual. It is caused by warmer surface temperatures in the central and eastern tropical Pacific Ocean leading to a change in wind movements. Warmer ocean temperatures lead to more rainfall over that part of the ocean and less rain over Northern Australia.

An El Nino weather pattern has been declared in Australia for the first time in seven years and experts say people should get ready for extreme heat. The Bureau of Meteorology(欧洲气象局) said the country would sweat through hot and dry weather for the rest of 2023 thanks to El Nino and another weather pattern called a positive Indian Ocean Dipole, or IOD, which relates to ocean temperatures.

Both weather patterns have already brought hotter and drier weather to southern and eastern Australia while making heatwaves, droughts, bushfires and having effects on coral reefs much more likely.

Australia’s last El Nino was in the summer of 2015 before cooler, wetter La Nina weather took over. The Bureau said it was very likely El Nino would last the whole Australian summer.

“When a positive IOD and El Nino occur together, their drying effect is typically stronger and more widespread across Australia,” the Bureau warned.

The news comes after an unusually long period of warm spring weather, with some places recording temperatures 15°C higher than the average. A disastrous fire warning was announced for the NSW south coast on Tuesday as firefighters battled against the fire in the Northern Territory, Queensland and New South Wales.

Senior Leeturer in Climate Science at the University of Melbourne Dr Andrew King said the recent hot weather “is a warning of the kind of extremes we’re likely to see more of over the next few months”.

1. What information can we get from Paragraph 1?
A.Something about El Nino.B.Ways to avoid El Nino.
C.Reasons of global warming.D.Areas tending to have El Nino.
2. From Paragraph 2 we can learn that El Nino ____________.
A.happens every 7 yearsB.occurs only in Australia
C.causes extreme weatherD.is often accompanied by IOD
3. What is one of the predictions of the Bureau of Meteorology?
A.Southern Australia will suffer the most.B.More places of Australia will be affected.
C.This El Nino will last for the whole year.D.It will become wetter and cooler next year.
4. What does Dr Andrew King mean in the last paragraph?
A.Things could be worse.B.People have got prepared.
C.Extreme weather will pass.D.El Nino will become weak.
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述2020年诺贝尔文学奖前美国桂冠诗人Louise Gluck的事迹和杰出成就。

10 . The 2020 Nobel Prize in Literature has been awarded to former U. S. Poet Laureate (桂冠 诗人) Louise Gluck. The prize committee cited “her unmistakable poetic voice that with plain beauty makes individual existence universal”. Gluck is the first American woman to win the award since Toni Morrison in 1993. Gluck, 77, joins a list of literary giants and previous Nobelists who include, in this century, Canadian short-story master Alice Munro, Chinese magical-realist Mo Yan, etc.

Gluck’s work includes 12 collections of poetry and a couple of volumes of essays on literary writing. “All are characterized by striving for clarity (清晰). Childhood and family life, the close relationship with parents and siblings is a theme that has remained central to her,” Anders Olsson, the chairman of the Nobel Committee for Literature, said. “She seeks the universal, and in this she takes inspiration from myths and classical themes,” Olsson added, citing her 2006 collection Averno, which the committee described as “masterly” for its “visionary interpretation of the myth of Persephone’s fall into hell in the captivity of Hades, the god of death”.

Being a professor at Yale and a resident of Cambridge, Gluck also served as U. S. Poet Laureate from 2003 to 2004 and is no stranger to awards. She won the Pulitzer Prize in 1993 for her collection of poems titled The Wild Iris, in which “she describes the miraculous return of life after winter in the poem Snowdrops,” the Nobel literature committee said Thursday. She also won the 2014 National Book Award for poetry for Faithful and Virtuous Night. In 2016, President Obama awarded the National Humanities Medal to Gluck in a White House ceremony.

The publicity-shy Gluck did not immediately issue any comment about the latest honor for her body of work, which spans more than half a century. In a 2012 interview, she acknowledged that prizes can make “existence in the world easier” but did not amount to the immortality (不朽) of a true artist.

1. Who got the 2020 Nobel Prize in Literature?
A.Mo Yan.B.Toni Morrison.
C.Alice Munro.D.Louise Gluck.
2. Which aspect do Gluck’s poems concentrate on?
A.Careers.B.Nature.C.Daily life.D.Classical myths.
3. How does the author develop Paragraph 3?
A.By presenting Gluck’s outstanding achievements.
B.By proving Gluck’s great passion for writing.
C.By showing Gluck’s contributions to literature.
D.By stressing Gluck’s influence on other poets.
4. What is Gluck’s attitude towards the honor she has received?
A.She is content with it.B.She takes it very seriously.
C.She thinks she deserves higher honors.D.She doesn’t attach great importance to it.
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