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升学备考 共64套


共64套| 浏览:5835次| 更新:2024-05-17 | 尊享会员免费下/PLUS会员8折下 立即升级

《【决胜高考】《备战2024年高考英语考场仿真模拟卷》专辑由资深一线教师,研究命题规律,精准预测命题新动向,匠心选材,仿真命制。冀希在考前黄金时间全真模拟,拔得头筹领先一步。 刷全真模拟,迎灿烂六月!!

2024/05/17更新 33次浏览
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第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50)

第一节 (15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5)



阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中(0.65)
文章大意:本文是一篇应用文,主要介绍了Cycling Electric推荐的三款电动自行车。

The ebike has become an essential item, and even the King has been spotted riding one. According to the market research company Mintel, sales have almost tripled over the past five years. While ebikes have become increasingly commonplace, they are still undeniably expensive. You can pack up a perfectly adequate push bike for £ 300, but most ebikes cost nearly £ 2,000. Now, Cycling Electric, designed to help consumers choose an ebike, offers the following recommendations.

Best folding bike

Carbo Model 4

Price: ₤ 2,799     Weight: 13.3 kg

Range: up to 34 miles

This is one of the most convenient bikes, from a little-known label. The lightweight Carbo X is the perfect example of convenience thanks to its carbon frame and belt drive, instead of a metal bike chain. This makes it lighter and less likely to get messy than an electric Brompton, with its more traditional, only chain.

Most stylish

Temple Cycles Classic

Price: from £ 2,995     Weight: 19 kg

Range: up to 74 miles

This Bristol-based brand is known for its elegant pushbikes, which are hand-built in the city. This is its electric version. It’s a very sleek and functional commuter option and not too heavy. Temples have fewer proprietary(品牌专卖的) parts and so are serviceable in any bike shop. Stylish as they may be, the VanMoofs and the Cowboys can be a bit more complex to get back-up and service

The money-no-object option

Riese & Müller Nevo4 GT Vario G4

Price: £ 5,380     Weight: 28.4kg

Range: up to 93 miles

This is a prime example of the attention to detail delivering a high-quality experience in functionality, comfort and practicality — if you can afford it. It has the capacity to handle 25 kg of luggage in a pannier, powerful road lights and a beautifully smooth motor.

1. Which conclusion is Temples’ advantage over other stylish ehike brands?
A.They have easier access to service.B.They are more comfortable.
C.They have more functions.D.They are more lightweight.
2. From what mentioned above, which ebike will a consumer probably choose, who cares most about an excellent experience?
A.Temple Cycles Classic.B.Carbo Model 4.
C.The VanMoofs and the Cowboys.D.Riese & Müller Nevo4 GT Vario G4.
3. The text is probably taken from ______.
A.a chemical paperB.a magazine column
C.a market research reportD.an official document
2024-03-16更新 | 46次组卷 | 2卷引用:2024届陕西省汉中市南郑区高三下学期一模考试英语试题


阅读理解-阅读单选(约420词) | 适中(0.65)

If there’s one thing I’ve realized since becoming a male college student, it’s that finding a summer job is nearly impossible. I’ve applied to so many places and I’ve experienced so many interviews, but I always either get straight-up refusal or never hear from the company again.

One time, I even called one of the companies multiple times, but the manager avoided me. I was close to giving up. I felt like I was the only one struggling hard. I had a pretty good resume, and I always dressed nicely for my interviews, so why couldn’t I get a job?

Well, the reason is actually right in front of me—I am a student. Companies generally want students who can work all year long, but most of them aren’t willing to be flexible with schedules. I couldn’t tell you how many times interviewers told me that they were looking for someone permanent.

I tried looking for jobs marked as temporary ones. And I even once tried to apply through a temporary agency. But it didn’t work. Even if I wanted to work during the school year, none of the companies wanted to hire me because of my limited weekday availability. And despite not knowing if I could juggle (尽量兼顾) both school and a job, I even started to tell interviewers that I would like to work during the school year and give up my weekends. But I had no luck.

I’m not sure if there are others like me out there. But if you are going through something similar, what I want to tell you is to keep on trying. Despite being rejected so many times, I still applied for any job that I was qualified for. I even started my job search before the semester ended to get ahead. Eventually, I got my ideal summer job.

I know it’s frustrating, and you may feel like you’ve tried everything—that’s how I’ve felt for a long time. And now, with companies requiring years of experience, it’s even harder to get a job if you’re someone like me. But don’t give up. Keep searching and applying, sign up for sites that send you job offers and look on the university’s website for on-campus jobs.

1. What does the author want to convey in paragraph 2?
A.His brilliant academic records.
B.The cause of his unemployment.
C.His jobless confusion in summer.
D.The social prejudice to graduates.
2. Why did the temporary agency fail the author?
A.He was troubled with schoolwork.
B.He was thought to have tight work time.
C.He was unwilling to balance study and work.
D.He was regarded as an inexperienced student.
3. What can be concluded from paragraph 5?
A.Well begun is half done.
B.Actions speak louder than words.
C.Everything comes to him who waits.
D.All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
4. What is the author’s main purpose in writing the last paragraph?
A.To give advice.B.To correct an error.
C.To compare occupations.D.To recall regrettable experiences.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65)

A team of physicists at the University of Edinburgh, working with an infection and immunity specialist, has, via experimentation, validated a theory to explain why paint dries at the same rate regardless of humidity (湿度) levels.     

Generally, paint should dry faster on an outdoor fence on a dry day than when it is humid because evaporation (蒸发) occurs faster when the air around a liquid source is drier. But evidence suggests this is not the case for paint and some other liquids. Chemist Salmon and his colleagues developed a theory to explain why. They suggested it is because large molecules in the liquid are pulled to the surface during evaporation, forming a “polarization layer” that prevents evaporation, and by extension, drying. In this new effort, the research team worked to test this theory.

The researchers drilled five holes into a short cylinder (圆柱体) and inserted glass tubes in a horizontal position — each was then sealed in place. They then added a quantity of PVA, a kind of chemical substance, into the cylinder, which they placed on a scale. They poured a thin layer of oil on top of the liquid to prevent surface evaporation. The final touch involved placing an air flow box over the top of the cylinder to allow for controlling humidity levels. The team then ran multiple 17-hour trials to determine evaporation rates, using the scale to measure how much liquid evaporated from the tubes at different humidity levels, ranging from 25% to 90%.

The researchers found that as expected, evaporation rates remained constant for approximately three hours. But then, rates plummeted, as was theorized by Salmon, regardless of humidity levels. The evaporation rate didn’t decrease as humidity increased during the initial three hours. However, the theory only appeared to hold for humidity levels up to 80% — at rates higher than that, evaporation did slow down, which the team suggested was likely due to some other forces.

The researchers suggested their work could have medical applications as recent research efforts have shown that respiratory droplets (呼吸道飞沫) tend to form skins similar to those seen in the experimental equipment.

1. What is Salmon’s theory aimed at proving?
A.The link between evaporation and drying time.
B.The connection between humidity and dryness.
C.The structure of the “polarization layer” on paint.
D.The impact of humidity on the drying rate of paint.
2. What is paragraph 3 mainly about?
A.The test result. B.The post-test evaluation.
C.The research prediction. D.The experimental process.
3. What does the underlined word “plummeted” in paragraph 4 mean?
A.Fell. B.Kept. C.Disappeared. D.Accelerated.
4. How do the researchers find the study?
A.It is tentative. B.It is effortless.
C.It is promising. D.It is controversial.
2024-03-16更新 | 124次组卷 | 5卷引用:江西省九校联考2023-2024学年高三下学期3月月考英语试题


阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中(0.65)

The ability to track animals and plants is up in the air —literally —thanks to help from an unexpected source.

Around the globe, many air quality control stations filter (过滤) air through small paper disks on a daily or weekly basis, allowing scientists to ensure concentrations of harmful pollutants such as heavy metals are below certain levels. But the filters also pick up plant and animal DNA having been scattered (播撒) into the wind.

The eDNA, short for environmental DNA, on those filters could make air quality control stations a treasure house of samples cataloging local animals and plants. Such records could help researchers track biodiversity at a larger scale and more easily catch species declines or track how ecosystems are changing overall.

“We’re effectively carrying on with it for a totally new use,” says Elizabeth Clare, a molecular ecologist at York University.

“It never occurred to us that these filters capturing particulate (微粒的) matter could even be analyzed for eDNA,” says James Allerton, an air quality scientist in England. That changed when Allerton read a news story about two studies where scientists cleared animal DNA out of thin air at two zoos, one in England —led by Clare —and another in Denmark.

Learning about the potential for capturing eDNA sparked a “light bulb moment,” Allerton says, and he reached out to Clare to cooperate.

Clare, Allerton and colleagues analyzed filters from the Teddington facility that were exposed to surrounding air for one hour, one day or one week. The team also examined eight-month-old filters from an air quality control station in Scotland that had each been exposed to air for a week.

Genetic material in the filters revealed the presence of more than 180 different types of local animal groups including pine trees, badgers, owls, fungi and news. That volume is surprising given that the filters and storage conditions weren't set up with eDNA in mind. That the researchers recovered so much eDNA from a system designed to monitor air quality shows how common airborne (空气中的) DNA is and how much biodiversity data could be up for grabs.

1. What is the new use of air quality control stations?
A.To purify air by decreasing pollutants in it.
B.To study the links between man and animals.
C.To concentrate on effects of animals on climate.
D.To help track the categories of animals and plants.
2. How does James Allerton react to the technology of capturing eDNA?
A.He felt doubtful and hesitant to use it.
B.He felt useful but reluctant to admit it.
C.He felt unimaginable but ready to accept it.
D.He felt amazed but refused to have an attempt.
3. What can we learn from the last paragraph?
A.Airborne DNA is quite uncommon in the system.
B.Over 180 types of living plants have been detected.
C.It is not easy for researchers to collect biodiversity data.
D.Researchers didn't take eDNA into account in the first place.
4. Which of the following is the best title for the text?
A.Air Pollutants are Found in Animals and Plants
B.Tracking Evolution of Living Things Benefits eDNA
C.Air Pollution Monitoring May Help Track Biodiversity
D.eDNA Technology Proves a Big Success in Air Detection
2024-03-16更新 | 66次组卷 | 2卷引用:2024届甘肃省兰州市高三下学期诊断考试英语试卷



阅读理解-七选五(约290词) | 适中(0.65)

What a comedian can teach you about managing stress

We often accept stress as part of the cost of modern life, but it really doesn’t have to be. We all know that laughter is the best medicine.     1     People who can laugh at their own misfortunes bounce back faster and stronger. Here is what a comedian says about coping with stress.

You can try to find a different perspective.     2     Once a friend of mine fell asleep in the middle of a class. His teacher decided to make fun of him by inviting students to applaud, wondering whether my friend would applaud along when he woke up. He did and the whole class burst outlaughing. After learning everything, he was both embarrassed and ashamed of course but after a while, my friend laughed. “If this had happened to someone else, it would have been amusing. So it’s no less funny, just because it happened to me. “

    3     There’s no doubt that we all experience great stress now and then. We’ve all been personally affected, in some way. You might not have felt like laughing at the time But now, looking back, you could consider all of the strange aspects of the experience and all of the things you did to keep active or simply stay sane (神志正常的) .

When you share stories with your friends, you can choose to share stories of trauma (创伤) and pain, or you can choose to lift their spirits with stories of hope and growth.     4     Take the exact same story and change the focus from “feel sorry for me” to “laugh with me”. Keep in mind that we’re all in this together, that we all share the same ridiculous experiences, and that we can laugh together at whatever life throws at us.     5    

A.Always share a good story.
B.Why not do what comedians do?
C.You can also look again and laugh.
D.But laughter does more than cheer you up.
E.Then you are able to make a simple choice.
F.In this way. you will say goodbye to stress forever.
G.If you have trouble seeing the funny side, you may find the following inspiring.
2023-03-30更新 | 551次组卷 | 8卷引用:湖北省2022-2023学年高三3月联合测评英语试题(含听力)

第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30)



完形填空(约260词) | 适中(0.65)

In late 2021, I began to have a little bit of a midlife crisis. When my father was 48 years old, he had a heart attack that nearly ended his life. As I _________ my mid-forties, I knew that I needed to make a change in my life. I wanted to do something _________ to prove to myself and everyone else around me that I wasn’t going to have the same fate.

As I was trying to determine what kind of _________ that I wanted to set, I found a _________ called The Rut. The Rut is a series of races that are _________ in Big Sky, Montana every September. There’s multiple distances, but the 28 Kilometer _________ is the most popular, as well as the most _________ of the entire series. This race is regularly listed in the top ten most difficult races in the world. It involves almost 8,000 feet of elevation (海拔)_________ . This was the type of race I was _________ .

I also did a detailed training __________ . Even if I was traveling for business, I would stick to it and never __________ a workout (训练). And then came race day.

That day, Big Sky Montana, was unseasonably __________ , almost 100 degrees Fahrenheit. The race is going almost entirely above tree line, which means that you just are __________ to the elements (恶劣天气) nearly the entire time. Many people __________ out of the race halfway. But I finished it. When I reached the finish line, I was greeted by my wife and children, also friends that had traveled with us to Big Sky that day. This was the biggest challenge I had made for myself, but I __________ it.

A.changing forB.leaving forC.paying forD.looking for
2024-03-16更新 | 93次组卷 | 2卷引用:2024届甘肃省兰州市高三下学期诊断考试英语试卷


语法填空-短文语填(约200词) | 适中(0.65)

Flames in kilns (窑) around China have been burning since the Xia and Shang dynasties. Along the way, porcelain (瓷器) was born.

Porcelain is made by heating raw materials, often     1     mix between China stone and kaolin clay, in a kiln at a temperature as high as 1,200 degree Celsius. Temperature is key     2     making porcelain. Going through the fire of reinvention gives porcelain     3     (great) strength, more translucence (半透明) and a feast of colors.

Celadon produced in Longquan, Zhejiang province, a technique     4     (pass) down for more than 1,600 years, is a typical example of craftsmen’s pursuit of the perfect green glint (闪光).     5     takes 72 steps to produce Longquan celadon’s jade-like green. Plum green and light green are two colors of the best quality.

Porcelain has also been a carrier for cultural exchanges. Along with China’s silk and tea, porcelain was one of the first items     6    (receive) worldwide trade. As it travelled around the globe through the ancient Maritime Silk Road, porcelain     7     (enjoy) great popularity among royal families and upper classes in Europe,     8     were fascinated by these beautiful vessels they named after China.

Porcelain has evolved into art works. Even when broken into     9     (piece) and buried deep in mud, cultural values attached to porcelain remain. As a memory that can be felt with both hands, porcelain is     10     (touch) history.

2024-03-07更新 | 185次组卷 | 2卷引用:浙江省绍兴市诸暨市2023-2024学年高三上学期12月诊断性考试模拟英语试题



书信写作-道歉信 | 适中(0.65)
2024-03-04更新 | 106次组卷 | 4卷引用:浙江省嘉兴市桐乡市2023-2024学年高三上学期1月期末英语试题


书面表达-读后续写 | 较难(0.4)

When I was in middle school, my family moved to Seattle, where my parents started their new business — a small grocery store downstairs my house. As a girl of shy and reserved nature, I had to take a fresh start to fit into the sophisticated city life.

One sunny day, my school announced an exciting event, a talent show for the local food bank. Students were encouraged to showcase their unique talents in front of the public in the city hall on National Day. A buzz of excitement fed the school as everyone began preparing for the big day. Deep down, I felt a spark of curiosity and a desire to participate. However, my self-doubt held me back, “I don’t have any special skills to share.”

Days turned into weeks, and the talent show drew closer. I couldn’t shake the upsetting feeling until one day, Emma, one of the most popular girls in my class, came to me while I was helping in the grocery store after class. “How about singing together in the talent show?” She grinned, “I heard you singing a tune, along the way back home. I can’t help following you here.” Gosh, I couldn’t believe my ears. Emma, with personality and popularity, acknowledged my little talent. Since Emma had the world’s prettiest voice, I felt like being favoured by fortune.

“You two? The talent show for the food bank?” My mum bent towards us and her face lit up. “A big occasion.” Then a light bulb seemed to go in her head. “Why not practise right now upstairs? I bet you’ll be a perfect match.” Winking at us, she seemed to know we were thinking alike.

Emma and I embarked on rehearsing almost every single day after school. We brainstormed, exchanged ideas and rehearsed the scene. As the days rolled by, I was feeling pretty good about our act. But the day before the performance, Emma called that she had an acute stomachache and was not in any shape to perform.

Paragraph 1:

I was completely knocked out by the news.

Paragraph 2:

Finally came the big moment.

2024-02-26更新 | 844次组卷 | 41卷引用:河南省开封市2023-2024学年高二上学期11月期中英语试题
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