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升学备考 共64套


共64套| 浏览:5857次| 更新:2024-05-17 | 尊享会员免费下/PLUS会员8折下 立即升级

《【决胜高考】《备战2024年高考英语考场仿真模拟卷》专辑由资深一线教师,研究命题规律,精准预测命题新动向,匠心选材,仿真命制。冀希在考前黄金时间全真模拟,拔得头筹领先一步。 刷全真模拟,迎灿烂六月!!

2024/05/14更新 53次浏览
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(考试时间:120分钟   试卷满分:150分)





第一部分:听力(共两节,满分 30 分)

第一节 听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 ABC 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

听力选择题-短对话 | 适中(0.65)
What is the matter with the man?
A.He has a fever.B.He has a cough.C.He has a headache.
2024-05-12更新 | 13次组卷 | 1卷引用:(全国甲乙卷)决胜高考仿真模拟英语试卷03(+试题版+听力) - 备战2024年高考英语考场仿真模拟
听力选择题-短对话 | 容易(0.94)
Who might print out the documents?
A.Mrs. Green.B.Miss Jones.C.Mr. Collins.
2024-05-12更新 | 17次组卷 | 1卷引用:(全国甲乙卷)决胜高考仿真模拟英语试卷03(+试题版+听力) - 备战2024年高考英语考场仿真模拟
听力选择题-短对话 | 适中(0.65)
Where does the conversation probably take place?
A.In a restaurant.B.In a bank.C.At an airport.
2024-05-12更新 | 14次组卷 | 1卷引用:(全国甲乙卷)决胜高考仿真模拟英语试卷03(+试题版+听力) - 备战2024年高考英语考场仿真模拟
听力选择题-短对话 | 适中(0.65)
When will the woman meet the manager tomorrow?
A.At 8:00 am.B.At 9:00 am.C.At 8:30 am.
2024-05-12更新 | 13次组卷 | 1卷引用:(全国甲乙卷)决胜高考仿真模拟英语试卷03(+试题版+听力) - 备战2024年高考英语考场仿真模拟
听力选择题-短对话 | 适中(0.65)
Why did the woman go to Mallorca?
A.To teach Spanish.B.To look for a job.C.To see a friend.
2024-05-12更新 | 25次组卷 | 1卷引用:(全国甲乙卷)决胜高考仿真模拟英语试卷03(+试题版+听力) - 备战2024年高考英语考场仿真模拟

第二节 听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 ABC 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。

听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65)
1. What sport made the man injured?
2. How soon can the man probably return to court?
A.In a month.B.In two months.C.In five months.
2024-05-12更新 | 17次组卷 | 1卷引用:(全国甲乙卷)决胜高考仿真模拟英语试卷03(+试题版+听力) - 备战2024年高考英语考场仿真模拟
听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65)
1. What does Lily suggest Mr. Stenson doing?
A.Using the pesticide.B.Changing the crop.C.Watering the fields.
2. What do we know about Lily’s uncle?
A.He often shares his products.
B.He lives far from Lily.
C.He is good at farming.
2024-05-12更新 | 17次组卷 | 1卷引用:(全国甲乙卷)决胜高考仿真模拟英语试卷03(+试题版+听力) - 备战2024年高考英语考场仿真模拟
听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65)
1. What does Becky like about living with her parents?
A.They have a big house.
B.They cook meals for her.
C.They pay all her expenses.
2. What does Ethan suggest Becky do regarding her mother?
A.Have patience.B.Provide company.C.Express gratitude.
3. Why is Ethan concerned about his parents living on their own?
A.They may feel lonely.
B.They may fail to get along.
C.They may have an emergency.
2024-05-12更新 | 18次组卷 | 1卷引用:(全国甲乙卷)决胜高考仿真模拟英语试卷03(+试题版+听力) - 备战2024年高考英语考场仿真模拟
听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65)
1. What is the man?
A.A doctor.B.A host.C.A teacher.
2. Who used to be a doctor?
A.Cassie’s friend.
B.Cassie’s mother.
C.Cassie’s friend’s mother.
3. How long did it take Cassie to become a qualified doctor?
A.One year.B.Four years.C.Five years.
4. What does Cassie say about her job?
A.She gets bored with it.
B.She enjoys it in general.
C.She always works overtime.
2024-05-12更新 | 17次组卷 | 1卷引用:(全国甲乙卷)决胜高考仿真模拟英语试卷03(+试题版+听力) - 备战2024年高考英语考场仿真模拟
听力选择题-短文 | 适中(0.65)
1. Why does the speaker give Joan Miller a special welcome?
A.To wish her a happy birthday.
B.To thank her for her coming.
C.To invite her to join the club.
2. What is woodville Lunch mainly aimed at?
A.Giving help.B.Providing food.C.Offering companionship.
3. What are the listeners expected to do after lunch?
A.Get to know each other.B.Clear away the dishes.C.Watch a show.
4. On which occasion is the talk probably given?
A.At a birthday party.B.At a routine meeting.C.At an opening of a club.
2024-05-12更新 | 16次组卷 | 1卷引用:(全国甲乙卷)决胜高考仿真模拟英语试卷03(+试题版+听力) - 备战2024年高考英语考场仿真模拟

第二部分 阅读(共两节, 满分40)

第一节(15小题:每小题2, 满分30)



阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 较易(0.85)

General Art Contests


Prize       A total cash fund of £6,000 plus an individual exhibition in London.

Entry Fee       £25 for one artwork, up to £45 for four artworks.

Requirements       Open to artists worldwide aged 18 and over.

Closing Date       June 30, 2024

One of the most diverse art competitions in the UK, the Sunny Art Prize offers unique exposure for both emerging and established artists.


Prize       Over $50,000 in cash and prizes to be won. Plus, global exposure through Beautiful Bizarre Magazine. Winners will also participate in Beautiful Bizarre Magazine’s group exhibition at Haven Gallery in New York later this year.

Entry Fee       $40 per entry

Requirements       Open to artists worldwide working in the representational visual arts.

Closing Date       July 17, 2024

The Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize, now in its 5th year, is an annual international art prize that celebrates diversity and excellence in the representational visual arts.


Prize       $750 first prize, $500 second prize.

Entry Fee       $20 per entry

Requirements       Open to artists based in California.

Closing Date       February 16, 2024

Hosted by the Brea Gallery, the Made in California Competition provides a promotional opportunity for all artists based in the state of California.


Prize       Over $29,000 in cash prizes and publication in Artists Magazine.

Entry Fee       $40 ($35 if submitted before April 3)

Requirements       Open to artists over 18 worldwide working in a traditional medium.

Closing Date       May 30, 2024

Artists Magazine’s Annual Art Competition celebrates traditional 2D artistic mediums such as painting, digital art, and much more. All winners’ works will be featured in the January/February 2025 issue of Artists Magazine.

1. Which art contest offers the opportunity for a group exhibition?
2. How much should a contestant pay for a January submission to Brea Gallery?
3. What do these general art contests have in common?
A.They are held every year.B.They are open to emerging artists only.
C.They provide winners with added bonus.D.They celebrate excellence in traditional arts.
2024-02-19更新 | 570次组卷 | 7卷引用:2024届福建名校联盟全国优质校高三二月大联考英语试题


阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65)

One summer night, a boy felt himself lifted from bed by his father. Dazed with sleep, he saw stars flashing across the heavens. “What is it?” the child whispered. “Shooting stars. They come every year in August.” Decades have passed, but I remember that night still, because I was the fortunate boy whose father believed a new experience was more important than an unbroken night’s sleep.

Some parents like my father have the gift of opening doors for their children. This art of adding dimensions to a child brings the reward: the marvelous moment when the spark bursts into a flame that will burn brightly on its own one day. At a Golf Association tournament, a ten-year-old girl played creditably. “How long have you been interested in golf?” someone asked. “I got it for my ninth birthday,” she said. “Your father gave you a set of clubs?” “No,” she said, “he gave me golf.”

I have a friend, a psychiatrist, who says there are two types of people: those who think of life as a privilege and those who think of it as a problem. The first type is enthusiastic and energetic. The other type is suspicious and self-centered. And he adds, “Tell me about your childhood and I can tell you which type you are likely to be.”

The real purpose, then, of trying to open doors for children is to build eager and outgoing attitudes, which is the most valuable legacy we can pass on to the next generation. But why don’t we work harder at it? Probably because sometimes we don’t have the awareness or the selflessness or the energy. And yet, for those of us who care what becomes of our children, the challenge is always there but the opportunities also come repeatedly. Many years have passed since that night. And next year, when August comes with its shooting stars, my son will be seven.

1. What do the underlined words “adding dimensions to” in Paragraph 2 mean?
A.Setting an example for.B.Broadening the horizons of.
C.Providing attentive care for.D.Narrowing the possibilities of.
2. Why does the author mention the girl in Paragraph 2?
A.To show parental impact on children’s passion.
B.To suggest hobbies always start from the small.
C.To highlight the importance of diverse experiences.
D.To prove true passion usually arises from the reward.
3. What will the author’s psychiatrist friend agree with?
A.One’s personality is related to childhood experiences.
B.Childhood experience determines adult happiness.
C.Parenting styles requires professional guidance.
D.Stability in upbringing builds confidence.
4. What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.The author is always addicted to shooting stars.
B.It is a once-in-a-lifetime chance to motivate kids.
C.The author will go to see shooting stars with his son.
D.It is impossible to unlock kids’ potential without eagerness.
2024-01-03更新 | 52次组卷 | 2卷引用:福建省厦门市2023-2024学年高三上学期12月月考英语试题


阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中(0.65)

Scientists have been experimenting with playing sounds to plants since at least the 1960s, during which time they have been exposed to everything from Beethoven to Michael Jackson. Over the years, evidence that this sort of thing can have an effect has been growing. One paper, published in 2018, claimed that an Asian shrub known as the telegraph plant grew substantially larger leaves when exposed to 56 days of Buddhist music — but not if it was exposed to Western pop music or silence. Another, published last year, found that marigolds and sage plants exposed to the noise of traffic from a busy motorway suffered growth difficulty.

Plants have been evolving (进化) alongside the insects that eat them for hundreds of millions of years. With that in mind, Heidi Appel, a botanist now at the University of Houston, and Reginald Cocroft, a biologist at the University of Missouri, wondered if plants might be sensitive to the sounds made by the animals with which they most often interact. They recorded the vibrations made by certain species of caterpillars (毛毛虫) as they chewed on leaves. These vibrations are not powerful enough to produce sound waves in the air. But they are able to travel across leaves and branches, and even to neighbouring plants if their leaves touch.

They then exposed tobacco plant — the plant biologist’s version of the laboratory mouse — to the recorded vibrations while no caterpillars were actually present. Later, they put real caterpillars on the plants to see if exposure had led them to prepare for an insect attack. The results were striking. Leaves that had been exposed had significantly higher levels of defensive chemicals, making them much harder for the caterpillars to eat. Leaves that had not been exposed to vibrations showed no such response. Other sorts of vibration — caused by the wind, for instance, or other insects that do not eat leaves — had no effect.

“Now speakers with the right audio files are more often being used to warn crops to act when insects are detected but not yet widespread,” says Dr. Cocroft. “Unlike chemical pesticides, sound waves leave no dangerous chemicals.”

1. What can we learn about plants from the first paragraph?
A.They may enjoy Western music.B.They can’t stand Buddhist music.
C.They can react to different sounds.D.They can make different sounds.
2. What’s the basis for Appel and Cocroft’s research?
A.Plants can make a cry for help.B.Plants evolve alongside insects.
C.Plants are sensitive to the sounds.D.Plants have been studied for years.
3. What can we infer about plants from Paragraph 3?
A.They can recongnize harmful vibrations.B.They look like laboratory mice.
C.They can threaten the caterpillars.D.They can release poisonous chemicals.
4. What does the last paragraph mainly talk about?
A.Disadvantages of chemical pesticides.B.Application of the experimental results.
C.Interaction between plants and insects.D.Warning system of widespread insects.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65)

There is no doubt that when you receive a compliment, you feel good and when you receive a criticism, you feel upset and want to refuse it.

You shouldn’t be surprised by your reaction to the negative comment, as it’s human’s survival mechanism to avoid being criticized. Clearly, we don’t want to be seen as failures, so we’d rather shut our eyes and cover our ears than have to take any criticisms from others.

Imagine you’re learning to play the guitar, and you have just done your first public performance. Your teacher says, “You did well,” which may not be as useful in helping you improve your performance skills as “Your timing needs some work.” So I believe that criticisms are better than compliments.

No one would argue that healthy nutrition is a bad thing. However, too much food or drink — no matter how healthy they may be — can make us ill. Too many compliments take us away from our original enthusiasm of enjoying an activity. We start doing the activity only for the sake of receiving self-satisfying praise. Without the expectation of praise, our enthusiasm to complete things begins to be lost.

Launched in 2010, Microsoft KIN only lasted on the market for 48 days. It was very obvious that most 15 to 30-year-olds preferred Androids, BlackBerrys and iPhones to the Microsoft KIN. If criticism and feedback from the target group had been received while the phone was in development, Microsoft KIN could have avoided the huge embarrassment and its final failure.

Just to be clear, I’m talking about constructive criticism, which I like to think of as “healthy criticism”. The right kind of criticism is honest feedback that will benefit you. Feedback forces you to reconsider your actions and the way you work. If you use constructive criticism wisely, it can guide you away from bad practices, giving you support and courage to move forward to be a better person in the future.

1. What can we learn about compliment and criticism in Paragraph 1?
A.People’s response to them.B.People’s ways to express them.
C.People’s understanding of them.D.People’s different opinions on them.
2. How would people be when receiving too many compliments?
A.More annoyed.B.More satisfied.C.Less worried.D.Less interested.
3. How can healthy criticism be helpful according to the last paragraph?
A.To encourage growth.B.To develop intelligence.
C.To avoid embarrassment.D.To reduce enthusiasm.
4. What is a suitable title for the passage?
A.Criticisms are better than compliments.
B.Constructive criticism contributes to better future.
C.Honest feedback comes from healthy criticism.
D.Enough enthusiasm is vital for further development.
2024-03-04更新 | 78次组卷 | 3卷引用:2024届安徽省六安市高三上学期质量检测考试模拟预测英语试题

第二节(5小题:每小题2, 满分10)

阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65)

When it comes to helping students learn and mature, there are several ways to increase their well-being. Although your children may be succeeding in the classroom, there are a few things that you still can do.

Encouraging physical activity is the first thing you can do. More and more children do not participate in sports after school. It’s important for you to encourage mobility with sports that are played after class. You should find sporting equipment, basketball courts and play areas where kids can increase their well-being.     1    

Secondly, you can provide proper nutrition for your children. It’s important for your children to receive proper nutrition both inside and outside of the home.     2     You’d better make it a point to provide enough nutrition for their proper development and growth.

    3     Many parents fail to stop children from using smart phones and computers. There are some institutions that even encourage too much screen time as a way to teach children or keep them entertained. You should help the children remain excited without sitting in front of a screen throughout the day.

Last but not the least, monitoring bullying (欺凌)is also an essential part. Bullying continues to remain a common problem in some schools, making it important that the environment that your children grow in holds a high standard.     4    

It’s important to examine the school life as a whole to determine what factors are missing.     5    . You may determine how well they adjust to the world around them and succeed in life.

A.You should provide kids with fresh food.
B.Besides, you’d better limit their screen time.
C.It will encourage children to focus on their study.
D.In addition, try your best to give them more freedom.
E.This will reduce the risk of health conditions that include obesity.
F.You can advise teachers to keep a practice of looking for bullying.
G.Parents play a significant role in children’s growth and well-being.




完形填空(约270词) | 适中(0.65)

Last Sunday, our family went to a nice restaurant. The meal was ____ and we all had a good time just being together. When the waitress ____ the check I looked down at it. The gift card (代金券) covered almost all of it. I reached into my wallet to get enough cash to cover the rest. I saw two ____ in the front of it. The first would cover the rest of the bill and give the ____ a nice tip. The second bill was much larger so I reached down to ____ the first one.

At that moment my ____ flashed back to 30 years before. I was working in a restaurant. It was long hours of hard work for low ____. I went home just barely making enough to feed my young family. I also ____ how more than once I saw the waitresses ____ about how they were going to pay the rent and buy their kids the things they needed. I saw the ____ in their eyes and the sadness in their faces at the end of the day.

I was back in the present ____ my fingers touching the smaller bill in my ____. I smiled, pushed it back down, and ____ the much larger bill. I ____ it around the gift card (代金券) and covered both of them with the ____. As we all got up from the table I ____ them to the hard working waitress. “You keep the ____”, I said with a smile and a ____ heart.

We are all one family in this world. We live together, rejoice (庆祝) together, and suffer together. Do your best to be ____ then. Do your best to be a good person. Do your best to replace the ____ with joy.

A.pick outB.give outC.leave outD.try out
A.sought forB.reached forC.asked forD.call for
2024-02-28更新 | 32次组卷 | 2卷引用:豫南九校2022年高三上学期教学指导卷一英语试题(含听力)


语法填空-短文语填(约170词) | 适中(0.65)
阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Do you have any idea of New Year paintings? Known     1     “paper paintings” and “painted pictures”, New Year paintings are a special art form in Chinese folk culture. Without New Year paintings,     2    (we) traditional Chinese folk culture would be much less colorful. The paintings get such a name because they are mostly posted during the Chinese New Year holiday for     3    (decorate) and they are also accepted as     4     symbol of New Year’s greetings.

New Year paintings appeared around the Tang Dynasty,     5    (replace) the previous door pictures which were believed     6    (protect) the residents and drive away evils. In the Song Dynasty New Year paintings     7    (create) on a large scale. With the advancement of printing technology, the contents    8    the forms of New Year paintings became various. The development of the paintings matured in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, during     9    the art hit its heyday (全盛期).

Traditional printing     10    (method) of New Year paintings include woodblock printing, stone-block printing, offset (胶印的) printing, etc. According to a recent survey, woodblock-printed New Year paintings are the most popular and interesting ones.

2024-02-27更新 | 68次组卷 | 2卷引用:湖南省邵阳市第二中学2023-2024学年高三下学期2月月考英语试题

第四部分 写作(共两节, 满分35)

第一节 短文改错(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)

改错-短文改错 | 适中(0.65)

A few years ago on a vacation trip, I made a video of myself dance wildly in foreign places. I put it on the Internet. Some friends started passing them around and soon millions of people watched it. I was offered money to continue my travels. And since then, I had made two more travel video that include seventy countries. Many people wanted to dance along with me, because I started inviting them to join me. People want to feel connect to each other. They want to heard and seen, and they’re curious to hear and see others from places far away. I share with that idea. It’s exactly which drives me to travel. When I dance with people, I see them smile and laugh, which makes me truly exciting.

2024-03-04更新 | 112次组卷 | 2卷引用:2024届四川省巴中市普通高中高三上学期一诊英语试题

第二节   书面表达   (满分25分)

书面表达-开放性作文 | 适中(0.65)
1. 你热爱的运动项目;
2. 对你的影响。
1. 词数100左右;
2. 短文题目已为你写好。

Love Sports, Love Myself

2023-12-10更新 | 133次组卷 | 3卷引用:2024届四川省宜宾市高高三上学期第一次诊断考试英语试题

共计 平均难度:一般