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听力选择题-短文 | 适中(0.65) |
1 . 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
1. During which season did the speaker’s journey take place?
2. What is the speaker’s biggest challenge?
A.Traveling alone.
B.Challenging weather conditions.
C.Overcoming physical difficulties.
3. What did the family do for the speaker?
A.They taught him a new language.
B.They invited him to their house.
C.They taught him how to ride a horse.
4. Why did the speaker first begin his trip?
A.To have more materials for his book.
B.To visit the host family.
C.To make new friends.
听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What is the main idea of the conversation?
A.The fact that robots will replace humans entirely.
B.The fact that robots will take jobs from humans.
C.The fact that robots will be introduced into people’s homes.
2. How does the man think about robots?
A.They do more with less cost.
B.They are not very friendly.
C.They break down regularly.
3. What percentage of jobs will be at risk during the next decade?
听力选择题-长对话 | 较易(0.85) |
3 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What is the man’s job probably?
A.A university professor.
B.A seaport manager.
C.A ship captain.
2. Which country is the woman from?
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
4 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Shortly after the silk and feather umbrellas became popular in China, their manufacturers managed     1     (discover) a new kind of material from wood paper, enabling the     2     (create) of highly stylized, decorative and lightweight umbrellas.

In addition to providing protection from sun and limited protection from rain, oil-paper umbrellas     3     (view) as symbols of wealth, and power in the past. During the height of umbrella popularity in China, you could easily recognize the owners by the designs and colors of their umbrellas—royal family members used yellow or red colors,     4     the wealthy carried blue. Even in today’s Chinese and Japanese society, umbrellas play     5     important role. They are one of the most essential items     6     (present) to newly -wed brides, symbolizing blessing, protection from evil spirits and wishes    7     more babies.

The beauty of the Chinese paper umbrellas had     8     an impact on worldwide trends that their     9     (elegant) crafted materials and their canopy designs showcasing dragons, flowers, and landscapes quickly traveled via trade routes to distant Europe. Paper umbrellas today represent one of the best -known Chinese traditional exports, with businessmen selling them to     10     (passer-by) on streets worldwide.

2024-04-19更新 | 111次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届山西省临汾市高三下学期考前适应性训练考试(二)英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

5 . I observed one child hugging her beloved toy dog while reading a book to her friend — both she and her dog were actively turning the pages — and with every page turned, she looked down at her dog, lovingly. As a longtime educator of toddlers and a current PhD student studying transitional phenomena and object relations, I have had the pleasure to witness the presence of transitional objects in the kindergarten.

The term transitional object, coined in 195l by D.W. Winnicott, refers to any material to which a child attaches a special value and by means of which the child is able to make the necessary shift from the earliest oral relationship with mother to genuine object-relationships. It is typically something soft, such as a blanket or a soft toy, that is similar to the mother’s warm arms.

It may also be the subject of the child’s fantasies, for example where a teddy bear is spoken to, hugged, punished, etc. It thus becomes a tool for practicing interaction with the external world. Moreover, the transitional object supports the development of the self, as it is used to represent ‘not me’. By looking at the object, the child knows that it is not the object and hence something individual and separate. in this way, it helps the child develop its sense of ‘other’ things.

If the object is denied in any way, attachment difficulties may arise later in life. The object allows for and invites emotional well-being, and without such an object, true feelings may be hidden or dismissed as the child has no other means to cope with and comprehend the world. Worse still, the object is intimately bound up with the identity of the child. Taking away the object is also taking away something of the child itself.

Winnicott noted that transitional objects continue through the course of our lives, as “sacred monuments” which pull us back to “a place and time of great comfort and memory”. The attachment to certain objects like self photographs defines both memorials, and more importantly a stale of connection and presence in the world.

1. How does the writer introduce the topic?
A.By sharing feelings.B.By illustrating a term.
C.By relating an experience.D.By providing background information.
2. What does the term “transitional objects” refer to according to the passage?
A.Tools used by educators to aid teaching.
B.Items to which a child becomes deeply attached.
C.Toys designed to amuse kids in the kindergarten.
D.Expensive personal possessions gifted by parents.
3. What might happen if a child’s transitional object is denied?
A.Ho might lose his imagination.
B.He may become more independent.
C.He is less likely to share personal feelings.
D.He probably distances himself from his mother.
4. What is the main purpose of the text?
A.To introduce how to develop a sense of ‘other’ things.
B.To do research on the psychological development of kids.
C.To show how to enhance the bond between mother and child.
D.To stress the importance of transitional objects to children.
2024-04-19更新 | 60次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届山西省临汾市高三下学期考前适应性训练考试(二)英语试题
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难(0.4) |
6 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

By the time we reached the airport, my mother was angry. “We’re going to be late,”she said as she pulled into the newly opened parking area.

My husband David and I had come to pick up my oldest son, who had flown to spend theNew Year with the family. As always, Mom had insisted on driving us to the airport.

We picked a lane (车道) that didn’t look too busy. When our turn came, Mom rolled down her window to grab the parking ticket from the machine. We watched and waited for the gate to lift so we could drive through. Instead, we heard a voice,“Please take the ticket.”“Give me a minute,”Mom answered.

It’s a well-known fact that I often talk to myself. So does my mother. So at that time, Ididn’t think anything of my mother’s words.

The machine sounded again. “Please take the ticket.”

“I’m trying. I can’t reach it,”she said.

This time, my husband and I glanced at each other with our eyebrows raised. Certainly,Mom knew the voice was automated (自动化的) and not a real person speaking to her.

“Please take the ticket.”

“I’m trying. I’m trying. It’s too far away. Give me a minute.”

In fairness to my mother, automated machines had recently arrived in the world, and there weren’t many around yet. We had never run into one at the airport before. In the old days, the machine spit out a parking ticket, and if you couldn’t reach the ticket, you simply opened your door and grabbed it. Now, the new metal safety railings (护栏) on either side of the car made it impossible to open the door.

“Please take the ticket.”

“It’s too far. I’m trying. I’m trying.”

The traffic behind us grew impatient. I saw people trying to back their cars so they could find another lane. All the while, the machine continued,“Please take the ticket...”


Mom was frustrated (沮丧的).


I managed to reach for my mother’s safety belt and tried to unfasten (解开) it.

2024-04-19更新 | 50次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖北省部分学校2023-2024学年高一下学期4月期中英语试题
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

The Guangdong Lion Dance, a national tradition popular in Foshan and Guangzhou, is a typical Southern Lion Dance.

Lion dancing    1     (date) back thousands of years, to the Tang Dynasty, and a legend about the emperor having a dream    2    a lion saved his life. And later it    3     (introduce) to the south by migrants from the north. The Guangdong Lion Dance developed into    4     (it) modern form during the Ming Dynasty (AD 1368-1644). In Chinese tradition, people regard the lion as    5    symbol of braveness and strength, which can drive away evil and protect humans and livestock. Lion dancing    6     (main) focuses on the performance of the lion dance, attaching much attention to movements    7    scratching an itch (抓痒), shaking the mane (鬃毛) and licking (舔) the hair.

The Guangdong Lion Dance, a    8     (combine) of martial arts, dance and music, is popular not only in Guangdong and Guangxi provinces, but also among overseas Chinese in Southeast Asian countries,    9     (make) it a cultural bridge for overseas Chinese keeping in touch with their national roots. It is considered to be a tradition with far-reaching cultural value. Lunar New Year is the perfect time    10     (share) and celebrate that culture and heritage.

2024-04-19更新 | 188次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届广东省梅州市高三年级4月总复习质检(二模)英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

8 . New findings suggest that when it-comes to learning, the snake may be quite a bit like humans. David Holtzman, a scientist at the University of Rochester, has found that snakes have a much greater capacity for learning than earlier studies had indicated.

Holtzman’s study challenged 24 snakes to escape from a black plastic container the size of a child’s pool. Cards mounted on the container’s walls and tape on its floor provided the snakes with visual and touchable signals to find their goal: holes in the container’s bottom that offer a dark, comfortable spot to hide.

Simply falling into a hole isn’t the only proof that the snakes are learning something, though. “Speed to find that goal is one of the measures which shows they’re learning,” Holtzman says. “On average, they take over 700 seconds to find the correct hole on the first day of training, and then go down to about 400 seconds by the fourth day of training. Some are actually very fast and find it in less than 30 seconds.”

Studies dating back to the 1950s interpreted snakes’ awkwardness with mazes(迷宫)as a poor reflection on their intelligence. “Early attempts to study snake intelligence were problematic because the studies used mazes as testing arenas(场地)-as though snakes might be expected to run through mazes in the same way mice run through mazes,” says Peter Kareiva, a professor of zoology. “Snakes do not encounter anything like mazes in nature, and they do not learn how to run mazes in laboratory conditions.”

Holtzman also found a few age-based differences in the signals the snakes use. Young snakes appear to be more adaptable and resourceful, using a variety of clues to find their way to the exit.But their elders seem to rely much more heavily on visual clues. “Actually, one of the amazing findings from our studies is that snakes do use vision in locating places,” says Holtzman. “They don’t just rely on the chemical clues picked up by sticking their tongues out, as many snake biologists assume.”

1. What is the function of the cards and tape?
A.To direct the snakes to the exits.
B.To protect the snakes from bright lights.
C.To cover the holes at the container’s bottom.
D.To make the container a comfortable spot to stay.
2. What do the data in paragraph 3 show about the snakes according to Holtzman?
A.They are skillful escapers.B.They are good learners.
C.They communicate with each other.D.They adapt to environments quickly.
3. What was the problem with early attempts to study snake intelligence?
A.They chose the wrong testing arenas.
B.They failed to do tests in laboratory conditions.
C.They referred to studies dating back to the 1950s.
D.They compared snakes with a different kind of animal.
4. What astonishes Holtzman about snakes?
A.They rely on sight to find their way.
B.They leave chemical clues everywhere.
C.The young beat their elders in many ways.
D.Their tongues are unable to recognize chemical clues.
2024-04-19更新 | 105次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届广东省梅州市高三年级4月总复习质检(二模)英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

9 . At first look, the playground at the Children’s Guild-Transformation Academy in Baltimore, Maryland, looks like any other. It has swings, slides, and places for children to climb and crawl. But the playground is not just a place for fun. It is also a place where students can learn, grow and gain independence. Everything — from the kind of surface it sits on, to the color of its sitting areas, to the placement of the surrounding fence — is specifically designed for kids with autism (自闭症).

Mark Rapaport is the managing director of autism services at the Transformation Academy. He said the school accepts students aged 5 to 21 with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and are lower-functioning.

Rapaport said the goal of Transformation Academy is to make the students as independent as possible in an effort to help them prepare for adult life. The school aims to provide help with developing communication and social skills, as well as practical abilities like cleaning or cooking.

The playground designed by Maryland company Sparks@Play, using structures manufactured by Landscape Structures, Inc. took a month to develop, said Dan Hack. He works for Sparks@Play and helped lead the playground’s design. Hack said he and others spent weeks getting to know the students and understanding their needs before any building was started. The design process involved physical therapists, occupational therapists, and other specialists. The huge $500,000 project was funded with support from the state of Maryland and the nonprofit Orokawa Foundation.

Parts of the playground that seem small are very important for children with autism and other disabilities. The surrounding fence extends into a wooded area to make it seem more open. And the ground under the play areas is made of soft, but solid materials to support students using wheelchairs or crutches. The benches on the outside of the playground look simple from far away, but are “one of our most inclusive sensory” elements, Hack said. They have many different colors that bring about feelings of calm and curiosity. They are also made with smooth material that can be felt and moved. The academy’s Rapaport said if a child starts to feel uneasy, they can sit down and feel the bench, which can help them relax.

1. Why is the playground in Baltimore designed with special materials?
A.To make it superior to other playgrounds.B.To better serve children with autism.
C.To improve the quality of the playground.D.To make it easier for kids to climb and crawl.
2. What can we learn from the playground project?
A.It took a month to complete the project.B.The design process is simple and easy.
C.The result of the project is uncertain.D.It’s a money-consuming project.
3. What is the last paragraph mainly about?
A.The scale and the structure of the playground.
B.Ways for kids to free from the stress and relax themselves.
C.The underlying logic and reasonable factors of the playground.
D.The advantages of the playground for autism and disabled kids.
4. Which best describes the playground in Baltimore?
2024-04-19更新 | 103次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届广东省梅州市高三年级4月总复习质检(二模)英语试题

10 . Free Community Swap

Catherine Crawford,        (718) 809-1603     ccrawford@grownyc.org
Jon Klar,        (646) 530-0381       jklar@grownyc.org

New Yorkers looking to reduce, reuse, and save money this year are invited to participate in Stop ‘N’ Swap, a free community event organized by local nonprofit GrowNYC.

The average NYC household throws away about 2,000 pounds of waste a year. By reusing through events like Stop ‘N’ Swap, NYC residents can take part in saving over 40 million pounds of material from landfill every year. Take a break from shopping, support a cleaner future, and join the ever-growing reuse community!

WHAT: Free Stop ‘N’ Swap Community Reuse Event
WHEN: February 19th,12pm-3pm
WHERE: Bronx Works Classic Community Center-286 East 156th Street, Bronx, NY 10451

The public is invited to bring clean and reusable items. No one is required to bring something to take something-you can simply show up with a bag and see what’s free for the taking. Books, toys, clothing, and electronics are just some of the offerings. Furniture and other large items are not accepted at the swap. Anything leftover at the end of the day is donated or recycled.

Stop ‘N’ Swaps have developed a regular following among environmentally conscious New Yorkers. After almost two years without swaps, GrowNYC has set a goal of hosting one swap in each of the city’s 59 community districts each year, providing opportunities to make NYC truly livable-a place where every person can enjoy a healthier life.

1. What should you do to get more information from Catherine?
A.Cal1 (646) 530-0381.B.Cal1 (718) 809-1603.
C.Email jklar@grownyc.org.D.Visit 286 East 156th Street, Bronx.
2. What items are unacceptable at the Stop ‘N’ Swap?
A.Dry-as-dust books.B.Old-fashioned clothes.
C.Out-of-date electronics.D.Second-hand furniture.
3. What is the aim of GrowNYC’s Stop ‘N’ Swap?
A.To make NYC a better place to live.
B.To enrich New Yorkers’ community life.
C.To reduce the cost of dealing with waste in NYC.
D.To encourage districts to compete in sustainability.
2024-04-19更新 | 116次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届广东省梅州市高三年级4月总复习质检(二模)英语试题
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