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1 . What does the man advise the woman to do?

A.Put on safety equipment.B.Ride her bike more slowly.C.Drive to another park.
2024-03-31更新 | 28次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省威海市乳山市银滩高级中学2023-2024学年高二下学期3月月考英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-七选五 | 较易(0.85) |

2 . Risks of Overtraining

Getting in shape and training for an event such as a marathon requires long-lasting and intense physical commitment.    1     But the truth is, sometimes the very acts we do to get healthy can actually push us past our physical limits.

Specifically, overtraining is a set of signs that occur when your body is not able to recover sufficiently before going into your next workout.     2    People tend to ignore them. Over time, the cycle of starting the next training session before allowing recovery causes breakdown of the very parts of the body that you work so hard to build up.

The structures and systems of your body adapt to the demands you have placed on them before the rest time. If your workout slightly goes beyond your current ability, it will adapt toward what you did in a positive way.     3    

Two main factors are necessary in recovery: nutrition. and rest. Good nutrition, including water and protein intake, is extremely important, especially within 40 minutes of your workout.     4    Your body uses the nutrients you have given it during the rest time. especially sleep, to strengthen.

One of the best ways to prevent overtraining is to focus on your morning resting heart rate.     5    Generally, you will detect an increase in your heart rate before the other signs show up. Tracking it in a log can be a great way to monitor your recovery.

A.It's easy to measure and track.
B.Allowing time for recovery is also essential.
C.The problem is that they show up very gradually.
D.Below are the signs and symptoms of overtraining.
E.Listening to your body will assure you of your fitness goals.
F.If far beyond, it'll take longer to adapt and may cause injury.
G.We generally assume regular intense exercise good for our health.
2024-03-29更新 | 278次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届山东省济南市高三下学期一模英语试题
听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. How often does the man exercise?
A.Almost every day.
B.About five times a month.
C.At least three times a week.
2. Which place does the woman probably prefer to go to now?
A.Swimming pools.B.Shopping malls.C.Tennis courts.
书信写作-建议信 | 适中(0.65) |
4 . 假定你是李华,你的英国朋友Mike总说学习太忙而没有时间锻炼身体。最近天气变化无常,他生病了。请你给他写一封电子邮件,对他表示关心并建议他加强锻炼。要点如下:
Dear Mike,       


Li Hua

阅读理解-七选五 | 适中(0.65) |

5 . The smell of sweat, the noise of crashing weights and the muscular people in tank tops make the gym’s strength class or weight room seem forbidding, whether you’re a seasoned lifter or a complete beginner.

    1     Most benefits of strength training go beyond appearances. It subjects our bones to more pressure than our daily routines and increases muscle mass and bone density. Now that you know resistance training is important, here’s how to get started.

Set a goal that is attainable and improves your daily life.     2     That might mean pressing weight overhead to ensure you can put your luggage in the airplane’s overhead bin or doing weighted squats (深蹲) for hiking preparation.

The ideal way is to work one-on-one with an experienced certified trainer.     3     Look for one who not only guides you through workouts but also understands your unique journey and helps you reach your full potential.

Private training with friends or joining in small group classes is also a cost-effective way to get individual attention. While you might tend to position yourself in the back corner of the room, I suggest heading to the front where a coach can monitor your form and offer feedback.

    4     If you favor strength-training apps, opt for one with video demonstrations. If none of these are appealing, start at home with basic-level bodyweight exercises like squats.     5     Grab a gallon water jug, hug it to your chest and dive into a squat. This not only adds resistance but challenges your core muscles to sustain stability.

A.It’s like having a fitness associate.
B.It’s worth pushing past that fear though.
C.Take my word for it, no one else is looking at you.
D.As you gain more confidence and strength, raise the bar.
E.You’ll begin to see an impact far beyond your jeans fitting better.
F.Think about which aspect of your life could be noticeably improved.
G.Take videos of yourself performing those movements and watch them between sets.
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Playing sports is a lot of fun. Getting hurt is not.    1    

Wear protective equipment.

The equipment you wear depends on the sport you play. Helmets (头盔) are the most common protective equipment. They protect your head while you’re playing football, baseball, softball, and so on.

Warm up.

    2     Doing some stretches (伸展) can get you prepared to hit the field. By warming up, you get yourself ready to play. Practicing a sport helps keep you safe, too.

Know the rules of the games.

Traffic lights help prevent crashes between many cars that run on the road together. This works because drivers know the rules and follow them—at least most of the time.    3     When players know the rules of the game, fewer injuries happen. For example, you know that in soccer you can’t come from behind, crash into a player’s legs, or steal the ball. It’s legal and safer to go after the ball rather than the player.


This is a really important one. If you love sports, you may want to get back in the games, even after an injury. But playing when you’re hurt is a bad idea.    5    

Now you know how to prevent sports injuries. If you follow these rules, you can stay safer while you are playing sports.

A.Don’t play when you’re injured.
B.Don’t do too much exercise.
C.It’s the same with sports.
D.It can lead to an even worse injury.
E.It’s not a good idea to just go to the field and start playing.
F.You and the other players know what to expect from each other.
G.Take these steps to prevent injuries so you can stay in the game.

8 . Whether someone makes you angry, you’re upset with yourself, or you’re just having a bad day, one of the best ways to direct your angry energy is through exercise. That angry energy can build inside of you.     1     If you’re looking to direct your anger through exercise, there are exercises suitable for it.

Running is a very effective technique to calm anxieties. The focus it takes to run and the endorphins your body releases will take your mind off whatever is frustrating you. Be sure to adequately warm up and stretch before you run!     2     You can enhance the benefits by running in an area that is free of distractions like around a lake or through a peaceful part of the city.

A challenging yoga practice is a great way to control your anger to help you get through it. You may be so frustrated that getting started in a yoga practice may seem impossible.     3     You can focus on directing your angry energy into each of the movements. It may also help you to have the support of the group to help you get involved.

    4     Conditioning classes are a great opportunity to focus your angry energy into hitting a heavy punching bag while also burning a lot of calories. These classes are often challenging, so you can use your anger to help you get through the difficulty of the workout. Focus on your breathing, your technique, and harnessing your anger to deliver strong punches.

Cycling is a serious cardiovascular (心血管的) workout and you can use your anger to help you push through the difficulty of it. When you go for a ride outdoors, the extra focus it takes to navigate the outside world can provide a helpful distraction from your frustration.     5    

A.It’s advisable to find a scenic route.
B.Be sure to obey traffic laws and wear a helmet.
C.Boxing is a great way to relieve your frustration.
D.Joining a class can help take the thinking out of it.
E.Watch out for any moving cars while you’re running.
F.Breathe deeply while practicing yoga and your anger will fade.
G.Working it out is an effective way to channel your rage into movement.
听力选择题-短对话 | 较易(0.85) |
9 . What is the woman going to do first?
A.Change her clothes.B.Go to the yoga room.C.Take a sauna bath.
2023-06-21更新 | 59次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省滨州市校联考2022-2023学年高二下学期5月月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

10 . When people think about improving their physical fitness, they often neglect (忽视) balance. Good balance is a necessary part of being physically fit and key to living a long life, according to a research. It’s important for everyone, no matter your age.

Older adults are most affected by poor balance. Falls are the leading cause of injury and death for those 65 and older, with nearly 30% in this age group reporting at least one fall in 2018, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. But younger adults frequently fall down, too.

Forty-eight percent of young adults reported falling at least once during one 16-week study. The falls most commonly happened during sports activities, with women in the study reporting more falls and fall-related injuries than men.

Falls within the previous two years were reported by 18% of young adults (ages 20 to 45) in another study published in the journal BMC Public Health. That figure (数据) compared with 21% of middle-aged adults (46 to 65) reporting falls and 35% of those over 65. While falls among young adults were often connected with sports, falls by the middle-aged group were typically related to health problems and physical changes.

Many factors (因素) can affect your balance outside of age, such as vision changes, brain injuries, overweight and a general lack of physical fitness. Even if you have no risk factors, simply neglecting to work regularly on your balance will result in increased instability (不稳定性).

“Our body is conditioned to lose what we don’t regularly use and practice, and balance is no different,” said a researcher.

1. What role does a good balance play in our lives?
A.It helps us live a healthy and long life.
B.It enables us to build a perfect shape.
C.It protects us from getting seriously sick.
D.It has the power to make us look young.
2. How does the author show the research results?
A.By having a discussion.B.By giving a list of figures.
C.By raising questions.D.By following the time order.
3. In which situation are young adults likely to fall down?
A.When a health problem comes up.B.When working regularly.
C.When a physical change appears.D.When joining in a sport.
4. What can we learn from the last paragraph?
A.We are naturally born with balance.
B.We should manage our body properly.
C.Our body is used to working in its own way.
D.We’ll lose our balance if we don’t practise it often.
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