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共64套| 浏览:5849次| 更新:2024-05-17 | 尊享会员免费下/PLUS会员8折下 立即升级

《【决胜高考】《备战2024年高考英语考场仿真模拟卷》专辑由资深一线教师,研究命题规律,精准预测命题新动向,匠心选材,仿真命制。冀希在考前黄金时间全真模拟,拔得头筹领先一步。 刷全真模拟,迎灿烂六月!!

2024/05/14更新 34次浏览
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第二部分  阅读(共两节,满分50分)

第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)



阅读理解-阅读单选(约240词) | 较易(0.85)

For those looking to fry up something new this winter, these are the cookbooks to have in your kitchen bookshelf.

1. Made in Bangladesh, by Dina Begum

£28, Hardie Grant

The second cookbook from food writer Dina Begum is a love letter to Bangladcsh. Alongside the selection of tempting recipes are detailed ingredient notes, explanations of distinctive spice mixtures and advice on traditional preparation and serving, all accompanied by vivid photography of busy street-sellers, grass-covered landscapes and market produce.

2. Manju’s Cookbook, by Manju Patel

£22, Ryland Peters & Small

At the age of 80, Gujarat-born Manju Patel was given a restaurant in Brighton by her sons. Six years later, she remains an important part of the business — named Manju’s — but has also found the time to write this cookbook, which showcases dishes including mattar paneer(奶豆腐)and Gujarati dal.

3. Ester, by Mat Lindsay

£30, Murdoch Books

Australian restauranteur Mat Lindsay’s new book isn’t for the green-hand home cook. Ester is a celebration of modern Aussie cuisine, focusing on fire and perfect technique. Recipes include flame-grilled bone marrow with sesame-seed sambal, and sourdough ice cream.

4. Maydan, by Rose Previte

£30, Abrams

This new cookbook from Washington, DC-based chef Rose Previte is inspired by her Lebanese roots and travels in the Middle East. You can surely be inspired if you enjoy Lebanese dishes.

1. Which of the following book is the cheapest?
A.Ester.B.Manju’s Cookbook.
C.Maydan.D.Made in Bangladesh.
2. If you want to try Lebanese food, whose book will you choose?
A.Rose Previte.B.Mat Lindsay.
C.Manju Patel.D.Dina Begum.
3. What’s the purpose of the passage?
A.To ask readers to learn to cook.
B.To make comments on the four books.
C.To recommend new cookbooks to readers.
D.To make comparisons between the books.
2024-03-22更新 | 66次组卷 | 2卷引用:2024届四川省凉山州高三下学期二诊考试英语试题


阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65)
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了澳大利亚著名指挥家Guy Noble对中国音乐非常推崇,他指挥了名为“东方遇见西方”的巡回音乐会,并希望自己能更多地了解中国文化,将它们与音乐结合起来。

Guy Noble, one of Australia’s most famous conductors, who conducted the touring concert “East Meets West”, said he’d like to learn more about Chinese music. “I’m impressed by the history and the beauty Chinese music has,” he’s said in an interview recently.

“East Meets West” concert tour in Australia was resumed this year after being postponed twice due to the pandemic. It was hosted in Canberra last Saturday, bringing audiences some well-known Chinese and Western pieces such as Jasmine Flower, Carmen, Romeo and Juliet, and The Yellow River.

While it was called “East Meets West”, music from China and the West with the same themes was brought together. Chinese singer Ya Fen and Australian singer Victoria Lambourn performed a duet (二重唱) Hope Betrayed, which was inspired by the Chinese classic novel A Dream of Red Mansions. Noble said he loved the duet as it showed completely different singing styles: traditional Chinese opera style and Western opera style. “They’re not exactly the same, but they came together,” he said.

Having been a professional conductor for more than 20 years, Noble called music an international language. He noted that most music at the concert was about love, which was also an international language. He also spoke highly of some Chinese musicians, such as pianist Lang Lang who he thought has inspired many kids in China to learn music.

Noble admitted his knowledge of Chinese culture was limited. He said that conducting the Canberra concert was “an experience that I’ve enjoyed”, which made him more interested in discovering the background and history of the music, as well as the stories behind it. Noble is ready to create more things that can involve dance or calligraphy or some of the other aspects of Chinese culture, and put them together with music.

1. What does the underlined word “resumed” in paragraph 2 mean?
2. Why did Noble enjoy Hope Betrayed?
A.Because it impressed him with its history.
B.Because it was inspired by a classic novel.
C.Because it showed two performing styles.
D.Because it was performed by an Australian.
3. What can we learn about Noble from the text?
A.He is an amateur conductor.
B.He speaks highly of all Chinese musicians.
C.He has a wide knowledge of Chinese culture.
D.He intends to integrate more Chinese elements into music.
4. Which of the following could be the best title for the text?
A.Guy Noble: A Famous Australian Conductor
B.An Australian’s Passion for Chinese Culture
C.Music: A Bridge to Understanding Each Other
D.The Cooperation Between Foreign Musicians
2024-03-10更新 | 202次组卷 | 4卷引用:四川省绵竹中学2022-2023学年5月高考适应性考试英语试题(全程模拟考试)


阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中(0.65)

New research indicates that a person's neighborhood may play a large role in influencing decisions to commute by bike. The study, published recently in the Journal of Transport and Land Use, could give city planners new ideas about how to design neighborhoods, streets and bike paths with active commuting in mind, said Yuiin Park, lead author of the study.

The study was based on a survey of 1, 200 people who commuted to The Ohio State University. About 12.6 percent of those people classified themselves as bicyclists, and about 5.4 percent reported that a bicycle was their main choice of transportation to campus. People, who lived in high-density areas were more than twice as likely to commute by bike as people in medium-density areas and more than three times as likely to commute by bike as people in suburban areas.

Both bicyclists and non-bicyclists in the survey agreed that bicycling was environmentally friendly,created health benefits and would save money. It indicates that recognizing the benefits of bicycling is not enough to push non-bicyclists to start commuting on two wheels. However, most bicyclists surveyed said they would commute by bike more frequently if they had access to more bike' paths, bike-sharing opportunities and covered parking for their bikes. Non-bicyclists who lived in high-density neighborhoods appeared to be more concerned about safety-both from other vehicles and from crime-when traveling by bike than their friends who commute by bike.

Park finally said that the conditional willingness to ride a bicycle to commute gradually decreases from high-density neighborhoods to low-density, single-family neighborhoods. She also said that if campus, city and regional planners want to increase the percentage of people commuting by bike, they might want to target public investment in protected bike paths and bike parking near downtown and campus areas.

1. What can we learn about the participants from paragraph 2?
A.They live near the Ohio State University.
B.Quite a few of them commute by bicycle.
C.They are students from the Ohio State University.
D.People living downtown are most likely to ride bikes.
2. Non-bicyclists are more concerned about      
A.narrow bicycle pathsB.potential safety risks
C.few sharing chancesD.poor parking facilities
3. How can city planners encourage more people to commute by bike?
A.By requiring university students to ride bikes.B.By investing more money in purchasing bikes.
C.By building safe paths and parking for cyclists.D.By educating people about the benefits of cycling.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.Campuses should be designed as bike-friendly areas.
B.People are supposed to commute downtown by bike.
C.Neighborhood may affect people's commuting choices.
D.Commuting by bike makes neighbourhood more active.
2020-11-12更新 | 71次组卷 | 2卷引用:江苏省连云港市2021届高三上学期期中调研英语试题


阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 适中(0.65)

Bees are more than just honey-makers, They are essential pollinators (传粉者) that help maintain the balance of our ecosystems and the diversity of our crops. Bees are among the most diverse and plentiful insects on Earth, with over 20,000 species worldwide. They belong to the order Hymenoptera (膜翅目昆虫), which also includes wasps, ants, and sawflies.

Bees have evolved to feed on nectar (花蜜) and pollen from flowers, and in doing so, they transfer pollen from one flower to another, enabling fertilization (受精) and reproduction. This process, called pollination, is essential for the survival of many plants, especially those that produce fruits, nuts, seeds, and vegetables that we eat.

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), bees and other pollinators affect 35% of global agricultural land, supporting the production of 87% of the leading food crops worldwide.

Pollination also enhances the quality and quantity of the crops, as well as their resistance to pests and diseases. Without bees and other pollinators, our food supply and our biodiversity would be at risk.

Unfortunately, bees are facing many threats, such as habitat loss, pesticide use, climate change, diseases, and invasive species. The FAO estimates that 16.5% of vertebrate (脊椎动物) pollinators and 40% of invertebrate pollinators, such as bees, are facing extinction. This could have serious consequences for our food security, our livelihoods, and our environment.

Therefore, it is important to protect the bees and their habitats, and to raise awareness about their role and value.

One way to appreciate and support the bees is to learn how to identify them and observe their behavior. You might be surprised by the diversity and beauty of the bees that visit your backyard, garden, or balcony.

1. Why are pollinators important?
A.They help the bees fertilize.B.They keep the crops diverse.
C.They support the bees to make honey.D.They protect insects such as wasps.
2. What is the second paragraph mainly about?
A.How pollination works.B.How the flowers attract bees.
C.How the bees reproduce.D.How the plants produce fruits.
3. What does the underlined word “This” in Paragraph 5 probably refer to?
A.Climate change.B.Pesticide use.
C.Pollinators’ survival crisis.D.Bees’ habitat loss.
4. Which would be the best title for the text?
A.A duty: Protect Bees’ HabitatB.A Means: Observe Bees’ Behaviour
C.Bees: Maintainers of the EcosystemD.Bees: Consumers at the Top of the Food Chain
2024-03-26更新 | 75次组卷 | 3卷引用:2024届贵州省贵阳市高三下学期适应性测试(一)英语试题

第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)


阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中(0.65)

When something goes wrong, do you tend to bounce back or fall apart? Here are some strategics to help you manage a personal setback (挫折) and get back on track toward achieving your goal.

● Realize it’s normal. Less than 20 percent of people successfully achieve their goal the first time around. It’s normal and expected for setbacks to occur.     1     Knowing this, it’s important to anticipate that the main task will be how to effectively manage the setback when it arises.

● Don’t deny it. Sometimes it’s hard to recognize a setback. The problem can be staring you right in the face, but you may deny there’s any cause for alarm.     2     This inability to acknowledge the problem doesn’t mean you’re stupid. It’s just that denial can cloud your awareness of the issue. It’s important to be receptive to the honest feedback.

    3    Stop and consider carefully what went wrong. The most common causes of a setback are personal worries, overconfidence, and poor coping skills. Take a look at any factor that may have contributed to the setback: where you were, who you were with, what you were thinking and feeling.

● Learn from it. Learn from your analysis of the setback, and adjust your plan to try to prevent similar things from happening the next time. Each time you fine-tune your plan and put it into action again, you actually improve your odds of eventual success.     4    

Remind yourself that your setback is a slip instead of a fall.     5     After adjusting, you can still make progress toward success again.

A.Don’t take it seriously.
B.Analyze what happened.
C.You haven’t lost all of the knowledge, skills, and support.
D.In other words, it’s not whether a challenge will happen, but it’s when.
E.This is because you learn from each misstep to make your plan more effective.
F.Friends or family will voice their concerns, but you still may not be able to accept it.
G.You might even write about past experiences in a journal to guide your future behavior.
2024-03-13更新 | 242次组卷 | 3卷引用:2024届安徽省合肥市高三下学期第一次教学质量检测英语试题

第三部分  语言运用(共两节,满分30分)

第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


完形填空(约220词) | 适中(0.65)

Once a year, around the time when Christians celebrate Easter, Muslims celebrate Ramadan and Jews celebrate Passover, I often invite my 24-person team to a joyful and special dinner at my place. To _______ the needs of all my team members, I usually _______ different kinds of typical food from different religions.

I think this _______ reflects the wider philosophy of my science lab: we aim to be a _______ yet united group of people working in a global scientific network. My lab _______ people with different _______. One of the most obvious _______ is our religions. Yet when people _______ my lab, they gather together, first through their common _______ for science, and then as they get to know one another and enjoy spare time activities, we become a cohesive (有凝聚力的) team. I am ________ this cohesion (内聚力) and the new friendships in my lab, and do my best to encourage them.

I’m also really ________, while looking for new members. I interview many people before I ________ the right ones for my lab. They must be ________ capable of course, but it’s just as important that they’re friendly, interesting and interested in others. They should be prepared to ________ various points of view and cultures.

As the person in charge of the lab, I see preserving a variety of cultural backgrounds as an important part of my job. Such an accessible, varied and supportive ________ promotes new ideas and scientific breakthroughs.

A.refers toB.turns downC.consists ofD.leaves out
A.surprised atB.proud ofC.interested inD.guilty about
2023-12-09更新 | 208次组卷 | 5卷引用:河北承德部分高中2023-2024学年高三上学期12月期中英语试题

第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)

语法填空-短文语填(约200词) | 适中(0.65)

Nanjing, situated in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, was the capital of China for six Dynasties. An Australian Nanjinger Townley loves the rivers in the city. He     1     (ride) a bike along the bank of a river to the Nanjing Fishmouth Wetland Park in Jianye District every Saturday and Sunday mornings, about a 15-km round trip.     2     (walk) around the city or visiting museums is also an enjoyable part of his life.

According to Townley, Nanjing is in an ideal     3     (locate) in one corner of the Yangtze River Delta region, close to Shanghai.

Now, Townley works with and     4     (support) by the Jiangsu Industrial Technology Research Institute. He serves     5     a visiting professor at the School of Environmental Science and Engineering at Nanjing Tech University. After being a consultant and in the industry for     6     (year), he loves being connected to a university again     7     (share) his knowledge and experience with younger people and to initiate research based on the problems he has encountered in the real world so far. “I know my education and life are different from the     8     (type) Chinese students. Despite the differences,     9     I want to do with my Chinese students is encourage them to think, to be curious     10     to always search for new things.”

2024-03-24更新 | 140次组卷 | 4卷引用:河北省石家庄地区五县联合体2023-2024学年高三下学期3月联考英语试题


第一节   (满分15分)

书信写作-推荐信 | 适中(0.65)
Dear Brian,

I’m Li Hua from Class 1.


Yours sincerely,

Li Hua

2024-03-09更新 | 130次组卷 | 4卷引用:河北省衡水市枣强县衡水董子高级中学2023-2024学年高三下学期3月月考英语试题


书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65)

One sunny afternoon, I was playing in the backyard when I noticed a beautiful shiny piece of paper lying on the table. It was leftover aluminum foil (锡纸) from a package my mum had opened. I picked it up and was immediately attracted by its sparkling appearance. Curiosity got the best of me, and I couldn’t help but ask my dad about it.

“Dad, what is this paper called? It’s so shiny and beautiful!” I inquired, holding the aluminum foil up for him to see.

My dad chuckled and replied, “That’s. called aluminum foil, and it has many uses.”

Naturally, my curiosity was piqued (激发), and I eagerly asked, “What can it be used for?”

My dad smiled and said, “Why don’t you research it yourself? It’ll be a great opportunity for you to learn something new. ”

With a sense of excitement, I grabbed my phone and started researching on the Internet. I found out that it is a type of metal paper called aluminum foil, which is moisture-proof(防潮的). As I looked through the information, an idea popped into my head. What if I put some water in a small aluminum foil container and heated it in the microwave? Would the water boil?

Unable to resist the urge to experiment, I cut a piece of aluminum foil and folded it into a small square container. I added some water into the container and placed it in the microwave. With my eyes wide open, I anxiously watched the aluminum foil container, filled with anticipation. But before I could see any changes in the water, suddenly a burst of fire erupted from the microwave, surprising me. I quickly rushed to unplug the appliance and collapsed onto the floor, feeling a great fear.

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2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
My dad, hearing the sound, hurried over and asked, “What happened? ”
My dad’s comforting words sank in, and I made a promise to myself to become more careful in my life.
2024-03-23更新 | 266次组卷 | 5卷引用:2024届河北省保定市保定部分高中一模英语试题

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