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1 . I have always been proud of my handwriting, a skill I was taught in grade school. The teacher was teaching us the Palmer Penmanship Method, drilling into us the importance of forming big flowing lines when we wrote g’s and s’s as well as beautiful f’s that in my mind were like fairy tale princesses wearing fancy hats while extending their right foot. We were strictly prohibited from using block letters on our homework, as they lack the beauty.

Now it becomes apparent that young people no longer learn cursive(草书). They type everything, mostly on their phones. Beautiful handwriting is a thing of the past. This has become a source of great sadness among traditionalists.

But recently something happened that shook my faith in cursive. To my complete disbelief, not one but two of my close friends complained about the handwriting on my postcards. They were grateful for the beautiful postcards I regularly sent, but they said they honestly couldn't read a thing I had written. One friend went so far as to ask if I could use block letters next time so that she could understand what I was writing.

Initially, I was angry. I had made the effort to cover an entire postcard with what I viewed as not just handwriting but calligraphy. But then I showed an English friend a postcard I'd just written, and he said that the only thing that was readily understandable was the letters “U. S. A.” The rest of it, he politely suggested, looked like “chicken scrawl”.

Looking at the postcard dispassionately, I unwillingly admit that he has a point. All the m’s and n’s run together, and the l’s look like l’s. The a’s are indistinguishable from the q’s. So, from now on, I'm taking their advice and using block letters to communicate.

In fact, I just now sent an old friend a postcard. But this time, I simply wrote—in big block letters:




I hope she gets the message.

1. What do we know about the Palmer Penmanship Method?
A.It is characterized by big flowing lines.B.It is rarely appreciated by traditionalists.
C.It was not allowed in students'homework.D.It is viewed as a trend in handwriting styles.
2. What weakened the writer’s belief in cursive?
A.The popularity of block letters in recent times.
B.The younger generation’s disinterest in cursive.
C.His friends’ failure to comprehend his postcards.
D.His English friend's suggestion on postcard design.
3. Why did the writer switch to block letters for communication?
A.To deliver his message clearly.B.To improve his handwriting skills.
C.To win praise from his friends.D.To show his passion for calligraphy.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.The wide use of cursive.B.The sad decline of cursive.
C.The value of preserving cursive.D.The technique of writing in cursive.
2024-04-19更新 | 87次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届浙江省嘉兴市高三下学期4月二模英语试题
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2 . A One-woman Cinderella Show Is Coming to Fairfield

A one-woman show that reimagines the classic fairytale Cinderella is coming to the Fairfield Community Arts Center. The Children’s Theatre of Cincinnati will present Cinderella Wore Cowboy Boots for one night only on Jan.26. The traveling show is for children ages 4 and up and promises “knee-slapping” comedic moments and heartwarming life lessons.

“I love children's theatre,” says Rosvic Siason, who plays Cinderella. “Kids are our future and we introduce them to these stories. We all have situations at one point in our life that look like this conversation. It just kind of helps you develop your brain and learn how to think as a developing person. It’s really important to expose kids to theatre and well-rounded actors they can talk to for guidance.”

These one-man, one-woman shows have so much beauty because it is very raw. People actually follow along much easier than you think. It’s easy to share a feeling. They will be expected to interact, deliver lines and repeat after Cinderella throughout the production. Cinderella Wore Cowboy Boots will deliver a funny, meaningful twist on the classic fairytale that encourages audiences to expand their imagination.

“Using imagination helps kids to think of things in more ways than one,” Siason says. “It opens them up and makes them think, ‘Hey, this is one way this could work.’ Or, ‘I could try this way,’ and then see what happens.”

Visit fairfield-city. org for tickets and more information.

1. What is Cinderella Wore Cowboy Boots?
A.A book.B.A theatre.C.A performance.D.A lesson.
2. Siason thinks stories in children’s theatre can _________.
A.offer temporary amusementB.help deal with life’s challenges
C.allow individuals to avoid realityD.provide opportunities to make friends
3. What might Siason encourage children to do?
A.Stick to the rules.B.Dare to dream big.
C.Always follow the crowd.D.Think outside the box.
2024-04-19更新 | 75次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届浙江省嘉兴市高三下学期4月二模英语试题
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3 . It was June 15, and in two days I would be turning thirty. I was insecure about entering a new decade of my life and feared that my best years were now behind me.

My daily routine included going to the gym for a workout before going to work. Every morning I would see my friend Nicholas at the gym. He was seventy-nine years old and in terrific shape. As I greeted Nicholas on this particular day, he noticed I wasn’t full of my usual vitality and asked if there was anything wrong. I told him I was feeling anxious about turning thirty. I wondered how I would look back on my life once I reached Nicholas’ sage, so I asked him, “What was the best time of your life?”

Without hesitation, Nicholas replied, “Well, Joe, this is my philosophical answer to your philosophical question.”

“When I was a child in Austria and everything was taken care of for me and I was nurtured by my parents, that was the best time of my life.”

“When I was going to school and learning the things I know today, that was the best time of my life.”

“When I got my first job and had responsibilities and got paid for my efforts, that was the best time of my life.”

“When I met my wife and fell in love, that was the best time of my life.”

“The Second World War came, and my wife and I had to flee Austria to save our lives. When we were together and safe on a ship bound for North America, that was the best time of my life.”

“When we came to Canada and started a family, that was the best time of my life.”

“When I was a young father, watching my children grow up, that was the best time of my life.”

“And now, Joe, I am seventy-nine years old. I have my health, I feel good and I am in love with my wife just as I was when we first met. This is the best time of my life.”

1. Why did the author feel anxious according to the article?
A.He would be 30 in two days.
B.He was worried about getting old.
C.He didn’t go to the gym to exercise.
D.Nicholas asked questions he didn’t want to answer.
2. What do we know about Nicholas’ life experiences?
A.He spent his childhood with his grandparents in Austria.
B.He dropped out of school, found a job and got paid.
C.He took part in the Second World War and met his wife.
D.He started a family and became a young father in Canada.
3. What do you think of Nicholas’s life?
4. What can we learn from Nicholas?
A.Live a day at a time.B.You get what you pay for.
C.Every man has his price.D.Strike while the iron is hot.
2024-04-19更新 | 110次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省金华市第一中学2023-2024学年高一下学期4月期中英语试题
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了中彩票的Rachel Lapierre信守诺言,辞去了护士的工作,并通过她的项目“Le Book Humanitaire”致力于帮助他人,她认为一件好事可以影响十个人。如果我们都做一件好事就可以拯救世界。

4 . One January evening in 2008, Rachel Lapierre bought a $4 lottery ticket (彩票) at the grocery store. After a tiring day in a full-time emergency-room, she needed something to _________ her spirits.

For years, Lapierre had done humanitarian work and she longed to be able to one day _________ her nursing job and focus on the volunteer work she found most _________. She decided that if she ever won the lottery, that’s what she would do.

Lapierre went home and scratched (刮出) her ticket, _________ three sunny faces. Not sure what they _________, she took it to a corner store, where she was informed that she had won a sum of $6,75,000.

Staying _________ to her word, Lapierre stopped her nursing job and devoted her life to helping others through her passion project, Le Book Humanitaire, which has since become a registered _________.

Le Book, as Lapierre, now 62,   _________ calls it, began as a simple list of good deeds she wrote down in a notebook. She had been using it to keep _________ of what she had done to help those living around her.

To her, the deeds were just small acts of __________ such as delivering a meal to an __________ senior or giving medical attention to someone living on the streets. But word started __________, her phone began ringing and a Facebook page she created for the project became an efficient way to __________ requests from those in need and those who wanted to help.

“When you do a good deed, it has a butterfly effect,” says Lapierre. “One good deed can __________ ten people. So if we all do a good deed? That can __________ the world.”

2024-04-19更新 | 18次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省绍兴市诸暨中学暨阳分校2023-2024学年高二下学期4月月考英语试题
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5 . “Is there anything you want from Grandma’s flat?” My uncle, texting me, last week.

His mum had passed away. He’d begun the painful yet necessary task of sorting through her belongings. I required zero thinking time. Yes, I would like her aloe vera (芦荟) plant, please.

Here’s why. Sometime around 1975, Grandma received this plant as a gift. It came courtesy (礼仪) of the local butcher in recognition of her loyal custom. It could, I suppose, just as likely have been a calendar, or a fountain pen, or a box of biscuits. But it just happened to be a pot plant, which Grandma, who always had green fingers, appreciated and placed in her doorway. Five years later, my mum married the butcher’s son. And had me.

When my father’s mother died in 1993, Grandma revealed to me how this particular plant was different to the dozens of others she had in her home. This one had history. It was, she suggested, a living, blooming representation of the relationship that existed between the two sides of my family. As, indeed, was I.

Aloe vera is reasonably hardy, but, as I’ve learned, if you put it above a radiator, it dies. If you under-water it, it dies. If you over-water it, it dies. In short, with my awful agricultural skills, I’m better off with a plastic one. So, straight after I asked my uncle for this treasure, I put in place an insurance policy: the plant will go and live with Ann, my mother-in-law.

Ann, is a genius with a greenhouse. The plan is for Ann to keep hold of the original plant. In time, she can teach me how to care for its cuttings properly. Meantime, Ann will spread cuttings and clippings among her own family. My wife’s two sisters, for example, are both far better at tending plants than I am, so it is quite conceivable that they, too, will spread cuttings of the plant around their partners’ families; that this humble plant might yet spread across my entire extended family. What an amazing outcome!

1. Why did the butcher give my Grandma the aloe vera plant?
A.To contribute to the marriage.
B.To observe a specific custom.
C.To show the butcher’s loyalty.
D.To appreciate her regular visits.
2. Which of the following can best describe grandma?
A.She is a garden enthusiast.B.She is loyal to her friends.
C.She is a local shop keeper.D.She is ready to help others.
3. What can we learn about the author according to paragraph 5?
A.He is skilled at agricultural planting.
B.He has a preference for plastic plants
C.He is confident in feeding the plant himself.
D.He is anxious to keep the plant alive.
4. What is the best title of the passage?
A.An amazing outcomeB.A family tree
C.A family historyD.Green fingers
2024-04-19更新 | 17次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省绍兴市诸暨中学暨阳分校2023-2024学年高二下学期4月月考英语试题
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6 . At Ynez Library, we are champions of curiosity. At its core, our mission for nearly four centuries has been to advance the learning, research, and pursuit of truth. Our efforts are motivated and powered by working collaboratively, embracing diverse perspectives, championing access, aiming for the extraordinary, and always leading with curiosity.

There are plenty of opportunities for visitors to experience our collections. Ynez ID holders may bring up to four guests into the library. For more details, click on the following icons (图标).

Interested in using our libraries, but are not a Ynez student, faculty, alum, or staff? You’re in the right place.
Library exhibits tell the unique stories of our diverse and deep collections. Many are open to the public.
Browse upcoming library tours. Some tours are open to the public; others are open to Ynez ID Holders and their guests.
Many library events are open to the public, including academic meetings, forums, lectures, etc. Check Admittance information first.


Many of our libraries are home to rare and unique materials, which are available to all researchers.

• Our special collections are open to all without a fee, by appointment.

• Please contact the holding library to learn more about accessing their special collection items in person.

• Different libraries have different holdings, so you may want to start by using our search tools to find materials relevant to your research.

1. What does Ynez Library highlight in the first paragraph?
A.Its new changes.B.Its main values.
C.Its best achievements.D.Its working principles.
2. Which part should a person click on if he plans to attend a scientist’s speech?
3. How can a researcher find the special holdings quickly in the library?
A.By paying a special fee.B.By visiting main libraries.
C.By locating them online.D.By appointing a librarian.
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7 . The climate crisis may lead the human race to decrease in size, as mammals (哺乳动物) with smaller bodies appear better able to deal with rising global temperatures, a leading fossil expert said.

Prof Steve Brusatte, a palaeontologist (古生物学家) at the University of Edinburgh, suggested that the way in which other mammals have previously responded to periods of climate change could offer an insight into humans’ future.

He compared the potential situation of people as similar to that of early horses, which became smaller in body size as temperatures rose around 55m years ago, a period called the Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum.

Writing in The Rise and Reign of the Mammals, Brusatte notes that animals in warmer parts of the world today are often smaller than those in colder areas, an ecological principle known as Bergmann’s rule. “The reasons are not entirely understood, but it is probably, in part, because smaller animals have a higher surface area compared to their size than bigger animals and can thus better get rid of extra heat” he writes.

Brusatte said that becoming smaller was “a common way that mammals deal with climate change”. He added, “That’s not to say every species of mammal would get smaller, but it seems to be a common survival trick of mammals when temperatures spike pretty quickly, which does raise the question: if temperatures do spike really quickly, might humans dwarf, might humans get smaller? And I think that’s certainly convincing.”

In a recent study, researchers studying human remains over the past million years have also suggested that temperature is a major predictor of body size variation, while scientists studying red deer have said that warmer winters in northern Europe and Scandinavia may lead to the body size of these animals becoming smaller.

However, not all experts agree that rising temperature causes mammals to decease. Prof Adrian Lister, of the Natural History Museum in London, said the relationship shown by the recent human remains study is weak, while the strong relationship between temperature and mammal body size may often result from the availability of food and resources.

Lister doubts whether humans will shrink as the climate heats. “We are not really controlled by natural selection,” he said. “If that was going to happen, you’d need to find large people dying before they could reproduce because of climate warming. That is not happening in today’s world. We wear clothes, we have got heating, we have got air conditioning if it is too hot.”

1. According to the passage, the early horses got smaller in body size         .
A.to keep coolB.to save food
C.to keep warmD.to avoid being killed
2. What does the underlined word “spike” in the 5th paragraph mean?
3. What is Brusatte most likely to agree with?
A.Every species of mammal would get smaller as the temperature goes up.
B.Animals in warmer areas are definitely smaller than those in colder areas.
C.Smaller animals have a higher surface area and so they can cool down quickly.
D.The change of Mammals’ body size is closely related to their food and other resources.
4. What’s the best title of the passage?
A.Climate Change Causes Natural Disasters.B.Climate Change Leads to Heated Discussions.
C.Climate Change Causes Changes in Body Size.D.Climate Change Leads to Changed Lifestyle.
2024-04-18更新 | 80次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省金华市第一中学2023-2024学年高一下学期4月期中英语试题
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8 . China’s generation-Z is not “lying flat”, an expression forgiving upon hard work, as is often claimed, and making an effort is still the mainstream of a group who believes success should be achieved by solid effort, Chinese officials said at a press conference on Thursday, in response to a question on how younger generations should achieve balance between a lifestyle of “lying flat” in face of great pressure and “involution,” which refers to severe internal competition that does not lead to productivity gains.

“Most Chinese youth hold an optimistic view on the future, and the saying’ lying flat’ is more of a joke to release pressure and express their feelings,” He Junke, a government official said at a press conference on Thursday.

At the press conference, China released the first nationwide whitepaper on youth development titled “Youth of China in the New Era,” which showcased achievements linked to the country’s youth development in the newer a and reflected the spirit of younger generation. The whitepaper was also released ahead of the 100th anniversary of the founding of CYLC (共青团).

He said China has attached great importance to deeper issues reflected by talk of “lying flat”, which emerged as young generation is subject to increasing pressure across work, study and life amid China’s unique demographic (人口统计学的,人口学的) structure and highly competitive labor market.

“Some in the younger generation feel cofused or lost. In response, authorities have scaled up the amount of support available to help solve their issues in education, employment, marriage and child raising,” He noted, while urging the whole society to support the mental development and psychology of generation-Z.

He pointed out that it is also important for certain young people to realize that it is unrealistic to build a career without taking responsibility and making endeavor. “All happiness is achieved through devoted effort, and making endeavor itself is also a kind of happiness,” He stressed.

1. What is He Junke’s attitude towards “lying flat”?
2. Why do young people adopt the attitude of “lying flat”?
A.More and more young people choose to lie flat in China,
B.Young people face great pressure in their study, work and life.
C.China’s population structure affects the supply of labor market.
D.The government needs to celebrate the 100th anniversary of CYLC.
3. How can the problem of “lying flat” be rid of?
A.Young people should take responsibility and make efforts to achieve success.
B.The whole society should care about young people’s physical and mental health.
C.Authorities should help young people and give them support in many aspects of life.
D.All of the above.
4. What is the purpose of writing this passage?
A.To call on a low carbon lifestyle.
B.To inform the latest research on the social development.
C.To set a goal for the young people who are under pressure on study.
D.To address a social problem among young generations in the newer era.
2024-04-18更新 | 77次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省金华市第一中学2023-2024学年高一下学期4月期中英语试题
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了圣地亚哥的一位敬业的兽医Kwane Stewart的职业经历和个人成长。

9 . Kwane Stewart, a devoted vet (兽医) in San Diego, had reached a point of burnout in his career. The animal ______ where he worked was full of abandoned pets as people ______ to deal with the ongoing economic decline. In those days, animals would be euthanized (安乐死) if they weren’t ______ in seven days. The cruel reality deeply troubled Stewart, even leading him to consider ______ his profession.

One fateful day, outside a convenience store, he ______ a homeless man with a dog suffering from a visible skin issue. The man, ______ for a solution, shared his dog’s suffering. Stewart examined the dog and then ______ some medicine to him. In tears, the man thanked Stewart, saying “Thank you for not ______ me”. The very words served as a wakeup call to Steward and inspired his next ______ .

Stewart began working as a street vet during his free time, determined to ______ on his own. Over a nine-year period, he provided ______ medical care for over 1,000 homeless people and their pets and in 2020, he created a nonprofit organization Project Street Vet.

For Stewart, the most rewarding aspect of his work lies in the one-on-one ______ with the homeless. By ______ helping their cherished companion, Stewart helps ______ their faith in humanity. Their gratitude fuels him to continue his mission, offering ______ to those facing awful circumstances.

A.have a tryB.keep a balanceC.make a differenceD.set an example
2024-04-17更新 | 99次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届浙江省台州市高三下学期二模英语试题
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10 . When instant cake mixes first appeared in the 1950s, American housewives were doubtful. These mixes, promising easy cake-baking, felt too easy. The manufacturers discovered that requiring the addition of an egg in the baking process was just enough to make the housewives happy with their work. The greater sense of effort gained from a little extra labor is believed to have been essential to the later success of the cake mix.

This reflects the IKEA effect (宜家效应), which is identified by psychologist Michael I. Norton and his colleagues, suggesting we place greater value on things we have worked to create. They conducted four studies in which they asked participants to fold paper cranes and frogs, assemble IKEA boxes, and build sets of Legos. They then asked the builders to bid (出价) for their creations, and compared the prices with bids from people who hadn’t built them. The builders consistently outbid the non-builders.

Interestingly, the IKEA effect works even when people have no opportunity to fully personalize their creations. While most participants’ folding skills left much to be desired, they loved their imperfectly personalized products all the more. Builders valued their wrinkled crane-like creations nearly five times as much as non-builders. Beauty, it seems, is in the eye of the builder.

Today, as cities are suffering from severe housing crises, the IKEA effect can give us insight into the well-being benefits of a self-building approach to housing development. Projects like WikiHouse and the “half-a-house” approach pioneered by Alejandro Aravena’s architecture company Elemental are working to make housing more affordable and sustainable by making it easier for people to build and personalize their own homes.

“The moment people are involved with their built environment, they have a totally different relationship to it,” WikiHouse co-founder Alastair Parvin explained. “When the roof starts leaking or a door starts creaking, they have the power to fix it themselves.”

1. What brought customers the joy of cake-baking according to paragraph 1?
A.A better taste.B.An easy approach.
C.A detailed recipe.D.An additional effort.
2. What does the underlined sentence in paragraph 3 imply?
A.Creations are based on skills.B.Extra labor increases perceived value.
C.Beauty is found through contrast.D.Strict management brings good quality.
3. What is Alastair Parvin’s attitude towards public involvement in housing?
4. What’s the purpose of this text?
A.To promote a brand.B.To make a proposal.
C.To explain a concept.D.To introduce a study.
2024-04-17更新 | 81次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届浙江省台州市高三下学期二模英语试题
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